Extreme Demon

Chapter 1150 Evil Shadow 2

Damn it! What kind of monster is this!? Wilson could see it clearly. He couldn't even kill a black-armored giant with a siege crossbow.

It seems that the empire still hides a lot of unknown good things. Shadow Sword Gracie sneered.

He raised his hand.

Sir Jax.

Behind him, an old man wearing a white robe with gold trim stepped forward slowly.

Leave it to me. He held the staff in his hand, and the transparent crystal ball inlaid on the top of the staff slowly lit up with traces of gray-white mist.

Sharp, burning, solid, and powerful! He spread his palm, and countless silvery sand-like light spots flew out and disappeared in mid-air.

At the same time, obvious silver light appeared on all the siege crossbows in the formation. Four powerful spell effects are quickly added. I believe that if we launch it again, we can definitely kill those monsters at once.

At this moment, the gate of the imperial acropolis opposite opened, and groups of tall figures riding giant black horses rushed out of the city gate like a violent black torrent, like a sharp knife piercing the entire coalition position.

Mage Jax looked intently and unconsciously saw the bloody traces left behind these black torrents.

The traces looked like blood lines, and I didn't know what they were used to draw.

Wherever these black knights pass, bloody lines will be left on the ground.

These violent black knights are invincible and incredibly powerful, making them unbeatable. Everywhere they went there was massacre. The siege crossbows simply couldn't keep up with their running speed.

Hundreds of black knights, both men and horses, seemed to be complete monsters. They rampaged through the battlefield, unstoppable, and completely overwhelmed the coalition's military formation in an instant.

Every black knight is like the most powerful and invincible warrior. In just ten seconds, each of them killed an average of dozens of soldiers. As fierce as a mad beast.

Wilson had a look of anger and helplessness on his face. He looked at Jax and then at Gracie.

Both of them looked solemn and shook their heads slightly.

Withdraw. Gracie said helplessly.



On the Acropolis wall.

Lu Sheng slowly walked to the wall and looked at the rapidly retreating coalition soldiers.

He personally used his own flesh and blood to create a thousand powerful black knights whose bodies were transformed.

These black knights have inherited his extremely powerful life force and will never die unless they are completely burned to ashes.

Of course, just to defeat the rebels and the nobles, he would not go to so much trouble and bring out so many dependents.

His real purpose is not such a simple need.

Standing by the city wall, he lowered his head and looked down at the countless bloody traces left by the black knights as they passed by.

These blood-colored traces seemed to follow certain rules, forming a huge formation covering thousands of meters in radius.

The blood and scattered souls on the battlefield were absorbed by the huge formations. Turned into invisible transparent brilliance.

Lu Sheng watched this scene calmly.

Karl behind him could also see this scene, but apart from them, few others could see this supernatural and spectacular scene.

What exactly do you want to do? Karl asked in a low voice behind Lu Sheng.

It's just an attempt. Lu Sheng said calmly.

He slowly took off his heavy and huge horn helmet, revealing his evil and ferocious head covered with black scales, and looked up at the sky above him.

The world actually doesn't care who rules it. Those who really care are a very small number. There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of Lu Sheng's mouth.

Behind him, Karl couldn't understand what it meant. But a trace of shock and panic from his heart made him clenched his fists unconsciously, and cold sweat gradually broke out on his vest.

Even though he accepted the transformation of that drop of blood, he was still able to exhibit horrific alienation phenomena and gain extremely terrifying power.

But at this moment, he still felt like he was sitting on a small boat, sailing on a stormy sea. The helplessness and despair, the despair with no end or island in sight, completely filled his chest.

Countless black knights below were riding forward among a large number of imperial troops, chasing the defeated coalition forces.

The huge military formation is like a torrent of steel, slowly advancing, swallowing everything and drowning everything.

Lu Sheng slowly opened his arms and raised his head as if he wanted to hug something.

The wind surged rapidly behind him, and the black clouds quickly spread to the top of his head, covering up the originally bright sun.

Come between illusion and reality. Overlap. My worlds overlap. My hearts overlap. My power!!!

Lu Sheng's voice spread far and wide.

The bloody formation under the acropolis suddenly trembled, and the black clouds in the sky surged and rolled rapidly, with bursts of thunder.

The whole world seemed to turn into darkness in an instant.

The light was getting darker and darker, and the only light was the slowly glowing blood in Lu Sheng's eyes.

The wind was so strong that it was almost impossible to open one's eyes.

The soldiers trapped in the darkness stopped involuntarily.

They raised their heads and watched the sun retreating rapidly into the distance. Behind him, the thickening darkness was rapidly surging out, eroding everything around him.

