Extreme Demon

Chapter 1149 Evil Shadow 1

Yes, it’s just about adjusting the physical body anyway.

This is not difficult for Lu Sheng.

After retreating from the court, Lu Sheng stood up from the throne and walked out along the small door on the right side of the palace.

There is already a new court mage waiting outside.

The mage Karl is the previous court mage, the younger brother of the mage who followed Godot. Both of them were students of the same teacher.

Later, the guy went to the Black Law Land, but he stayed to support his former teacher until he died.

The two got different endings respectively.

Now that the guy is dead, Karl finally has a chance to rise to the top.

He waited respectfully outside the small door, bowed his head and said nothing, with a humble posture.

Lu Sheng glanced at him. This handsome middle-aged man with long blond hair is not weak in mana fluctuations. Although he is not as good as the previous guy, in an environment where the surroundings are barren and there is no extraordinary power, he is a very powerful person. Not bad.

Let's go and have a casual chat with me.

he ordered.

Yes, Your Majesty. Karl nodded quickly.

Speaking of which, what level of strength do you have in the mage sequence? I'm talking about the entire mage world, including the Black Magic Land. Lu Sheng asked.

According to the standard witchcraft level, I belong to the fourth level, and my senior brother An Luo, who was executed by you before, belongs to the fifth level. Karl answered quickly.

What's the highest level?

It is said that there are sixth-level beings in the Black Law Land, and Onadu is even rumored to have ninth-level strong men who are close to gods, but no one has ever seen whether they are really alive. The one who has been showing up frequently is the eighth-level Speaker Onadu Sir Eranos. Karl replied succinctly. He knew that the new king didn't like to be sloppy.

Very good. Lu Sheng paused. I can see the ambition for strength and power in your eyes. So, are you willing to follow me? Follow me truly and completely, and surrender to my feet forever.

. Karl fell silent, unable to understand what Lu Sheng meant.

You must have been wondering why Princess Lanier, who was originally supposed to be weak, suddenly burst out with such strength? Right? Lu Sheng laughed.

Yes, what you said is indeed what we have always suspected. Karl did not deny it and nodded slowly.

This is actually very simple. Lu Sheng laughed, Because, in despair and death, I awakened my own past life memory. And the me in the previous life is what you see now.

Previous lives. Are there really past lives? Karl's pupils shrank and he said with a look of shock.

Of course. Lu Sheng grinned, I never lie to the weak. This is basic etiquette.

Karl fell into deep shock and thought. He did not doubt that Lu Sheng had deceived him, because as an emperor, with Lu Sheng's character and status, there was no need to deceive him into a pawn who could be easily crushed to death.

Yes, he felt like a pawn who could be replaced at any time. In front of this emperor, if he was not careful, he might be lightly crushed.

Think about it. Lu Sheng ignored him. At this time, the two of them had unknowingly walked into a rearranged side hall.

This side hall is surrounded by giant bone guards modified by Lu Sheng, the same two giant men who killed the leader of the Ice Dragon Mercenary Group before.

There are at least twenty such powerful warriors here. They were all volunteers selected by Lu Sheng from the escorts who were loyal to the empire and loyal to him.

These people were originally loyal, but now after being transformed by his flesh and blood, they have become like dead soldiers, willing to sacrifice everything for him anytime and anywhere.

They were Lu Sheng's staunchest supporters and backing in this war.

Striding open the door to the side hall, two tall giant-skeletal guards were guarding a huge metal pool filled with blood.

The blood in the pool was rolling, and from time to time, white bones could be seen floating and sinking with the blood.

Lu Sheng strode in, and the two giant bone guards who were guarding him quickly knelt down to say goodbye.

He nodded slightly, but his eyes fell straight on the blood rolling in the blood pool.

Karl came in closely behind him, and at first glance he felt that something seemed to be condensing in the blood pool. It seemed to be a vague human body.

Float up. Lu Sheng made a commanding voice.

The entire blood pool shook slightly, then slowly stagnated and rolled, and a decapitated white female corpse slowly emerged in the center.

Karl's pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized the identity of the female corpse. It was the queen who had been executed before, that is, Lanier's mother Ikadeni.

This!? Is this resurrecting the human body!? He was horrified and couldn't help but take a step back. He felt that the entire side hall was filled with a strong smell of blood and evil.

The resurrection spell is recognized as one of the most evil spells in the entire wizarding world.

Because if a body that has lost its life wants to be reborn, there is no other way but to plunder other lives and make them your own.

Therefore, all resurrection spells are evil rituals with the purpose of taking the lives of others.

I didn’t expect His Majesty to know such evil spells!

Karl took a step back again in fear.

Are you afraid? How stupid. Lu Sheng sneered, The Queen Mother is not completely dead at all. Her body can still be saved and has not lost its vitality. I am just using this method to slowly promote the healing of her body. The soul has not completely dissipated. Before, every life had the hope of being saved again.

