Extreme Demon

Chapter 1101 Looking Up 1

Is he also of the same race? Nice to meet you, my name is Kasa. The knight-like blond man smiled and stepped forward, stretched out his hand and shook Lu Sheng's hand.

Lu Sheng shook his head inexplicably: I'm sorry, I'm not a double person, this companion of mine is.

Huh? The blond man Kasa raised his eyebrows slightly, and the enthusiasm on his face suddenly lost half of his enthusiasm. Although he still maintained a basic sense of politeness, it was obvious that he was no longer interested in Lu Sheng than at the beginning.

Although my brother is not a second-level person, he is much stronger than me. Tang En tried to help Lu Sheng gain some impression points.

But Kasa just shook his head and stopped talking.

The indifferent woman on the side didn't even bother to introduce herself.

It's not that I have any discrimination, but that in this world, if you are not a double person, you may die somewhere in a few days. There are too many uncertainties and dangers here.

His meaning is very clear, if you are not a dual person, please don't introduce me to him again. I'm not interested in getting to know him.

It's just that I put it more euphemistically.

Lu Sheng understood the meaning, smiled and stopped talking. He turned around and walked to the fire, carefully looking at the burning bonfires in this world.

He had tried many times before, but could not ignite the flames.

Tang En was a little embarrassed, and also a little worried. He was not a fool, and he could see that Casa and the others had no interest in non-duality people.

Actually, if it hadn't been for my brother, I might have died in the real world, so...

I understand what you mean, don't worry. Kasa smiled and patted him on the shoulder. After he learned about Lu Sheng's position in Tang En's heart, he changed his view slightly.

Glancing at Lu Sheng, he asked in a gentle tone: Do you want to know how the bonfire was lit?

Lu Sheng shook his head. He felt warmth from the flame, but it was only warmth, not hot at all, completely different from a normal campfire.

You guys talk, I'm going to take a rest. He said, not bothering to pay attention to the two people anymore. After explaining to Tang En, he walked to the corner, crossed his legs and closed his eyes, entering a state of tranquility.

Tang En could only awkwardly chat with Casa for a few words. Kasa didn't seem to care about Lu Sheng's rudeness. He obviously wanted Tang En to go with him and join his team.

But Tang En didn't seem to want to leave the city.

Lu Sheng was listening to the stalemate between the two and noticed a word. Guide.

Tang En seems to call the old woman Angela her guide.

This seems to be a very special role, and the two of them seem to be used to it, mentioning the guide many times.

This role appears to be an important one in providing logistics, treatment and recovery.

Lu Sheng listened for a while and saw that they gradually regarded him as a transparent person with no taboos, so he stopped paying too much attention and began to truly enter into meditation.

Maybe there were a lot of valuable things in their chat at the beginning, especially about the action mode of the duo, which was almost the same as the players Lu Sheng knew.

Kasa's tone seemed to separate the duo and all other creatures into two groups.

It seems that only double people can be considered human in their eyes, and the rest do not count.

This feeling of superiority that he didn't pay much attention to made Lu Sheng a little unhappy.

Not long after, Kasa took Tang En out with him. The indifferent woman sat down and rested quietly. She completely pretended that Lu Sheng didn't exist, and took out the ointment and began to maintain her longbow and darts.

Lu Sheng sat quietly for a while, stood up, and began to practice the assassination fist slowly.

He moves quickly and silently, practicing his boxing skills in a dark corner, and really has no sense of presence.

The woman glanced here, shook her head and sneered, and continued to maintain the weapon.

Although boxing and the like are useful, they are skills created by humans. They are powerless when facing those weird monsters.

Soon Tang En's body slowly emerged from the side of the bonfire. He was wearing a tattered black robe in a daze, as if he still hadn't recovered from the screams and panic just now.

Damn! What the hell attacked me!! Tang En finally couldn't hold back a word and yelled out.

Where's Kasa? the woman stood up and asked in a low voice.

Brother Casa was still fighting that thing. My eyes were blurred and I didn't see anything before I found myself dead. Tang En said unwillingly.

Don't worry, Kasa is very strong and there won't be any problems. The woman said calmly.

You should have heard him introduce the Activation Seed, right? How about it? If you join our team, we can provide you with an Activation Seed for free. She looked at Tang En calmly.

Can activated seeds really hatch all kinds of magical and powerful weapons and armor? Tang En did not reply immediately, but asked about the specific situation of the thing before he fell into thinking.

The woman didn't care about Lu Sheng beside her.

“The more activated seeds you accumulate, the stronger the equipment you will get in the end. But as long as you die once in the middle, the activated seeds will be completely destroyed and the incubation process will be interrupted.

So you need your team to help you accumulate more activation seeds. Our Sunbird team is your best choice.

Can I be with my brother? If he can also have the activation seed, then... Tang En hesitated.

It's a pity. The woman shook her head slightly and said, If you are not a second-level person, even if you get the second-level equipment, you can't wear it or use it.

