Extreme Demon

Chapter 1090 Rescue 2

Tang En didn't sleep for long, and soon woke up in a daze.

The two took food and drinks from the supermarket, went to the open-air parking lot nearby, and found a dusty old model black car.

This time it was obvious that no one was using the car.

Tang En checked the status of the car and actually refueled it. The two of them threw all the food into the trunk, left the small supermarket, and continued towards the viaduct.

The morning mist has a hazy and choking smell. The car is driving on the road.

Tang En turned on the car stereo and swayed to the sound of music.

Lu Sheng took a pen and paper to write and draw in his notebook.

The car drove until the afternoon.

The two of them searched for five possible gathering points, but to no avail.

I found a gas station to fill up my tank on the way, but unfortunately, I didn’t meet anyone the whole day.

Tang En, who was a little tired, finally drove the car into a somewhat remote neighborhood.

This neighborhood is mostly filled with places like hair salons and massage parlors. Fallen propaganda posters and plastic bags were still rolling on the silent streets.

Weeds grow randomly from both sides of the street, and occasionally abandoned cars can be seen lying on the roadside.

Just find a place to rest here. The front is full of office buildings, and you can still find some houses here that you can live in. Tang En said helplessly.

After searching for a whole day, he couldn't find a third person, which made him feel a little depressed.

Whatever. We have enough food, we just need to reserve more gasoline. Lu Sheng replied.

If the gas station is still in operation, there will be no problem. Tang En replied, There is a pharmacy over there. I will check it out again to see if there are any anti-inflammatory drugs.

Okay, go ahead, call me if you need anything. Lu Sheng put down his notebook, flexed his wrist, picked up an open bottle of orange juice from the seat next to him and took a sip.


Suddenly, there was a slight noise coming from a clothing store on the street.

Tang En glanced around and saw a petite figure flashing past the shop.

Someone! He exclaimed unconsciously.

The petite figure ran behind the display window of the clothing store and waved at them. That kind of quick action is obviously different from those weird guys.

Lu Sheng glanced at it and saw the figure clearly.

It was a loli who was at least thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing a dirty white lace dress, her long blond hair was messy, as if it hadn't been washed for a long time, and there were red and blue patches on her face. The white stockings on her legs were also damaged, with holes of various sizes everywhere.

Look behind her. It's hard to get past her. Lu Sheng frowned.

Tang En also noticed at this time that several gloomy and blurry figures were slowly walking behind the loli.

That slow movement is one of the characteristics of those guys!

He calculated the route. If he wanted to save someone, he had to enter the store from the side and then pass between those guys. Only then could he possibly rescue the loli from behind the display window.

Never mind! Tang En was almost crazy. After finally meeting a living person, he would never give up.

Before Lu Sheng could reply, he stopped the car, opened the door and rushed in that direction.

Lu Sheng was not as excited as Tang En, and he was still not sure whether the girl was really alive. Running over in such a hurry might only cause more trouble and danger.

Soon he saw that Tang En had found a piece of cloth to cover his eyes, and after groping around, he had already reached the clothing store. He doesn't look like a casualty with a broken leg at all.

After a while, Tang En actually pulled the loli and walked out from the middle of the group of figures.

Lu Sheng leaned against the car and looked at the two people in the store from a distance. Tang En and Na Loli had already left the store door.

You have good courage. Lu Sheng smiled.

His guess was indeed correct. Tang En was indeed extraordinary. This guy who looked like a normal person had actually possessed some unusual qualities after six years of solitude.

He waited quietly for the two men to approach the car.


Suddenly, three or four people, both men and women, rushed out of a shop on the right. They were all disheveled and dirty. Their eyes were revealed from between their hairs, and they were full of bloodshot eyes and madness.

You blasphemy guy, you must accept punishment!! An old woman with messy brown hair screamed from behind, waving her hands.

The men and women around her, regardless of height or weight, all held various weapons in their hands, some were machetes and some were shovels, but she was the only one holding a double-barreled shotgun.

Get that bitch! She betrayed us and betrayed God!!

A group of people rushed to chase Tang En and the Loli girl.

At first, Tang En showed an expression of surprise and joy when he saw so many living people. But after being explained by the lolita for a while, his expression changed. He turned around and ran away with the lolita in the distance instead of towards Lu Sheng. Run this way.

Obviously he didn't want to implicate Lu Sheng,

Lu Sheng was taking a sip of orange juice. When he saw this scene, he casually put the orange juice on the roof of the car.


He opened the trunk, took out a baseball bat, and turned toward the group.

This group of people were rushing to catch up with Tang En, and they didn't notice that someone else was approaching quickly from behind.


Lu Sheng hit a man on the back of the head with his stick.

The man fell unconscious on the spot and fell to the ground.

The other people immediately discovered Lu Sheng.

Another blasphemer, beat him to death!! Beat him to death!!

the old woman screamed.

The people around her separated into two, let out weird screams, and rushed towards Lu Sheng brandishing their machetes.

