Extreme Demon

Chapter 1099 Exploration 1

Perhaps we can try some contact and communication.

Lu Sheng thought as he slowly walked into a white knight.

But the other party didn't seem to see him at all, and passed him straight by.

Lu Sheng could hear their heavy breathing, and there were faint moans like pain under their masks.

Hey! He reached out and patted a white knight on the shoulder.

Chi! !

A ray of cold light suddenly passed in front of him and struck hard at his outstretched right hand.

Lu Sheng quickly stopped and took a step back.

But like a fly that smelled delicious food, the white knight turned around and pulled out a huge white sword with serrated teeth, and slashed diagonally towards Lu Sheng at an extremely fast speed.


Lu Sheng narrowly avoided it by turning sideways.

Can you hear me? I am a living person, not a monster! Lu Sheng once again turned sideways to get out of the way of the second slash.

But the white knight turned a deaf ear and, like a machine, used extremely refined skills to continuously attack Lu Sheng like lightning.

His speed is extremely fast, even faster than the current fifth-dan Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng relied on his master's level to predict the opponent's attack moves in advance and dodge them left and right for several consecutive victories.

It seems we can no longer communicate. Lu Sheng jumped back again to avoid the continuous rotation of the giant sword.


He hit the right side of the white knight's body with a palm.

But with his current strength, he couldn't even knock down the white knight's body, only causing it to stagger slightly.


The white knight paused, and the giant sword slashed at him again.

Trouble. Lu Sheng clearly felt that the other party's power was unusually great for ordinary people. The speed is also much faster than ordinary people.

He stepped back and again accurately avoided the slashing length of the giant sword.

I have calculated that, taking Tang En as an example, if his strength is the standard of a normal person in this world, then my current strength is more than double his. Nearly twice as fast. My speed is more than twice his.

Lu Sheng's mind was racing.

And the White Knight's speed and strength are actually much stronger than mine.

Bang! !

The giant sword missed the target and hit the ground, creating a large hole.

The old woman Angela is right, these white knights are really monsters. How did the Isis Church cultivate such killing machines?

Lu Sheng became more and more curious.

Suddenly, a warning sign flashed in his mind, and he hurriedly jumped back a few meters and rolled sideways to get out of the way.

The white knight didn't know when he had already raised his giant sword high, and the blades of the sword suddenly started to cut across each other like a chainsaw.

Uh-huh! !

He slashed down.

The giant sword's blade actually threw out a metal chain saw full of jagged teeth.

boom! !

Starting from the white knight, a deep sword mark appeared straight on the ground more than three meters forward.

The depth of the sword mark even reached more than half a meter.

There are also special skills! Lu Sheng's face became slightly solemn.

Facing the enemy, the most taboo thing is not knowing oneself and the enemy, as he would have if he were not supported by the martial arts of the master level. I'm afraid that one blow could have killed him.

Troublesome guy, Lu Sheng glanced out of the corners of his eyes. The nearby white knights were also attracted by the loud noise, and they all came closer.

it's time to go.

He is not as fast as these white knights, but the opponent's giant sword is too heavy, and there will be obvious stiffness with every slash.

He easily used this stiffness to lure the white knight a few times, causing his chops to miss, and then took the opportunity to retreat away from the opponent's attack range.

Return to the basement location again.

Lu Sheng frowned, looking thoughtfully at the white knight who had resumed his wandering state.

Normal people, if they enter this world of pain perception, would find it difficult to even act normally. Let alone fight with these white knights.

Even if they could stay awake, their strength and speed would be far inferior to those of these monsters.

In this case, the only outcome for most people is death.

Lu Sheng was confused.

Looking at it this way, these monsters were probably not created to deal with ordinary people. They have powerful strange strength, ferocious burst speed, extremely hard defensive armor, and tireless endurance. Perhaps they also have the characteristics of not being afraid of pain.

Such a monster is definitely fighting against some kind of inhuman being.

Lu Sheng recalled Fa Di En, was it to target that thing?

Let's try again and see if we can find a conscious person to communicate with.

He paused, changed direction, and continued heading that way.

The constant pain coming from his fingers allowed him to maintain his awareness of the world.

Having been in a world of pain, he is quite familiar with this method.

But this is more troublesome than the world of pain. Entering the world of pain only requires one pain. And here pain must be maintained at all times and at all times.

Only by using the painful mental state can we perceive the existence of the world in front of us.

Going right along the black road, Lu Sheng saw a large number of white knights wandering along the way.

Their numbers seemed endless. Along the way, Lu Sheng had seen no less than a hundred of them.

