Extreme Demon

Chapter 1128 Meeting again 2

It seems like you don't know. Xining smiled.

This is the cemetery of the universe. The reason why the energy level of this universe has reached the highest limit is because all the time and space here have been compressed into this small star system.

There are no other galaxies here, and there is only such a small narrow space left in the originally huge universe. How sad.

Really? Lu Sheng paid no attention to the black panther running away in fear.

The two bosses were confronting each other. The pressure alone made him feel short of breath, and his heartbeat was about to explode.

If you don't run away, will you stay and wait to be killed by the aftermath?

Of course. Xining said with a smile, So the suppression here has reached the highest level. Especially the suppression on us is extremely great. Otherwise, do you think you can still stand in front of me so safely and face me directly?

In the ordinary world, you would be torn to pieces by the huge pulling force of nature before you even get close to me.

Tear me to pieces? I just want to see how you can tear me to pieces. Lu Sheng opened his mouth and smiled as well.

Chi! !

Another ripple of white light slashed towards him.

Lu Sheng flashed and jumped up. Suddenly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already beside Xi Ning and slapped him with a palm.

White lion. Xining didn't move. A translucent halo in the shape of a lion automatically appeared next to him, firmly protecting him.

Boom! ! !

This palm goes down.

The white lion suddenly collapsed, with the two people at the center, and the surrounding grassland, which was hundreds of meters away, suddenly collapsed by one meter.

Huge and continuous shocks continued to explode from under Lu Sheng's palm.

Stupid, the light I control is the light of spiritual transformation. Any tangible or intangible object will be melted into a puddle of pus the moment it comes into contact. Xining said with a cold expression.

Really?? The terrifying power of Lu Sheng's other hand, accompanied by extremely fast speed, brought out a huge impact and hit the white light hard.

boom! !

The huge force of both palms caught Xining off guard. The white lion's halo suddenly shattered. He was hit in the waist and flew dozens of meters away with a loud noise. A mouthful of blood spurted out on the spot.

It seems that this universe suppresses you more than I thought. Lu Sheng sneered and stood up.

His palms that had just melted were rapidly healing.

In an instant of extremely fast contact, no matter how powerful the white lion is, it still needs time to develop.

And it only takes a moment for him to exert his strength.

Xining slowly got up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth in disbelief.

You actually have the ability to hurt me.

Underworld Lion. The blood in his eyes became even thicker.

Thin black threads began to spurt out from its mouth and nose.

Boom! !

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, as if something had angered him. Huge electric lights flashed across one after another. Trying frantically to prevent him from unleashing some kind of move.

Damn it!! Xi Ning's expression suddenly changed, and a trace of flush flashed across his face.


He spurted out a mouthful of blood again.

Damn, damn, damn! He raised his head and stared at the sky. The living waste! How dare you stop me!!?

What was completely different from him was that Lu Sheng instantly felt that the huge restraint he had always had on his body was being quickly lifted.

The external rules are like layers of heavy straitjacket being untied. This moment allowed him to quickly connect with the true nature hidden deep inside his heart.

Obviously, the world here is instinctively helping me. Lu Sheng quickly figured out the reason.

Kaiou Xining is an absolute invader in this highly compressed universe, and it is not surprising that he is truly hostile to the invaders and gets help from the universe.

Taking advantage of the fact that the restraints on his body were released, large black smoke quickly filled the surface of Lu Sheng's body.

The deep purple dark flames and the golden-red Suzaku Divine Fire were mixed together, rapidly transforming his physical body at this time.

The limit of the 29th paragraph was quickly exceeded in an instant.

From the 30th stage of the twenty-nine stages, the essential reason is that this body itself has innate limitations, so some special treasures are needed to push the limits of the body again.

The spiritual power can be used to pray for the functions of practice accelerator and deduction device. But without the skills to improve one's qualifications, one cannot break through the body's limits.

That's why I got stuck in the 29th paragraph.

At this time, Lu Sheng had only modified a little of the body's innate structure.

The bottleneck of Section 29 was quickly broken through.

This kind of power. Demon? Xining's eyes glowed red, his face darkened, and he wanted to say something else.

But it was too late.

Lu Sheng appeared in front of him as if teleporting, his palm like a knife.


The whole head of Xining flew up and turned into countless white sand in mid-air.

The headless corpse on the ground paused completely.

You're fine. A gloomy voice echoed in the air.

I will be better in the future. Don't worry about it.

Lu Sheng popped out a claw, broke open the corpse's chest, and grabbed the opponent's heart.

Unexpectedly, his heart was something like a purple crystal. The moment it was pulled out, the entire corpse instantly turned into ashes and turned into countless white sand.

Holding the amethyst heart in his hand, Lu Sheng looked a little ugly.

The king of the northern ethereal realm, although the opponent's performance just now was just a squishy one with terrifyingly powerful attacks.

But that doesn't mean he's weak.

In the world of the God of Destruction, one look from this Xining made him almost unable to get up.

But now, this ultra-high energy level universe has concentrated all the energy of time and space to suppress it to the level of high attack and brittle skin.

