Extreme Demon

Chapter 1151 Design 1

I'm a peace-loving person.

Lu Sheng calmly looked at the thick black fog that spread across the sky. The countless black fog poured out from the gates of the telepathic world, gradually swallowing and assimilating the entire universe.

I don't like fighting, and I don't like fighting, he said softly.

My ideal is to go home and live in seclusion, and live my life peacefully. This is my biggest dream. Lu Sheng sighed.

Karl opened his mouth behind him, not knowing how to answer the question at all.

I have always been tolerant to others. Even if I am offended, I will tolerate it as much as I can.

Your Majesty, the leader of the rebel army wants to surrender! A general in black armor quickly approached and reported.

Kill all the fake ones. Lu Sheng waved his hand.

Huh? But...

No, they must have wanted to take advantage of us to let down our guard and sneak up on us! Kill them all. Lu Sheng waved his hand impatiently.

The general quickly went down to deliver the order. Some of these alienated generals have become giant bone guards, while others, like him, have grown in size and have thin black scales growing on their skin.

Where did you talk about just now? Lu Sheng asked melancholy.

Speaking of, you always tolerate it as long as you can. Karl answered quickly.

Yes. I am such a person, an ordinary person who is content with the status quo and likes stability. But fate forces me to keep moving forward passively. It is fate's fault that I am like this. It has nothing to do with myself. Lu Sheng turned around.

It's like sometimes you eat too much. It's not your fault, it's just that the food is too delicious. Do you know what I mean?

. Karl was speechless. This is no different from the reasons given by rapists.

Being raped is not the rapist's fault, it's your beauty.

Lu Sheng seemed to have lost interest in talking, and just looked from a distance, watching the cruel scene of the legion's pursuit and massacre below.

In the darkness, a large group of black shadows rushed towards the invisible coalition forces.

The coalition forces cried and howled miserably, and countless bloody corpses fell and spattered.

War weapons were destroyed and smashed one after another.

The giants carrying the giant white-gold flaming swords found no enemy wherever they went. With one casual blow, seven or eight soldiers were killed on the spot.

A large number of souls were absorbed by the magic circle on the ground, and then condensed into more gray cloud arches, allowing the army of the Heart World to emerge faster.

Since the last time it devoured a large amount of the source power of the super-level universe, the world of mind and body has not only increased its energy greatly, but also completed the comprehensiveness of its own rules. Now compared to the rules of this universe, the world of mind is inferior in size, and other places are similar to here.

This is also the key reason why Lu Sheng can let the monsters under his command fully exert their full strength.

Black clouds are rolling in, and gray fog is constantly spreading.

With the imperial capital as the center, the surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of miles was gradually plunged into darkness.

Finally, unable to dodge, most of the 350,000 coalition troops killed each other in the darkness and fell into chaos. A small number were chased and killed by the giants. Some of them were trampled to death by horses and the crowd themselves in the chaos.

After one night of the entire coalition, only tens of thousands of people were left, hiding in a hidden mountain.

The Grand Duke disappeared during the run and his whereabouts are unknown. All the other senior leaders of the coalition forces were wiped out by Lu Sheng.

This unprecedented battle lasted for less than three hours and was completely over.

The entire territory of the Olga Empire was covered by black mist in one day, completely turning into shadow.

There are also a large number of alienated giants wandering in the shadows hunting living creatures.

The imperial capital was completely transformed into a dark demon city, and countless citizens were alienated and turned into half-human and half-demon beings.

A large number of citizens of the empire were panicked at first, but later found that apart from their strength becoming stronger and their skin becoming harder, there were no other changes, so they slowly adapted and gradually returned to their normal lives.

All of them gained darkvision in the darkness. So on the contrary, many people think that this is the evolution of human beings.

But no one knew that this area of ​​intense black shadow and mist was actually the superficial traces brought about by Lu Sheng pulling the world of mind and gnawing away at the entire universe.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, most of the surrounding empires were eroded.

The black mist continued to spread, not only swallowing up large mountains in the surrounding countries, but also completely swallowing up some sea areas far away.

The world was completely divided into two, with one side still having normal day and night, while the other side was left with only complete darkness.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng officially dispatched a large number of demonic troops to search for all possible mage talents in all directions.

At the same time, on the other side of the distant earth, the dark mages who had lived at the bottom of the abyss for a long time finally received the urgent news that had just been sent.



Dark land.

The black altars were lit with light green fire, illuminating the bottom of the abyss into a miserable green.

A large group of densely packed dark mages gathered around a huge green fire, holding hands and chanting some weird and inexplicable magical incantation around the fire.

The sound of the mantra continued to spread, and a huge human-shaped face faintly emerged in the firelight.

