Extreme Demon

Chapter 1109 Variables 1

Woo! !

A long and heavy trumpet sound came from the fortress. Several figures in black cloaks rushed out from the fortress wall. When they saw the black knight here from a distance, they hurriedly closed the city gate.

The fortress gate in the midst of pain has a lot of rough textures like tree bark. There is a huge human face in the middle, with its mouth open and white smoke coming out of it.

Go and let them see the supreme power of our Lord!

Lu Sheng opened his arms and shouted loudly.

More than a dozen black knights ran quickly and crashed into the fortress gate that had not been completely closed. Whistling and carrying heavy steps, he went straight into the city.

Captain, they are rushing in!!

Block them!!

Captain! They went out through the back door!!

Kill?? Huh?

A group of black cloaks watched in stunned silence as more than a dozen black knights walked straight through the fortress, rushed out from the back door of the fortress at an extremely fast speed, and then disappeared over the horizon in the blink of an eye, raising dust all the way.

Hahahahaha!!! Lu Sheng laughed and quickly approached the fortress gate.

The Black Knight encountered few obstacles after entering.

Too weak, too weak!! He didn't hear any obstruction or fighting, and everything was over.

Chi! ! clang!

A black arrow hit his chest accurately, hitting a spark on the black knight's armor, and then landed crookedly on the ground.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Lu Sheng paused and looked down at the arrows that fell from his body.

Go! Surround him!

The city gate reopened, and three tall warriors wearing heavy armor strode out and rushed towards Lu Sheng.

The three of them were holding tower shields in one hand and holding spears in the other. They walked with a trembling step.

As Lu Sheng got closer, he felt something was wrong. Why was the Black Knight entering the city and the people inside completely ignored him, yet they could allocate manpower to surround him?

He looked carefully at the open city gate. It was quiet inside the fortress, and there was no sign of any fighting or confrontation at all.

This is the first time he has used the summoning black knight spell that comes with the armor itself. He didn't know exactly how the summoned black knight would behave.

But there should be at least automatic elimination of enemies, right?

Lu Sheng checked carefully, but until the three heavily armored warriors arrived in front of him, he could not find where the black knight he had just summoned had gone.

With a calm expression on his face, Lu Sheng carefully looked at the opponent's three heavily armored warriors.

Ordinary people will not appear in the perception of pain. Only creatures who are also experiencing pain can appear in this world. In other words, these people also used a certain method to continuously feel the pain and guard it.

Even a double person must be in a state of pain perception before he can appear in this world.

What an admirable willpower. Lu Sheng praised, although without the black knight, this thing can only be summoned once a day.

But he didn't intend to rely solely on the Black Knight to improve his performance.

Kill! Intruder!

The warrior at the front released his tower shield and slashed his spear towards Lu Sheng.

The other two people were slightly behind, and unexpectedly swung their spears, and the spear points flew out with chains, hitting Lu Sheng hard.

Lu Sheng took a step forward, dashed forward, and slammed into the arms of the warrior in charge.

The two heavy armors collided with each other.

Lu Sheng's right arm stabbed four times in succession like lightning, and passed by the opponent lightly.

Bang! The first heavily armored soldier vomited blood on the spot, took a step back, knelt on the ground, and lay motionless on his side.

Ahhhh!! The other two people suddenly turned red, waving their spears wildly and throwing the chains at Lu Sheng.

The chain was originally just to prevent Lu Sheng from dodging left and right, and to prevent him from being entangled and locked by the chain. But he didn't expect that Lu Sheng was so fast and could break through the strongest captain's blockage in an instant.

Lu Sheng took a step back easily and got out of the way of the chain spear coming towards him. The tip of the spear landed on the ground in front of him, making one or two large small craters.

It's meaningless. He opened his arms and clicked lightly.

The two people on both sides immediately covered their throats, took a few steps back, and fell to the ground. Blood continued to gush from their brows and throats.

After killing three people in a row, Lu Sheng walked forward leisurely. The fortress's huge light screen protection seemed to be only used to block monsters, but had no effect on people.

He walked in without any hindrance, and then stopped under the city gate.

On the black city gate that is more than three meters high, the huge human face is slowly opening and closing its mouth, and bursts of white smoke are coming out of the mouth.

Who are you!? There are a lot of people in our gathering place. If you need any help, we can sit down and discuss it. Our brothers are willing to give you enough help to satisfy you.

You can even stay, stay here. Here, Erzhong people will be treated with the best treatment. All ordinary people in the city, no matter where the beauties are, as long as you like them, you can take them back and enjoy them as much as you like. .”

Everyone here is just to serve us duo! As long as you want, there is everything here. Brother, there is no enmity between us, there is no big obstacle. If you are willing to join us, everything, food, We can give you women, wealth, and power!

There was a sound of sincere persuasion from behind the city gate.

The voice belonged to a man who didn't sound young.

In addition, there is no other gathering place as big as ours within thousands of kilometers around here, and the status of the Erduo people in other gathering places is far inferior to ours.

