Extreme Demon

Chapter 1112 Whispering 2

It's pitiful. You're looking for the Book of Beginnings because you want to redeem everything. It's a pity that you can undo the huge mistake you made yourself.

The veins in Isla's hand holding the longbow showed.

The Book of Beginnings was taken down from the huge stone wall of the ruins with his own hands. It was also the first page he opened with his own hands.

The moment he turned the pages of the book, he felt that the world had been changed.

And from that day forward, omens of doomsday followed one after another everywhere.

The virus is just a cover, but the actual truth, the source of everything, is in the Book of Beginnings.

He knew, he knew it was all his fault.

So he wants to make up for everything and save everything.

Everything that happened next was just like what the voice said.

Wherever he goes, he brings disasters. It's either a man-made disaster or a natural disaster.

Storms, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, epidemics, murders, madness, insanity, and all kinds of disasters that can destroy everything surround him and keep happening around him.

You must act.

the voice whispered.

The fast-moving flame will only bring warmth for a moment. If it stays for too long, it will burn everything.

I Isla trembled all over and gritted her teeth tightly. The past few days in Cyril have been the most relaxed and comfortable days he has lived since he opened the Book of Beginnings.

It's just that you don't have to worry about dangers and threats coming at any time, and you don't have to worry about being implicated in the people around you.

He just begged and begged, hoping that such a quiet life could last a few more days. This is already the greatest gift to him.

But it's a pity. Now it seems

Your day is coming, and if you don't leave, the people around you will have bad luck again. The voice gradually weakened, went away, and finally disappeared slowly.

Isla stood in the darkness without saying a word, just clenched his teeth tightly, and tears fell silently from his eyes.



Lu Sheng stood in front of a motel in a small town.

The dilapidated hotel was originally supposed to be a three-story building, but now only one floor was left with barely a ceiling, and the rest were just twisted and angry steel bars.

A dilapidated motel would naturally not stop him from looking at it, but the few words written on the broken wall of the hotel, a few large characters written with blood-like red dye, made him stop involuntarily.

'you will die. ’

There is no exclamation tone, just a calm description.

Lu Sheng frowned. Although the handwriting did not mention whose name it was, he intuitively felt that it was him.

Then you have to tire yourself to death first. He looked at it for a while, then turned around and continued walking forward.


Suddenly, there was a slight vibration on the ground, making him alert.

Lu Sheng looked around and saw no movement. He quickly pressed the pain sensing ring.

Severe pain quickly surged from his fingers, and everything in front of him was quickly stained with a layer of darkness and decay.

As soon as he entered the perception, Lu Sheng suddenly stepped back.

Bang! !

A pitch-black spear covered with numerous spikes pierced the spot where he had been standing.

Several meters of ground around the spear exploded, sputtering out countless stinky, sticky black water.

Lu Sheng was caught off guard. He didn't expect the follow-up and was splashed with black water on the spot. He hurriedly jumped back again, retreating more than ten meters like lightning.

The black knight armor on his body kept making a hissing sound of being corroded.

His whole body was shaken, and after shaking off the black water on his body, Lu Sheng raised his head and looked in the direction of the spear.

In the center of the dilapidated town, there is a lanky and huge woman lying prone. This woman is four meters long, her lower body has giant four hooves like a centaur, and her arms have black spiked front legs like a spider.

It seemed that the spiked front feet were the culprit behind the sneak attack on him just now.

Hee hee hee.

A high-pitched cry like laughter came from the woman. It raised its head, its naked upper body, and a large black jagged mouth suddenly opened in the middle of its chest, and countless slender black tongues came out of it, like flower buds blooming in the darkness.

This thing is really... Lu Sheng felt that his aesthetics was extremely challenged.

Puff puff! !

The centaur woman brandished her double thorns and rushed towards him.

Four heavy hooves trampled on the ground, splashing up large amounts of black soil.

Go, black knight. Lu Sheng raised his hand, and a large black smoke suddenly exploded behind him, forming more than ten black knights.

All the black knights rushed toward the centaur woman.

Bang! !

More than a dozen black knights slammed into the centaur woman's front feet. The two made a heavy noise, and the black knights surrounded the centaur woman and started slashing wildly.

It's finally reliable! Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was ready to fight hard just now. Fortunately, this time it finally worked.

More than a dozen black knights holding black giant swords surrounded the giant centaur woman and slashed wildly. But their powerful strength and speed seemed to be mysteriously suppressed in front of this monster.

Whenever the giant sword landed on the centaur woman's body, a faint black vortex would suddenly appear, taking away most of the impact of the giant sword.


The two black knights were penetrated through the chest and suddenly exploded into black smoke.

Lu Sheng grabbed it with his backhand, and a burning purple two-handed sword condensed in his hand.

He gently held a sword flower, and the armor on his body and the sword with both hands floated faint black smoke at the same time. Then he sprinted towards the centaur woman.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Amidst the heavy footsteps, one step after another, Lu Sheng's speed became faster and faster, becoming more and more urgent.

ah! ! !

The centaur woman tore the two black knights apart again, turned around and faced Lu Sheng, raising her double thorns high.


Lu Sheng roared and swung his giant sword. The blade drew a bright purple trajectory in the air, and struck the double thorns that fell in the air like lightning.

boom! ! ! !

