Extreme Demon

Chapter 1100 Exploration 2

Double person? What do you mean? Lu Sheng could vaguely feel that Tang En was something special, but he didn't know what was special.

Now when I heard the old woman say it, I felt like the fog had been cleared away.

The most powerful thing about being a double human is that he is immortal in this world. Angela laughed strangely.

In this world, this environment, a twisted world full of pain, if a double person dies, he will be resurrected at the position where he enters perception. As long as it is here, then they are immortal.

Immortal? Lu Sheng was stunned.

Yes. Double people have been recorded in the church's classics. There are not many of them. When they first appeared, they caused quite a sensation. There were also people who tried to study double people, but in the end they came to nothing. Angela explained.

Lu Sheng stopped talking and looked carefully at Tang En, who was in a daze. Noncommittal. This old woman is so nagging, who knows if what she says is true.

You go on, I'll take a rest first. He reached out and grabbed the finger cot.

It is easy to escape from the world of pain. All you need to do is take off your gloves and prevent the spikes from hurting you and delivering pain.

With a bang, Lu Sheng dropped the finger cot in his hand on the table.

The world suddenly cleared up and returned to normal again.

Then he looked carefully at his glove-covered palms.

Under the fingernails, there were clear traces of stab wounds.

No blood? Lu Sheng vaguely saw faint traces of medicinal powder from the edge of the wound.

There should be special powder in the finger cot. He picked up the finger cot and looked at it again. I found that this thing looks simple on the surface, but there are many small mechanisms inside.

Tang En was asleep on the side, motionless, only the rising and falling of his chest could still see him alive.

The old woman Angela squatted in the corner and was eating secretly again.

I can't beat an ordinary soldier in the world of pain. It seems I need to strengthen my practice. Lu Sheng put down his finger gloves and walked to the corner to start a new round of practice.

Angela wasn't lying, that medicine really works.

Tang En woke up after sleeping for more than half an hour. After waking up, apart from holding his palms and complaining about the pain, his mind remained awake and normal unexpectedly.

The two finger cots have officially become the special props for the two of them to enter and exit the world of pain.

In the basement, I ate when I was hungry and thirsty, and fell asleep when I was tired.

Both Lu Sheng and Tang En, after getting used to the pain, began to show great curiosity about the world of pain.

Lu Sheng spent almost all his time in the world of pain except for practicing.

Tang En didn't dare to be so promiscuous. He couldn't bear the pain of having his fingers connected to his heart, so he could only go in every three days.

The three of them lived in the basement for more than two weeks.

Lu Sheng finally explored Baijiao clearly.

The Baijiao District in the Painful World is as big as the city in reality. It's filled with plenty of wandering white knights.

There are also some unknown burning buildings in many places, and the number of White Knights near these buildings is often much smaller.

They don't seem to like flames.

In the entire Bai Diocese, only one living creature, the White Knight, was found, and nothing else.

And the Black Parish is a slope that keeps going down, a downhill road that seems to have no end.

The longest time Lu Sheng walked along the slope was more than four hours, and he still didn't find any end. I didn't encounter any living creatures on the street.

It's just that the further you go down, the heavier the fog becomes, and the more and thicker the chains tied to the church buildings on both sides become.

The Black Diocese seemed safer than the White Diocese, but Lu Sheng always felt much more dangerous when walking in the Black Diocese than the White Diocese.

The world of pain and the defining name of the White Parish and the Black Parish were both quickly accepted by Don En and the old woman Angela.

They are more interested in the White District. Especially for white knights.

During this period, Tang En also learned about his identity as a doppelganger. He didn't know what was going on in his mind, but during an exploration split, he actually took the initiative to provoke the White Knight. As a result, the white knight cut him in two with a sword on the spot.

It was that time that Lu Sheng truly saw what the so-called immortality of a double person was like.

He didn't even have time to stop Tang En from seeking death because he was too far away from him at that time.

I saw the white knight throw out a chain saw, more than two meters apart, cutting Tang En in two on the spot, who thought he had avoided it.

When Tang En died, everything was no different from normal people.

But the only difference is that the corpse on the ground soon melted and disappeared, leaving only the clothes and scattered items on the body.

The new-born Tang En walked out of the basement again. Except for not wearing any clothes, everything else was exactly the same as before.

It felt like a state of recovery, which reminded Lu Sheng of a weird term - player.

Yes, Tang En's state is like a player in the painful world. He will not die completely, but he will drop equipment after dying once.

