Extreme Demon

Chapter 1106 Desperate World 2

Lu Sheng obviously felt that he was lying. How could there be so many rats in this world that could support more than a hundred people for such a long time.

In fact, if you think about it, you should know that they must be relying on cannibal corpses to support the situation.

I don't care how you lived before, but from now on, no one will be allowed to eat people here! He said calmly.

Yes, yes! Clark and the other three nodded quickly.

Actually, there is a granary nearby. It was a place where farmers here used to store grain. But we never dared to go there again after people died inexplicably after we went in a few times.

Clark's assistant suddenly spoke up.

Oh? Granary? Lu Sheng's eyes lit up. As long as there is food, he can quickly implement his previous plan.

Show me.

You can see it from a distance from here. The assistant said quickly, When you look out the window, the land directly facing you, the big house near the forest, is the granary.

Lu Sheng stood up and walked to the window and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, there was indeed a huge granary in the distance opposite the window.

Like a huge white pencil head, standing on a flat ground.

Just looking at this granary, Lu Sheng vaguely felt something was wrong.

He pressed the ring gently with his left hand.

Suddenly there was a burning pain in the ring. The pain was getting stronger and bigger.

Soon he reached the threshold, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

The granary is still the same granary, the sky and the earth are still the same fields, just a little darker.

In front of the granary door, a huge white beetle was squirming with the tentacles on its head, and its two big eyes were glancing left and right.

The beetle was more than three meters tall, covered in white armor, like a shortened centipede, with dozens of spike-like legs.

I knew it. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. White dots slowly appeared in the pupils.

He turned around and looked at the three of them.

The three Clarks were originally kneeling on the ground, but in the pain perception, there was no trace of the three of them.

The entire office looked like it hadn't been cleaned for many years. There was black oily dirt everywhere, sticky, dark, and very disgusting.

Lu Sheng pressed the ring again to cut off the pain.

The sight blurred for a moment, and then quickly returned to the normal scenery. The three of them reappeared.

Please calm down everyone's emotions and don't allow anyone to go out. I'll be back soon. Lu Sheng explained and walked out of the office quickly.

He is now tenth level of Genshin-ryu assassination boxing, and his speed has exceeded the limit of the human body. Clark and the other three felt their eyes blur, and Lu Sheng disappeared in an instant.

After leaving the gathering point, Lu Sheng quickly arrived at the gate of the granary.

After entering the sense of pain again, he could clearly see the details of the three-meter-long beetle more closely.

The opponent's carapace was full of deep scars from sword slashes. He's obviously been through a lot of battles.

She seemed to be aware of his approach. Beetle slowly raised his body, rolled his two amber eyes, and quickly stared at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng moved the white knight gloves on his hands and pulled out the giant sword from his back.

Chi! !

Suddenly, a sharp arrow flew from the side and pierced the beetle's front abdomen.

A tall man in black robes, holding a long bow, quickly approached the beetle with several leaps.

If you don't want to die, get out of the way! the man said sternly.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, took a few steps back, and waited to see what happened.

The man was extremely proficient in fighting and seemed to have a good understanding of the beetle's habits. Continuously surrounding the beetle, it shot sharp arrows.

His arrows are extremely powerful, and every time he hits an arrow, it will leave a deep bloody hole in the beetle's body.

But the beetle's resilience was also extremely amazing. Even after several minutes of fighting, there was still no winner between the two sides.

In this desperate world, have you found the meaning to support yourself?

At this moment, a gentle female voice floated slowly from the sky above the granary.

Isra, haven't you woke up yet?

Lu Sheng raised his head, trying to find the direction from which the sound came, but there was nothing in the sky.

The sound seemed to come out of thin air.

The man in black robe said nothing, pursed his lips tightly, and shot out an arrow wildly. But it was no use. Although the white beetle was not very fast, it could easily block the arrow with its carapace with a slight sway.

Isla the female voice came out again.

The man in black robe became more and more crazy in his movements, and his eyes faintly glowed red. Like a wild beast, it began to have some extremely keen perception.

Every attack from the beetle was easily avoided by him.

Poof! !

Finally, he used one end of the long bow as a sharp thorn and stabbed it hard into the center of the beetle's head.

The three-meter-long beetle fell to the ground with a crash, its limbs still twitching violently.

And the granary door was finally completely exposed.

The man in black robe landed on the ground, took a deep breath, and strode towards the granary door.

boom! !

A burst of purple flame burst out from the door.

A two-meter-long purple flame giant sword burst out of the door and hit the long bow in front of him.

The man in black robe didn't pay attention and was knocked upside down on the spot, falling far into the field.