He didn't say the rest of this. With the level of knowledge in this world, no one would understand even if he told the principle, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Your Majesty, what do you need me to do? Karl asked in a deep voice.

It's very simple. Lu Sheng pointed to the blood pool, If you are willing to become my true follower, then I can promise to give you supreme power and lifespan. Even if you die, I can also, like my mother, You force it back. Death is not a big deal to me.

Karl bit his lip and took a deep look at Queen Ikadni who slowly opened her eyes in the blood pool. He finally stopped hesitating. In the current situation, he saw such a hidden secret. If he didn't agree, the only outcome waiting for him would be death.

Okay, I agree!

Lu Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

There was nothing he could do. There were rough people around him. They knew too little about mystical knowledge and couldn't even carve a formation pattern. It was a waste of time.

With a serious shortage of magic talents, he could only win over Karl, the only court mage, several times in a row.

Of course, if he gets here and is still unmoved, he will have no choice but to kill him in the end.

Very good. You will never regret your decision on this matter in the future, I promise. Lu Sheng smiled.

He stretched out his hand and took off his metal gloves, revealing thick black scaled fingers like carrots.

A bloody opening slowly opened on the top of the index finger, and a drop of black blood was slowly forced to seep out of the wound.

Eat it.

Karl's expression was solemn. Although he had already guessed that Princess Lanier had completely changed, the moment he really saw the appearance, he still shattered the deepest luck and fantasy in his heart.

The originally delicate and lovely Her Royal Highness Lanier may be gone forever.

He stepped forward and approached the strange drop of blood that exuded a strange fragrance.



Three days later.

Outside the imperial city.

On the vast gray grassland, the rolling gray-white armies are as endless as the ocean.

The combined army, numbered 500,000, actually commanded 350,000 troops. After a short period of rapid march, they finally arrived at the outer acropolis of the imperial capital.

There are two acropolises in the imperial capital, which guard the capital from two directions like horns.

At this moment, in the direction of the South Acropolis, the so-called half-million-strong army of the coalition was like a wave, slowly washing away and stagnating under the tall walls of the siege city, halting its advance in front of the densely packed imperial troops on the walls.

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces is Gracie, the leader of the rebel army and known as the Shadow Sword. The representative of the great nobles on the other side is the famous former Imperial Marshal, Grand Duke Wilson.

The two of them were sitting in the command carriage, in the center of the military formation, using binoculars to look at the nervous guards on the acropolis from a distance.

Those guards in black armor were supposed to be ruthless characters who showed off their power and no one dared to mess with them.

Now in front of such a huge coalition army formation, these so-called ruthless characters suddenly turned into trembling, trembling little sheep. Weak and pathetic.

How ironic. Duke Wilson laughed. He was already over sixty years old. Time had left deep wrinkles on his handsome face. His long gray hair was tied into a ponytail and tied high behind his back. His body is still strong and powerful, but he can no longer regain the strength he once had at his peak.

Shadow Sword Gracie on the side laughed a few times.

Don't be careless, Your Excellency Duke, intelligence came out from the imperial capital a while ago that the imperial princess Lanni led the army to usurp the throne. Now the situation in the entire imperial capital has been completely calmed down. The former powerful minister Godot, including all the ministers who opposed her, were all killed. Clean and tidy.

With such skills, even if Lanier was just a weak princess before, she should not be underestimated now. Although I don't think she did all of this alone.

Yes, there is definitely a powerful force behind Lanny who is secretly supporting her. Otherwise, with her kind and weak personality, even if she encounters despair and changes her temperament, she would not be able to do so many great things in such a short period of time. Wilson The Duke agreed.

There's no need to guess so much. When we take down the Acropolis and the Imperial Capital in one fell swoop today, we'll go and ask Her Highness the Princess in person. Shadow Sword Gracie said with a smile.


Wilson nodded.

The two quickly issued the order to attack the city.

Large swaths of gray-white troops, like countless white worms, rushed towards the acropolis wall in dense masses. They climbed up the siege ladders, and pieces of arrows and falling rocks were thrown up from behind the siege army.

There were loud screams from the imperial troops defending the city.

But for some reason, these soldiers guarding the city were not afraid of death, and they would rush forward to fight against the opponent even if they risked their lives.

For a while, the two sides formed a tug-of-war on the top of the city.

What's going on? Wilson frowned.

It's the Overseer Army. They can do such cruel things. The group of people behind Imperial Lanny are really stupid. Gracie sneered.

No! What's going on with those people?! Wilson's expression suddenly changed slightly and he pointed at the two-meter-tall black-armored giants that kept appearing on the city wall.

They were strong and powerful, and wore thick black armor. Arrows could not penetrate their armor at all. During close combat, any soldiers who came close to them were easily thrown away.

Aim! A siege crossbow from the siege army aimed at a giant and released a giant arrow.

Chi! !

The giant was knocked back with a bang, and fell hard down the city wall, but soon he covered the dented armor, climbed up again, and joined the battle.

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