Extreme Demon

Chapter 1127 Meeting again 1

A black figure was blown backwards by the explosion, and another mouthful of blood spurted out. But when he was about to land, he was swallowed up by a shadow emerging from the ground and disappeared.

Teacher, he is an accomplice, do you want us to take action? Mark and others whispered behind Lu Sheng,

Go and check around. Don't miss any details. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Yes! Several people quickly dispersed and carefully screened the entire ruins.

Lu Sheng, on the other hand, walked alone to the shadow that swallowed the black panther.

He looked down at the ground.

In an instant, he slammed his palm into the ground.

Buzz! ! !

Huge and dull explosions continued to roar from deep underground.

Ouch! ! !

A black dragon-like monster suddenly burst out of the ground nearby. Before it could reach the sky, the monster exploded and turned into blood clots all over the sky, scattered on the ground.

I'll fight with you!! In the ruins in the distance, a black figure came towards Lu Sheng like lightning.

Before he could get closer, a transparent distortion hit the surface of his body one step ahead.

Boom! !

A large amount of blood rained down in the air again.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood were broken down into fragments smaller than a fingernail, and scattered one after another.

Lu Sheng stood up with a calm expression.

The figure just now was not a black panther. He saw the other person's face clearly.

At this time, a subtle sound of fighting came from a stone house not far away.

Lu Sheng raised his eyes and looked up. In a flash, he crossed a distance of tens of meters and stopped in front of the stone house where the sound came from with a series of afterimages.

Ken Zheng was fighting closely with a woman in red. Before they could decide the winner.

Lu Sheng rolled his eyes and glanced at the woman in red.

She paused for a moment, and the knife that was originally meant to stab Ken suddenly curved strangely.


The tip of the knife pierced her chest hard. The woman opened her eyes wide and fell to the ground with a look of shock.

The stone house in front of me is much larger than the one before. Several stone pillars more than six meters high support the door of the stone house.

Lu Sheng walked to the door and looked in through the open door. Before he could stand still, there was a sound of breaking through the darkness.

Lu Sheng clearly saw the black panther running away deep into the stone house.

He was about to catch up.


Two stone bats with a wingspan of more than four meters suddenly jumped out of the darkness fiercely.

Lu Sheng grabbed a bat with one claw,

The two bats screamed and were smashed against the walls on both sides like toys, smashing into countless rubbles.

Lu Sheng walked into the stone house with a calm expression and continued to chase the Black Panther.

He was very interested in whether the double person fused with the pages of the Book of Beginning was truly immortal.

So far, he has killed the opponent thirteen times. There is no sign that Black Panther is completely out of breath yet.

What also interested him was which force sent the Black Panthers, what was their purpose, and how they tracked their whereabouts in the wild. These questions all need to be answered by the other party.

As for escaping, the places the Black Panther led him to along the way were all strongholds such as the opponent's base, and he was happy to destroy these bits and pieces of bases.

The huge stone house is more like a megalithic temple. The interior is dark and filled with rows of giant stone statues. Some of the statues are even covered with cracks like spider webs. It looks like it has been abandoned for many years.

The black panther that entered had completely disappeared.

Lu Sheng slowly walked to the largest eight-headed statue.


He suddenly stretched out his hand and hit the base of the statue with his palm.

There was a loud bang, and the entire statue fell into pieces, flying apart like cubes of tofu.

Large amounts of dust and stone powder were scattered in all directions.

A black shadow staggered out from behind the statue, sprinkling large amounts of blood in mid-air, and quickly fled behind a statue deeper inside.

Lu Sheng sneered and caught up with him.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

The statues of gods continued to explode and were torn apart like paper.

The Black Panther seemed to be bombarded by missiles, constantly spilling blood and fleeing backwards.


He smashed the stone door through the back door of the temple and fell out.

At the back door, the five people who had been ambushing them all had stern looks on their faces, and they almost couldn't help but take action.

But after seeing clearly that it was a black panther, several people immediately calmed down.

Where are the people! The leader, an old man in black robe, said angrily.

Back there! The black panther gasped hard on the ground. His body was bloody and bloody, and he could barely see the human shape. His head, which had only healed at high speed, could barely be recognized as a black panther.

The healed wounds even wrapped up a lot of gravel and grew together. It looks extremely scary.

Five people were also prepared to ask questions. But it's too late.

The back door of the temple exploded with a bang, and a figure slowly walked out from the darkness.

Lu Sheng glanced at the five people who had been waiting for a long time. He looked at the black panther on the ground again.

Aren't you going to run away?

Source of pollution!! The old man in black robe took the lead, and jet black rope-like black threads flew out from under his robe, and the dense black threads flew towards Lu Sheng. Wherever it passed, wherever it was rubbed, there were traces of scorched black marks.

White ice knives condensed in the hands of the other four people, and strands of ice mist began to condense around them. Apparently he was planning to launch a formation.

