Extreme Demon

Chapter 1130 Breaking the situation 2

Lu Sheng went from eating the Kaio's heart to using Deep Blue and the rules of this universe to temporarily suppress the heart and wrap it up and slowly transform. The process actually takes no more than three hours.

More time was wasted in hunting down the Black Panthers and massacring other scattered strongholds.

Throwing aside all restraints, the speed of these people increased instead of decreasing.

When it was almost noon, the four of them arrived at the first supply point on this journey - Valjani City.

This once the largest transportation hub city in the country has now been completely reduced to a dead city.

Lu Sheng and the other two rummaged through some supplies near the perimeter, found another car, filled up with gas and continued moving forward.

This time the car was a hybrid of solar energy and gasoline. After they smashed up a gas station, they didn't have to worry about power for a few days. As for a few days later, they had already reached their destination. Naturally, there is no need to worry about this.

With the car, several people suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Along the way, Lu Sheng carefully observed the Kaio's heart wrapped in his body after eating it. The strange gray energy transformed by his heart continued to circulate in his body, gradually beginning to strengthen his already very powerful body.

This kind of strengthening does not seem to be purely physical strengthening. Instead, it has a weird sense of virtuality.

He also couldn't understand the technique that Shen Lan performed this time. Although he can recall the entire deduction process at any time. But even if he could recall the extremely delicate process and recreate it with his own hands, he couldn't do it.

The transformed gray energy seemed to be a combination of the power of nothingness and various attribute energies controlled by Lu Sheng himself.

This new power is like a tree rooted in the power of nothingness and Lu Sheng's various attribute energies, constantly extending its roots and absorbing all other energy to strengthen itself.

Gray energy, Lu Sheng named it, the power of gray mist.

The power of gray mist is essentially no higher than the power of nothingness. If it directly touches the power of nothingness, it will be instantly annihilated. But this power has a terrifying quality.

That is, within a certain distance, all other energy can be converted into the power of gray mist.

In this way, the power of nothingness was continuously swallowed up by the power of gray mist, gradually reducing its total amount from the heart of the King of Kai.

In this process, as the total amount of gray fog power increases, its devouring attraction also continues to increase.

All the power in Lu Sheng's body, even the many powers deep in his heart, were massively converted by the strange devouring power of the gray mist.

By the time he realized it, the power of gray mist had completely occupied every inch of this body.

Kaio's heart and body are like two batteries, which are continuously transformed into a large amount of gray mist power and integrated into this body.

At this moment, Pearl Strait finally arrived.



The blue water rolled up a white line and hit the black rocks on the shore hard. The splashing water flew high and fell again along with the snowflakes falling from the sky, melting into the sea and disappearing.

Lu Sheng and the other two stood on the beach of Pearl Strait and could only see a lonely small port on the shore. In the semicircular port, there were only a few small and medium-sized fishing boats floating here and there.

Not a single larger merchant ship or transport ship could be seen.

The seawater in the port was turbid and dead, and Lu Sheng couldn't even feel any life.

The sea water here is like death. Mark couldn't help but whispered.

He also felt a slight uneasiness.

Teacher, can we only pass through the strait from here? Ken asked in a low voice.

We can only go there by boat. There is no other way. Lu Sheng nodded. If there was, I wouldn't choose such a troublesome way.

Several disciples looked solemn.

There is clearly some danger hidden under the sea in the port here. Even they felt it, and the teacher had no reason not to know.

If you just go to sea rashly, big trouble will definitely happen.

But how did those ordinary refugees and survivors get to Asomu? Andy couldn't help but ask.

I guess this used to be a safe route. That was just once. Ken squatted down on the beach not far away and picked up a twisted fragment that looked like a ship's iron plate.

The breakage took no more than two days. There are some sharp scratches on it. He held the iron plate and whispered.

Then we are really unlucky. Mark said helplessly. Look at Lu Sheng. Teacher, look now.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment. At this time, the interface frame of the Ten Heart Fantasy Demon Fist was appearing in front of his eyes.

‘Assassination Fist·Ten Heart Phantom Demon Fist: Thirty-one paragraphs. (Characteristics: Ten Rings of Confusion, Unseen Hand, No Inertial Movement, Body of Disillusionment.)'

The Ten-Heart Phantom Demon Fist, which was originally purely physical in nature, changed its nature rapidly after the appearance of the gray mist that could swallow everything.

Even Lu Sheng couldn't grasp the effects of the newly-appeared Unseen Hand and Body of Disillusionment.

This is like a chemistry experiment. The final product of the experiment may not be fully understood by oneself.

Still need to explore carefully.

Lu Sheng slowly walked up to the port, followed the somewhat rotten wooden water plank road, and walked all the way to the end.