Don't worry about me. Lu Sheng noticed Tang En's moving gaze. Whatever is best for your development, then choose that.

But... Tang En was still hesitant.

Go ahead, wait until you become stronger, and then you can completely decide your future life. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Tang En finally decided to act together with Kasa. This was also Lu Sheng's suggestion. He didn't understand Erdu people at all. Being able to meet similar people to help Tang En would also allow him to grow faster.

Casa happens to be staying in this city for a while, and he seems to be here to search for something.

I just happened to take Tang En out for exercise. According to what he said, you have to die at least a dozen times a day to be considered adequately trained.

This guy seems to call this act of seeking death euphemistically called training skills.

Early the next morning.

Lu Sheng ate the remaining instant noodles and began to formally prepare to break through to the next stage.

Tang En was taken out very early to participate in the critical battle.

According to his own message, Casa and the sandman found their target, a giant beetle that looked weird.

They are trying to find the beetle's weak points. This trip happened to bring Tang En along with him to gain some experience.

Angela, the old woman, was still sitting alone in the corner, seemingly praying for something.

Lu Sheng ate several packs of instant noodles and drank a bottle of pure water. He left the basement and went out to find another safe place to break through.

There is Angela here, as well as Tang En and others who may come back at any time. In order to prevent some of his details from being exposed, he planned to find another safe place to practice meditation.


Lu Sheng tore off the seal on the door of an office building.

He pulled it casually, tore off the rusty pole, and then got in from the side of the large, semi-closed iron door.

The iron gate has been in disrepair for a long time and is extremely rusty. It is estimated that even before the catastrophe, this place was a gray area with few people.


As soon as he entered the door, a wooden board leaning against the inside of the iron door suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Lu Sheng paused and looked up at the four-story office building in front of him.

There was air leakage throughout the building, the windows had no glass, and the walls were full of cracks and peeling patches.

Even the entire building feels slightly skewed when viewed from a distance.

If there is no one inside before the catastrophe, then the possibility of there being ghosts is lower. Let's observe first.

He was alert and walked towards the entrance of the building.

The basement is no longer suitable for him, and he urgently needs an equally safe and stable private space.

Slowly walking into the office building from the door, the walls of the lobby on the first floor were covered with red patches like blood stains.

Although it was the real world, it still gave him a vague feeling of a painful world.

He often speculated that the original painful world of the Mother of Pain might have its roots in this kind of world.

Walking along the hall to the elevator, half of the metal door of the elevator was broken, and a dark and cold air blew out from inside.

It looks like it can't be used anymore. Lu Sheng glanced at the red indicator light next to him.

It's a miracle that we still have electricity at least.

After turning the corner, he walked along the main entrance of the stairwell.

In the narrow stairwell, there are messy patterns scrawled with red dye on the walls and corners of the floor.

The harsh dark red combined with twisted symbols and patterns gives people an uncomfortable visual stimulation.

Lu Sheng walked slowly up to the second floor.

There are eight rooms in the corridor on the second floor. Four on the left and four on the right.

In the middle is the stairwell.

He came out of the stairs and looked at the room on the left. There seemed to be some slight movement there.

crackle, crackle, crackle,

Lu Sheng walked lightly and slowly approached the room where the sound came from.

Follow the book from his direction, third row, left room. That's where the sound came from.

Lu Sheng approached and found that the door to the room was half open. The sounds coming from inside became clearer as he got closer.

Crack, click, click, click.

It seemed to be the sound of something like a clockwork instrument being twisted.

Lu Sheng stood at the door and gently pushed open the half-open door.

Looking through the crack in the door, you can see four children, about seven or eight years old, sitting in a circle, concentrating on playing with the toys in their hands.

The sound came from their hands. What they play with are simple mechanical toys that can be wound up.

Lu Sheng noticed that none of the four children's faces could be seen, and they all lowered their heads and said nothing. The skin is so white that it has a translucent texture.

He calmly closed the door slowly, stepped back, and walked away from the room step by step.


Suddenly his back suddenly hit something.

What seemed to be a short man wearing thick clothes was standing motionless behind him.

Lu Sheng suddenly stopped moving, lowered his head and glanced at the feet of the person behind him.

The other party was wearing a pair of off-white sneakers, which seemed to be worn by children.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, slowly took a step forward, and then walked slowly towards the stairs.

The short man behind him still didn't move, and seemed to be standing still.

Lu Sheng walked until he reached the stairwell and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, just like those white knights, these ghosts will not attack you as long as you don't provoke them.

There was trouble on the second floor, so Lu Sheng had to give up and return to the first floor.

Apart from the elevator, there is only a single small square room on the first floor - the guard room.

The guard room only contained a single bed, a small table, and some messy items on the table.

Lu Sheng went in and took out the sheets from the adult bed and shook them off. Lay it back down again. Then he sat cross-legged with his clothes closed.

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