Extreme Demon

Chapter 1093 Treatment 1

Hee hee hee

It seemed that he heard voices behind him.

The middle-aged man made a movement, slowly arched his back and turned around, revealing a disgusting smile full of sticky pus.

Hello. His voice was gentle and polite, like an old professor sitting in his office reading a book under the sunset in the afternoon. He put down his book and greeted people seriously.

Are you crazy!? Wall! Luo Lan took two steps back in shock, and unconsciously picked up the gun again.

I didn't see anything like this last time I came here! Luo Fei warned. Last time I came here to trade, I just felt that Wall's mental state was not very good. It seems now.

Lu Sheng frowned and looked at the others around him. Several of the people lying on the ground were still alive, but only alive. Their bodies were covered with grape-like blisters, and their expressions were in pain.

These people couldn't even move, and it looked like they were dying.

Are you also here to participate in my treatment? The middle-aged man on the ground slowly stood up, straightened his stained gray-black tie with his hands, and showed a gentle smile on his face.

Be careful, something is wrong with him. One person can take down so many people. Even if it is a sneak attack, it is difficult for normal people to do this. Tang En tightened his grip on the gun and opened the safety with some unfamiliarity.

I mean no harm. Wall spread his hands. I'm just artificially creating a simple way to improve the immune system and enhance immunity.

Improving immunity? Lu Sheng also felt that something was wrong with this person. There were more than ten people on the ground, lined up neatly and motionless. This is not something that an average person can do easily.

Of course, do you want to give it a try? Hua Er took a step forward, and everyone saw clearly that he was wearing a dirty suit, with blood stains and dirt on his body.

From the darkness, I discovered a shortcut to hope. That is detoxification therapy!

Suddenly, the eyes of several people were blurred.

Hua Er disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Bang! !

Before they could react, Lu Sheng had already rushed to the right and was fighting crazily with a group of gray shadows.

The two fists and kicks exchanged at an extremely fast speed, and Tang En and the others could not even see the shadow of their fists.

Suddenly Lu Sheng loosened his hands and leaned forward, knocking the opponent away.

Get out of here! he yelled.

Tang En and others were stunned for a moment, and then they saw Lu Sheng turn around and attack the gray shadow that was coming towards him again.


What's going on?!? Luo Fei was supported by his sister and left the store. Tang En followed closely, looking back in the direction of the sound of the fighting.

Although there were many tall refrigerators blocking the view, Tang En and others could still feel the terrifying power erupting from the fist fight.

The three of them supported each other and quickly left from the door of the store on the second floor.

Lu Sheng quickly blocked the fist swung by Hua Er. The opponent's speed and power are extremely fast, but they have no rules. Obviously he has never learned professional fighting.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Hua Er laughed wildly, saliva dripped from his chin, and traces of abnormal mucus faintly oozed from his skin.

There were patches of spots on the skin of his arms that were about to ulcerate, making him look even more disgusting.

Both speed and strength are superior to mine. Such brute strength.

Lu Sheng gave way suddenly, and a large piece of the wall of the warehouse behind him was ripped off by Hua Er's claw.

He quickly hit the opponent's joints with both hands, and with quick skill, he deflected Wall's attack.

I'm cured! I'm safe! Hahahaha!! Hua Er yelled a little crazily, waving his arms more powerfully and faster.

If the previous speed was considered the limit for ordinary people, it would be acceptable. So the current level has reached a level that exceeds human limits.

It seems that there is indeed a problem. Lu Sheng flew back, holding a fire ax by the wall in his hand, and then pointed it at the route where Hua Er attacked.

Boom! !

The ax hit Wall's right arm hard, splattering a large amount of blood and liquid.

Hua Er, however, acted as if he felt no pain. He retracted his right arm, roared and drooled, and grabbed Lu Sheng's chest with his left arm.

I am the healthy one! I am the one!!

Lu Sheng took a step back, moved the handle of the fire ax slightly, and blocked Hua Er's left arm with a bang.

Then he kicked the opponent hard in the abdomen.

Bang! !

Hua Er stepped back and was kicked to the ground.

Lu Sheng saw the opportunity, grabbed the ax and hit it.

puff! !

The ax blade dug deeply into the right side of Wall's neck.

But he seemed to have no feeling at all and continued to grab Lu Sheng frantically.

A large amount of blood and serum gushed out from his neck and scattered on the ground everywhere.

Lu Sheng avoided the random grab and went up to make up for it. He pulled the ax out of Wall's body smoothly.

Haha. Hahaha!!! Hua Er fell to the ground with a crazy smile on his face. His neck could no longer support the weight of his head and tilted to one side, looking as irrational as a mental patient.

But Lu Sheng knew that he was much more dangerous than mentally ill.

Holding the ax in hand, Lu Sheng looked at Hua Er who had slowly lost his composure, turned around and left slowly.

call! !

Suddenly he gave way suddenly and rolled sideways on the ground.

A gray shadow flew out from his previous position and hit the ground outside the warehouse with a sticky muffled sound.

