Extreme Demon

Chapter 1091 Sect 1

The sound of soft footsteps spread slowly at the entrance of the shopping mall.

Lu Sheng walked in front, and Tang En followed behind. They held flashlights in their hands and took pictures everywhere from time to time.

Around the hall on the first floor, rows of shops were in dilapidated condition, with a large number of messy goods and garbage bags scattered on the floor tiles.

Fine blood stains can also be seen in some places.

Be careful not to look at people's faces immediately. As long as you don't alarm them, these anomalies are generally not dangerous. Tang En warned.

Just be careful to protect yourself. Don't worry about me here. Lu Sheng said casually.

He walked close to the wall for a while, then quickly fumbled around in a shop, found two pairs of sunglasses, and threw a pair to Tang En.

Put this on.

This is good. Tang En breathed a sigh of relief. It's so dark and you're still wearing sunglasses. It's probably a time like this that would lead to something like this.

Be careful. There is a branch road here. Let's split up and use this to contact someone when we meet someone. Lu Sheng got two more walkie-talkies from a digital store and threw one to Tang En.

Install the batteries yourself. There are a lot of them here. Lu Sheng pointed to the counter of the digital store.

Meet here soon? Tang En asked.

No, if you don't find it, just go to the second floor. Of course, if you are scared, you can wait for me here. Just remember to contact me at any time. Lu Sheng said without caring.

Are you looking down on me? Although I'm not as strong as you, I still have the courage! Tang En's face turned red.

Okay, let's get started. Lu Sheng put on his sunglasses, put away the walkie-talkie, turned and walked towards the depths of the mall.

Tang En also let out a deep breath and walked toward the other side of the passage with a flashlight.

Remember to tap the intercom every ten minutes. Lu Sheng's voice suddenly came from the intercom.


If you don't knock, it means something happened. Try to stay quiet for the first time.


In the darkness, Lu Sheng put on his walkie-talkie and put on his stab-proof gloves before strolling slowly.

This shopping mall is very large. There are three ring centers on the first floor alone. The three rings are linked together to form the first floor lobby of the entire shopping mall.

There are all kinds of shops in the mall, but they are mainly clothing and digital stores, with occasional drink shops mixed in.


Lu Sheng bumped into an empty can.

The aluminum cans made a shrill rolling sound in the quiet environment.


Suddenly, the sound stopped.

Lu Sheng saw through the ink stains that the can hit the feet of a figure standing at the door of a store in the darkness.

The figure stood motionless, facing him. seemed to be watching him.

You can't see the other person's face clearly through the sunglasses, but this weird feeling is obviously those weird anomalies.

Lu Sheng and Tang En called these people who couldn't tell whether they were alive or dead anomalies. This is a temporary title.

After all, they couldn't find a more appropriate adjective to describe these strange existences.

Lu Sheng paused and looked at the opponent's feet calmly.

There was no heartbeat, no trace of breathing, pulse or even blood flow in this man's body.

It's like it doesn't exist, it's empty.

After a pause, Lu Sheng slowly moved his steps. Walking towards the distance.

He walked forward lightly for a while, and found that the man was not moving, so he quickened his pace slightly and continued walking farther away.

At this time, a billboard erected in front of the store blocked his view for a moment.

In just a moment, after crossing the billboard, Lu Sheng could no longer see the figure.

After exhaling, Lu Sheng looked around, then took out his phone and checked the time. After almost ten minutes, he turned on the intercom and tapped lightly.

There was also a knocking sound coming back from there.

Turning off the phone, Lu Sheng looked around, picked a new digital store and went to it.


The glass door seemed to be lacking lubricant, and there was a slight friction sound at the joints.

In this quiet and dark environment, such a little sound seems slightly harsh.

The store was empty. The things on the counter were still quietly placed in their original places, no one had touched them.

Lu Sheng began to rummage skillfully, and soon found a pile of batteries of various types. He immediately rummaged through a plastic bag and packed them all.

Who! Suddenly, a hurried shout came from the door of the store.

It seems to be a woman.

Lu Sheng made a move. He looked up towards the door.

Through his sunglasses, he could see a tall and thin figure slowly walking into the store with something in his hand.

Is there anyone? He felt happy and put down what he was holding.

A living person? he tried to ask.

Who are you?!? The woman's voice was full of vigilance. He didn't relax at all just because he was a living person.

I was passing by here and came in to look for any survivors. Lu Sheng answered truthfully.

So what if I find it? the woman said coldly. Okay, now, get out of here and get out of here!

Friend, don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm. Do you know there are other survivors here? Or are you the only one?

I don't want to say it a second time, now, immediately! Get out of here!! the woman said sternly.