On both sides of the gray plank road are two rows of white railings that were torn apart by some huge force.

Lu Sheng squatted down, stretched out his left hand, and slowly dipped into the light yellow sea water.

Silently, traces of gray continued to spread and spread from the place where his hand touched, towards the depths of the sea.

Standing up, Lu Sheng could still feel that the power of the gray mist he had released into the seawater was combining with the seawater to condense into something surprising.

This is the first time he has used the power of gray mist.

This strange power is derived from the heart of Kaiou, the power of the void, and is deduced in the form of deep blue. Lu Sheng didn't know the specific effect.

But his instinct told him that this power could solve the trouble at hand.

If it were an ordinary person, no matter how powerful they were, if they could not resist the temptation to eat the Kaio's heart, the only result would be to be possessed by the Void Spirit Kaio's body and become the second agent.

But Lu Sheng was different. When the power of nothingness tried to take over his body, he found that he couldn't digest it. He decided to let his body carry it first, and then used Deep Blue to deduce a technique that could digest the power of nothingness, and used the power of spiritual power to directly achieve it.

Eventually, the power of gray mist was transformed into a power with unknown function.

In fact, Lu Sheng felt that the power of gray mist was not like pure energy, but more like some kind of inexplicable special derivative.


A cruise ship not far away suddenly heard the sound of an engine starting.

Teacher, we found a usable boat over there. Let's go there first. Ken walked to Lu Sheng and reminded him in a low voice.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded, stood up and returned to the coast, and quickly boarded the cruise ship Andy and the two launched.

In the empty harbor, there was only the sound of a cruise ship's engine. The sound continued to echo, mixed with the sound of waves hitting the rocks, making it seem particularly lonely.

White snow keeps falling from the gray sky.

The cruise ship, which was only five meters long, slowly left the port carrying Lu Sheng and the four of them.

On the undulating sea, the cruise ship is like a small sampan on the rapids. It seems that a random wave can capsize the cruise ship.

Lu Sheng stood at the bow of the boat. Looking at the sea directly ahead.

White waves surged and lapped beside the ship.

In a daze, he seemed to see a dark blue face in the depths of the water from the water beside the boat, looking at him with a calm expression.


A wave of waves rolled over, and the face disappeared in a flash.

Lu Sheng came out of his trance.

Speed ​​up. He turned around and ordered.

Andy responded, operating the stern engine and increasing the power to accelerate.

Below the ship, in the deep water.

A huge black shadow with a fish-tailed body was slowly emerging from the gray light projected on the sea.

It was a huge monster with nine fan-shaped heads.

Each of its heads seemed to be pierced by a straight iron rod, and the lower end of the iron rod was connected to the thick neck.

The nine heads form a huge folding fan-like fan, and each head has a strange and different face.

Among them were men and women, old and young. But all the faces have one thing in common, they are expressionless

The cruise ship moving slowly on the sea is only about the size of a finger stretched out by the monster.

Watching the cruise ship slowly leave.

The monster stretched out its hand, and a strange yellow mist lingered between its five slender fingers.

Wait until the cruise ship completely disappears from the end of sight.

The monster turned around and slowly swam towards the depths of the sea floor, slowly disappearing into the deep darkness.



Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

Just now, he seemed to have seen that lonely and painful creature hidden deep in the harbor.

The ability of the Unseen Hand built a bridge of communication between him and the monster's soul.

This was also the reason why the terrifyingly powerful monster did not eat the small cruise ship immediately.

If possible, Lu Sheng would not want to wreak havoc in this extremely compressed super-energy universe.

Monsters that can grow up in this kind of universe and come to other universes are completely predictable and will definitely be unimaginably powerful.

The power of nothingness penetrates this universe too harshly.

The universe itself is constantly releasing all its potential to resist the erosion of the power of nothingness.

This is the final struggle of an entire universe.

And that monster was born at the intersection of the power of nothingness and the various forces of the universe.

It is not on the side of nothingness, nor on the side of the universe.

Just a lonely freak.

Born out of the despair and pain of living beings, but hiding the last glimmer of hope for survival.

It was called the Tower of Cicero, which means the god who redeemed sailors.

It continues to devour ships, including all life on the sea. Make it a part of yourself. Absorb their desire to survive and absorb the sturdy materials of sea ships. Absorbing the last pain and despair of all sailors.

It yearns for hope, but is turned into chains by the despair of countless creatures, and is tightly bound to the deep sea. No way to ask for help, no way to break free, no way to communicate.

And the unseen hand transformed by Lu Sheng's gray mist power gave it a glimmer of hope and a glimmer of promise.

In any case, this was the only existence that could communicate with him, so it chose to believe it.

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