From the granary, a two-meter-tall black-armored knight slowly walked out.

All the black armor on this knight's body seemed to have been melted and blended together. Only the two-handed giant sword burning with purple flames held in his hand was heavy and delicate.

The hilt of the giant sword was inlaid with a purple gemstone, which was emitting a faint purple light.

Countless small black flying insects were flying and buzzing around the black-armored knight, accompanied by subtle black air.

Why... no matter how many times I repeat it, I get stuck halfway! The man in black robe couldn't help but growl in a low voice.

Because your destiny...is to stop here. The gentle female voice sounded again.

The world is doomed. Even if you can re-synthesize the Book of Beginning, it will be too late.

No matter what you want to accomplish or find any fragments, the Black Knight will appear at any time to stop you and kill you, the female voice said with a hint of pity.

The Black Knight is invincible

Bang! ! ! !

There was a loud noise.

Isla's footsteps that were about to rush forward suddenly stopped. A black shadow flew out from above his head and fell into the field like him.

He took a closer look and saw that it was the Black Knight!

Ta, tap, tap.

Amidst the sound of soft footsteps, a strong man wearing white arm armor, slowly waving a white giant sword, strode towards here.

You!!? Isla wanted to say something.

Suddenly, he saw the man in front of him dodge quickly, cross a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and slash at the black knight with a fierce sword.

He turned quickly.

Just in front of the black knight, he saw a white figure holding a white giant sword. The heavy white giant sword struck at the black knight at an astonishing and terrifying speed like lightning.

Slash left and right, whirlwind chain, downward slash, upward slash. Thrust and slash into the wind.

The white figure is like a violent berserker in mythology, and the white giant sword almost turns into a ball of white shadow, flying crazily around the black knight.

The black knight was slashed and retreated continuously. The giant sword in his hand kept blocking left and right, and for a while he could only parry.

A large number of golden sparks were splashed out by the impact of the giant sword.

The black knight roared unwillingly, and the purple flames on the sword swelled. He suddenly grabbed the opponent's sword, and a large amount of black air spurted out from behind him.

Countless black energy condensed around him, turning into a slightly shorter black knight.

These black knights surrounded and killed the man frantically.

Phantom Trial.

The man dodged and appeared behind the black knight as if teleporting. The giant sword spun in a circle like a top, with a stream of metal sparks surrounding the black knight's neck.

Bang, the man held the sword hilt again. Give it a hard tug.

Chi! !

The black knight's entire head was cut off on the spot and flew up, then rolled to the ground with a bang.

It only takes a moment to break through.

When the black knight summoned the other black knights, the moment of pause and stiffness left behind was a fatal flaw for Lu Sheng.

With the Ten Rings of Mystery activated, he created the illusion of teleportation and beheaded the Black Knight on the spot.

The two-meter-plus black knight stood there blankly, with a large amount of black smoke puffing out from his neck.

With a bang, it fell to its knees and fell forward. The other black knights around him turned into black smoke again and disappeared.

Lu Sheng looked at the white giant sword in his hand, and then at the purple flame two-handed sword in the black knight's hand.

He decisively threw away the white giant sword and bent down to pick up the purple flame two-handed sword.

This thing is very powerful, and the weight is lighter than expected. He muttered, and quickly squatted down and began to take off the armor on the black knight.

After a while, a good black knight corpse was split into several large pieces by him.

Unexpectedly, inside the Black Knight was a black human body, first the burnt corpse.

Isla stood not far away blankly, watching Lu Sheng strip the black knight naked. There was an indescribable feeling of embarrassment in my heart.

Seeing Lu Sheng preparing to put the black knight's armor on his body.

He was startled and rushed over.

The equipment on these monsters is absolutely unusable!! All these things are there!!


Lu Sheng moved his arms and waved the black knight's arm armor.

Poisonous Isla didn't finish the last half of his sentence.

Poisonous? Lu Sheng was stunned, and quickly took it off and looked at the skin.

No wonder I feel like my skin has turned a little darker recently. He moved his body beyond its limits.

Don't you feel that your internal organs are burning? Isla asked blankly.

Innards? How is that possible? Lu Sheng shook his head. I don't even take it off when I sleep. If I were like you, I'd have no sleep at all.

He patted Isla on the shoulder.

Young man, you have good willpower. Are you interested in learning boxing from me?

Learn boxing? Isla asked blankly.

Isra, you should surrender to the embrace of God! Instead of accepting the temptations of pagans here! The female voice sounded again.

Isla closed her eyes, and her mind instantly cut off the connection in the distance.


The female voice stopped abruptly.

If you can make me stronger, then I will! He opened his eyes, his eyes clear and firm.

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