Hiss. Hiss. Hiss.

Black clouds suddenly descended like smoke and bombarded the ground. A huge round arch formed by the condensation of clouds and mist.

Transparent energy ripples slowly rippled through the door.

The space becomes distorted.

A ferocious and huge black giant slowly emerged from the door.

They were born with curved horns and were more than five meters tall. They had rough and ancient black wings on their backs. They wore huge black and heavy armors and held huge swords burning with white-gold flames in their hands.

One after another, giants slowly walked out of Cloud Gate and rushed towards the coalition formation. Wherever they went, countless black smoke followed their footsteps, covering and eroding the grass outside.

Go, my child, to devour, plunder, and assimilate everything here!

Light yellow smoke gradually evaporated all over Lu Sheng's body.

Karl, who was behind him, was trembling and resisting the urge to collapse, and was about to muster up the courage to ask.

Suddenly he felt a shaking underneath him. Something strange seemed to have happened behind the scenes in the direction of the imperial capital.

He quickly turned back to look at the capital.

But everything he saw made his pupils shrink instantly and his body trembled uncontrollably.

The entire imperial capital in the rear area, which was originally a huge silver-white capital, had been dyed into a hideous and huge fortress in pitch black at some point.

Huge translucent tentacles slowly emerged from the ground around the capital, waving continuously, and countless black and purple electric lights exploded across the sky above the capital. It was as if the heaven and earth were roaring angrily, trying to stop what was happening.

But to no avail.

This huge city with a permanent population of more than half a million has completely collapsed and turned into a hotbed of darkness, terror, demons, and carnival.

This!! Karl's face turned pale, and deep fear and trembling arose in his heart.

He turned around and looked at Lu Sheng hurriedly.

However, Lu Sheng showed a contradictory expression of contentment and piety on his face.

Your Majesty!! You!? he said urgently.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. This is an inevitable process of life evolution. Lu Sheng closed his eyes and said softly.

He spent more than half a month laying out the plan, not to waste time just to satisfy Lanier's little wish.

What really makes him salivate is the entire universe.

Ever since he ate the super-level cosmic source power last time, he has been obsessed with that feeling.

Anyway, he has a deep blue color and will not take an extremely long time to digest after devouring other universes like other universes. He only needs to divide himself into countless pieces again, merge with each other, and then use dark blue to build a new body again.

And in this process, the power of gray liquid will provide him with absolutely enough huge energy. To meet the consumption required by the entire phagocytosis process.

As for after being swallowed, the creatures in the original universe will just change their rulers, and the environment may also change, but for them, they can resume their lives normally with a little adaptation.

This level has already far exceeded the limit they could imagine, let alone contact.



Somewhere in the abyss of the world.

In a dark cave, a group of mages wearing blood-colored robes were kneeling to pray in front of a statue of a six-armed man with white beard and hair and dark skin.

A thin trace of void power slowly stirred in this cave.

Suddenly, the sky outside the cave changed, from a cloudless sunny day just now to a stormy scene with surging dark clouds and flashing thunder and lightning.

The statue of the six-armed man slowly swayed and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes had no pupils, only complete darkness.

I, Dia Njerai, the great master of shadows, come at your call.

The six-armed man slowly opened his mouth, and six scarlet snake-like tongues came out of his mouth. Licking his chin and earlobes wantonly.

I need more sacrifices, more blood! More huh??! Suddenly his voice stopped. He raised his eyes, as if looking through the cave wall to a place far away.

What's going on!!? There was a trace of surprise on his face.

An increasingly powerful and extremely strange aura is rapidly expanding from the extreme distance of this universe.

He has never seen this kind of aura before. It is not the power of nothingness, nor the ordinary power of existence, but more like some kind of weird power mixed in between the two.

It’s just that the spread of this power is too fast, and its spread is accelerating. He could clearly see the big black mouth emerging from the edge of the universe, biting one side of the universe and slowly trying to stuff the entire universe into his mouth.

What the hell is this?!? The six-armed man's eyes showed a hint of panic.

Whether it was the void force or the existential alliance, he had never heard of such a terrifying monster appearing.

The universe does not have a strong consciousness. This kind of chaotic group consciousness is hazy most of the time, and it is impossible to exude such an obvious greedy atmosphere.

That weird aura that seemed to swallow up everything made the six-armed man shudder involuntarily.

We must go back immediately and inform His Majesty the King of the Realm! He made a decisive decision without even looking at the many mages who were kneeling below him. His body exploded and turned into countless black voids that dissipated.

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