These white knights wander aimlessly, occasionally stopping suddenly for no apparent reason, then turning around and continuing to wander in another direction.

On the road, there were twisted black buildings on both sides. Some had doors, while others looked like deep caves, exuding an inexplicable aura of danger.

Lu Sheng had no intention of going in. He couldn't even deal with the white knights wandering on the streets. Entering these places would undoubtedly be courting death.

Passing through a large area of ​​black land, slowly, the black buildings on both sides changed slightly.

There are gradually more and more tall and pointed buildings. Different from the twisted black buildings, these buildings are more like churches, with obvious spiers and triangular cones.

There are a large number of black chains tied around the building. What's weird is that these chains wrap around the buildings in circles. From a distance, they look like they are crawling like living creatures.

As Lu Sheng walked all the way, the buildings on both sides were replaced by steeple buildings tied with a large number of black chains.

These buildings have no doors, only windows.

Occasionally, you can see the outline of a little black shadow through the dark windows, and it is obvious that something is living in these buildings.

Lu Sheng temporarily named the black land where there were many white knights the White Parish. And this place is temporarily called the Black Parish.

The white knights of the White Parish are maintaining security. Although they are powerful, they do not attack people indiscriminately. But the Black Parish

Lu Sheng tried to walk as gently as possible. Here, he always felt an abnormal sense of depression both physically and mentally.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the streets of Black Parish were still in sight.

This street has no branches, only a slight slope that extends downward.

Looking forward, a thin white mist hazily obscures the scenery in the distance. The black churches on both sides extend to the end of the white mist, as if there is no edge.

Lu Sheng paused.

That's it for now. I'm not strong enough now. When I get stronger, I can explore here again. This world is becoming more and more interesting.

Lu Sheng looked at the slope extending downward in the distance, licked his lips, and turned back towards the way he came.

It took more than an hour to explore, but the return trip was much faster as we didn’t need to be too careful. In less than twenty minutes, Lu Sheng returned to the basement door.

Those white knights are still wandering around in the same place, and no purpose can be seen for them.

Lu Sheng knocked on the basement door. Then just twist the door and lock it in.

This door in the normal world is tightly locked with several chains to prevent any danger from entering from the outside.

But in this world, it was as if the door had never been locked, with no trace of it.

After pushing the door open and entering, Lu Sheng walked down the stairs.

The old woman Angela was bobbing her head and singing a ballad in an unknown language. Her expression was rare and gentle, and her voice was hoarse and weird, but the melody was inexplicably pretty.

On the ground next to her, there was a person who seemed to be still alive. If he looked carefully, he turned out to be Tang En.

Can you still hold on? Lu Sheng walked to Tang En and looked down at this guy.

Mom, I feel like my hands are full of blood and I'm going to die, Mom, Tang En answered intermittently, his eyes dull, and he was obviously tortured to the point of unconsciousness by the pain.

After entering here, his clothes were automatically replaced with gray and black robes. At this time, the gray and black robes were soaked with sweat.

He was lying on the ground with dull eyes, looking lifeless.

Are you back? Angela stopped singing and looked at Lu Sheng. I think I've discovered something exciting.

Lu Sheng frowned. As soon as he entered this world, he felt that the old woman became more talkative.

What did you find? he asked.

I saw a record from a church book. Angela said in a mysterious and low voice.

What record?

Angela didn't answer.

Lu Sheng saw her gently, extremely tenderly, lifting Tang En up and placing him on his lap. Then he picked up an unknown ball from the table, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it for a while, then spit it out and gently stuffed it into Tang En's mouth.

Eat. Eat and you will be fine. Angela said softly.

What is this! Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

A medicine that can help certain types of people fight pain. Angela showed a gentle smile.

Lu Sheng knew that she liked to collect medicine, and this pill looked like it was medicine she got from somewhere.

Watching Tang En unconsciously open his mouth to catch the lump, and chew it unconsciously in his mouth along with the old woman's saliva, he felt a little nauseous.

However, he did not stop the other party because Tang En looked like he was about to die. If the drug makes him stronger, it's better to be sick than to lose his life.

You haven't said yet, what is the record you saw? Lu Sheng asked.

Angela carefully placed Tang En back on the ground and used the fabric of her robe to cushion the back of his head. Then he raised his head and looked at Lu Sheng.

He is the legendary Double Man!

She gently pulled Tang En's right arm.

There was a clear purple mark on the white, woman-like forearm.

The mark was like a trident, surrounded by thorns. It seems that there are small symbols and numbers on the halberd, but they are not very clear, they are very blurry.

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