Extreme Demon

Chapter 1131 Fusion and All Things 1

A trace of yellow mist continued to spread with the sea water, filling the air, and then gradually sank into the deep, dark seabed.

Lu Sheng sat on the edge of the boat and slowly retracted his hand.

Ken was carefully controlling the direction of the ship, while Andy and Mark were checking the map on their mobile phones to confirm whether the ship was heading in the wrong direction.

And directly below the ship, in the endless darkness of the deep sea.

A huge black monster like a spider was slowly looking at the trace of yellow smoke in his hand.

There are countless small hard bumps on the monster's back, and its two compound eyes are flashing with a large number of tiny silver stars.

The most eye-catching thing is his mouthparts, from which a large number of translucent tentacles are constantly extending, swaying with the flow of sea water.

These tentacles glow with crystal white light and are in a balance of constant regeneration and dissipation.

Finally, he looked up at the ship above. The sea spider slowly gave up the idea of ​​attacking, gently pulled the yellow smoke into its furry claws, and closed its eyes.

It is a storm, a tsunami, and the unrivaled king of the deep sea.

But those are just appearances.

Now he can feel that nature is declining, and some unknown terror is slowly invading the world.

Although it was born less than six years ago, its connection with nature makes it understand that if it doesn't find a new way out, it will be too late.

But now, that trace of yellow smoke gave him a possibility.



Lu Sheng stood up and looked far ahead at the huge island that was rapidly approaching.

The island is crescent-shaped. From a distance, the island is covered with dense woods and seems to have a pointed arched volcanic crater.

There are also white ships docked on the shore.

These ships vary in size, and there are signs of human activity on several of them.

The sea breeze blew Lu Sheng's hair around. He stretched out his hands to tie his long hair into a bundle with a rubber band and looked at the island from a distance.

Since getting the Unseen Hand, he has communicated with all the monsters he encountered along the way.

Although most of these monsters have violent and surly personalities, each of them is independent and cannot communicate with the outside world.

Because every birth of these monsters is unique. Their body structures are different and their living environments are different.

In this unpredictable and doomsday world, the environment in which they live is undergoing tremendous changes almost every moment.

Many of these monsters even have life spans of only a few months.

What a sad world. Lu Sheng sighed.

Through the unseen hand, he has communicated with the monsters along the way and promised them that as long as he finds a way, he will come and take them away together.

Leave this world that is about to end.

No! It's a ghost! Andy suddenly exclaimed.

Several people quickly lowered their heads. Don't look at the figures on the ships in the distance.

As long as you don't look at the ghost's face, everything will be fine.

Lu Sheng lowered his head, then slowly tried to raise it.

His current strength should allow him to try looking at the front of the ghost.

What surprised him was that when he glanced at the ship in the distance, all the figures turned their backs to him, and he couldn't see any fronts at all. It seems like a coincidence, but it doesn't seem like it.

The ship was approaching quickly, and the entire island was eerily quiet. It doesn't look like a large human survival site with a lot of people gathered at all.


The ship bumped gently against a reef in the shallow water. It stopped helplessly less than thirty meters from the coast.

Lu Sheng and Ken each took their things and stood up.

Let's go faster, and we can still have lunch on the island.

Eating dinner? Mark glanced at a ship that had passed by. There are also slowly moving ghostly figures on those ships.

It's all like this, and you still have a ridiculous dinner.


Lu Sheng was the first to enter the water, his footsteps lightly touched the surface of the sea, and he suddenly rushed towards the beach like a sharp arrow.

The rest followed closely behind.

Tens of meters of sea surface passed by in an instant, and Lu Sheng landed gently on the beach. A faint smell of blood floated in the gravel of the entire beach.

It looks like something is wrong. Ken gently landed next to Lu Sheng and whispered.

Look at the sky! Mark suddenly reminded.

Several people looked up to the sky at the same time.

In the distant sky, a huge bright yellow sailboat was slowly rushing towards the sky.

It was a giant sailing ship hundreds of meters long, but at this time, fires of different sizes were constantly lighting up on its body.

That was a blast.

From a distance, Lu Sheng and others could hear the subtle concussion of the explosion above.

The last struggle? Lu Sheng had an unknown premonition in his heart.

Let's go in and take a look. He was the first to walk towards the dense forest on the island.

Mark and the others looked at each other, feeling deep shock in each other's eyes. How many resources and manpower does it take to build such a large empty ship?

The group of people walked through the dense forest without any danger, and soon saw the real Asomu.

Deep in the forest, a white city shrouded in a huge glass dome is looming in the hazy white mist.

