Extreme Demon

Chapter 1094 Treatment 2

Is your hand injured? As soon as Lu Sheng got closer, he saw a long blood hole on Luo Lan's right arm that was slowly oozing blood.

It wasn't the monsters who caught him. He was caught while dodging. Luo Lan said solemnly.

Get in the car and leave here first. Lu Sheng nodded, and was the first to open the car door and get in.

The rest of the people got into the parking spaces one after another.


The car engine started and slowly drove away into the distance.

The strange thing is that none of the people who were chasing them came out of the mall at this time.

Lu Sheng held the steering wheel, shifted gears and accelerated, and the car quickly drove onto the spacious road.

The big shopping mall slowly disappeared from the sight of a few people.

It's so exciting! Tang En breathed a sigh of relief. The whole person seemed to be paralyzed, lying motionless on the seat.

Those people seem to have problems. Lu Sheng said calmly.

It wasn't like this before. I saw them once at least half a year ago. Luo Fei replied sitting in the back row.

It's a pity, we still have a lot of things in the shopping mall. Luo Lan said regretfully.

If you go back now, you will die. Tang En said.

We have to figure out what caused them to become like that. If we don't figure this out, if we encounter a situation ourselves in the future, it is very likely that we will encounter similar troubles in the future. Luo Fei gasped. Speaking so many words in one breath was a big burden for her at this time.

You have to go alone. I don't want to go back and stay with those perverts. Tang En shrugged.

While driving, Lu Sheng relaxed and relaxed while listening to the three people chatting. He was also a little surprised by what happened just now.

The sudden change made his original plan somewhat difficult to handle.

If most of the living people have mental problems like those people just now, then it doesn't make much sense no matter how many people he gathers.

Where are we going now? Tang En asked from the side.

Find a place to stay first and rest for two days before making a decision. Lu Sheng replied.

That's a good idea!

The four of them drove all the way looking for a house.

Naturally, all houses with abnormalities will be eliminated. Soon, several people found a private villa with a swimming pool.

The villa is located in the outskirts of the city. It is empty and there is no one inside.

It can be regarded as a temporary living base for five people.

Tang En went to a nearby small supermarket and brought a lot of food and dry food. Enough to last five people for a week.

The villa has electricity and water. The owner seems to be a bachelor, and the layout of the house is very simple.

As he happened to have some time, Lu Sheng simply started practicing the so-called Phantom Heart Flow assassination boxing technique.

The night is dark.

Sitting cross-legged on the small balcony of the bedroom, Lu Sheng looked into the distance.

“If you can’t even gather a large number of people, then it will become even more difficult to search the world.

No matter whether I want to find the whereabouts of my relatives in the future, or I want to leave this world after practicing hard training. All require a stable environment. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a stable base with sufficient material support.

In addition, we have to figure out what the relationship between this world and the power of nothingness is. That kind of anomaly looks very similar to weirdness.

Various thoughts on how to establish a self-sufficient base were constantly flowing in Lu Sheng's mind.

If possible, we still have to go to the Aihar headquarters. Finding out the details of this ghost virus may be one of the ways to leave this world in a normal way.

No matter from which perspective, the ghost virus has exceeded the boundaries of materialism.

Of course, Lu Sheng could die and be forcibly expelled from this world, but such a result would definitely cause the main body to be severely damaged in the end.

The rebound suppression of the entire universe is still too powerful for Lu Sheng now.

Lu Sheng recalled many records recorded in biographies.

A certain strong man is always willing to defy and destroy heaven and kill heaven.

But does he really know how big the sky is?

What many powerful people oppose is actually a small planet at most, and if it is bigger, it may be a small galaxy.

The kind of rural place where Lu Sheng could cause a big crisis if he turned over on his own. In other words, it is considered heaven to ordinary creatures.


Take a deep breath.

Lu Sheng stood up and moved the joints of his arms.

A stream of cool air flowed out silently from the chest and abdomen of the body.

This airflow flows throughout the body, and in an instant it is like a spider web, distributed throughout the body.

Finally, it's stable. Lu Sheng carefully felt the feeling of his body. He understood that this was Shenlan's transformation of himself, and it was finally completed.

Now it's time to practice the next level. The characteristics of the Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist will also begin to be officially revealed. I want to see how different this kind of boxing is from the boxing skills I practiced before.

If situations like that in the mall happen often, the strength I had before is really not enough.

Lu Sheng recalled the extraordinary strength and speed of that perverted Wall.

In fact, Hua Er's strength was more than three times his, and his speed was nearly half as fast.

If it had been anyone else, it would have been a disastrous failure.