Don't be nervous, friend, I don't mean any harm, I just happened to pass by here.

Get out!! You can't understand human language?


The sound of a firearm's safety being opened.

The smile on Lu Sheng's face slowly disappeared.

Friend, you need to relax.

Bang! !

He stepped forward, put his shoulder against the muzzle of the gun, and hit the woman's neck hard with his right elbow.

Then he stirred his right leg and knocked the person down directly.


He stepped on the woman's belly.

oh! ! !

With one continuous movement, the woman was caught off guard and had no time to react. She was trampled and screamed on the spot.

Research shows that relaxation after pain is better for physical and mental health. Lu Sheng moved his feet, grabbed the woman's hair and lifted her up.

Although he didn't add much strength, even the slight improvement was enough to increase the strength of this body a lot.

Now, can you relax a little? Lu Sheng turned the woman's face to his and smiled.

The woman gasped hard, covering her stomach with her hands, and there were beads of sweat on her face and forehead.

You, you guy!!

The gun in her hand had already fallen to the ground in the previous blow. Compared with Lu Sheng's tall body, she was completely powerless to fight back.


The woman took out a dagger from somewhere and stabbed the side of Lu Sheng's neck hard.

Before she could touch anyone, she felt a click on her wrist and was broken off by a huge force on the spot.

I'll fight with you!! She bit Lu Sheng like crazy.


Unfortunately, Lu Sheng punched her hard on the abdomen again.

Come on, good boy, tell me now, what's your name? Is there anyone else nearby? Lu Sheng asked with a smile.

The woman doubled over in pain, arched her back and vomited vigorously. But nothing came out except some stomach acid and saliva.

Don't even think about it!! The woman struggled to say a word.

Lu Sheng was about to speak when he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his back. He turned sharply to the left.

boom! !

There was a gunshot, and the bullet passed through the place where he was standing before, hitting the wall of the store in front, and causing large cracks on the hanging speaker casing.


There was another gunshot, and Lu Sheng felt a sting on his wrist. He immediately let go of the woman's hand and stepped back. Avoiding the bullet to his wrist.

With a bang, the woman fell to the ground, but immediately turned over and jumped up, staggering towards the direction where the gunfire came from.

Bang bang bang bang bang! !

Continuous bullets destroyed the shop Lu Sheng ordered in front of him into a mess.

The glass on the counter crashed and shattered, and the electrical and digital supplies inside were knocked away and scattered by stray bullets.

It took more than a minute for the gunfire to suddenly stop.

Lu Sheng stood there, unscathed. After looking around, he smiled slightly, walked out of the store quickly, and chased in a certain direction in the darkness.

Luo Fei ran wildly, the severe pain in her lower abdomen still sweeping through her body in waves, but she did not dare to stop.

If her sister hadn't fired in support just now, I'm afraid she would have stayed there completely today.

The two sisters ran quickly and silently. The soles of their shoes were made silent and tied with special materials, so they made no sound when they ran.

Even though he was far away from the man just now, Luo Fei's heart was still beating rapidly, and there was still a shadow of severe pain in his mind.

The two quickly ran to a temporary passage leading to the bathroom.

The two sisters rested against the wall together, breathing heavily.

Sister, are you okay? Sister Luo Lan couldn't help but ask.

It's okay. Luo Fei squatted down. She felt that her stomach hurt badly. A trace of blood seeped out slowly along her trousers, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

I'm on my period! Luo Fei said, sweating profusely.

Damn it! Sister, you must have been killed before the time came, because of that guy! Luo Lan said angrily.

Go back and get the medicine first! Luo Fei reluctantly stood up. Suddenly, she saw a faint shadow at the entrance of the corridor, getting closer and closer silently.

Let's go! In desperation, she pulled her sister and started running wildly again.

Why are you running? Suddenly, a figure rushed up beside the two women and firmly blocked their way.

It was Lu Sheng!

He turned around in an instant and held the pistol that Roland had just taken out in his right hand like lightning. A sweep with the right leg.

Bang bang! ! !

The two people were hit by his kick one after another, flying back into the air and falling to the ground.

game over.

Lu Sheng turned the pistol in his hand and put it casually into his pocket.

The two women on the ground coughed, as if they were about to cough out their lungs, and struggled to get up from the ground.

Who are you! What do you want to do?! Luo Fei shouted, covering his chest.

I just came here to ask for directions. Lu Sheng smiled, You yourself overreacted. It's none of my business.

Did you just want to kill me?! Luo Fei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Are you crazy??

Your sister took a gun and shot me randomly. Lu Sheng retorted. I was just acting in self-defense.

He turned on the flashlight, and the beam fell on the two people in front of him, making it dazzling.

Find a place to rest.

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