From that moment on, he no longer cared about Tang En's pursuit of death in the painful world. Instead, focus on improving your own strength and cultivation.

With the Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist, he finally reached the top of the ninth dan in more than two weeks.

This is the highest level that humans can reach. It cost him thousands of units of spiritual power.

But despite this, the consumption is so huge, and the effect produced is not satisfactory.

Lu Sheng tried, but still couldn't beat the white knight.

He could barely keep up with the White Knight's speed and strength. But the opponent's amazing endurance and sudden burst of various troublesome skills gave him a headache.

One of the most annoying abilities is defense.

The White Knight's defensive power is extremely astonishing and has reached a frightening level. Even their own giant swords couldn't unfold their armor.

And the weirdest thing is that their armor can repair itself.

Lu Sheng once tried to bring a firearm in, but it was useless. After the firearm entered, the whole thing was twisted into a mess, and he had no idea what it was.

Even an ordinary machete will change into various weird shapes after being brought in.

Sometimes it turns into a sword, sometimes it turns into a whip, and sometimes it turns into a kettle.

Even if the same knife is brought into the world of pain at different times, it will undergo different changes.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the existence of weapons in the painful world.


Lu Sheng's right hand was wearing a black armored glove connected to his shoulder, and he suddenly punched the white knight in front of him on the back.

The unsuspecting white knight was beaten and staggered on the spot.

Lu Sheng ran away after the fight. When the white knight reacted, he was already five or six meters away.

This distance was what he had studied, and was the safe distance at which the white knight would automatically give up the pursuit.

Sure enough, the white knight turned around and looked around, but found no enemy, so he continued to wander forward aimlessly.

Lu Sheng stood in the distance, looking at the dent mark on the white knight's back that was made by his full force.

That conspicuous mark quickly rebounded and recovered in less than three breaths, as if it had never been injured.

This shell is too hard. He had a headache.

It has been two days since he was promoted to ninth level, and his speed and strength have all improved to a higher level. Especially speed.

In terms of short-distance explosive movement, he is already much faster than the White Knight.

But despite this, this burst of speed is useless against the White Knight.

Their turtle shells are incredibly tough.

Lu Sheng once lured two white knights, allowing their attacks to hit the opponent's armor by coincidence.

As a result, both of them were unscathed. The sword mark that had just been cut on their bodies was quickly repaired in a few breaths. Then the two of them continued to chase Lu Sheng as if they were fine.

It seems that we still have to break through the limits of human beings. Lu Sheng sighed and turned back towards the basement.

He planned to go back and see how Tang En was doing. He went to explore the other side today.

According to Tang En's own description, during the recent period, he felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, and his body in the world of pain was also covered with many purple spots, just like the spots Lu Sheng saw on his body before.

Tang En's was much darker than his.

This reminded Lu Sheng of the infected people Wengling mentioned.

After gathering his thoughts, Lu Sheng sensed his body's condition. About tomorrow afternoon, his body will be able to fully adapt to the ninth level of improvement, and he will be able to proceed to the next level of improvement.

He rolled up his sleeves. The spots on his arms were still there, but they had faded a lot. It's a lot lighter than the original color, but you might not be able to tell it unless you look carefully.

Quickly returning to the basement, Lu Sheng opened the door and suddenly saw bright yellow firelight beating slightly.

He was stunned for a moment. He had never seen anything ignite in this place. The flames on the burning buildings in Baijiao could not be taken away at all.

They also tried lighting it with debris and taking it back to the basement. As a result, nothing around him could burn.

And now, he actually saw flames in the basement.

Angela was as usual, huddled in a corner mumbling, as neurotic as ever.

Tang En was wearing a tattered gray and black robe and was standing talking to two strangers.

After hearing the noise, Tang En turned around and saw Lu Sheng, and immediately waved to him.

Hey, come on Thomas! Look who I met!?

He looked very happy, as if he felt no longer lonely because he met two other living people.

Lu Sheng walked down the stairs slowly and looked at the two strangers.

A blond man with piercing blue eyes, wearing thick white armor and no helmet. He is quite tall and burly in stature. Carrying a broad-edged sword on his back, he has the aura of a Western knight.

The other was a woman, wearing a voluptuous tight-fitting leather jacket and brown leather pants with densely packed dart-like weapons tied to the outside. There is also a silver-black compound bow on his back.

The woman has a delicate appearance, but her expression is a little cold. Her long dark brown hair is slightly curly and draped over her shoulders in waves.

Come on! Let me introduce them. They are also two-level people! Tang En came over excitedly and pulled Lu Sheng closer.

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