Extreme Demon

Chapter 1136 Departure 4

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, and a crazy idea kept lingering in his mind.

As the violent expansion inside his body continued to increase, a trace of cruelty finally flashed in his eyes.

He opened his arms and raised his palms like sharp knives.

Poof! !

The palm knife instantly made countless dense red knife marks on his body.

Lu Sheng, you!!!? Mi Guangying was shocked and wanted to reach out to catch him.

But it was too late.

boom! ! !

Lu Sheng's entire body suddenly exploded and turned into six parts, rushing into the huge rift in the universe like a meteor.



The world of mind.

The earth was shaking, and the sky turned from blue to red, from red to white, and then quickly turned back to blue.

The huge dark golden crack is like a single eye, standing in the wilderness of a corner of the mind world.

A large number of people and spaceships continued to pour into the crack, and were arranged and dispersed by the advance team inside.


Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Suddenly a stream of red light flew in from the crack.

Followed by the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth.

As soon as the six bloody rays of light entered the world of mind, they scattered and exploded, flying in six different directions.

If someone could look down at the entire mental world from above, he would be able to discover the clues.

The six streams of light landed on the five edges of the entire mental world and spread out evenly.

The only one, Liu Guang, found the core position of the mind world and plunged into the depths of the earth.

And the streamer at the core was Lu Sheng's head.

His physical body is so powerful that even if his limbs are separated, his torso and head are separated, he can still maintain his immortality.

At this time, each part of his body has entered six well-proportioned positions in the mental world according to his plan.

With a thought in Lu Sheng's mind, under the control of the main body, a large amount of energy from the mind world began to connect with his body underground. With the help of the cosmic source power that continued to pour into his body, pipes similar to blood vessel tissue began to flow on the road. A void forms between Katsu's bodies.

These pipes are hidden deep underground and gradually form flowing rivers similar to ley lines.

They flow from one body to another, like real earth veins. Acts as Lu Sheng's blood vessel and endocrine system. Temporarily link all the torsos together.

But such a link is based on the consumption of countless cosmic sources of power to forcibly connect the bodies.

Because the farther the distance, the greater the transmission consumption and wear on the road. Without unimaginably huge amounts of energy, it would be impossible to achieve this state.

And it just so happened that Lu Sheng now had the support of a super universe.

Although this universe has been corroded and riddled with holes, it is about to be destroyed. But I can’t stand the fact that this is an entire universe, and it’s also a super universe.

A large amount of source power was consumed, but the source power poured in by super cosmic acceleration quickly filled Lu Sheng's consumption space at an even faster speed.

Although it is only a temporary connection, it is enough.

Looking at the core of the world, Lu Sheng's head slowly closed his eyes.

Deep Blue! Deduce my next level of Ten Heart Phantom Demon Fist!

His order just came out.

Suddenly, a large amount of divine power surged out from the torso at the edge, spreading towards the entire mental world.

In this state, Shenlan suddenly determined that the entire mental world was Lu Sheng's body. Begin to perceive the state of the entire mental world as a whole.

The Ten-Heart Phantom Demon Fist on the box in between, which had already reached the ninety-ninth stage, seemed to be garbled at this time, beating and flickering rapidly, blurry and clear for a while. It's like a computer error.

But soon, after a period of confusion, the beating data returned to normal again, and a brand new box was displayed again.

‘Assassination Fist·Ten Heart Phantom Demon Fist: The first paragraph. ’

Lu Sheng opened his mouth and laughed, revealing sharp and jagged teeth.

Sure enough!

Soon, he watched the box change again.

The rank jumped from the first to the ninth, then to five, fifteen, thirty, and then instantly jumped back to the uninitiated level.

Then it completely stopped at the uninitiated level, and finally stopped completely.

Because the body is too big, has the previous practice been completely ignored? Lu Sheng knew that at this time, his body, which was judged by Deep Blue, should be the huge area of ​​the entire mental world.

Compared to the entire world of mental images, although his body is powerful, it is still too small after all, and the skills and cultivation he has practiced are indeed negligible when viewed across the entire world of mental images.

Deduce the Ten Hearts Fantasy Demon Fist to the next level. Lu Sheng repeated again. After seeing that the modifier had not moved for a long time, this was the first time he saw Shenlan malfunctioning.

This is because there is confusion about the positioning of one's own body.

To put it bluntly, this is a hardware replacement. The location of various contents has changed and needs to be retrieved again.

And just now is the retrieval process.

After giving the order again.

The dark blue box blurred again.

Countless spiritual powers surged out at a faster speed, spreading around the entire mental world.

Lu Sheng watched helplessly as the last 10 billion units of divine power remaining on the street quickly diminished and disappeared.

In order to push his cultivation to the limit, he spent tens of billions of his divine power and only had the last 10 billion left.

And now, these 10 billion are pouring out at a rate of tens of millions per second.

