Extreme Demon

Chapter 1108 Protestantism 2

Isn't it great? Such a system is very competitive. Apart from being somewhat contemptuous of other people's dignity, it is also very adaptable in other aspects. Lu Sheng retorted, touching his chin. It would actually be better if slavery was changed to a system of deportation.

That's true. Jackson agreed. Slavery breeds many unusual evils. Many girls are destroyed by various means just because they are beautiful and become the slaves of others. There are simply too many such things in such gathering places.

It's indeed good. If slavery is abolished and only the deportation system is adopted, it will not only ensure the maintenance of competitiveness, but also reduce the number of lazy and uncontributive rice bugs. It will mobilize everyone's enthusiasm. Kafei also thought carefully and noticed The advanced nature of it.

Then let's make a decision. Starting from tomorrow, we will implement this plan. You two will discuss it and give me the implementation details. No, forget it. I will go to Cyril myself.

Lu Sheng touched the beard on his chin.

You should merge the surrounding small strongholds as soon as possible. We need more land and more talents.


They both answered in unison.



In the afternoon.

Cyril's white motorcade returned slowly and heavily loaded, moving straight along the wide road.

The low engine sound of the truck came one after another, and the exhaust gas filled the surrounding area with a light white mist.

Behind the convoy, on the last truck.

Lu Sheng patted the dusty clothes and pants on his body and sat in the warehouse behind the truck.

He was not the only one in the warehouse, but there were also several members of the convoy and survivors who had been searched and rescued in other places.

Sitting next to him was a mother and daughter.

The mother's face was stained with tears, and she was holding tightly a little loli wearing a pink dress and white pantyhose.

The little Loli has shoulder-length hair and is about twelve or thirteen years old. Her eyes seem to be swollen from crying, and she is twitching in her mother's arms.

Sitting on the other side of Lu Sheng was a strong black man who was cleaning his gun. He concentrated on wiping his beloved gun carefully with a glasses cloth. Without saying a word, a trace of reminiscence and tenderness flashed from time to time in his eyes.

Some of the rest of the people in the warehouse were whispering, some were distracted, and about half of them were sleeping.

I have been scared outside for too long, and it is rare to find a safe environment. Once my nerves relax, I can no longer hold on.

When we arrive at the place, those of you who have skills can go to the talent registration office to register. Those who have no skills can go to the miscellaneous office to see if there is any work available. If you really can't find any work, I advise you not to go to Xili. you.

Maybe they were almost there, the strong black man next to Lu Sheng sighed, put down his gun and persuaded him.

Thank you, Uncle Rehaman, you are a good man. A young and pretty girl said softly.

Yes, Rehaman, although you can take us into the car, thank you very much. A gray-haired old man sighed.

But, can you be a good person and do your best to help us get sent to Cyril. You have also seen that we, old and young, will really become the lowest slaves if no one wants us.

Yes, Uncle Reharman, can you help us one more time.

We will definitely repay you in the future! Definitely! For the sake of God, help us!

As long as you don't become a slave, brother Rehaman, we are unfamiliar with this place, so we really can only rely on you.

Uncle Ray Harman

Ray Harman

A group of people began to plead.

Along the way, they actually saw Reharman's soft-hearted characteristics. He is not a hard-hearted person.

During the journey, Rehaman tried his best to satisfy their requests several times.

This makes them expect more from it.

Unknowingly, they regarded Rehaman as a life-saving straw, hanging on to it with both hands and even their whole bodies.

Little did he know that Rehaman was already out of breath and exhausted.

He is not a god, just an ordinary car captain. The car is under his control, but that doesn’t mean everyone is under his control.

He did his best to help these survivors because he had experienced the painful feeling of despair and helplessness.

but now.

He sighed.

I really can't help it. I'm just a small car captain, and I can't help take advantage of the city's system.

Rehaman, look into my eyes, we know you can definitely think of a way. You are a good young man, and we all see your help to us.

The problem now is that we know nothing about Cyril, and the only one we can rely on is you.

The only old man begged earnestly and sincerely.

Uncle Rehaman, please help us.

A pair of twin sisters on the side pleaded softly at their mother's signal.

The sisters were only eight years old. Seeing them reminded Rehaman of the twin boys he once had.

His already determined mood softened slightly at this time.

I can only give it a try. He replied helplessly.

No, you can definitely do it. Believe in yourself. The old man said seriously, Rehaman, you are the best. You have saved so many of us. God will bless you and God is watching you. This is yours. Our merits, everything, our lives, all rest in your hands alone.

I Rehaman felt the pressure growing.

Young man, you need help. Suddenly a big hand gently stroked his hair.

Rehaman was stunned, raised his head, and saw that the other person was actually the young man he saved in the car.