Lu Sheng swung the baseball bat faster than an ordinary person, allowing him to easily dodge the two machetes, and then hit them all on the head one by one.

The two fell to the ground on the spot.

Lu Sheng continued to move forward. Move suddenly to the left.

boom! !

A shotgun pellet passed by his side and shattered the window of a car behind him.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng gave the old woman a blow on the head. The old woman rolled her eyes, a stream of blood flowed from her head, and she immediately fell to the ground.

Evil!! Evil!!

He killed the Bishop!!

Kill him! Hahahaha!!

The other people around him strangely did not collapse, but instead all surrounded Lu Sheng, waving their weapons.

Run! These people are crazy!! Tang En in the distance came back at some point and shouted at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took out a cigarette from his pocket and held it in his mouth. He turned sideways to avoid someone's chop, and then smashed the baseball bat out.

The man's body trembled, his head was smashed, and he immediately fell to the ground unconscious.

Lu Sheng turned around and the stick fell hard on a man's neck.

The man staggered and fell to the ground, clutching his neck and unable to move.

The last person roared wildly and rushed towards Lu Shenghe. But he was thrown out with a stick. The heavy whistling baseball bat hit the man hard on the temple.


With a thud, the body fell to the ground.

All was quiet.

Lu Sheng took out a lighter, lowered his head and lit the cigarette in his mouth. He turned around and walked towards Tang En and the others.

Tang En was standing in front of Loli, holding a long shovel in his hand, as if he was ready to rush over and fight.

Seeing that so many people were actually eliminated by Lu Sheng in three strikes, five divisions and two.

His mouth opened so wide that he could almost fit a goose egg in it.

The Loli next to him also opened her mouth wide and looked up blankly at the approaching Lu Sheng. The movements and postures of the two people match each other indescribably.

Standing in a row, they look like dumb-looking minions.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Lu Sheng walked up to the two of them.

Are you ready? It's time to go.

Um, okay. Tang En pulled Loli and got into the car with Lu Sheng.

The car started moving again.

This time it was Lu Sheng who was driving. He took a few puffs of the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt out of the car window, and blew it out gently. The traces of smoke were quickly blown away by the wind blowing from the window.

Actually, I don't like smoking, but I smoked a lot in the past, and my natural instinct started to smoke. Lu Sheng could see that Loli was nervous and explained casually. This is true, Thomas was a very fond of smoking.

I don't like smoking either, but Thomas, you never said you were so powerful before! Tang En was a little excited, sitting in the passenger seat and dancing.

It's not that I'm great, but those people are too weak. They look like a lot of people with weapons in their hands, but they are actually a mess. Lu Sheng answered while driving. There was no cooperation, no order, they rushed in all at once.

That's pretty awesome! Tang En said excitedly, Can you teach me? That kind of fighting!

Of course. Lu Sheng nodded. Then, now it's time to talk about you, little guy. He turned his eyes and looked at Loli sitting in the back row.

To be precise, the girl is already a girl. With a figure of over 1.5 meters and slightly developed lines, she has obviously fallen out of the loli category.

My name is Annie. Thank you for saving me. The girl whispered with a slight flinch.

Why are you being chased by those people? Tang En asked the key point straightforwardly.

I, I... stole the food they sacrificed to the gods. Annie lowered her head and said with embarrassment.

Sacrifice to gods? What gods are they offering sacrifices to? Tang En asked.

I don't know. But they don't even have a statue of a god that is just a clay embryo. Annie replied, always looking at Lu Sheng when she spoke.

Lu Sheng's gesture of defeating so many people just now was deeply engraved in her mind.

Is that a fake cult? Lu Sheng said casually.

I don't know either Annie shook her head.


The car suddenly stopped at the entrance of a large arched shopping mall.

There are several large colorful dolls in front of the shopping mall gate, which are lambs and pigs. These one-meter-tall lambs and piglets are slightly faded and look a little old, but they are still intact.

Inside the dark mall, the door was open and everything was quiet. A vague sense of palpitating terror slowly spread.

Buda Shopping Mall. Tang En raised his head and read out the signboard above the shopping mall.

This is the most likely gathering place nearby, if you don't count those cult members just now. Lu Sheng said casually.

Want to take a look? Tang En asked.

Look for something that can be used. Batteries are the best. It would be better if there are solar panels. Lu Sheng slowly drove the car to an open space aside for easy access. Then turn off the engine and open the door.

If you are tired, you can stay in the car and rest. It's okay for me to go alone. He turned around and said.

I'm with you! Tang En opened the door and got out of the car without saying a word.

Annie hesitated and seemed to follow. But Tang En held him down.

You have a good rest here. I'll be back in a while. It's best to hide in the car so that no one finds you. Do you understand? Tang En warned.

Yes! Annie nodded heavily.

Lu Sheng had already taken a pair of stab-proof gloves from the back of the car and put them on. Compared to baseball bats and machetes, this kind of thing is more comfortable for him.

He needs to find more people to find out the whereabouts of his relatives. And why the world has become like this, and the root cause, if it can be found, is also one of his goals.

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