Extreme Demon

Chapter 1098 Reality 2

Fardien has appeared since the Cataclysm. No one knows how it appeared, and no one knows why it appeared. In short, it is like a storm, like heavy rain, ice and snow. Angela waved her hands He said in a low voice with an exaggerated expression.

But don't worry too much, there are signs of Fatian's appearance. Her expression quickly recovered, If you give me more medicine, I will tell you how to avoid that damn monster!

You just mentioned the White Knights. What group do the White Knights belong to in the Isis Church? Please tell me specifically about the overall structure of the Isis Sect. Lu Sheng asked.

I don't know much about the rest of the situation within Isis. I only know that the White Knights are a group of immune persons responsible for various dangerous tasks such as cleanup and search and rescue. They are called White Knights because they wear white armor all year round.

Angela's expression changed slightly when she talked about this group.

I'll give you a piece of advice, if you see the White Knight, it's best to run away.

How do you say that? Tang En asked in surprise, Aren't they the armed forces of the Isis Church?

Yes, they are the power of the church. But I always feel that those people wrapped under the armor and visor are monsters just like those ghosts. Angela said solemnly.

Want to take a look? After Fatien appears, the white knights of the church will come soon. They will always appear at the place where Fatien left. I don't know what they are looking for, but it is like this every time. . She whispered again.

In addition, in front of the white knight, do not make drastic actions, any action that looks like an attack. They will not pay attention to you and will only react to certain individuals.

Doesn't it sound weird? Tang En said speechlessly.

It's very strange. However, I once heard the pale bishop say something. Angela sighed, They are just more focused than the average person. They are so focused that they are numb.

Lu Sheng'e and Tang En were thoughtful for a while.

Angela stopped talking and began to dig out food and devour it. Her stomach seemed to never be full, and a steady stream of food was eaten into her stomach, like a bottomless pit.

Lu Sheng simply closed his eyes and fell into silence. Tang En was frightened and tired in the evening, and had lost a lot of blood. He had been very sleepy for a long time, and he lay down at the table and dozed off.

After Angela finished eating, she sat at the table, clasped her hands together, and muttered something in her mouth. She didn't know whether she was praying or muttering something.

Several hours passed before I knew it.

Suddenly, Angela, who was playing with the pill box, was startled and her body became stiff and motionless.

Here he comes! Did you hear that? The white knight of the church is here!

Lu Sheng opened his eyes. His fifth-level physical fitness combined with his master-level fighting skills meant that he only suffered minor injuries last night.

Although he was hit hard, after adjusting the force in mid-air, the injuries to his body were not serious. It only takes two days of good rest to return to normal.

Seeing Angela's abnormal reaction at this time, he slowly straightened his body and stood up.

The strange thing was that he didn't hear any sound at all.

The ground outside the basement was quiet, there was no sound.

With his keen senses at this time, he should not be worse than an old woman who is at least seventy or eighty years old.

Although it has only been upgraded to the fifth level, the five senses are still much stronger than those of ordinary people.

Can't you hear it? The sounds outside, the rhythmic footsteps. Angela showed a fearful and horrified expression, and her body became more rickety unconsciously.

I didn't hear anything. Tang En said inexplicably.

Same. Lu Sheng looked at Angela's increasingly nervous expression, and felt that he had seen this expression somewhere before.

Suddenly his heart moved. He took a sudden step forward, grabbed Angela's hand, and pulled out her arm that had been hidden in her sleeves.

On the old woman's skinny, white arm, there was a wound more than ten centimeters long sewn with needle and thread.

The wound was shrinking slowly like a bug, with fine blood seeping out slightly.

The most incomprehensible thing is that one end of the wound stitch is connected to Angela's other skinny hand. She actually pulled off the needle and thread from time to time.

The wound kept pulling as she pulled on it, and it felt painful just looking at it.

What is this? What are you doing?! Tang En also saw Angela's arm and was suddenly startled. He stood up and took a few steps back.

Oh, by the way. I forgot to tell you. Only in pain can you see the White Knight and Fatien. Angela showed a weird smile. One hand took out two round finger cots from his pocket and placed them on the table.

This is something used by the church's clergy. You can try it. She pushed the finger glove towards Lu Sheng and the two.

Sure enough. Lu Sheng suddenly understood. The so-called White Knight and the so-called Fa Dien are existences that must be in a certain mental state to be seen.

