Extreme Demon

Chapter 1110 Variables 2

It took a week for Lu Sheng to completely integrate the manpower of the three strongholds, gathering a total of four second-level people except the Beckman brothers.

Among these four doppelgangers, three of them are the honest man Bailey, the thin man Enkela, and the blind Richard who were recruited by Beckman.

None of the three did anything bad. They just found two women in the city. Because they had children, they worked for the fortress wholeheartedly. This was both to protect the fort and their families and children.

Lu Sheng absorbed these three people into the Ten Heart Magic Sect and began intensive training.

With more strongholds, the scope involved is much larger. Naturally, the area that needs to be cleared is also much larger.

In order to eliminate surrounding threats.

Lu Sheng dispersed all the two-level people, including six two-level people including the Beckman brothers, and sent them to six surrounding directions to conduct systematic exploration.

Lu Sheng ordered them to record all the dangers they encountered one by one.

And he himself is responsible for opening up a straight line connecting the three points.

Of course, on the way, I would practice how to control the summoned black knights.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The trees in the forest continued to collapse, and a group of black knights roared past, running towards the distance without stopping, and disappeared on the horizon in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng stood behind and stared blankly. He looked up and saw no trace of the black knight.

Not long after, he felt streams of black smoke automatically pouring out of the armor, which meant that the Black Knight had reached the limit of control, which was about three thousand meters.

Once out of range, all black knights will automatically dissipate and return to their armor.

It still doesn't work? After summoning it, you rush forward. You don't listen no matter how you call it. Could it be that the black knight summoned by this move is originally used for charging? Lu Sheng speculated in his mind.

The mini-boss Black Knight that he had killed earlier was demolished on the spot as soon as he summoned the Black Knight.

So he didn't have time to see clearly at that time what kind of actions the summoned black knights had.

It's only been a day since I left the fortress, and there are still many opportunities to test.

Lu Sheng was not in a hurry and escaped from the pain. He turned back and rode the heavy motorcycle and continued towards the road opened by the black knight.

Buck has used a drone to fly a straight route and draw a map for him.

At this time, there are also drones overhead for real-time guidance, and there will be absolutely no route deviation.

Chief, after passing through this small forest, there is an abandoned village ahead. You can go in and check it out. Old Buck's voice came from the earphones.

Now that he has nothing to do, he spends all day studying technology, and he happens to come personally to cooperate with Lu Sheng in route development.

Village? Lu Sheng pressed his earbuds and sped up.

The motorcycle engine roared heavily and accelerated towards the front.

Soon, a sparse gray village appeared on the flat land directly ahead.

More than a dozen scattered short bungalows make up the entire village and town building complex. There is only one cross street and two small shops in total.

Lu Sheng slowed down his motorcycle and drove slowly into the neighborhood.

The clean streets were empty except for a small police car parked on the street.

There was no sound in the entire village and town, except for the wind blowing from the front.

Is there anyone there? Lu Sheng stopped his motorcycle, turned over and shouted loudly.

No one responded.

He patted the clothes on his body. The black knight suit did not appear in reality. Only after entering the pain perception, it would be covered with black mist and black smoke.

At this time, he was only wearing a simple black T-shirt and black trousers, with a silver-black metal belt tied around his waist.

After getting off the motorcycle, Lu Sheng walked straight into one of the small supermarkets.

Pushing open the glass door, an unpleasant stench came out.

What does it smell like? Lu Sheng glanced around and saw an old woman with yellow hair lying on the counter. The woman's eyes were dry and she was staring at the door. Her skin was close to the bones, dry, dull and without any moisture. .

It looks like he has been dead for who knows how long.

Lu Sheng found an empty box to block the glass door to allow air to circulate.

Then I looked carefully along the counter to see if there was anything edible.

The food in the stronghold can only last for a month at most. If we don’t speed up the opening of the line, trouble will definitely occur.

At the same time, he also needs a lot of food to supplement the nutritional needs of this body.

Just as he opened the glass door of the counter, Lu Sheng suddenly heard the sound of a car engine coming from outside.

He walked out of the shop quickly.

I happened to see a bus painted white slowly driving into the village.

It's not Cyril's car. Lu Sheng frowned. There's a car coming next to me, Buck, and you didn't notify me.

Huh? How is it possible? It says everything is normal here and I didn't see any cars coming? Old Buck's voice was a little surprised. Wait, let me see!

After a crackling sound of keys over there, It's electronic invisibility! Wow, there are such good technical equipment now! I can't crack it, leader, it's up to you.

Okay, the bus is white, with a red ring logo on the side, and inside the ring is a burning black flame. Lu Sheng described the appearance of the bus. Do you know where the car is?

It's from the church. The Church of Isis! Old Buck quickly replied. Damn it, that's the church's judge car. Leader, be careful! They must be heading for you! Otherwise, they won't turn on the electronic cloaking device!

Oh? I'll tell you later. Lu Sheng pulled out his headphones and stuffed them into his pocket.

From the door of the shop, he strode towards the bus.

The bus also opened the door and came out several tall men and women wearing white leather armor.

Each of these men was holding a submachine gun, with a series of ammunition belts tied to their bodies, long knives tied to their thighs, and white helmets with similar infrared scanning functions on their heads.

Thomas? A strong man at the head stepped forward and asked loudly.

It's me. Lu Sheng paused, Are you from Isis?