But Lu Sheng relied on his martial arts realm that was far superior to his opponent's to forcefully reverse the situation and kill him.

Dark blue.

Lu Sheng thought silently in his mind and opened the modifier.

A light blue interface quickly popped up in front of his eyes. The box showing the Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist is automatically listed first.

After taking a casual look, he was surprised to notice one detail.

The amount of spiritual power displayed at the top of the dark blue interface actually changed slightly.

Although the three colored crystals remained unchanged, Lu Sheng could feel that the overall amount of spiritual power had increased.

Is it the experience value of that perverted Wall? Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

He looked at the single box again.

‘Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist: Introduction. (Trait: None)’

Lu Sheng skillfully clicked the modify button and watched the dark blue interface flash suddenly.

Improve the Phantom Flow Assassination Fist to the first level.


The entire frame quickly blurred.

After about half a minute, the box slowly became clear.

‘Fantasy Heart Flow Assassination Fist: One Stage, (Trait: Nervous Reaction Acceleration by One Level)’

Lu Sheng stood up and moved his body, and he clearly felt a trace of divine power silently nourishing and strengthening his whole body.

The body that was a little tired before became more and more relaxed under the influence of a little bit of spiritual power.

It feels like it can continue to improve. Lu Sheng felt his body carefully. In other words, the main improvement in the so-called period is not the physical quality, but the technical aspect. As for the technical aspect, I am already at the master level, so I can directly surpass it.

He recalled the review requirements for fantasy flow.

It seems that the first to third paragraphs are all about measuring technical skills. Before entering the stage, most people are stuck on the physical fitness index and cannot cross it.

After resting for a while.

Lu Sheng once again upgraded Huanxinliu Assassination Fist to the second level. It is expected to reach the third section tomorrow.

According to the records in the book, according to the standard determination of dan, the highest is 9th dan.

Jiuduan is recognized by major institutions as the strongest in martial arts. It is the highest rating in various competitions and competitions.

Lu Sheng knew that what he lacked now was not the realm of martial arts, but the adjustment and strengthening of his physical body at each level.

Just like before, with just entry-level physical fitness, under the dominance of his realm, he can display extremely terrifying combat effectiveness.

Look out the window below at the lush trees slowly scattering their petals.

Lu Sheng sat down cross-legged again and slowly closed his eyes, waiting for his body to adjust slightly. The divine power in the body constantly repairs and strengthens this weak physical body.

That's wrong. Suddenly his expression changed.

Placing spiritual power inside the body seems not only to strengthen it, but also to expel something.

Lu Sheng's heart trembled, and he quickly increased his perception and sensed it carefully.

In this kind of world, there is no extraordinary system. When his realm is weak at the beginning, he cannot even see inside. The only thing he can rely on is the transformation of the divine power in his body.

If even this goes wrong, it will be really troublesome in the future.



mother river.

Found it! It's right here!

A jet-black, slender giant python monster slowly swam in the mother river, its dark green eyes fixed on a cosmic entrance emerging on the inner wall of the river.

The entrance to the universe is only the size of a walnut, and it is still slowly shrinking. Something like black mist was vaguely flowing inside the entrance. It gives people a weird and gloomy feeling.

This is it! Number 93 spilled out of time and space. Thousands of years ago, my father disappeared in this universe. Black Snake's eyes showed a trace of resentment and determination.

Is there any news about the demon who entered before? A slender figure with long white hair asked in a low voice in the mother river nearby.

No. The power inside is extremely suppressed. Dylan has lost three clones inside. You must know that since he broke through, one clone is equivalent to the strength of you and me now. Black Snake spit out the core and said in a deep voice. .

Then you still plan to go in? the white-haired man asked doubtfully.

My end is approaching, and I don't have much life left. Instead of dying in this world, I might as well give it a last try. Black Snake looked crazy.

I've stayed on the Death Star for too long. Maybe here, I can touch new limits.

The white-haired man remained silent.

In fact, everyone knows what the overflow space and time represents.

In such a universe, most of the rules begin to shrink sharply, and the dangers inside increase exponentially. Like the final madness.

If you want to use any means to measure such a universe, the only result you will get is crazy overflow data.

That’s why such a dangerous universe is called overflow space-time.

Now that you have decided, I wish you good luck. The white-haired man finally whispered.

There are countless strong men buried in No. 93, and I am just one of them. The black snake snaked its body and slowly swam towards the black hole.

Besides, I never believe in luck. Its body became thinner and thinner, and it swooped into the black hole in an instant.

In the colorful space-time channel, the black snake rolled and accelerated forward.

The long passage seemed to have a strange power that made him drowsy. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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