Of course, Lu Sheng would not let them arrange it calmly. He stepped forward, his hands were like wings, and two brilliant white lights suddenly appeared.

Chi! !

Puff puff puff puff! ! !

The four figures exploded one after another and turned into large pieces of white snow powder.

Before Lu Sheng could take back his hands, he felt the snow powder turn into ribbons again and wrap around his body.

Boom! !

The snow belt was forced free by brute force. Lu Sheng grabbed the black panther on the ground.


Five shouts instantly caused Lu Sheng's shot to deflect for a moment.

His fingers grasped the stone floor beside him. Five big black holes were found in the stone slab on the spot.

With a pop, one of the Black Panther's arms was torn off and thrown far away.

Although Lu Sheng missed him, the strong wind that passed by caused his right arm to be scrapped on the spot.

Massacre!! Five voices sounded again.

Five bloody mouths suddenly appeared on Lu Sheng's body, as if someone had cut them out in an instant with a sharp weapon.

He snorted and took a deep breath.


Countless airflows were swallowed into his lungs in one breath.

oh! ! ! !

Lowering his head, Lu Sheng roared wildly, and the huge sound waves brought terrifying shock. Five snow-white figures were shaken out of the shadow behind Lu Sheng on the spot and staggered back quickly.

But it's too late.

Lu Sheng opened his arms and spun around suddenly.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! ! !

With four crisp sounds, four invisible attacks cut the four people into two pieces in an instant.

The remaining old man in black robe had a look of fear on his face, turned around and wanted to run away, but before he could run a few steps, his vision went dark and his head suddenly exploded. The headless corpse ran forward for more than ten meters, and finally ran out of breath and fell to the ground.

Lu Sheng just used the invisible power of the Phantom Demon Fist, and these five so-called ambushers were wiped out on the spot.

Too weak. He slowly walked towards the black panther lying on the ground.

It's in vain that I still had any hope for you.

Lu Sheng grabbed the black panther, and the blood marks on his body had almost healed.

The twenty-nine-level body has already been upgraded to unimaginable levels of horror in all aspects.

Hehehe, you think that defeating me and these people counts as a victory? Black Panther laughed miserably.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and was about to ask a question.

Suddenly he took a step back.


A sharp knife edge appeared on the ground beneath his feet.

If he hadn't stepped back just now, his legs would have been cut off on the spot.

Lu Sheng had this premonition.

Put him down and I can let you die with dignity.

A calm and magnetic male voice slowly came out from the darkness in front of Lu Sheng.

A black vortex quickly condensed and formed, and a handsome man in white slowly walked out of it.

The most eye-catching thing was the scarlet blood that was constantly flowing from the man's eyes.

It's a cruel human being to hurt my little pet so seriously. The man looked at the black panther in Lu Sheng's hand with pity.

He raised his hand and pointed his index finger at Lu Sheng.

Fake light.

Chi! !

Lu Sheng felt alarm bells ringing in his heart, and he bent back and touched the ground.

With a shout, a piece of white light flashed across his head, quickly slashing towards the plain behind him.

It was a huge moon-white diffusion wave, and the end of the wave was as sharp as a blade. The huge ruins stone on the side only scratched a little, and then an invisible and neat cut was cut.

The white light waves flew far towards the plain behind Lu Sheng, disappearing into an invisible end.

Wherever he passed, everything was split into two, whether it was the boulders on the grassland or the slowly falling raindrops falling from the sky.

Lu Sheng straightened his body, casually took the black panther out of his hand, and looked at the man again. His eyes became slightly serious.

It's you! He had already recognized the other person.

This was the existence beyond the Mother River that he had encountered in the hidden place in the God of Destruction world, claiming to be the King of Kai.

Huh? The man was slightly surprised, Do you recognize me? Being able to dodge his invisible attack, the other party seemed to have some ability.

Although this is just an ordinary incarnation. But not everyone can avoid her blow.

Xining. Lu Sheng said solemnly. The king of the northern ethereal realm. An existence beyond the mother river. Am I right?

The faint smile on the man's face slowly disappeared at this time.

It seems that you recognize me. You can enter this highest-level world. Enter one of the battlefields and recognize me. Where should you have come into contact with my incarnation?

Lu Sheng didn't answer.

He didn't expect that just chasing a young minion would actually cause such a troublesome guy.

When the Northern Void Realm King was destroying the God Realm, he learned the terrifying strength of the other party.

With just one look, the immense pressure almost crushed me at that time.

Although he is much stronger now than he was then. But no matter what, the opponent is an enemy that definitely deserves attention.

Now that you know who I am, you still have the courage to face me? Xining was a little confused. Although this incarnation is just an incarnation, it is the agent in this world. But it is not something that ordinary opponents can contend with.

In other words, do you know the reality of this world? He asked in surprise again,

Real? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

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