And if you destroy this place, tens of thousands of ordinary people without shelter will be completely threatened by monsters!

By destroying this place, you will at most get some temporary supplies and food, and then you will get nothing else.

But if you don't take action, you will be able to get a steady stream of supplies, a large number of beauties of your choice, and a continuous supply of manpower to serve you!

It has to be said that when weighing the pros and cons, anyone will be swayed by the state described by the other party.

But Lu Sheng's purpose is not here.

Look at the tall city gate in front of you. He raised his right arm, and black smoke slowly emerged from the black arm armor. This is the black poison from the Black Knight suit. Its function is to weaken the opponent with a weak poison during the continuous battle.

You're right, it's very tempting. He laughed, If I were a double person, maybe I would be tempted, but it's a pity.

Wait! Aren't you?

Boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the huge wooden planks of the entire city gate exploded to pieces.

Lu Sheng used his arrancar and punched the most vulnerable point of the door instantly. The huge wooden door was like a broken eggshell. It suddenly shattered with a crash.

Two strong bald men in white armor at the back looked at Lu Sheng striding in with their mouths open.

The battle axes in their hands were shaking, and their bodies were weak from poison and fear.

Are you the only ones in the whole city? Lu Sheng looked at the people in front of him in surprise.

In addition to the two bald brothers, there are also the three two-level people who rushed out just now. They must have hurried over after being resurrected.

Then there are more than a dozen black hoods surrounding it.

A large fortress city with tens of thousands of people, guarded by close to twenty people in front of you?

Yes, the older one of the bald men said with a bit of a tongue. We are the only ones selected from the whole city who can move freely despite the pain.

How many doppelgangers are there? Lu Sheng asked with a frown.

Just the five of us, the heavy armor warrior captain from before said after a moment of silence.

So, who are the Beckman brothers? Lu Sheng asked again.

We are!

The other of the two bald heads answered in a deep voice.

Seeing that the situation was unstoppable, several people stopped talking nonsense and simply gave up resistance.

From the very first contact, it was obvious that the other party was not on the same level as them at all, and they collapsed as soon as they met.

Even if they are immortal doppelgangers, they are still here, considered powerful in this world of pain perception.

After leaving here and returning to reality, although there will be more people to help, the opponent's ability to kill at a touch is really too much for them to resist.

As long as this person completely captures the fortress in Pain Sense and destroys the bonfire, everything will be over for them.

Without a bonfire, the resurrection of the duo is purely random. One second they might be here, and the next second they might be thousands of miles away.

And the key is that the dominance of the city will also change hands. And a city without the protection of two people will not be able to survive for long before it will be destroyed by monsters.

In other words, such a big city can only be supported by five of you two-level people? Lu Sheng said speechlessly.

You can say that. It is true. The brother of the Beckmann brothers replied.

Then how do you block the monsters outside? Lu Sheng asked curiously.

That shield. Brother Beckman pointed to the translucent shield outside. That thing is in the fortress itself. It is a huge device specially used to activate the shield. However, it requires a lot of power support, so we have installed many various power generation systems, but that layer of things can only block ordinary monsters. , large monsters and powerful monsters can’t be helped.”

Really? Lu Sheng was thoughtful.

Although it was completely different from the battle he expected, the opponent's speed of intimidation caught him a bit off guard, but it was just right to save time.

Besides, are you really not a doppelganger? the eldest brother of the Beckman brothers asked in a low voice.

Of course not. Lu Sheng grinned.

It didn't take much time to take in the whole of Fortress Cyril.

There is more time to pick up Isla and others from Shad.

However, Lu Sheng did not send all the people over, but left Shad with people to guard him, making it a reliable outpost.

Between Shad and Cyril, there is a large area of ​​open plains that can be used as cultivated fields to grow a large number of crops. As long as you guard both sides.

On the third day after settling in Cyril, after Isla and others entered the city, the overall situation of the entire stronghold was decided.

Lu Sheng quickly eliminated a group of real diehards and criminals with a notorious record of evil.

Then a group of new people were promoted to manage the huge fortress.

In this apocalyptic environment, there are too many talents. Almost every ordinary person accepted in the city has a role to play.

They don't care who is at the top.

There have been cases of ordinary people rebelling, seizing power and trying to gain a foothold. But they were soon massacred by invisible monsters that entered the city, causing people to panic and almost collapse.

Later, it was the Beckman brothers who returned as kings and restored order.

Since then, no one has thought of seizing power.

But from the Beckman brothers, Lu Sheng learned that the turmoil was actually a farce they wrote and directed themselves.

The so-called invisible monster is just an ordinary monster with low combat power that they carefully selected and put in.

As a dual person, Lu Sheng did not impose any punishment on the Beckman brothers. He simply took away their power and then used them as coolies to patrol around the world in a pain-sensing world.

Just because a two-person person cannot die in the perception of pain does not mean that he will not die in the real world.

After Lu Sheng's disciple Isla demonstrated his ability to dodge bullets and guns with his bare hands, the Beckman brothers were completely desperate. From then on, he became a soldier and stayed in the city.

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