Extreme Demon

Chapter 1092 Sect 2

ten minutes later.

Sisters Lu Sheng and Luofei Luolan sat down separately in a clothing store in the mall.

Let's talk about it. Lu Sheng used the light of the flashlight to look at the two people in front of him.

In the fight just now, the bullets damaged his previous clothes. Now he simply changed into a jacket. The collar of the dark blue jacket stood up slightly. Her hair was naturally combed back and neatly, revealing a clean and stern face.

He sat sideways on the seat, with his right leg raised and his back leaning against the back of the chair. His whole body looked slender and straight.

How long have you been here? Is there anyone else around?

Under the light, the sisters Luofei Luolan were not beautiful in appearance, but had a slim and graceful figure. However, their legs wrapped in tight jeans were tight and strong, with no gaps between them. Gives a touch of seductive sexiness.

Hearing his question, Luo Lan glanced at her sister with a cold expression.

Luo Fei held his stomach and finally opened his mouth to answer the question honestly.

My name is Luo Fei, and she is my sister Luo Lan. We have lived here for more than four years. There is a group of people nearby, also in this mall, and occasionally we can meet them.

How many people are there?

I don't know, at least there are more than ten people. But they don't have guns, so they generally don't dare to mess with us. Luo Fei said calmly.

The man in front of him was as powerful as a demon.

That kind of strength, speed, and precision and ease when dodging bullets. They all reveal their natural coldness and habitual cruelty at all times.

Even Gao Bo has never given her this feeling!

Lu Sheng asked a few more general questions. Suddenly something occurred to me.

What do you usually rely on to survive here?

There are a lot of expired food in the supermarket. As long as the packaging is not bloated, you can eat it. Luo Lan answered this time.

How much is left? With so many people eating, there shouldn't be much left, right? Lu Sheng asked again.

There are not many left, so recently we have been searching as much as possible. Luo Fei replied calmly.

Lu Sheng tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the seat, making a rhythmic sound.

After a moment, he took out his walkie-talkie.

Twain, are you there?

There was a small hissing sound over there.

Here, what's wrong? I just finished searching the second floor. I didn't encounter anything. Tang En's voice came from the intercom.

Where are you?

I found some good refrigerated ice cream at a cold drink shop called Frozen. Hey, would you like some? The sound of eating came from the intercom.

See you later. Lu Sheng disconnected the intercom.

There is a university professor named Hua Er on the second floor. He is the temporary leader of that group of people. He also led people to avoid the surrounding cults and occupied a place here alone. Luo Fei explained aloud. road.

But... that man is a pervert. She mentioned that man, with a hint of disgust flashing across her face.

Professor? Lu Sheng became interested. Generally, people who teach at this level have far more information sources or knowledge reserves than the average person.

Perhaps he will know some information about the Cataclysm. He stood up.

If you want to know the origin of the catastrophe, I do know some information. Luo Fei on the side suddenly said in a deep voice.

Oh? Lu Shengyi looked back at him.

My mother works for the Aihar Group, the world's largest biochemical pharmaceutical group. The initial catastrophe started in a secret laboratory of the Aihar Group. Luo Fei's face turned pale, But here Can you let me take care of my stomach beforehand?

She pointed to her lower body.

Lu Sheng looked in the direction she pointed, and immediately saw that the crotch of her jeans was covered in blood.

The red color almost stained the entire buttocks of the pants.

Of course. He turned and looked at Luo Lan aside. But I have to leave one person here.

Okay. Luo Lan said calmly.

Ten minutes later, Luo Fei found a pair of pants of the same style in the store and put them on. His face looked pale and bloodless due to heavy bleeding.

Lu Sheng led the two of them towards the second floor.

Luo Fei held on to his strength and kept answering his questions.

Six years ago, my mother received the news and went to the original leaked laboratory to clean up the aftermath and handle the subsequent disinfection work. At that time, the virus had actually been leaked.

Luo Fei said in a low voice.

I don't know the other details of the situation. I just heard my mother say that it was an ancient virus named 'Ghost'. It was originally extracted from the pages of an ancient book.

Ghost virus? Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

Yes, the main route of transmission is through body fluids. We do not rule out other ways. I don't think body fluids alone will spread so quickly.

Luo Fei continued. It is said that the head office has vaccines against the virus stored. Many people formed a team and rushed towards the Aihar Group headquarters.

Is there any antidote? Lu Sheng shook his head slightly. If there is an antidote, it will never cause such rapid spread of pollution. Even if there is, it will definitely be extremely costly and can only be enjoyed by a very small number of people. That is actually meaningless.

That's all I know. I don't know anything else. Luo Fei said calmly, Can you let us go now?

Don't worry. Since you know the origin of the catastrophe, you should be able to help me find a nearby branch of the Aihar Group, right? Maybe I can go there and get some relevant documents. Lu Sheng suddenly became interested.

His biggest purpose in coming to this world is to find the whereabouts of his relatives. But the world in front of us is strange and inexplicable. If your relatives are here, the possibility of being infected by the ghost virus is extremely high.

