Extreme Demon

Chapter 1129 Breaking the situation 1

Beyond the mother river.

In the deep, boundless darkness.

A huge black star with a jade-colored edge, its surface slowly rolling with tiny black bubbles.

In the void on the edge of the black star.

Rough and hard pitch black meteorites are constantly rotating around the planet.


One of the meteorites slowly cracked from the middle. In less than a few seconds, the entire meteorite completely transformed into a tall man with blood-red eyes and black hair.

Are you back? Subtle misty fluctuations came from within Black Star. what happened?

There was a little problem. He was killed and came back. How are you doing with the subject? the red-eyed man asked.

The progress is going quite smoothly, but if I have to allocate energy to you, I'm afraid it will affect the overall progress. Black Star answered slowly.

Put everything else down and kill someone for me first! the man said bitterly.

It will affect the main plan.

As long as we kill this guy and quickly swallow up that forbidden universe, the benefits we will gain will be far greater than this! the man said coldly.

You are controlled by desire. Black Star said calmly.

No, from another perspective, this is also the best choice for us. Otherwise, if we stay in the same place, how long will it take for us to achieve our goal? the man argued.

Purpose? Haha, are you sure it is our purpose? Black Star's voice gradually fell silent.

The man was silent for a moment and stopped talking.



Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Lu Sheng looked up to the sky and roared.

The blood vessels all over his body were exposed, and a large amount of red mist evaporated from his pores, constantly flying around his body.

Just now, just a minute ago, he couldn't hold back his bitch and accidentally swallowed the Xining heart he had just dug out.

Then everything happened at this time.

He swore that he was really not a mean-mouthed person, but was just being careless! At that time, I accidentally washed my hands, and when I regained consciousness, the thing had already slipped down my throat!

He could immediately feel the invisible force of nothingness pouring into his body. Inject the essence hidden in his heart.

Although the main body has a huge number of resurrections, it is currently being consumed by the power of nothingness and is rapidly weakening at a rate of more than ten times per second.

The demon's unique mental world crazily supports the recovery of his body, and the endless resource energy continues to reshape his body, soul, and body.

This is the fundamental power of existence fighting against the power of nothingness.

The two are in a delicate temporary balance.

Lu Sheng opened his mouth, and countless red mist shot out like flames. Rising into the surrounding air.

Dark blue!

Lu Sheng endured the endless wave of pain and quickly called up the modifier interface.

Naturally, he did not simply lack self-control and chose to swallow the heart. Although he was a little hasty, he also had a plan.


A light blue interface suddenly popped up in front of his eyes.

Lu Sheng struggled to regain consciousness and looked at the modifier.

Behind the total amount of his personal spiritual power, there is an extra black strange symbol. It was a slowly burning black sun.

With the suppression of this highest-level universe, this is the best place and opportunity for me to understand the power of nothingness. In other places, other universes do not have such a strong force that can suppress the heart of the incarnation of the Kaio.

Lu Sheng endured the severe pain and quickly used the process of contact between his body and the power of nothingness in his heart, trying various methods as much as possible to influence the power of nothingness.

The main body has many types of power attributes and powers. Faced with the Kaio's heart that has been suppressed to the extreme, it can completely test various types of energy in an orderly manner.

As for the pain and blood mist in this body, they are just the sequelae of not adapting to the confrontation between the two at the beginning.

Deep Blue, deduce the next section of the Ten-Heart Magic Fist! The direction is to control all the energy in the body!

Lu Sheng felt that the situation in his body was a little more stable, and he quickly recited the instructions silently in his mind.


In an instant, the frame of the Ten Heart Fantasy Demon Fist suddenly blurred.

A large amount of divine power was consumed like crazy, rapidly decreasing at a terrifying speed.

Lu Sheng's eyes widened. Even though he had been to so many worlds, this was the first time he had seen his divine power being depleted so quickly.

The consumption rate of millions of units per second made Lu Sheng look at the beating numbers, and his heart, which was still a little stable just now, started to feel a little hairy.

Although he had made up his mind from the beginning, he would use Deep Blue to deduce the power of nothingness and try to control this power.

But Lu Sheng didn't expect that the consumption would be so huge.

Deep Blue will naturally repair all damage to the body while using his spiritual power to improve his cultivation.

But the power of nothingness that stayed inside Lu Sheng, the Kaio's heart, was not willing to be directly eliminated and repaired by the divine power.

The two fought inside Lu Sheng's body on the spot.

Lu Sheng also planned to use the power of nothingness to find out the details of the modifier Deep Blue.

Ever since he started using his spiritual power, he has actually been worried.

The energy level of this power is too high. Even the power of the origin of the world is not as advanced as the divine power.

Now when you face the power of nothingness, you can truly see the limits of this power.

It's a pity that before Lu Sheng could take a closer look at the confrontation between the void power in his body, the frame of the modifier interface quickly became clear.

