Extreme Demon

Chapter 1138 Retreat 2

The eagle-headed man paused and continued to smile: You can call me the gray liquid wizard Geralt. You can call these things whatever you want. We are not true spirits, and there are no taboos about real names.

Okay. Lu Sheng said clearly.

Now, please follow me. Geralt turned around and took a step forward. Waves of gray steam steamed out, surrounding him and flying across a large area of ​​the river in an instant, towards the shore.

Lu Sheng stepped on his foot and flew into the air, following behind Geralt.

The two soon landed on the river bank not far away.

There were some honeycomb-like caves on the river bank, and Geralt pointed to one of the caves that glowed with natural soft white light.

If you go in here, you can reach our branch.

Branch? How many people do you have? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

Humans? You can say that if you like. Indeed, there are many of us. But compared to the two camps of nothingness and existence, our number is much smaller.

Geralt introduced as he walked inside.

Most of our compatriots live in the Gray Liquid Tower. The Gray Liquid Tower is a different system from the Mother River. There are nine floors in total. Each floor corresponds to a large number of universes with different energy levels. The universe there is different from the Mother River system. . You will know this later.

Where are we going now?

Go and meet the manager of the branch. You are the newly born controller of the power of gray liquid. Believe me, it will be good for you to meet him. Geralt explained.

Then, why are you looking for me? Lu Sheng asked again. He didn't believe in free lunch. All goodwill must have its own purpose.

Geralt walked to the entrance of the cave and paused when he heard this question.

Do you know what nothingness and existence are collectively called us?


The Terminator of All Things. Geralt laughed, They believe that our gray liquid will forever consume the origin of things. Let it break away from the cycle of existence and nothingness, causing the end of everything.

Therefore, once those guys discover that you have mastered the gray liquid first, your only fate is to be completely surrounded and killed without mercy.

Lu Sheng frowned, not fully believing what the other party said.

Watching Geralt enter the cave, he followed suit.

The glowing white cave is as warm as spring, and there is a strong sense of security in the space, on the cave walls, and even on the steep and uneven ground.

Geralt introduced Lu Sheng while walking in front.

Grey Liquid can give you a powerful essence that is unafraid of any force, because it can draw power from any force, including nothingness.

Therefore, every existence that controls gray liquid is equivalent to having a perpetual energy reserve of endless energy.

Therefore, our individual power is always stronger than both nothingness and existence. And they are actually just afraid of our power.

. Lu Sheng didn't know what to say.

The gray liquid was actually an accidental power that he had created unintentionally, but he didn't expect to meet such a group of guys who also mastered the gray liquid.

And it seems that this Geralt seems to be very strong.

Okay, we're here. Geralt walked to the end of the cave and stood in front of a stone wall glowing with white light.

The stone walls are covered with densely packed mysterious words and pictures.

He reached out and tapped one of the words.

Then the whole person quickly faded and disappeared into the stone wall.

Lu Sheng followed suit, stretched out his hand and pressed the character, and felt his body being pushed by a thrust. A trace of gray liquid power spontaneously spread out, covering his whole body, and he walked forward.

Go through the stone wall.

Ahead is a lengthy white passage.

Geralt was waiting in front with a smile.

Lu Sheng looked in through the passage. At the end of the passage, there was a hazy gray.

Countless gray fog filled the air and rolled around, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Welcome to Counter-Void. Geralt opened his hands and took a breath of the air here intoxicated.

Anti-Void? Lu Sheng heard for the first time that there were positive and negative aspects of Void.

Of course, there is existence and nothingness in the positive void, which is where all normal creatures live, and there is also existence and nothingness in the counter-void, but here, there are no creatures. Parts here will sometimes penetrate into the positive void, forming various forms. It’s a twisted and weird phenomenon. If you stay there for a long time, you’ll naturally understand it.”

Geralt stepped forward.

Lu Sheng followed closely behind.

The two quickly reached the end of the passage.

In front of him was the billowing light yellow gray fog, like a wall of fog, just at the tip of Geralt's toes, clearly distinguishable.

This is our branch. Wait a moment, I'll wake up the manager here first.

Geralt said something to Lu Sheng, then turned around and took out a short scimitar engraved with mysterious symbols from his sleeve.


He actually cut open his chest and abdomen with a knife.

A large amount of blood splashed out like a fountain and fell on the surface of the white channel on the ground.

Geralt's expression remained unchanged, and he actually reached out from his abdominal cavity, pulled hard, pulled out his stomach, and used his knife hand to lift the knife and directly cut off the connection. Then place it on the channel floor.

Sharon, we have a new compatriot. He stood up, and the wounds on his chest and abdomen healed rapidly.

Wow! !

A noisy buzz of insects, mixed with the screams and roars of countless people, suddenly came from within the fog wall.

Lu Sheng frowned before he could ask anything.

Suddenly, streams of mist suddenly billowed out, covering all the blood on the ground and the stomach.