Lu Sheng looked at him with a smile.

What you have to do now is not to suffer and suffer. What you have to do is to raise your gun and your head.

You can't help everyone.

Yes. I know. I just. I just... Rehaman struggled not to know what to say.

The old man stood up again and said seriously.

Rehaman, you can do it, believe in yourself. People's potential is always beyond their own capabilities. Bang! ! !

Lu Sheng punched the old man in the stomach. Then he opened the window and threw the person out with a grunt.

Hey you!!

Are you crazy! What are you doing!!?

A group of people stood up one after another.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng punched the metal plate on the side of the car. The whole truck shook violently, and a deep punch mark was made on the palm-thick metal plate.

What? Do you have any objections? He glanced at everyone in the car.

Amidst the sound of swallowing saliva, a group of people decisively chose to give up.

The mother holding her daughter also woke up at this time and looked at Lu Sheng with some horror.

Reharman was also frightened, but he just paused and rushed to the car door, intending to get out of the car and check the old man's condition.


Lu Sheng knocked Rehaman unconscious with one punch.

This is life, all kinds of accidents will always happen.

He walked over, dragged Rehaman over and put him down.

There were waves of subtle inquiries coming from the front of the truck, as if the driver was asking in dialect what was going on behind him.

Lu Sheng imitated Rehaman's voice and yelled a few words to deal with it.

Everyone in the carriage was silent and did not dare to move.

Lu Sheng looked out through the car window. The car slowed down a little, and then continued to accelerate to catch up with the convoy.

He glanced to the side and saw Reharman's favorite radio placed on a container.

The black radio looked like an old music box, with a white human figure hanging upside down on its surface.

Lu Sheng took it and turned on the switch.

Suddenly, a clear and gentle female voice floated out from the radio.

The driver in front seemed to hear the music and drove faster.

This is the song of Kelly Field, perhaps to find light and hope in despair. Although the song is depressing, it will always burst out with a loud tremor at the last moment.

An intellectual woman wearing glasses spoke slowly.

Then what? What do you want to say? My child. Lu Sheng looked at the other party.

I don't know what you want to do. I just hope you don't embarrass Rehaman. If it weren't for him, I would have died in the supermarket container. He is my last hope and the light of life.

The woman stood up and took off her glasses, revealing a gentle yet firm face.

The glasses and some stains on her face seemed to be props she used to disguise herself.

As a price, you can make a request and see if we can satisfy you. The woman said calmly.

I see the light shining in you, child. Lu Sheng smiled, Actually, I am a wandering priest. It was just an accident that brought me here, to this land called Cyril.

Father? Then what is your purpose? the woman asked calmly.

I came here naturally to make everyone convert to my Lord and believe in the true God. Lu Sheng opened his arms and sighed.

This is his new plan, and the new god is naturally a form of his body. In this troubled world, when people are in despair, once they can grab a life-saving straw, they will throw themselves on it wholeheartedly.

If this straw is both spiritual and material satisfaction, then almost no one can avoid such a sect.

Just like the Cult of Isis.

No, Lu Sheng believed that he would do it more perfectly than Isis.


Arrived Cyril!

Hahaha I'm finally back!!

The truck finally slowed down and came to a stop.

There were small shouts and laughter outside.

Lu Sheng originally wanted to say something, but at this time there was no time.

He didn't come here just to chat with this group of people.

Smiling at everyone, Lu Sheng pushed open the hatch and jumped out of the car.

Going around the convoy, he walked towards the direction directly in front of the convoy.

Cyril in the distance is a huge black fortress built between two mountain walls.

People in the convoy were being screened in rows from the entrance and exit below the fortress. Men in black hoods were holding automatic rifles to guard every resident who came in and out.

Lu Sheng walked slowly towards the fortress gate, gently pulling down his hood to cover the upper half of his face.

When you press the ring, everything in front of you is like an oil painting lit by fire, quickly changing from color to black and white.


The black knight armor automatically appeared from Lu Sheng's side, covering his whole body and head.

Feeling pain.

In front of the huge fortress gate, guards wearing black cloaks and green half-armors were patrolling the surrounding area.

A huge translucent shield shrouded the entire fortress.

There are also huge white beetles around, and a tall, thin woman with three black heads is constantly wandering around.

The corners of Lu Sheng's mouth cracked and he slowly stood up.

Take refuge in my Lord

His eyes suddenly rotated and large white dots appeared, with a lingering purple light flashing in the center.

A trace of purple flame burned from the armor on his body.

Lu Sheng slowly opened his fingers, and a large cloud of black smoke quickly surged from his palms.

Ten Hearts Phantom Demon Fist

In the thick smoke, black-armored knights formed one after another and rushed towards the fortress.

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