Extreme Demon

Chapter 1103 Establishment 1


The giant sword was drawn out, bringing out a stream of blood.

Lu Sheng waved his giant sword and put one foot on the white knight.

With a bang, the white knight staggered back two steps, then stabilized his balance and continued to rush towards him.

Lu Sheng exerted force with both hands and swung out another silent assassination sword.

Chi! !

This sword directly cut off the entire upper body of the white knight.

Lu Sheng swung his sword blade and accurately penetrated through the last wound, finally splitting it into two along the wound.

But even so, the toughness of the White Knight's body still exceeded his expectations.

He almost used all his strength to cut it into two pieces with his sword.


The white knight took two steps forward with his lower body, and finally stopped completely.

Blood gurgled out from the broken section of his body. Some dark red internal organs rolled out with steam, like a jar containing something.

Lu Sheng knelt down and checked the white knight, but found nothing else of value.

He tried hard to take off the white knight's helmet. The armor was cut off by him, but the helmet should still be usable.

But the entire helmet seemed to be attached to the white knight's head and couldn't be pulled off at all.

Lu Sheng tried to take off his gloves again.

The white metal gloves that were connected to the forearm were taken off easily. It just smells bad.

He took two gloves and tied them with the fabric from the hem of his clothes.

Standing up, Lu Sheng looked around. When he fought with the white knights before, the other white knights didn't react at all.

As long as you don't enter a safe distance from them, there will be absolutely no reaction? He thought thoughtfully.

He glanced at the other white knights on the surrounding streets, and at a glance, there were at least six slowly wandering around.

Lu Sheng randomly found a house on the street, broke in, rinsed his gloves with water, wiped them clean, and then carefully put them on his hands.

The gloves are a little too big, but it doesn't affect use.

He tested it and found that the defense was indeed very good. At least if an ordinary person cuts it with all his strength with a knife, it will leave at most a white mark. And it also has a certain amount of automatic healing power.

After thinking about it, Lu Sheng took off the white knight's boots again, washed them, dried them and put them on himself.

It was a little bit big, but he used a little bit of bone-shrinking skills and other techniques to adjust it a little, and it fit perfectly.

After figuring out the structure of the human body in this world, practicing small skills such as bone-shrinking skills only costs dozens of points of spiritual power. It was nothing to Lu Sheng.

After putting on the white knight's belongings, Lu Sheng walked slowly along the direction of the basement.

Avoid the White Knight all the way back to the basement entrance.

Pushing open the door, the bonfire in the basement had been extinguished at some point. A piece of eye-catching white letter paper was left beside the fire, and it looked extremely conspicuous against the black charcoal.

Lu Sheng paused, sighed, and then walked over to pick up the paper.

There was a message from Tang En written on it.

‘Something happened unexpectedly. Brother Casa has to deal with urgent matters temporarily and must leave immediately. Thomas, I left some necessary supplies for you in the basement, so be sure to bring them with you.

We will go to Asomu in the future. I have drawn the specific address for you.

It is the largest gathering place of human beings, so you must come. It is best not to turn on the pain perception and rush. Brother Casa reminded me that the opening of pain perception also provides many ways for dangerous things to harm us. ’

Underneath the paper is a slightly crude, but seemingly very thoughtful map.

Lu Sheng rummaged around in the corner of the basement again, and sure enough he found a wrapped black package.

He gently pulled open the slipknot of the package, and three things were scattered inside.

A bottle of small white pills in a transparent glass bottle, with the words stop bleeding and reduce inflammation handwritten on it.

A black ring of unknown purpose, with a rough outline resembling a bat carved on it.

There is also a silver key.

There was a note under the key.

Lu Sheng picked it up and unfolded it to look at it.

‘The ring is the entrance mark to enter Asom, and it can also be used as an opening tool to enter the perception of pain.

The key can delay the onset of plaque on your body. But you must remember that when it turns completely black, go to Asomu, where there is a complete cure. ’

The handwriting is very sloppy, and it can be seen that Tang En was in a hurry when he wrote this.

You're paying attention. Lu Sheng gently took off his gloves and put on the ring.

The ring had a cold feeling to the touch. It seemed to be made of metal and was extremely heavy. You didn't feel anything when you first put it on, but after a few seconds, you could feel the place where the ring was worn starting to feel hot and painful.

Lu Sheng simply took off the finger cot and threw it away. His eyes blurred as his pain perception was successfully replaced by the ring.

Not a bad thing. Lu Sheng nodded with satisfaction as he felt the severe pain continuously emanating from the location of the ring.

He continued to wrap the glass bottle of pills and the key in a cloth bag. The plaque on his body was already getting better on its own, so he had no intention of using the key. It was conceivable that this thing was definitely given to Tang En by the two people from Casana. Who knows if there's something fishy about it.

