Extreme Demon

Chapter 1111 Whispering 1

The white sharp blade pierced straight into the center of Lu Sheng's eyebrows.

But the place where it penetrated seemed to be just an illusion.

It was obvious that the knife had penetrated into the center of Lu Sheng's head, but a slight translucency and blur made him flicker, like a disembodied shadow.

There was no blood, no cuts, it was just like putting the knife in, putting it in that position.

Jelica's heart was beating wildly and she hurriedly retreated.

But it was too late.

Lu Sheng reached forward and grabbed her hair with his right arm.

Knee thrust.


The tall nose bridge in the center of Jelica's face suddenly collapsed.

Her mouth was full of blood and she wanted to retreat, but her hair was grabbed by Lu Sheng and she couldn't move at all.

See? This is power!

Lu Sheng kneeled again, and the huge force along with his weight rushed to Jelica's chin.

There was a click. A large area of ​​the outer skin of her chin was bruised, revealing the translucent metal implant material inside.


Suddenly, a powerful bullet spun and hit Lu Sheng's temple at high speed.

Lu Sheng took a step back to avoid the bullet and rushed forward.

Bang! !

Jelica was thrown far away like a broken doll, fell to the ground and became motionless.

My head is all turned into paste. If I'm still alive, I'll take your last name. Lu Sheng didn't bother to pay attention. After checking the other people on the ground, there was nothing on the corpses.

Except for a small book of teachings that I carry with me, there is nothing of value.

Not even a trace of dry food was found.

Then he went over to check on the woman again. This guy was even cleaner and didn't even have a notebook.

Lu Sheng raised his head and glanced at the Isis Sect bus in front of him, then decisively got on it and started rummaging around.

The bus was converted from an ordinary bus. All the previous rows of seats were removed and replaced by spacious double sofas. Religious oil paintings containing the teachings of gods were hung on the windows on both sides.

The ground was covered with luxurious gray blankets, and a TV screen was turned on and flashing at the front of the car.

Lu Sheng walked over and played with it, and soon figured out the basic operating rules.

Lu Sheng took out the earplugs and inserted them into his ear canals, then adjusted the volume.

This is within the interference range and the signal is not very good, so I increased the transmit power.

Where are the people from the church? Old Buck hesitated and asked cautiously.



Yeah, it's all gone. Lu Sheng replied while fiddling with the button device on the car. I originally wanted to have a face-to-face communication with them. Unfortunately, they didn't give me a chance. They rushed up to me as soon as we met. They were too enthusiastic and I couldn't accept it.

Old Buck knew as soon as he heard this that this was an irony. It means that Isis's people will take action when they meet, and he can't stop him even if he wants to die.

It's good that you're fine. He squeezed out these words after a long while.

The church's car is very functional. They enthusiastically gave it to me. I can modify it a little and it can become a simple mobile base. Lu Sheng introduced.

Solar energy, wind energy, and the built-in rechargeable battery have a huge capacity. One full charge can provide energy for two consecutive days of driving.

There are also built-in oxygen concentrators, air filters, automatic condensate collection devices, and this thing.

Lu Sheng looked at the list of instruments on a series of screens, stood up, walked to the rear right side of the car, and patted a hemispherical glass cover.

The food collector can synthesize food without any materials? Isn't this unscientific!?

He walked around this thing but couldn't find where to insert the material.

I know that! Old Buck was also speechless in the earphones. That is one of the black technologies created by the church using one of the cores of those monsters. You can be synthesized through a special collection method without any materials. Any flavor of food you want.”

It's really a black technology. Lu Sheng looked at this thing.

Inside the hemispherical glass cover, a group of purple electric balls were constantly rotating and floating, emitting streams of purple light from time to time.

Below are marked the synthesis buttons for various flavors of ice cream.

In addition, there are other advanced instruments in the car that are similar to converting energy into matter.

This is a technology that Lu Sheng has never seen in any other world.

He tested the hardness of the car, picked up the gun and fired several shots at the door. There were only a few light white marks on the door.

Lu Sheng is quite satisfied with the car, but the car cannot be driven away at will. It must first be checked whether there is a positioning device inside.

He got out of the car, left the specific coordinates of the car with Old Buck, and continued to open the road on his motorcycle.

Leaving the small village, there is a dense sugar cane forest in front of you, with many wild yellow monkeys scurrying around in it.

Seeing Lu Sheng approaching on a motorcycle from a distance, the monkeys screamed and fled in all directions.

These dead monkeys. Lu Sheng didn't like monkeys. These creatures are small and live in groups. They bully the weak and fear the strong. They have no backbone and can adapt to the wind.

The motorcycle passed by the road beside the sugar cane forest, and suddenly a thin shadow flashed in front of his eyes.

In the clearing in the forest, a thin old monkey with a long white beard, holding a wooden stick in his hand, stood on his legs and looked at him quietly.

The old monkey's eyes kept moving along with the motorcycle, his eyes calm and gentle.

It felt less like a monkey and more like a human being.


