Extreme Demon

Chapter 1137 Retreat 1

The hazy horn sound came from nowhere.

The huge dark golden crack slowly burned. The huge head sticking out of the crack began to open its mouth towards Lu Sheng.

call! ! !

A jet-black wind like sand blew into the world of mind. Wherever it went, everything began to wither, turn gray, and slowly shatter into the same black gravel.

A large amount of the energy source of the mental world is consumed.

At this time, the influx of source power from the universe is getting less and less. From time to time, there will be some fluctuations and shocks that are passed on. It is impossible to make up for the consumed source power.

Death! Lu Sheng suddenly closed his hands, palms against each other, and stabbed into the ground.


The palm stabbed into the ground steadily, causing huge twisting ripples.

Wherever the ripples hit, thick yellow stone hands rose up from the ground, stretching for thousands of meters towards the dark gold cracks.

A large number of stone hands were still in the air, and they met head-on with the black wind spitting out from the head.

The stone hand was quickly corroded and fell off. The black wind also quickly faded and became transparent, transforming into a normal air flow.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng spread his palms apart and brought up two streams of light, one golden and one white, drawing a huge circle around him.

Platinum flames and pure white frost surged out from the circle at the same time, rushing towards the one-eyed head like a tide.

boom! ! !

Ice fire and one-eyed heads exploded. The entire dark golden crack was shaken and shrunk in size.

Lu Sheng tightened his control, and finally, the entire crack suddenly dimmed and completely disappeared in mid-air.

Set up the newcomers for me. Lu Sheng conveyed the message to the many temples in the world of mind.

After explaining, he jumped up, tore open the space with his hands, revealing the huge mother river that was surging rapidly outside, and immediately dived into it.

He has never really seen the final destruction of the universe, which may have a big impact on his own cultivation and outlook.

But if you can gain something from this process, that would be even better.


Passing through the space rift, what appeared in front of Lu Sheng was the colorful mother river that was constantly stirring up large areas of water.

The river was running fast, and there were constantly huge blurry black shadows on the inner walls on both sides, trying to get in crazily.

The inner wall of the mother river is bulging like a plastic film and may burst at any time.

Lu Sheng returned to his position in front of the Super Universe with an expressionless expression, staring at the rapidly rotating black hole.

The entire super universe looks like a black disk full of cracks, only as tall as a person, slowly rotating, emitting a large amount of ominous black energy.

Lu Sheng didn't dare to get too close. The destruction of a super-level universe would bring about a power that he could never bear.

The inner wall of the mother river is slightly twisted, as if the cosmic disk may expand and squeeze into the river water at any time.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and the entire cosmic disk shattered. It was like an ordinary black plate, covered with numerous dense cracks. It shattered into pieces with a crash.

Countless black particles scattered from the edge of the disk.

Lu Sheng reached out and tried to touch these black particles. Strangely, when these large amounts of particles came into contact with his fingers, they quickly penetrated into the skin from his fingertips.

Countless broken images and memories rushed into Lu Sheng's mind like a storm.

He couldn't help but close his eyes. Cracks slowly appeared on the surface of the body. A large amount of blood seeped out from the cracks.

Just the influx of memories and information was too much for his body to bear.

Bang! !

His entire body exploded and quickly reorganized, but the newly reorganized body soon collapsed automatically under the violent impact of information, and died again in an instant.

The remaining large amounts of black particles were like iron powder that encountered a magnet, and they were also flying towards his body at high speed.

Lu Sheng's body was rapidly circulating in constant destruction and reorganization. The memory of the entire universe was too huge for him. Although he absorbed only a tiny part, it still caused him to die tens of thousands of times before he could barely maintain it. Live the integrity of your body.

Even though his core has been transformed into the mental world at this time, no matter how many times this body dies, it will not truly lead to his downfall.

But this continuous death represents a huge amount of cosmic memory flushing.

Compared with the memory of the universe, the memory of Lu Sheng's body is too small. It is like the sea and a small stone on the seashore. The size gap between them is unimaginable. Maybe even bigger than that.

The memory of a super-powerful universe records a massive amount of information spanning countless billions of years. The generation and combination of elementary particles, the formation of planets, stars, galaxies, nebulae, river systems, black holes, the simultaneous interpretation of forward and reverse spaces, the wandering and changes of time and space, etc.

Countless information crazily impacted Lu Sheng's memory, which even contained a large amount of information and memories of countless creatures in the universe.

Although only a very small part of the records of the entire universe were integrated, it also completely plunged him into a state of silence.

The huge amount of information made him gradually doubt his own existence.

Am I Lu Sheng or the universe?

One such doubt began to swirl in his mind.

Under the infusion of such a massive amount of information, the mental world has also begun to improve its rules and regulations, moving closer to a super-level universe.

Time seems to have passed ten thousand years, and it seems that only one minute has passed.