There was no human voice, just an eerie silence and coldness.

Lu Sheng stood at the edge of the forest and looked over from a distance.

“We are late”

Asuo's mother! Mark couldn't suppress the shock and a trace of fear on his face.

This is the headquarters of the Isis Church! Andy said with an ugly expression. If even the Church of Isis cannot withstand the crisis, then we.

It's time for us to leave. Lu Sheng interrupted him. He pointed above Asomu.

A large amount of white mist spread rapidly there, gathering into a huge human face, floating towards here.

The human face opened its mouth slightly and made a sound like a woman moaning.

Back off! Lu Sheng shouted loudly.

Several people quickly retreated back into the woods.

At the last moment, Lu Sheng hesitated, then stretched out his hand and gave it a flick.

A trace of yellow smoke flew out from his hand and flew towards the white mist face.

Immediately, he took two steps back and followed the other people in the direction they came from.

Asomu has completely become a dead city.

There was no human voice, no breath of living things. Just the huge white mist human face.

The clues Lu Sheng had obtained before were suddenly broken.

The information given by that bud girl was completely wrong.

A few people walked in silence in the woods, no one was in the mood to talk.

Asomu, as the headquarters of the powerful Isis Church, has actually become like this.

What about other places? What about other places where humans have survived?

Maybe we should go up and take a look at that huge sailboat just now. Mark suggested.

You can try it. Lu Sheng raised his head and could see the huge sailboat floating in the sky from deep in the woods. Black smoke was slowly rising from the hull, and the flames on it were extinguished, but it seemed that there was no movement at all.

It seems that the information about the relatives is false. Lu Sheng was not in a good mood. What he is worried about is that if his relatives are really in Asuo Mu, then Asuo Mu, who has been shrouded in the human face of the white mist, may not be alive.

The power of nothingness has begun to collapse the world, and at the same time it has begun to make it crazy.

That kind of white mist human face does not have the aura of the power of nothingness, but has some other weird and evil aura. An evil force that is out of place in this world.

A world, a universe, how many channels can we have access to? Lu Sheng didn't know, but he knew that this was definitely far beyond his imagination. Being able to introduce other forces to fight while the power of nothingness is eroding is the final struggle.

When a universe is completely in dire straits, I am afraid that no matter what force can save it, it will be drawn into it.

Just like the white mist human face.

The four of them walked quickly through the dense forest.

Suddenly Lu Sheng's feet stopped.

A small voice suddenly entered his mind from behind.

Behind. He turned around and looked in the direction of Asomu. The voice came from Asomu, and it was obviously the white mist human face conveying it.

You go and wait for me outside the woods. He raised his hand.

Mark and the other three looked at each other, responded in a low voice, and then quickly left and rushed towards the beach.

Among the dense dark green woods, Lu Sheng stood alone. Gray white light leaked from the branches of the trees and fell at his feet.

What are you looking for?

A voice echoed in Lu Sheng's mind.

Looking for some people. My lost relatives. Lu Sheng closed his eyes and answered in his heart.

Relatives? What are they like? There was a hint of curiosity in the voice.

Someone who has similar blood and aura as me. Lu Sheng answered. Who are you? Where do you come from?

My name is Bella.

A series of bubble-like things suddenly rose up from in front of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes suddenly, and at some point, a mirror formed by the converging water appeared in front of him.

The oval mirror was as tall as a person, and his own face was clearly reflected in it.

I don't know where I come from, and I don't know why I appear here. A voice came from the mirror.

You were killed. A guy named Xi Ning forced the universe to become riddled with holes, and then forcibly pulled you in. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Really? The voice was a little confused.

You are not from this universe, are you? This place was not like this originally. You should also know the reason, right? Lu Sheng said lightly.

Maybe. The voice fell silent.

Don't you want revenge? Lu Sheng asked. He also felt a sense of incompatibility with this universe from the other party, and a large number of rules were crazily suppressing the other party.

The guy in front of him is obviously an extremely powerful being.

Why revenge? the voice said calmly. I just came in here to kill myself.

. Lu Sheng was speechless.

Do you know why stars are golden? the voice suddenly asked.


Because that's my favorite color.

There is no time to talk today.

Lu Sheng felt liver pain.

Do you know why the void is black?

have no idea

Because I like painting on black.

Who are you? Lu Sheng felt his heart aching even more.

I'm Bella. The voice lowered slowly.

I like painting, singing, dancing, and playing chess. I like everything I like.

Then why did you commit suicide? Lu Sheng asked confused.

Because this is my mission. Bella replied.

Mission? Lu Sheng seemed to vaguely understand what the other party was.

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