Extreme Demon

Chapter 1102: Eye level 2

When the door of the square guardroom is closed, there is only a square window less than one meter wide that communicates with the outside.

The narrow and hidden space is just the right choice for Lu Sheng.

He opened the window, sat at the foot of the bed, closed his eyes and slowly entered a state of tranquility.

The sounds around him gradually faded away from him. Unconsciously, even breathing became extremely slow.

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes.

A little white light seemed to light up in the darkness, which was the reflection of his eyes reflecting the external light for a moment.

That's it. Dark Blue. Lu Sheng muttered silently in his heart.


The light blue interface popped up from his eyes instantly.

Lu Sheng's eyes focused on the only small box in the world.

‘Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist: Ninth Stage, (Trait: Melee Explosion.)’

This is a special skill acquired after reaching the ninth stage of Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist. It is an explosive skill similar to a secret technique - melee burst.

This is a skill derived from a unique boxing technique called Phantom Thorn that is unique to Genshin Ryu. It can instantly make the opponent feel as if they are seeing an illusion when punching, with three arms attacking at the same time.

Lu Sheng tried using it on the White Knight, but the outcome was no doubt that it was of no use.

Creating an illusion and splitting the attack into three punches is okay against people, but against the White Knight, after the three punches are divided, the power of each punch is only 80% of the normal. Against this kind of steel can, it can't even leave a dent.

If you are dealing with someone, you can make them panic and don't know which punch to deal with, but the white knight's style of fighting is to exchange injuries for injuries. He doesn't care about you at all and just cuts them down with one sword. You hit yours and I'll cut them. mine.


Lu Sheng sighed helplessly.

Genshin-ryu assassination fist is mainly famous for its speed and accuracy. Compared with other assassination fists, this style is more practical and can effectively confuse the opponent, causing him to hesitate. The moment he exerts his force, as long as there is a trace Without the slightest hesitation, there is absolutely no way to unleash your true full strength, which will lead to the difference between final victory and defeat.

This style of boxing is very powerful, but its limitations are also obvious.

Lu Sheng quickly clicked the modify button.

The body's adaptation rules are better than a while ago. Although the oppression in this world is relatively severe, who is he?

The top overlord who has descended on countless worlds, the ultimate figure among the demons.

In terms of adaptability, it is definitely second to none. Naturally, I won't be blocked by this difficulty.

You should be able to try to break through the limits of your boxing skills.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes, the dark blue box in front of him still floating in front of him.

Countless martial arts techniques flashed rapidly through his mind. Combined with the human body structure of this world and the fundamental meaning of Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist.

Gradually, the direction that Lu Sheng hoped to reach took shape. It gradually took shape in his mind.

Deep Blue, take the Genshin-ryu assassination punch to the next level!

Lu Sheng suddenly issued an order.

The dark blue interface trembled slightly and suddenly became blurry.

Combined with the vast amount of knowledge and experience of the martial arts system in Lu Sheng's mind, countless essences and countless tricks and techniques applicable to this world were selected one after another to deduce the possible state of the next stage of the Assassination Fist.

A large amount of martial arts knowledge began to be influenced by Lu Sheng's own preferences and consciousness, and he began to deduce the new realm of Huanshinliu assassination boxing.

Divine power surged out from Lu Sheng's heart, like a cool stream of water, quickly pouring into all parts of his body.

About a few seconds later.

The box is clear again.

‘Fantasy Heart-flow Assassination Fist: Tenth Stage, (Trait: Ten Rings of Confusion)’

Lu Sheng felt the soreness in his body as the spiritual power strengthened and nourished him. He leaned back slightly, and his bones made a series of clicking sounds.

The newly deduced gap between the tenth and ninth levels was focused on strength. Compared with the previous one where there was no increase in strength at all, the tenth level's state, strength and physical hardening defense had been greatly improved.

And the speed increased to the point of nine punches per second, under the forcible nourishment of the divine power. Now, he has been practicing hard for decades using the newly derived ten-stage boxing technique.

The entire body has been tempered by decades of training, reaching the most harmonious state of unity with the boxing technique.

The most important thing is the newly emerged characteristic skill-the Ten Rings of Confusion.

This name was synthesized by Shenlan by taking out keywords from the names of martial arts techniques.

Lu Sheng made certain corrections to the newly deduced boxing technique because of its poor practicality.

The Ten Rings of Confusion is a skill derived from his revised tenth stage of boxing.

Time to test it out.

Lu Sheng closed the window, took out the finger cot from his pocket, and gently put it on his left hand.

Having reached the tenth level, his physical fitness has exceeded the limits of ordinary people. The finger cot is a little tight when put on.


Buckle the belt under the finger cots at once.

There was a thin sound, and the sharp thorns instantly penetrated through the gaps between Lu Sheng's nails.

The severe pain flooded Lu Sheng's entire sense like a tide.

His eyes suddenly flashed with flowers.