Lu Sheng gradually fell into a deep sleep. The information memory of the universe was too huge. Even if Deep Blue is driven by the entire mental world at this time, it cannot handle such a huge amount of information.

Fortunately, the massive source power obtained by Youcai was burned as energy. Only then could Lu Sheng's main consciousness barely stay awake in countless memories. It's like a small flame ignited in countless cold memories, clear and eye-catching.

I don't know how much time passed, but Lu Sheng slowly woke up from the chaos.

There was darkness around him, and there was a white light above, which came down and fell on her.

What shocked him was that his body was not a human body at all, but a slowly rotating translucent silver ball.

Fortunately, what made him feel at ease was that Deep Blue could still be summoned at any time.

Time means nothing in this silent darkness.

Apart from the light above the head, Lu Sheng couldn't find anything else or matter around him.

It was as if he was the only one in the darkness.

Are you ready? A vague consciousness came into his mind from nowhere.

What? He subconsciously came up with this idea.

Evolve yourself and derive all things. This is your mission and the meaning of your existence. The vague answer.

I'm ready, Lu Sheng replied.

But he immediately realized that this was not his answer at all, because he had never even thought about it.

Then he saw himself explode.

Silently, the silver ball he transformed into exploded with a bang, turning into countless silver light spots and scattering in all directions. Then it expands endlessly toward the outside.

So elementary particles appeared, fundamental forces appeared, space and time appeared, and stars appeared.

Countless scenes of the universe emerged within him.

Lu Sheng immediately realized that this should be the memory of the birth of the super-level universe.

In his memory, the vague consciousness that prompted him to self-destruct and evolve the universe was respectfully called the Voice of Chaos.

Where the sound of chaos comes from, no one knows. Lu Sheng couldn't find any relevant records in his memory.

The memory of the evolving universe allowed him to gain a lot of experience in developing the mental world, and the countless knowledge and experiences gave Lu Sheng a vague understanding of his own deep blue and spiritual power.

The truth about Indigo and the power of the gods.

I don't know how much time passed, but Lu Sheng's mind suddenly sank, and everything in front of him quickly disappeared.

It was as if he had been forcibly pulled out of a movie.

call! ! !

Open your eyes hard.

Lu Sheng lowered his head and gasped for air.

The mother river is still flowing under his feet.

The super universe on the inner wall in front of me has completely disappeared, and now that location has turned into an ugly gray scar. There is a lot of gray mucus left on it, which seems to be some kind of self-healing method of the mother river.


Who!? Lu Sheng turned around suddenly.

Behind him, in the mother river, stood a tall figure with the head of an eagle and the body of a human body.

This man holds a dark golden scepter and wears a large cloak woven with gray feathers. The cloak is engraved with ancient heraldry and patterns.

To be able to maintain yourself under the impact of cosmic consciousness, your soul willpower is really strong. The man said calmly.

Who are you? Lu Sheng said coldly, Do you have a problem with me?

Nothingness and existence are the constant war from ancient times to the present. You must have realized just now that the two camps are absolutely irreconcilable. The eagle-headed man answered the question in a different way.

I just want to know now, who are you? What do you want to do? Lu Sheng said word by word.

I'm just passing by here, waiting to see what life can escape from the destruction of this universe. You know, when many universes are destroyed, more or less living beings will escape from it and escape the catastrophe. The eagle-headed man said sternly.

What does that have to do with me? Lu Sheng said indifferently.

Of course it does matter, the eagle-headed man smiled, The gray power in you is proof that we are natural compatriots.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and a trace of gray mist floated out of his palm.

The power of gray mist! ?

Lu Sheng was shocked.

He originally thought that only he had this power, but he didn't expect that there was already someone in the mother river who had mastered it.

And listening to the other party's tone, it seems that he has a lot of knowledge.

Don't get me wrong. I was born in the mother river, but I am transcended from the mother river. And this power... He spread his hands and let the power of gray mist slowly rotate and twist to form a ball of gray flame.

We call it gray liquid. The eagle-headed man smiled, I know you still have many questions, but if you believe me, we'd better leave here first. After all, neither the power of existence nor the power of nothingness can Will like us.”

Lu Sheng fell silent. From the cosmic memory he just received, he did find traces of this gray mist power.

According to the memory of the universe, it is true that almost all existences are extremely disgusted with it, and some existences are even disgusted with the power of gray mist to the point of fear.

Okay. My name is Lu Sheng, how should I call you? Lu Sheng calmed down. His body cannot die anyway, and the core of his soul is in the world of mind. He is now truly an immortal existence like his disciple Isla.

As long as the mental world remains, his body will never die no matter how many times it is killed.

Unlike before, if you kill him more than 700,000 times in an instant, you can completely kill his soul during his rebirth.

But it's different now.

Now he is the world of the mind. For the world of the mind that is now equivalent to the size of a star, Lu Sheng cannot imagine any other existence that can pose a threat to him. Except for those monsters outside the Mother River. Such as Xining.

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