Extreme Demon

Chapter 1107 Protestantism 1

That's how longbows are used.

Lu Sheng grabbed the bow and arrow and smashed it hard against the head of a beetle.

You need to be strong and move fast. Bows and arrows are just used to confuse others. What really depends on you is IQ!!

Lu Sheng flexed his biceps and slapped the beetle.

boom! !

The beetle was pierced into the brain by the sharp end of the longbow. It roared in pain and fell to the ground on the spot.

What was really fatal was the huge force of Lu Sheng's slap on the beetle's jaw. This power instantly shattered a large piece of white carapace, causing the beetle to tremble and almost fly into the air.

According to my observation, hitting its lower jaw will cause severe blood shock and coma. So what you need to do is to shoot two arrows from a distance first to make it think you are from a distance, and then wait for it to get close to you, and use your fist to Hit its jaw and abdomen hard. Let it feel the terror of my assassination punch!

Lu Sheng drew out his long bow and explained it carefully.

Isla on the side was unable to complain.

With such a strong force, just hitting the head anywhere can instantly cause coma.

After following the man in front of him for three days, he finally saw how serious his lack of common sense was.

The three surrounding granaries are guarded by white beetles, and these poor white beetles, because they have the characteristic of as long as they don't die, they will be back to their original state the next day were used to demonstrate the assassination punch to him.

Okay, that's it for today. Beetle needs time to rest. We'll come back tomorrow. Lu Sheng looked at the unconscious White Beetle, swung the longbow and gave it back to Isla.

Speaking of which, the material of your bow is very good. It can withstand such abuse.

If master wants it, I can give it to you. This is my activated weapon. It has no other function. Its only function is to fuse other materials to improve its own hardness. Isla answered honestly.

Forget it, a gentleman doesn't take what others like, and besides, I'm not a second-level person. I can't use it to exert its power.

Lu Sheng waved his hand.

We have raided three surrounding granaries in the past few days, and the temporary trial is enough. Because you have a certain foundation, you don't need to do too much basic training. But your foundation is not very strong, so you still Need a little supplement.l

Isla nodded sternly: Yes, you are right. The disciples have received intensive training from the Templars of the Isis Church. But because of the characteristics of the two-person people, their training never gave us time to rest and respite. If you die, you will die. So the fighting style trained is completely different.

That's it. Lu Sheng raised his hand to silence him. As a person, you must know how to cherish yourself. How good you are to your body, then it will feedback how much results you have.

Cherish? Isla was a little confused.

You will understand soon. Lu Sheng tightened the black arm armor on his hand. This is the armor that the Black Knight once wore, and the effect is very good.

In addition to its extremely hard hardness, it also has special contaminants that can spread toxins upon contact.

The flexibility is also quite good, and it even has practical incidental abilities. Lu Sheng feels that this equipment can be used for a long time.

Yesterday, after he upgraded the Assassination Fist to the eleventh level again, he officially announced the establishment of the Ten Hearts Genshin Ryu Demon Sect.

He deduced a powerful boxing technique that he had developed that was different from the traditional Genshin-ryu assassination boxing, and named it Jushin Phantom Fist.

This kind of boxing technique can cause confusion in people's perception with every move and even the sound produced when doing it.

Through perceptual confusion, reaching the point of confusion or even hallucination.

The most important thing is that this boxing method is much stronger than the traditional Genshin flow in terms of physical strengthening.

After combining the experience of Lu Sheng, the master of martial arts, Ten Heart Magic Fist can forcibly increase its all-round strength through various weird methods such as self-hypnosis, which has completely transcended the scope of ordinary boxing techniques.

In addition to Isla, Lu Sheng also accepted another apprentice, the former glasses genius Jackson.

After Jackson directly taught the other party something, he then let him practice hard on his own. As long as nutrition is ensured, Fanshin-ryu assassination boxing is actually a boxing technique that pays attention to IQ.

Because it involves various boxing techniques such as confusion perception, most boxing techniques of this type are based on a large number of various calculations.

So Jackson got started quickly, and what he is doing now is tempering his physical body.

As for Isla, this new disciple with mysterious origins, what Lu Sheng had to do was even simpler.

Isla's own physical fitness is extremely strong, almost reaching the limit of ordinary people.

And his intelligence is not low, and he makes rapid progress in learning boxing.

With sufficient physical strength, he began to enter the second level of Genshin Ryu in just one day. This made Lu Sheng very happy.

After teaching the practical course, Lu Sheng took Isla back to Shad.

All the people from the old professor Buck's place also migrated here.

After Lu Sheng eliminated Clark, the leader of Shad, some of the people here were already suffering and were celebrating. The other part of the formerly oppressed class, who had long been accustomed to colluding with Clark, began to flee one after another.