Great King of Green Fire, King of Cruelty, King of Evil Ghosts, Dato Si, the Evil Shadow God, please answer the prayers of your most devout believers!!

The oldest black-robed mage raised his hands in the air, shouted and knelt down in front of the people.

The giant face licked his lips.

If you have any wishes, tell me. For the sake of your huge number of sacrifices.

We ask you to impose divine punishment and destroy the entire Olga Empire!

The old mage raised his head and his hood slid down, revealing a face similar to that of Grand Duke Wilson.

My brother was killed by the evil Emperor Olga himself in a fierce battle. My home was destroyed in the flames of war. My brothers, sisters, nephews, and daughters were all completely destroyed in the killing.

Here I pray to you, the great Lord of Green Fire.

Let me sense it. The giant human face slowly closed his eyes, and within three seconds, he opened them suddenly.

Evil! So evil!! Your world is being swallowed up by an extremely evil force! I have only seen such brutal force in my life. It is simply unimaginable.

The Great King of Green Fire!!

It's hopeless. Just wait for death. Don't come looking for me! The huge human face disappeared completely with a pop.

The originally burning green fire was like a blown out candle, one after another, kept going out quickly. Not even a spark was left.

In the blink of an eye, the entire bottom of the abyss quickly fell into darkness.

The dark mage who looked like Duke Wilson raised his arms blankly, unable to accept the scene happening in front of him for a while.

Brother!! He suddenly cried loudly.

The large group of dark mages were all stunned. Many people saw that the old mage had offended someone they could not afford to offend, and began to escape quietly.




On the towering moon-white threaded mage tower.

A young woman wearing a white ring on her head and a translucent gauze dress held a translucent crystal ball in her hand and was watching the scenes emerging in the ball with a frown.

The woman's face was exquisite, with no flaws to be found, and her long gray-white hair flowed to the ground like a waterfall, dragging it several meters to the ground behind her.

The yellow universe, one of the four rings, is being eroded by unknown forces. Can't even the black magic land resist it? the woman said helplessly.

Onadu has a total of four special-form universes under his command, collectively known as the four-ring universe, which are the core power furnace of all energy in Onadu.

Now one of the power furnaces is malfunctioning and has been corroded by a huge evil force. This makes Undine El, a true spirit mage, feel uneasy.

With such a huge evil power, even the High Mage Guard may not be able to settle the dispute. Perhaps only the teacher can solve the matter and repel the evil. But the teacher is now Undine Elda frowned, not knowing what to do. good.

The entire Ona possesses the most powerful arcane power in countless universes. There are thousands of mages here, just the sixth-level senior mages.

There are hundreds of seventh-level holy magicians. There are also seventeen eighth-level true spirit mages. This is the palace of knowledge and the ocean of arcana. It is the source of the energy dispersion of all legal systems.

You know, even if it is only a first-level mage in Onadu, in the general universe, it is equivalent to a smooth fifth-level wizard. Being able to build a mage tower is a powerful existence that rules a country.

And such a strong person, in Onadu, is only the most basic entry level.

We can only request the Holy Law Seat to be dispatched. Undine sighed helplessly.

Every holy mage is a strategic war weapon. Converted into a comparison of void forces, a seventh-level holy mage is equivalent to a powerful existence at the level of a void warlord. He is a top powerhouse who can easily destroy a planet.

Undine looked through the crystal ball and once again glanced at the yellow universe that was being swallowed.

Just this look immediately startled her again.

The entire yellow circular universe was shoved forward by that big black mouth just now.

At this moment, only the last fifth of the area is exposed. The rest of the place turned into darkness.

Undine requests the leader of the Holy Law Seat! Wendini requests the Holy Law Seat Leader! Wen Tini's expression changed drastically, and she quickly lit up a golden light point in her hand, calling for the holy law retained in Onadune.

Soon, an old and tired man's voice responded to him.

What's the matter, Undine? I slept too late last night. As you know, I just got a dozen succubus queens. My schedule is very tight recently.

It's business! Mr. Alpha! The Yellow Universe, one of the four rings, is being eroded by unspeakable evil forces. I request you to lead a team to go immediately, investigate the cause, and stop the situation. Undine said quickly.

I'll be there soon Pfft!

Suddenly, an indescribable strange vibration was clearly transmitted from the outside world into the territory of Onadu.

Undine on the tower trembled involuntarily and quickly looked into the crystal ball.

Inside the sphere, where there was originally a yellow universe, there was only a dark shadow left.

Huang Universe, which had just one-fifth left, was completely devoured in just ten seconds.

Under Undine's dumbfounded gaze, the shadow slowly squirmed and split into a black line, flying straight towards Onadu at high speed.

Oh my god. She couldn't help but cover her mouth, almost losing her grip on the crystal ball in her hand.

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