Yes, we are the Isis Trial Team. The strong man said boldly, My name is John. I came to you specifically because of Isis' matter.

Isla? Lu Sheng was surprised, What's wrong with him?

Isra is an extremely special person among the two people. His existence and everything about him are related to the fate of the entire human race. We hope that you will let him go and let him move freely without any restrictions. You don't want to either Give him any help. John said solemnly.

Why? Lu Sheng asked curiously.

It's okay to tell you. John said in a low voice, Isla has the strongest point among the two people. That is the possibility of extreme enhancement!

As we all know, the two-person people are no different from ordinary people in terms of pain perception. Their only strength is that the body that replicates reality can die without limit. And only Isla can continue to fight again and again. By practicing his skills, his body will continue to become stronger. There is no limit to his strength! John said calmly.

There is no limit. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, Are you planning to train him to become stronger, and then what are you planning to do with him?

Yes. Isla needs constant training, crisis, danger, and various stimulations, both mentally and physically. John nodded. Only in this way can he be strong enough to fight against the strongest Black Void-level monster.

Let me tell you this. A blonde female judge stood up and pulled off the helmet on her head, revealing a holy and delicate white face. Coupled with her tall breasts highlighted by her close-fitting leather armor, as well as her slender waist and slender legs, she is the most perfect beautiful knight.

First time we meet, my name is Jelica. It is a blessing that the three lands of Cyril are under your rule. But it is also a misfortune to not have the embrace of my Lord.

If you come to me just to talk nonsense like this, then you can wait until I kill you before you speak. Lu Sheng licked his lips, revealing his scarlet tongue.

We have no ill intentions. We just want to tell you a fact. There are too many sights related to Isla. He is not just a doppelganger. In other words, he is involved in whether the entire human race can survive in the dark world. The fate of surviving under the oppression of void monsters.

The Church of Isis has been at the forefront, resisting the most powerful pain monster - the Black Void Class. But now we are gradually beyond our capabilities. Isla is the strongest potential duo who has appeared in recent years. He allows us to see The hope to fight against the Black Void level monster.”

So you made a strict growth plan so that Isla must grow according to the route you prescribed? Lu Sheng understood what they meant.

Yes. According to calculations, this training model can bring Isla to the theoretical strongest state with the greatest probability. Jelica said calmly.

Of course, we can't deny that you are also very powerful. But the Isla we want is a powerful enough archer, not a berserker who goes up to the fight on his own.

Stupid! Lu Sheng lowered his head slightly, with a fierce glint in his eyes. As long as it can kill the enemy, any means is allowed.

But in Black Void, only the long-range can reach the core. Jelica said calmly. Dear King Cyril, we are here just to get your cooperation. Of course, if you choose not to, we will have to resort to forcible removal.


The two men behind her raised their firearms and pointed them at Lu Sheng.

All this is fate, we are just maintaining the trajectory of fate, John sighed loudly.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

The crisp sound of gunfire started before Lu Sheng could speak.

Large swaths of bullets spurted out, bringing out two tongues of red and yellow flames.

Lu Sheng grinned slightly and swayed from side to side. Large bullet holes appeared on the ground behind him. He raised his hand as fast as lightning, bang! !

A bloody hole appeared on John's forehead and he fell to the ground.

The other two people silently approached quickly, their submachine guns sweeping left and right.

Jelica took a few steps back, raised her hand and threw a black grenade.

boom! !

The grenade exploded, and a large number of shattered shrapnel exploded wildly.

Lu Sheng's figure was like a phantom, crossing a distance of more than ten meters with a bow, and appeared behind Jelica in an instant.


The two fists intertwined, and they exchanged dozens of blows like lightning.

Jelica groaned, jumped back and distanced herself, and with a flick of her right arm, a white sharp blade flew out and slashed backwards.

Lu Sheng just appeared behind her, raising his pistol to block the sharp blade.

The barrel of the gun was cut off and fell.

Interesting. He put away the pistol and clasped his hands together, crossing his fingers. She dodged left and right amid Jelica's continuous slashing attacks, chanting the syllables slowly.

The triple perception interference of the Ten Rings of Confusion takes effect quickly.

Jelica slashed her sword in the air, quickly closed her eyes, and a blue light on the back of her neck flashed away.

clang! !

She was actually completely unaffected, standing precisely on the path Lu Sheng needed to dodge.

Give up, King Cyril. With a chirp, a white blade popped out of her other hand.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, tapped his toes, and took a few steps back.

The two men resumed their previous confrontation.

Are you ignoring your companions? A smile appeared in Lu Sheng's eyes.

Jelica was stunned and glanced around, only to realize that the two previous men had fallen into a pool of blood at some point. Their injuries were caused by a blood hole exploding between their foreheads and eyebrows.

When??! Her eyes sharpened.

You don't understand the true meaning of boxing at all. Lu Sheng flexed his wrist, You think that by modifying the body and adding chips and parts, you can break through the limits and become stronger?

At this moment, I am a god! Jelica arched her head, and light blue light patterns slowly appeared on her cheeks, which were the chips and light paths implanted under the skin shining.

The final form, the incarnation of God.

Bang! ! !

In an instant, Jelica disappeared from the spot.

Lu Sheng smiled and touched the index fingers of his hands.

Ten Hearts Fantasy Demon Fist·Destroy.

Chi! ! !

The white blade was like lightning, piercing straight into the center of Lu Sheng's eyebrows.

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