Lu Sheng didn't bother to pay attention to these people, but continued to select those with decent qualifications from the remaining people, and taught them some basic external boxing skills.

Although these skills are only simplified versions of the outer sect, they far exceed the scope of Genshin Ryu itself. In addition, the Huanxinliu boxing technique, which was deduced by Lu Sheng, places great emphasis on speed and accuracy.

This makes everyone extremely welcome the practice of this kind of boxing.

Because it can be used with firearms.

Speed ​​can be used to dodge and chase. Accuracy can greatly improve vision and firearm hit rate.

The most important thing is that although Lu Sheng's training method is strange and different, the effect is surprisingly good.

If you only reach the level of entering the fantasy heart flow.

A normal person, no matter what his qualifications, only needs to practice hard for a few days, and he can obviously feel that his firearm hit rate has improved slightly.

This kind of training also involves reforms in thinking methods and calculation methods.

Lu Sheng calls this calculation method the complex algorithm. It is taught as an accessory derivative of practicing the Ten-Heart Phantom Demon Fist.

The real algorithm of the Ten Heart Fantasy Demon Fist is much more advanced than this.

Take Isla back to Shad Stronghold.

Lu Sheng sat in the office with Jackson and another middle-aged woman named Kafei. The two were the main people responsible for managing the entire operation of Shad.

Jackson himself is okay. With the support of Old Buck, his reputation is good and he himself is considered to be outstanding.

And this Kafei was able to stand in front of Lu Sheng because he was a representative of the people recognized by most people in Shad.

Chief, this is the total amount of grain we have transported from the three granaries in the past few days. Kafei stepped forward and delivered the report to Lu Sheng's table.

As usual, divide half of it into my private warehouse. Divide the rest among yourselves. Lu Sheng said casually.

Yes. Kafei nodded.

Jackson on the side took out two stacks of color photos.

Chief, I took two sets of photos from a high-altitude aircraft. I determined all the surrounding terrain and various other conditions.

Bring it to me and take a look. Lu Sheng took the photos. The first set of photos was taken from top to bottom around Shad.

Shad is a white sesame dot in the middle of the photo. There are two similar small dots around one after another. One is black and one is gray.

There are two suspected gathering places near Shad. You can go and investigate. In addition, we have organized manpower to start reclaiming the land that needs to be reclaimed. With the assistance of vehicles and machinery, it should be all reclaimed and planted the day after tomorrow. Seeds. Jackson said quickly.

Take people to see these two gathering points, and take people from the door to lead the team. They have been training for a few days, and they will go out and see the effect in actual combat. Lu Sheng ordered.

There were still more than ten gunmen left in Shad who did not leave, but chose to remain attached to the new leader.

After Lu Sheng selected these gunmen, he gave them the status of preparatory disciples of the Ten Heart Fantasy Demon Sect and conducted rigorous training on the complex method.

Originally these gunmen were experienced with firearms. After the transformation of the complex algorithm, their accuracy has been greatly improved.

Almost all of them have become top marksmen within a hundred meters.

Coupled with the special training in speed, although the time is not long, he can be regarded as a small elite. Can be used once.

I understand. I will send someone over to check. Jackson nodded.

As a disciple of Lu Sheng, he also has jurisdiction over his disciples.

Lu Sheng nodded and continued to look at the second set of photos.

The photo showed a convoy in the distance, a white convoy, passing through the woods behind Shad on the other side.

The fleet consists of more than ten large trucks. Without the aerial photography drone brought by Old Buck, it would have been impossible to discover it.

What kind of convoy is this? Lu Sheng pointed to the vehicle in the photo.

Master, that is the convoy at Cyril Gathering Point. Cyril is a large human gathering place smaller than Asomu. The number of people is at least tens of thousands. Jackson explained.

Tens of thousands? Lu Sheng's eyes lit up.

Yes, this should be their material search fleet. There is a huge gap between supply and demand for tens of thousands of people, and their search scope is getting wider and wider now. Jackson nodded.

So, are there any doppelgangers among them?

Of course there is. The two-person Beckman brothers are the leaders over there. What they implement is human slavery.

Erduo people are the highest-level race and enjoy many rights and benefits, followed by ordinary people with various abilities. Every year, everyone and every class needs to make a corresponding proportional contribution to the gathering place, otherwise.

Otherwise what? Lu Sheng asked with interest.

Otherwise, you will be lowered into the human class. In the end, you will be completely reduced to a slave and sold. If there is no one to buy you, then you will be dragged into being a meat pig. Jackson said calmly, but his tone remained the same. There was a hint of disgust and anger.

After all, he is still a young man in his thirties, a normal person with a conscience.

This system is simply evil! Kafei on the side couldn't help but said angrily. You have completely thrown away all your last self-respect and dignity! What a bastard!

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