A purple ring of fire suddenly exploded.

Lu Sheng's sword turned and slid down from the centaur woman's side. The sword blade drew a slender bloody opening on her body.

Black smoke and purple fire quickly penetrated and began to erode the centaur woman's body.

With a bang as he landed on the ground, countless white dots appeared in Lu Sheng's eyes, and the Ten-Heart Magic Fist moved rapidly. Zi Huo's two-handed sword turned in a circle and struck hard on the centaur woman's forefoot again.


The front foot was broken on the spot.

Lu Sheng dodged and left the spot, and while the monster howled in pain, he slashed the other front leg with his sword.

There was a loud bang.

The centaur woman finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell forward to her knees.

ah! ! !

She opened her mouth and roared wildly, and large black bugs spurted out from all the wounds on her body.

Puff puff puff puff puff! !

Black bugs flew and scattered all over the sky like raindrops, and the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters was completely submerged by black bugs like black water.

Under the indiscriminate attack, Lu Sheng was not spared and was showered with black bugs.

These bugs, smaller than ants, quickly began to bite the Black Knight's armor.

Lu Sheng quickly adjusted the sensory interference of the Ten Heart Magic Fist and tried several times before finding the insect's sensory frequency.

The black insects that covered him retreated and fell like a tide, crawling towards other places.

But the Black Knight suit is no longer available. It was completely chewed up, and more than ten black knights were also wiped out.

Not far away, the centaur woman was still roaring.

Lu Sheng held the two-handed sword, and the power in his body surged rapidly, all concentrated on the giant sword.

call! !

The giant sword roared and turned at high speed, flying towards the centaur woman's neck.


The sword blade slashed hard into the woman's neck, and a large amount of black insect-like blood spurted out.

The centaur woman howled in pain and finally backed away slowly.

Lu Sheng made several leaps, using the edge of his broken forefoot to jump down from the edge of the giant sword.

He grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands and pulled it down hard.

Chi! ! !

A huge gap suddenly appeared from the centaur woman's neck.


Countless black blood spurted out, and the entire centaur woman shriveled and collapsed like an inflated doll.

Lu Sheng landed in the ground with a bang and stood in the tide of insects. The insects under his feet automatically avoided him and crawled quickly. It's like running water encountering a rock.

Shaking off the bugs on the blade, Lu Sheng watched quietly as the huge centaur woman died completely without making any sound.

The black insects all over the ground quickly scattered, burrowed into the ground, and disappeared.

Only then did he raise his head and look around.

The town in Pain Perception is much more complete than reality.

The ancient clock tower slowly swayed and sounded the time. The houses were intact, but they were charred and rotten as if they had been burned by fire.

An inexplicable attack. Lu Sheng moved the Ten-Heart Magic Fist and walked to the body of the centaur woman. He found a sticky ball with black gas at the head of her shriveled body.

Holding this ball in your hand, it looks like frozen ore that is constantly emitting cold air. The surface is covered in glue that sticks to your hands.

After tearing off a piece of corpse skin and wrapping the ball-shaped object, Lu Sheng walked to the two forefoot spikes again.

The spear-like spikes hit him unexpectedly at first. If the black knight's armor suit hadn't been fully protective, he would have been hit at once.

Lu Sheng raised his sword and chopped off the two spikes fiercely. He held it in his hand and could use it as a spear.

He simply tied the two spikes with corpse skin into a rope and tied it behind his back.

Taking only the front end of the spike, one was only two meters long. Given his height of over 1.9 meters, it was not conspicuous when carried on his back.

After it was tied, Lu Sheng tried to take it off and stabbed it hard on the ground.


The spikes pierce the ground,

A large area of ​​black water exploded with a bang.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng avoided it in advance and was not splashed by the black water.

The lethality is pretty good. It can even corrode the Black Knight's armor, and it's very powerful. It's just a pity that I only have one suit. Lu Sheng thought about where to find another monster similar to the Black Knight to grab some equipment.

The black knight suit on his body has been corroded to pieces, and there are even holes in some places.

But now is the most exciting part of picking up corpses! If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come. After a second thought, Lu Sheng happily went over to pick up the corpses.

Your teacher is suffering unprecedented hardships.

In a dark cave.

Isla ran quickly towards the exit. He had to contact Buck as soon as possible and tell the teacher of the danger that might come at any time!

At this time, Lu Sheng was happily picking up corpses.

Doom, shadows, nightmares, magic, all the pain that humans cannot bear, will be revealed one by one, follow.

The voice echoed lowly in his ears.

At this time, Lu Sheng picked up another good thing that seemed to be a treasure, wiped it on his body, and decisively wrapped it up and hid it.

He's dying!

Lu Sheng opened his mouth and bit the crystal-like bone he had just picked up, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Life is like a drop of water in the dark, short and breathless. And he is about to usher in the final end of his life.

Lu Sheng almost couldn't fit any more into the package, so he squatted on the ground and started tying the second package.

The exit of the cave in front was right in front of him, and Isla jumped up and rushed out of the cave.

It's too late.

Lu Sheng picked up two large packages, hung them on the left and right sides of the motorcycle, and started igniting them.

Damn, no gas!

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