On the surface of the large fog wall, a vague female face gradually emerged.

The human face rolled his eyes and looked straight at Lu Sheng behind Geralt.

Welcome, my countrymen. She conveyed a wave of friendly spirit.

Nice to meet you, senior. Lu Sheng bowed slightly to show respect. The opponent's aura and mental fluctuations are extremely powerful. It even made him feel that he was more powerful than Xining, the king of the ethereal realm.

Call me Sharon. We have too few compatriots. In this mother river, for billions of years, only seventeen tribes have appeared.

The outside world calls us the Seventeen Chaos Clan, and some universes call us the Chaos Demon. Many creatures in the universe like to summon us to help them realize their wishes. And we have always been very happy to help them fulfill their wishes.

Sometimes, when I am idle and bored, I will take the initiative to come over and play games with those cute little guys. If I am happy, I will sometimes hold back my appetite and eat less.

Of course, if the sacrifice that is summoned is too bad, I sometimes choose to eat the summoner. This is what other beings do. But I am a good devil with a big heart, and sometimes I will leave some organs for them, like hands, feet, heads, buttocks and so on.

She's a little confused, please be patient. Geralt whispered.

Lu Sheng was a little speechless. From Sha Lun's nonsense, he could probably tell that there was obviously something wrong with these beings.

They were summoned to come out, and probably the only thing they could do was bring destruction.

No wonder Geralt mentioned before that he extremely hates those who control gray liquid, regardless of void or existence.

Sharon wasted a lot of time with her nonsense. Geralt reminded her many times before she managed to regain her attention.

Oh, you have to register. It's easy.

As soon as he finished speaking, a piece of gray mist suddenly flew out and quickly penetrated into Lu Sheng's chest. It condensed into a small gray round spot on his chest.

From now on, you are a member of the Gray Liquid Tower. If you encounter an extremely dangerous threat, you can call other beings in the Gray Liquid Tower by consuming the gray liquid in your body.

This mark allows you to forcefully summon the Chaos Demon once per cycle. Each time the quantity is ten heads for level nine, one hundred heads for level eight, and so on. At the same time, you will gain partial spell and energy shock immunity, partial physical shock immunity, and partial

Sha Lun's series of introductions made Lu Sheng a little surprised that this seemingly ordinary identity authentication was actually so powerful.

Once a bunch of them are immune, only various high-level attacks that reach at least the Death Star level can cause damage to the main body.

At the same time, it is extremely hidden. According to Sharon, this mark has never been discovered by anyone so far. Except for their own people.

The certification is over. Sharon's lips moved slightly and she breathed out. Go, my people. Nothingness is invading existence, and it is time for us to harvest our food.

Lu Sheng's face remained calm. After figuring out this messy certification, it didn't appeal to him at all.

He wants to go back to his hometown and get married now.

After all, the relatives have been found, and the son has returned home. Then he will bring Wang Jing back, and then the family can live a peaceful and good life.

He has no pursuit of life anymore.

By the way, there is also my hometown. Finally, go find your home earth. Go back and see how your family in the first life is doing. After that he was fine and planned to live in seclusion.

As long as others don't mess with him, he doesn't bother to care about others.

Okay, let's leave. You have the mark now and can enter the Anti-Void at any time. But remember not to bring in any being who has not mastered the gray liquid. Without gray liquid, anything will be decomposed and digested instantly when it enters here. Rat warned.

I know. Lu Sheng nodded.

In addition, if a compatriot calls you for help, you can help as much as you can. It is beneficial. You can get a lot of cosmic power. Geralt said again.

Lu Sheng nodded. He had made up his mind to quit. Get married when you get back! Don’t care about anything else!

I asked, why are you looking listless? Aren't you happy? When Geralt led Lu Sheng back the way he came, he looked at him with a somewhat incomprehensible look.

It's okay. Lu Sheng remained calm.

That's fine. Remember, never call the Chaos Demon to use the mark unless you have to. Once your identity is exposed, you will be surrounded and killed. Geralt finally warned.

Don't worry. Lu Sheng said seriously. He made up his mind to live in seclusion when he went back, and never came out from now on. No mark is needed at all. Naturally there will be no danger.

That's right. Geralt stood at the entrance of the cave, turned around and couldn't help but ask again. Your breath is a bit like the Demon Universe. Are you from there?

Yeah, what? Lu Sheng asked in surprise.

I just received news that a Chaos Demon just saw Xining, the king of the Void Spirit Realm, heading towards the Heavenly Demon Realm. He said he wanted to kill the whole family of a man named Lu Sheng.

By the way, your name is Lu Sheng, right? asked Geralt.

Lu Sheng was stunned.

Xining!! I'll fuck your whole family!!! He suddenly roared, his whole body ignited with large white-gold flames, and instantly flew in the direction of the Muhe Heavenly Demon Realm.

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