The guardhouse, which was dark and damp just now, suddenly turned into a purely wooden log house that resembled a hunter's cabin.

The bonfire in the fireplace has long been extinguished. There were three dishes, one soup and four bowls on the table, but the dishes in the bowls were all black.

What surprised Lu Sheng the most was that there were two portraits of people placed on the chairs on both sides of the dining table.

On the left is a simple woman with delicate lines. She has slender black hair and big eyes. Wearing a light yellow evening gown.

On the right is a little blond boy sitting upright. His delicate facial features make him look like a doll.

Suddenly, a faint whisper, like the sound of many women muttering something in a low voice, came from behind Lu Sheng.

He turned quickly to look.

Outside the window behind him, a woman covered in pitch black stood.

The woman's head is a deformed product of many human heads fused together, like a big lump of black mud, resting on top of her slender body.

The huge head was the size of a washbasin, and eyes, mouths and noses could be seen growing randomly from left to right and from top to bottom.

It was as if the faces of five or six people were all fused together.

The whispering sound came from this monster.

It stared at Lu Sheng, stretched out its hands, and grasped the sides of the window, intending to get in.

What new breed is this? Lu Sheng took a step back. He picked up a chair nearby and threw it at the other party.


The chair broke and fell apart, and the monster remained motionless and continued to crawl into the guard room.

Just in time to test out the new tenth-level moves. Lu Sheng followed his body's instinctive memory and slowly took a step back. The fingertips of his hands lightly touched together and his eyes were slightly closed.

A faint sound like a whisper came from his mouth, the sound was vague and hazy.

The monster that looked like a giant woman finally got into the guard room with a snap, and then fiercely grabbed Lu Sheng with its claws.


The strange thing is that when she grabbed it, she was still in mid-air, and then she automatically turned and grabbed the wall of the wooden house on the side.

Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a white vortex swirling in his eyes. The vortex is composed of countless white dots, and the pupil in the center is a light purple. The densely packed little dots were squirming, and just looking at them made people extremely uncomfortable.

Bang! Bang bang bang bang! !

The giant woman moaned as if in pain, and frantically launched attacks on everything else around Lu Sheng.

Her strength is so great that she can easily smash wooden tables, walls, and floors into deep holes.

But no matter how she attacked, the offensive would end up somewhere else around Lu Sheng inexplicably.

Lu Sheng put down his hand, still chanting weird and complicated syllables, and the white vortex in his eyes continued to rotate.

The giant woman gradually began to stagger a little. Like a drunk person, swaying around.

Not to mention attacking, even standing firm has become a luxury.

Lu Sheng slowly walked past her and spoke the last few characters of the syllable in his mouth.

The giant woman finally fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

Lu Sheng didn't want to touch these monsters, especially the monsters in this painful world. Who knows if there are any new infectious diseases here. It would be unwise to attack directly with your hands.

After walking out of the guard room, he slowly walked towards the exit of the office building.

The guard room is located in a small courtyard below the office building, facing the street outside the courtyard.

After walking out of the street, the white vortex in Lu Sheng's eyes slowly disappeared.

He turned around and looked behind him. The giant woman was still panting on the ground, and her whole body was strangely melting into the ground. It was already half melted.

Any creature that can accept vision and hearing will have to face the attacks of the Ten Rings of Mind.

Lu Sheng himself was also surprised by the effect of the Ten Rings of Confusion.

Just in front of me, there were two white knights slowly wandering over.

Lu Sheng licked his lips and stepped forward to test his fighting ability at this time. The speed has increased by about 70% compared to the ninth level, and the strength and defense have been greatly enhanced.

His current strength is the strongest since his arrival.

He slowly approached a white knight, and when he was still a few meters away from it, he suddenly rushed forward and slashed the white knight's wrist holding the giant sword like a sword with his right arm.

clang! !

Unexpectedly, the white knight's giant sword was intertwined with the armor in his hand, like the roots of a tree.

Lu Sheng's blow was heavy and powerful, and the white knight was severely beaten when he raised his sword.

Although his current strength is still not as good as that of the White Knight, it is not far behind, and he can effectively completely deform his movements.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng punched again, hitting the white knight's finger holding the giant sword hard.

His speed was much faster than the opponent at this time. The white knight counterattacked several times in a row, but could not even touch the corner of Lu Sheng's clothes.

He punched the same position several times in a row. Finally, with a click, the giant sword fell to the ground. Lu Sheng picked it up and held it in his hand.

Silent Assassination Sword. Lu Sheng held the edge of the sword's blade, grasped the hilt tightly with one hand, and swung the sword in an instant to face the charging white knight.


Silently, the blade trembled slightly, strangely avoiding the attack, and cut hard into the armor on the white knight's chest.

The giant sword cut into almost a third of the width, and dark red blood seeped out from the gaps in the armor.

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Uh, watch the excitement

Ye Xun

Su Xiaopa

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