Otherwise, given his current level, he might not necessarily be his opponent.

It's really troublesome!

Lu Sheng put his heart away.

The liberation of the rules just now is back again.

It was like carrying a heavy weight, which had just been relaxed for a short while, but with the death of Xi Ning's incarnation, all the heavy weight reappeared.

But just a short while was enough for Lu Sheng to transform this body.

The power of Mingyan and Suzaku Divine Fire greatly enhanced the body's self-healing power and various resistances. There has also been a huge improvement in terms of pure strength.

But this kind of pure physical improvement could no longer make Lu Sheng happy.

To deal with guys like Xining, pure strength is far from enough and requires qualitative change.

Lu Sheng knew that he had offended Xining when he had an encounter with him before. Now that he had killed an incarnation of the other party, the grudge was finally settled.

We must find a way to deal with it as soon as possible.

Just now, with the help of the rules of this universe, I killed an incarnation of the opponent.

Lu Sheng didn't believe that after leaving this universe, if he met the opponent again, he could kill him alone.

It stands to reason that the King of the Void Spirit Realm should be in a full-scale battle with the forces of the existential side. As a pillar of one side, Xining's incarnation in this universe will definitely not be without purpose. Lu Sheng weighed the crystal in his hand. heart.

Suddenly he felt something was wrong.

The body deep in the heart seems to be vaguely releasing a desire for the heart in front of him.

The temptation of the power of nothingness He had seen this kind of power before, and the aura of power emanating from this heart was exactly the same as the aura of the power of nothingness he had sensed before. After all, one eye of his body also has this kind of power.

It's just this sweet smell, and the feeling that if you eat this thing, you can completely transform yourself. What is it that causes it?

Lu Sheng frowned.



The mother river, the Mobosh River Channel.

Above the huge colorful Hedao, a suspended black island is slowly emitting traces of blue light.

In the middle of the island, a group of strange strong men with different clothes and shapes were seated around the long conference table.

Each of these strong men looked solemn, and occasionally they could see saints or Buddhas with a faint light behind them.

Some people have extremely terrifying condensed demonic energy lingering on their bodies. On the long skirts worn by some women, you can feel countless creatures howling and screaming.

Each of these beings here is an absolutely powerful top overlord who is domineering in their own native universe.

And the key reason why they are gathered here. only one.

The Demon Realm can't hold on any longer. A crocodile-headed man at one end of the long table said in a low voice. If even the ancient beasts and the Star Alliance can't hold on, we in the Savage Beast Universe can't do it either! This time I'm asking for help, and I hope you can send the promised support as soon as possible.

The Southern Void World is held back by the Immortal Alliance, and the Western Void Realm is supported by the True Spirits. The east and north are the most troublesome. The Heavenly Demon Realm and other worlds that originally supported the northern part are almost unable to hold on, and the Savage Beast Universe itself is suppressing If we don’t have enough strength, even if we send troops, it will be difficult to defend it.”

A black-haired man playing with a black jade wine glass said in a low voice.

We must recruit all the forces we can to resist. There will be no intact eggs under the overthrow of the nest. If we, the main force of resistance, are defeated, the entire mother river will collapse. It is no longer the time before the fifteenth lunar calendar. A blond old man frowned. road.

I suggest sacrificing the Savage Beast Universe and detonating it completely as a trap. If the Kaio and other high-level officials can be brought in and imprisoned, it will be better once and for all.

How dare you!! The crocodile-headed man suddenly shouted angrily.

The three of them almost represent the three standard camps.

The one who asks for help, the one who gives up, and the most radical one, the one who dies together.

Among the many representatives around the conference table, some said nothing, some looked indifferent, and some were emotional.

An incarnation of the Northern Void Realm King Xining perished.

Suddenly, a ball of white light fell to the edge and transformed into a beautiful woman, who quickly approached the reporting room.

The entire conference table fell silent.

Where is the incarnation? the blond old man asked.

An incarnation in the forbidden universe. We also searched for the aura of destruction, so we tracked it and found that there was an intrusion from the King of Kai there. The woman answered quickly.

Where's the Star Hunter?

The star hunter fought against the previous incarnation. It can be accurately judged that this incarnation was separated from another. The woman answered affirmatively.

Forbidden Universe, that kind of place is very close to the power of nothingness. The entire universe is penetrated by nothingness and is riddled with holes. How can anyone actually kill the incarnation of the King of Kai from there? Some people don't believe it.

Any creature that enters will be extremely restricted, and it will face a dead end at the beginning. There is no solution at all. How did the incarnation of the King of Kai die?

It doesn't matter how he died. Isn't it okay to know that he is dead?

I'm afraid it's a trap.

Even if you are a bait, do you dare to enter the forbidden universe?

Don't dare.

That's too tempting.

A group of powerful people from all over the universe were making noises like a market.

Send someone to get in touch. You don't need to actually go in, you can use other methods. The crocodile-headed man suggested.

This time no one had any objections and everyone voted unanimously.

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