No matter what, it would be best if we could get the antidote first.

You want to go to Aihar? Luo Fei's face changed slightly, I can give you directions, but we don't want to go there and die! Not to mention the headquarters, it is the branch in this province. We drove away no less than twenty of them five years ago. Team. No one is back alive now.

It's too early to talk about this now. Let's go meet my friend first. Lu Sheng led the way.

The three of them went up the stalled escalator and circled half a circle on the second floor of the shopping mall. They soon found Tang En, who was hiding in a cold drink shop and eating ice cream.

This guy already had three empty ice cream boxes on the table.

You're finally here! Tang En stood up when he saw Lu Sheng approaching. But then he saw the two Luofei Luolan sisters behind him, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Awesome, brother, you will definitely succeed as soon as you take action! He cautiously came up and looked at the two sisters carefully.

Two beauties. He hadn't seen a live girl in six years, and he felt like his whole body was smoking and hot. It felt like my whole body was on fire.

Different from the previous lolita, these two are truly mature types, exactly the type he likes.

Idiot. Luo Lan couldn't help but look away.

Luo Fei stood in front of his sister calmly. She had seen that look in the other person's eyes many times before, just like those perverted perverts.

Didn't you find anyone? Lu Sheng patted him on the forehead. Let him come to his senses.

Tang En quickly controlled his emotions, withdrew his gaze and nodded.

I only met one man. He seemed to be in a hurry. He didn't respond when I called him, so he ran away. Then I heard gunfire from your side. Are you okay? Are you not injured?

It's okay. Lu Sheng threw the Luo Fei sisters' gun to him, Take it, can you use it?

I know a little bit, I have been trained in the army before. Tang En licked his lips and suddenly became excited.

Where was the place where you met the person just now? Lu Sheng needed to find more people. For him alone, it is simply a dream to find his own kin in such a big world.

But if a large number of manpower is added, the difficulty can be greatly reduced.

That's why he needs to find large crowds.

follow me.

Tang En held the gun in both hands, led Lu Sheng and the other three to get up and walk in the opposite direction.

After a while, a few people arrived at a large store selling electrical appliances and home furnishings.

Right here, the door to the warehouse is sealed, so I guess he is hiding inside the warehouse.

This is one of Wall's strongholds. There are many of them, so I don't recommend that you go up to them head-on. Luo Fei suddenly said.

Lu Sheng was noncommittal and smiled, Lead the way. He said to Tang En.

Tang En had seen Lu Sheng's skills before and had considerable confidence in him. He nodded immediately and took the lead.

The four of them stopped talking and quickly followed Tang En to the gate of a warehouse.

There is a combination lock device on the door, but the keypad to unlock it was smashed by something unknown.

There is a small door here. Tang En found the small iron door on the side that was only big enough for one person to enter.

The door is not high, only a little over one meter. If a few people want to get in, they have to bend down and lower their heads.

Tang En lowered his head and wanted to get in, but was immediately pulled back by Lu Sheng.

If someone goes here and targets you deliberately, you won't even have a place to hide. Lu Sheng explained.

That is to say, this is the gap he left intentionally. Tang En suddenly understood and showed a slightly palpitating expression.

That's not true, but Wall himself is a pervert, and the people who follow him are also perverts. They like this kind of short dog hole. Luo Lan said coldly.

You keep emphasizing that he is a pervert. How perverted is it? Is it worth talking about for so long? Tang En asked curiously.

You'll find out later when you go in and take a look. Luo Lan didn't want to say more.

Everyone stand back.

Lu Sheng picked up the gun and walked to the iron door of the warehouse.

This iron door is just a piece of wood covered with iron sheet. He knocked on the door panel, then raised his hand and aimed it at the door lock.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Sparks flew, the acrid smoke dispersed, and the keyhole of the warehouse's iron door was smashed to pieces.

The whole door suddenly became loose. He was kicked by Lu Sheng and shook slightly.

He kicked a few more times.

Bang! !

The iron door swings open, revealing the scene in the warehouse behind.

In the spacious warehouse.

A middle-aged man with messy hair and wearing a yellow tuxedo was lying between men and women with a crazy expression. The mouth was sucking something everywhere on them.

Lu Sheng shined his flashlight and saw clearly that these men and women were lying on the ground, some were dying, and some seemed to be a little angry.

But these are not the key.

The key is that their faces and necks are covered with dense blisters the size of soybeans.

Large clusters of blisters like grapes almost occupied the skin of these people.

And the middle-aged man, with a pious and hungry look on his face, leaned over with his mouth, biting and sucking out all the pustules on these people.

Large pustules were bitten open, and thick yellow liquid flowed out, which was then greedily sucked up by the middle-aged man.

He was so focused that he didn't even notice the arrival of Lu Sheng and others behind him.

He didn't even care about the harsh gunfire just now.


Tang En only glanced at it twice before turning his head and retching.

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