After putting away his things, Lu Sheng walked around the basement again. Except for a bag of food specially reserved for him, there was nothing else.

As for the bonfire, he already knew how to light it from Tang En. This thing requires the duo to continuously focus and meditate for an hour before it can be successfully ignited.

And every day, two people must concentrate on meditating in front of the bonfire.

Bonfires can allow ghosts to take a detour and drive away many unknown dangers in the dark.

But since there was no way to ignite it, Lu Sheng didn't force it.

After making sure that there was no residue in the basement, he walked out of the door and looked up at the sky. It was dark and gloomy, and it seemed to be getting late.


Suddenly, an opera-like female voice came from the street on the right.

Lu Sheng's scalp exploded and goosebumps appeared all over his body. He quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

From a distance, he saw a huge translucent figure moving towards this side step by step.

It was a giant woman in white who was more than ten meters tall.

It's just that the woman is waving countless dense white arms behind her. These arms are automatically dancing like tentacles, as if they are trying to catch something from the surrounding void.

The woman in white appears to be wearing white clothes, but is actually a piece of wriggling white sludge. Inside, you can vaguely see densely packed tiny insects drilling in and out.

Countless tiny flying insects flew around the huge woman in white, accompanied by a weird sound like an opera soprano.

This huge monster slowly walked towards this side step by step.

The white knights on the street were still wandering unconsciously, and the legs of the woman in white were like phantoms, passing directly through them without any collision at all.

How did this thing come out?? Lu Sheng instinctively felt his scalp numb. The body hidden deep in the heart urgently issued a warning.

He didn't have time to think about it, turned around and ran away. He ran in the opposite direction of the woman in white.


Suddenly a black shadow flashed past.

Lu Sheng looked up and saw countless arms behind the woman in white, tightly grasping a huge python covered in pitch black.

There was a look of human despair in the python's eyes. Its body was exuding a strong aura that was extremely familiar to Lu Sheng.

Demonic breath

As soon as Lu Sheng recognized the other party's identity, he saw the black snake being grabbed tightly and held high above his head.

puff! ! !

Countless arms tore at each other frantically. The entire black snake was torn into countless pieces of flesh on the spot, turning into rain of blood and flying around.

Why can't I use my power?!!

One-third of the black head flew down and rolled to the ground not far from Lu Sheng, sending out the last remaining mental shock.

Lu Sheng was startled and quickly left in the distance.

From the demonic aura on the black snake, he could roughly identify what level the other party was at.

At least he is also a big boss at the Xuming level!

I don’t know what state it is in, but even if it is the Demon of Xuming, the most he can do is break out and be seriously injured and leave this world when forced.

There is no way he could have fallen into such a miserable state.

The Void Demon, who could destroy planets in the Demon Realm, died silently in a small city in this world.

Lu Sheng recalled the tingling sensation on his scalp when he saw the woman in white before. Even his body felt that the monster was a fatal threat to him.

This place is getting really weird and dangerous.

After running quickly for a while, Lu Sheng gradually stopped hearing the strange female voice behind him, and then he found a place to stop and rest.

Unknowingly, he had already run into the streets of Black Parish. The looming threat nearby was like pinpricks, making his skin itchy and painful.

It seems that I can't stay here anymore for the time being. Lu Sheng quickly took off the ring, and the scene in front of him suddenly became distorted.

As if fading, all the black, all the buildings, the sky, all automatically shed a layer of skin and returned to the normal architectural style.

When Lu Sheng came to his senses, he was standing on a congested street filled with vehicles.

There were cars jammed in front and behind. Weeds grew from between the vehicles. More desolate.

He glanced around and found no trace of the huge woman in white, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Where is this place? Lu Sheng roughly identified it. Looking at the map he had memorized, he had no impression of this place at all.

Soon, a blurry and faded billboard caught his attention.

The billboard fell to the ground, with a thumbs up drawn on it and a line of words beside it.

‘Fenner Burger Galfo Branch. ’


Lu Sheng was stunned. After reading the map, he also knew that Garfort was a neighboring city to the city of Marne where he had arrived before.

Although they are neighboring cities, they are at least fifty or sixty kilometers apart.

Just a little bit of running, and I ran more than fifty kilometers? Lu Sheng felt vaguely that something was wrong.

He went around looking for various billboards around him. From the addresses on many billboards, he finally confirmed that this was Galfo.

The sky is getting darker gradually,

Lu Sheng found a restaurant and went in and searched for food. Unfortunately, all the food here seemed to have been taken away in advance.

He got nothing but a little packaging bag.

It finally turned completely dark.

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