Lu Sheng braked suddenly, stopped the motorcycle, and looked at the old monkey for a moment. He got off the car and strode into the sugar cane forest.

Stepping on the forest floor covered with thick fallen leaves, Lu Sheng quickly walked to the old monkey and stopped less than three meters away from him.

The old monkey is only as tall as an adult's thigh. The wooden stick in his hand is more like a whittled cane than a wooden stick.

It stared at Lu Sheng quietly, its eyes deep and wise.

What do you want to say to me? Lu Sheng asked.

The old monkey shook his head, raised his hand, and pointed in a direction to the left of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng looked in the direction he pointed. Deeper in the sugar cane forest, there was a large bluestone more than two meters high lying on the ground.

There is a line of scratches on the surface of the bluestone that look very much like natural scratches. If you look closely, the scratches look like lines of text.

Lu Sheng frowned and recognized it.

Hope, dash, final grace.

Scratches are listed intermittently as several independent words. They may seem like completely unrelated words.

What do you mean? Lu Sheng turned back to look at the old monkey, only to find that the old monkey had disappeared at some point.

Being able to suddenly disappear under his eyes, this level of ability means that it is definitely not an ordinary existence.

Lu Sheng's heart sank slightly and he glanced around. Nothing was found.

Quickly returning to the motorcycle, he climbed on and was about to start the car and leave.

Suddenly it felt like the surroundings were too quiet.

He looked up and saw that the group of monkeys that had been chirping just now consisted of hundreds of monkeys. Now they were all squatting or hanging on the big trees on both sides of the road. Hundreds of pairs of eyes were watching him calmly and without emotion.

It's hard to imagine that hundreds of monkeys can keep all their eyes focused on themselves without making a sound.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment, and he realized that this might be an omen.


The motorcycle started with a bang. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed out. Within a few seconds, he left the monkeys behind.

After leaving the sugar cane forest, subtle electrical noise came from the headphones again.

Hey, hey, hey! Old Buck kept asking.

Yes. Lu Sheng replied.

The signal was suddenly cut off again just now. Old Buck wondered, I don't know the reason. But it doesn't matter, I have successfully repaired it now. What did you encounter just now?

A group of monkeys, a sugar cane forest, that's it. Lu Sheng didn't bother to say more.

There's really nothing to say. Old Buck didn't take it seriously. I've replaced the monitoring here. I will contact you at any time if there is any situation. Remember to charge your earbuds.

Yes. Lu Sheng responded. By the way, how are the other routes? How is the feedback?

Isla has made the fastest progress, but not as fast as you. Not even half as fast as you.

Okay. You go and have a rest. Lu Sheng took off the earplugs and stuffed them into the built-in charging box in the car.

The car drove at a fast pace, passing through large plains and grasslands.

After driving for a whole day, Lu Sheng finally reached the second obstacle that showed danger - Hualin Haunted House.

Hualin was originally a small town with many red maple forests surrounding it.

When Lu Sheng arrived, it was already afternoon, and the red maple leaves all over the mountains and plains were swaying in the wind like flames.


After the earphones were charged and put back into the ears, a subtle electrical noise was heard.

There's a little situation here. Old Buck's voice came at the right time.

What? Lu Sheng stopped his motorcycle and looked inside at the entrance to the town's stone monument.

The entire town is a wreckage of broken walls, with not a single intact building. It seemed that they had been devastated by a huge storm or earthquake, and all the houses in the town had only a few walls left.

Isla's side entered a closed cave, and the signal was suddenly cut off. There has been no contact for more than twenty minutes. Old Buck sounded worried.

No contact for more than twenty minutes? Lu Sheng paused. Notify me immediately if there is any accident.


In a dark cave.

Isla had a long bow in one hand, a short sword in the other, and an arm lamp on his arm, illuminating the fan-shaped area of ​​more than ten meters in front of him.

Are you still delusional?

Isla was startled and turned around sharply.

Who!? He growled.

The area illuminated by the arm light was empty, except for the rugged mountain road.

Who's there!? Get out! Isla snapped.

Son of Chaos. Son of Hope. From the moment you are born, the universe will eventually revolve around you.

Isla slashed to the left with a sharp knife.


But the blade only made a deep mark on the hard cave wall.

Pretend to be a ghost! Isla simply turned off the light, closed his eyes slightly, and relied on the wind to sense his surroundings.

Wherever your steps stop, disaster will follow.

A new voice came again, it seemed to be a female voice, and it seemed to be many people talking overlapping together, more like some kind of whisper in the dark.

Impossible! Isla suddenly drew his bow and drew an arrow.


The bow string tightened suddenly, and the arrows kept moving and aiming around.

How did your parents die? Your brothers and sisters? Your adoptive father and godfather's family.

And your wife, your daughter

Chi! !

Go to hell! Bitch!! The deep scars in Isla's heart were suddenly revealed, and his eyes became faintly red, with a faint red light flashing continuously along with his eyes. Even his breathing was a little rapid.

The arrow shot into the darkness like lightning, but silently, as if it was completely swallowed up by the darkness.

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