It is impossible to see these monsters in a normal mental state.

Just like the painful world he first came into contact with.

If you need to feel pain to see the White Knight. Then, let me give it a try.

Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly and he picked up a finger cot from the table.

Finger cots look like metal cylinders that wrap around the top of your fingers. It's like a black glove with a large piece missing.

Lu Sheng carefully put on the finger cot on his left hand and put it on each finger firmly.

There is a strap at the end, which is a decoration that fixes the finger cot to the wrist.

After putting it on, the overall look is like a hollow black glove.


Lu Sheng buckled the belt in one go.

Five sharp thorns suddenly popped out of the finger cot and pierced through the gaps between his nails.

Well! !

The fingernails were pierced through the gaps. Even Lu Sheng was slightly stunned by the pain.

There was a momentary pause in his mind, and pain like a tide quickly poured into his mind.

He could feel his temples pounding, and it seemed like he couldn't hear anything in his ears for a moment.

The entire brain was filled with only pain.

But the strange thing was that in the midst of this severe pain, he could clearly hear something as if something was slowly approaching.

My eyes were slightly dizzy, but the dizzy spots slowly receded.

Accompanied by severe pain, Lu Sheng suddenly felt that everything he saw in front of him was different.

What was originally a dark and spacious basement suddenly turned into a dilapidated, decayed, ancient cellar full of cobwebs.

Tang En was invisible, while Angela was lying on the table beside her, with a look of madness and fear on her face.

Boom, boom, boom.

Heavy and rhythmic crashing sounds slowly moved on the ground outside the basement.

Did you hear it? Did you hear it? Angela whispered with a smile. It's the White Knight. They're looking for something, searching for something.

I'll go take a look, you stay here. Lu Sheng ordered despite the severe pain.

Aren't you afraid? Angela looked at him in surprise.

Anyone who suddenly entered such a fantasy situation would be surprised and shocked, but the man in front of him actually accepted this situation naturally.

Then she reacted immediately, which made her a little impressed.

Why are you afraid? Lu Sheng asked back. Even under severe pain, he still spoke clearly and spoke clearly. Is it possible to be safe by hiding here if you are afraid?

Under Angela's surprised gaze, he slowly walked up the basement stairs and prepared to open the basement door.

oh! !

Suddenly, Tang En's voice came from behind.

He's here too.

He was rolling on the ground with his hands covered, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak.

Pain will affect all our perceptions. What you see will no longer be what you saw before, and what you heard will no longer be what you heard before. What you touch will also be distorted in pain, Become something else. Angela laughed.

Isn't this just living in an illusion? Tang En answered intermittently, covering his hands with sweat all over his body.

Illusion? Angela laughed, Maybe the world we live in is the so-called illusion? And now, maybe it is reality.

After all, our world is formed by my perception.

Tang En could not defend himself.

He struggled to stand up and reluctantly looked at the decaying old cellar around him.

This is a completely different place than before. Is it true that the world before was an illusion, and everything in front of us now is reality?

It's pointless to argue between these. Lu Sheng stood at the basement door and turned around.

For us, whichever one is more comfortable to live in, let's choose the one that is real.

He didn't wait for the two of them to answer, stretched out his hand to hold the iron door, and twisted it hard.


A wisp of dim skylight projected in from outside the door and fell on Lu Sheng's face.

The city outside is no longer the modern city with high-rise buildings before, but various buildings that are twisted here and there like religious buildings and are as dark as strange trees.

Some buildings are like pyramid-like spires, some are crooked like spiral staircases, and some are like huge sculptures, or like half-eaten cakes or weathered giant rocks.

The streets are no longer flat highways, but dark and pitted wilderness, like black mud.

Lu Sheng lowered his head and looked at himself. At this time, he was no longer his usual appearance. Instead, he was dressed in gray and black linen clothes, covered from head to toe, just like the Wellington who picked up Annie before.

He had some suspicions that Wenlingnington might have gotten used to this outfit, so he changed into the same outfit in the normal world.

He raised his hand. His skin became pale and rough, with some conspicuous purple patches on it.

This purple patch gave him a bad feeling.

Putting down his hand, Lu Sheng looked out from a distance.

On the street directly in front, tall knights wearing white armor were wandering, with their faces completely covered by white visors.

They wore thick white cloaks with silver spikes at the ends. He seemed to be walking around slowly and aimlessly.

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