Fortunately, at this time, there was no longer any sense of huge expansion in the body. Lu Sheng temporarily transformed himself into the entire mind world, causing a large amount of cosmic source power to be poured into the mind world, and there was no longer any pressure on the body. .

All pressure is borne by the mental world.

At least you don't have to worry about exploding to death. It's just that I don't know if it will be late. Lu Sheng waited quietly.

The fighting was still going on outside. The faster he is by a minute, the more he can reduce his own casualties.

One minute has passed, two minutes have passed

Ten minutes later.

Lu Sheng finally saw that the dark blue interface frame became clear again.

And there are only more than one million units of divine power left.

‘Assassination Fist·Ten Heart Phantom Demon Fist: Second Stage. (Traits: Disillusioned body, unseen hand, cosmic larvae.)'

It's done!! Lu Sheng's heart suddenly became enlightened.

At this moment, when the frame was clear, his original head, limbs and trunk exploded silently, turning into countless red dots and blending into the surrounding air.

The entire mental world slowly shook, whether it was the earth, the sky, or the sea.

The mental world, which had already reached the size of a huge planet, was expanding crazily again.

Lu Sheng's body was completely integrated with the mental world.

While strengthening his spiritual power, he was forcibly integrated into the whole world.

The current mental world is Lu Sheng's true body. And Lu Sheng's true body is the world of mind.

Rather than the usual logistics warehouse existence before.

After the complete integration, the mental world began to accelerate the influx of cosmic source power again.

And turn it into pure self-source power.

Among the various wonderful energies separated from it, there is the spiritual power that Lu Sheng urgently needs most.

A lot of the source power poured in from the super-powerful universe is mixed with a lot of divine power. Before, I couldn't detect it because my connection with the mental world was not close enough. But now he can easily separate all these parts.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, the dark golden crack trembled violently, as if some huge monster hit it hard on the opposite side.

Lu Sheng's speed of absorbing source power quickly slowed down.

All his bodies quickly condensed out of the earth and reassembled into a complete Lu Sheng.

What a pity. Lu Sheng looked with some regret as the huge dark gold crack began to tremble again.

He knew the time had come.

The destruction of the universe over there by the forces of nothingness has reached an extremely critical moment.

Fortunately, all the residents of Cyril had moved in at this time. There are still a few foreign survivors who stay on the other side of the crack and are forced to interrupt the migration process.

There was nothing Lu Sheng could do about it.

The universe was shattered, and even he dared not say that he had escaped unscathed.


Whoosh whoosh! !

Accompanied by the sound of a secret code breaking through the air, the monsters that were fighting before rushed out from the other side of the crack again.

Their huge bodies became translucent and had no sense of existence. As soon as he rushed in, Lu Sheng waved the metal and put it into his cuffs.

These powerful monsters who have fought for him need a little help from him to gain a foothold here.

The differences in their rules need to be slightly modified.

Soon, outside the deep sea, the huge black spider also rushed into the crack and entered the world of mind. Behind him was Cicero Tower, the god of navigation.

Behind the Tower of Cicero were a large group of various injured monsters.

The remaining dozens of monsters had just poured in, followed by more than a dozen corpse insect princesses trying to follow.

The crowd around the crack that had not been completely evacuated suddenly screamed in surprise when they saw this scene, and began to flee in fear.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and shook it gently.

puff! ! !

The Corpse Insect Princess was like countless pieces of white tofu, exploding silently and dissipating into tiny white light spots.

In today's mental world, he is the controller of all energy and matter. It is much deeper than the simple connection before.

The other side of the crack was persistent, and a steady stream of corpse insect princesses tried to get into the crack one by one. Their bodies almost blocked the entire crack.

Even though all the zombie princesses had just come in, they were crushed to death by Lu Sheng.

But they never gave up.

Sensing that the source power in the telepathic world began to be slowly consumed, it was consumed by the Corpse Insect Princess.

Lu Sheng's eyes flashed and he began to control the entire mental world to escape.

Don't even think about escaping!!! Suddenly, the whole mental world was shaken, and a ferocious and gloomy voice came from the other side of the crack.

A huge black hand suddenly tore apart the corpse insect princess and reached into the world of telepathy.

Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed.

You can't stop me!

He opened his right arm and pointed his palm toward the crack.

A deep dark golden color slowly lit up from the depths of his pupils.

The Emperor of Infinite Phantom Demon Fist!


Countless black threads wrapped around the huge black hand from all directions.

Some strange force pulled the black hand slowly back into the crack.

puff! ! The entire Black Hand suddenly exploded.

boom! !

A huge black one-eyed head protruded from the crack, and its golden one-eyed head immediately stared at Lu Sheng on the ground.

Thanks for the 10,000-point reward for cosmology last week. It’s almost over and I can finally take a good rest. This time I will definitely take a two-month break. Thank you all for your continued tolerance and support.

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