It's Wal!

Only half of his head hung on his neck, with a crazy and satisfied smile on his face. He quickly got up from the ground and staggered towards Lu Sheng again.

Has it really been completely mutated? Lu Sheng exhaled and raised the ax in his hand.

Then come again!



First floor.

Tang En supported Luo Fei, and Luo Lan followed behind. The three of them quickly walked down the stalled escalator.

I have a car outside, let's get out quickly! Tang En said quickly.

Where's that guy! Just leave him there like this? Luo Lan said suddenly.

Of course not! I'll go back! You go first! Tang En said quickly, It's not easy to be safe when there are more people! I have a gun!

If you can't do it, it's me. Before Luo Fei could finish his words, his expression suddenly changed and he jumped up to push Tang En away.

puff. The two rolled away from their positions.


At the same time, a gray shadow violently passed through the empty space where the two people were standing.

It was a tall, gray woman.

She was wearing high heels with one heel broken off, and she walked crookedly. She exhaled sharply like a dog, and her body exuded a strong stench. It smells like a lot of stuff mixed in the sewer.

It was her hands that were attacking.

Bang bang bang! !

Luo Lan reacted extremely quickly, raising his gun and shooting in one shot.

Bullets hit the woman in the chest and face. Beaten to a bloody pulp.

But the other party actually advanced instead of retreating. He roared forward and continued to pounce on the three of them.

Run!! Luo Lan shouted, turned around and ran away.

Luo Fei and Tang En got up and ran away from the other direction.

The three of them were all dead souls, and even their guns didn't work. He rolled and crawled constantly to avoid the woman's pursuit, and soon they separated.

Tang En dragged Luo Fei all the way to hide in a clothing store full of dresses, using the hanging clothes to block the woman's sight.

The two of them didn't dare to move, squatting and hiding behind a pair of clothes.

Bang! !

There was a harsh cracking sound in the distance.

It seemed like something had been broken.

The strange woman who was chasing behind paused slightly, turned around, and walked slowly towards the direction of the sound.

Let's go! Tang En dragged Luo Fei towards the dark corner in the distance.

This place didn't have so much trouble before! Luo Fei gasped and whispered. It's like it all came out at once.

You ask me who should I ask? You go out first, I want to find my brother! Tang En quickly took Luo Fei to a corner. There was a safe passage next to the corner, and there was a red warning light on the door frame above. .

You should be able to get out here. Pay attention to your own safety. I'm going back! Before he could say anything more, he pushed Luo Fei, turned around and trotted towards the second floor escalator.

Before Luo Fei could react, he could only hear the sound of retreating footsteps.

In all her life, she has never been looked down upon like this. Since returning from the army, she and her sister have always lived as if they were men.

This was the first time I was treated like a woman.

I'm not that weak! She pulled out a pistol from behind, turned on the safety, gritted her teeth, and was about to rush back, but a dizziness in front of her eyes made her almost unable to stand still.

Shit!! She couldn't help but curse.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng pulled the ax out of Hua Er's back. Shake off any remaining blood on it.

The entire electrical appliance store was covered with blood stains from the fight between him and Wall.

This man has completely turned into a monster. He is not afraid of pain or death. Injuries that are usually serious injuries to living people are not painful or itchy on him.

That kind of madness and neurosis made him completely devoid of fear and terror like normal people. From the beginning to the end, he continued to attack crazily.

Unfortunately, this kind of random attack without any structure was of no use to Lu Sheng.

In just five minutes, Hua Er went from a living person to a dozen pieces of fresh, squirming meat.

It seems that this may also be caused by the ghost virus. Lu Sheng walked out of the electrical appliance store and looked down from the fence on the second floor.

In the dark hall on the first floor below, there were actually tiny footsteps and roars.


Lu Sheng quickly walked down the escalator. As soon as he got off, he saw several figures rushing towards him.

This way! Tang En shouted from the distance on the right.

Here we come! Lu Sheng took a step forward, staggered away from the figure rushing to the side, and struck the face of the figure on the right with his backhand axe. Then he bowed and rushed out of the crowd.

The speed of these people is somewhat worse than that of Wall, which is the speed of normal people's attacks.

Lu Sheng made a few turns and easily got rid of them all.

He made a circle and soon met Tang En who was hiding near the gate.

Tang En was covered in sweat, his hair was all stuck to his forehead, his body was covered with dust, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Are you okay? There are a lot of guys like before down here. They are not abnormal, but real people! I just don't know why they are like this.

Go out first and then talk. Lu Sheng nodded. What about those two?

They ran away separately. They wanted to come back to rescue you, but I held them back. Tang En patted several long fruit knives tied to his body.

I had already gone up the escalator to look for you, but I happened to see you coming down.

Get out first.

Lu Sheng patted him on the shoulder and took the lead out of the door.

Through the thin glass door, it was brightly lit outside the mall. Loren was supporting Luo Fei and standing with little Annie.

The three of them leaned against the car door. They saw Tang En coming out from a distance and hurriedly came to greet them.

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