The brand new Ten Heart Fantasy Demon Fist soon appeared in front of Lu Sheng.

And all the resistance forces in his body, at this moment, were condensed together by an extremely subtle and extremely subtle wave, all exquisitely intertwined.

It's like weaving yarns of various colors into a long thin ribbon.

The core of the power of nothingness, the Kaio's heart, is wrapped in a translucent mysterious energy transformed by the power of the god. The outer layer is covered with some completely incomprehensible colored lights and runes. Form into a colorful ball.

Then, a small black hole is separated from the surface of the ball.

A trace of subtle strange energy slowly escaped from the black hole.

The pain gradually faded and subsided.


Lu Sheng half-knelt on the ground, supporting the ground with his hands. Her hair was hanging down, and the broken sweat was like a stream, constantly flowing down her chin.

His heart was beating very fast, and he could feel the weird power escaping from the black holes. This is the most fundamental source of the 30th-level boxing technique.

Amazing! I can actually find a way to combine the power of nothingness with my own power to create this weird power!

Lu Sheng could also clearly see through his inner vision that the Kaio's heart in his body, as soon as a burst of void power emerged, was wrapped into a ball by densely packed colorful silk threads from its body in the blink of an eye.

A hole opened in the middle of the sphere, releasing the strange power that had been successfully created through countless processes inside.

Even the power of nothingness can't defeat Deep Blue, it's amazing. Lu Sheng felt more at ease. The strange power in the inner vision is like a gauze, penetrating and spreading along the flesh around the body.


Lu Sheng got up from the ground, sweating profusely.

Use Deep Blue to deduce special techniques that can control the power of nothingness. Lu Sheng had already started preparing for this method very early.

In this universe, the Kaio's heart, which is suppressed to the extreme by the huge rules of the universe, is his most suitable experimental prop.

The Kaio's heart itself is just the incarnation heart, coupled with the suppression of the universe, Lu Sheng's own adaptability to the power of nothingness, and the consumption of huge spiritual power to support it.

All of these were the keys to Lu Sheng's determination to carry out this experiment thoroughly.

Feeling the strange gray energy that has been completely transformed inside the body.

Lu Sheng stretched out his palm.


In a daze, he seemed to see countless sticky threads sticking between his fingers.


Lu Sheng punched the ground. Everything in his hands seemed to be an illusion, fading away and disappearing in an instant.

The night sky gradually became white.

The entire grassland began to be slowly illuminated by the rising bright sun.

Stand up from the ground.

Lu Sheng looked around.

With him as the center, there was no life at all within a few hundred meters around him.

There are no animals, no monsters, no plants, not even a little grass root.

In the blink of an eye, one night passed?

Lu Sheng exhaled and slowly left the area, heading towards the previous ruins.

Unless it was an accident, the disciples of the Phantom Demon Sect should be waiting for him at the stone ruins.

Before walking a thousand meters, Lu Sheng quickly saw several disciples of the Phantom Fist who had fainted on the grassland.

brothers Ken and Andy, and Mark.

None of the three were injured, but fell into some kind of weird slumber.

Lu Sheng checked carefully and found that these three people were actually sleeping! ?


He slapped Mark on the cheek.

Mark, who was lying on the ground, was whipped by the huge force and rolled into the air. After rolling for more than ten meters, he slowly recovered.

Hey, where am I? Mark slowly opened his eyes in confusion.

He remembered that he followed his master here last night and saw him having a quick fight with a strange man with blood-red eyes. Then nothing is known.

The other two people were treated in the same way by Lu Sheng, and they soon woke up slowly.



Several people stood up from the ground. Seeing Lu Sheng standing aside, his mind suddenly started to work quickly, and he quickly figured out what happened last night, and everyone looked ashamed.

Don't be discouraged, it's just an accident. It has nothing to do with your own ability and willpower. Lu Sheng explained.

Who is it!? That person? Mark asked in pain, rubbing his head.

You don't need to know who that person is yet. Don't worry about it for now. We should continue on our way. Lu Sheng looked at the sun.

Let's go back first and find our car first.

The other three people had no objections and chased the Black Panther all the way to such a remote area. It was normal behavior to go back and find the original route.

The four of them quickly followed the pursuit traces and returned to the castle.

Only half of the ruins of last night's earthen castle were left, and no complete location could be found.

Mark hugged a boulder that was as tall as a person, threw it aside casually, and then touched the twisted metal of the car that was pressed under the stone.

It looks like we don't have any additional transportation.

Let's walk. Fortunately, walking is faster than driving, but I'm a little tired. Lu Sheng walked over, reached in through the window of the car, and grabbed a backpack with luggage. Ken threw it aside casually.

Ken caught it and carried it quickly.

Let's go. Try to get to the next supply point before dark.

Lu Sheng was the first to walk out of the ruins of the earthen castle.

The others quickly followed.

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