Extreme Demon

Chapter 1089 Rescue 1

A faint sound of footsteps echoed in the empty and somewhat dark underground parking lot.

Tang En gasped and pulled out his upper body from the window of a car.

It's done. If I hadn't learned to repair cars before, I might not have been able to do it well. This car belongs to us now.

Didn't you say walking? Lu Sheng was speechless.

Since we've all passed by, let's be prepared. Tang En would never say that he came here just because he saw his favorite car, so he couldn't move.

The two quickly got into the car, and with a buzzing sound, the car started slowly.

How much oil is left? Lu Sheng asked.

It's not much, it's enough for us to get there. Tang En skillfully turned the key, and he didn't know where he got it from, and the car lights turned on.

The dark car drove slowly towards the parking lot.

The sound of the engine is very weak, obviously proportional to the grade of the car.

Sitting in the car, Lu Sheng could barely feel himself moving.

Hey, Tang En. He retracted his gaze from the window and looked at the driver's seat.

But what appeared in the driver's seat was a fair-skinned woman with a ponytail!

Tang Enzheng fell asleep in the passenger seat with his eyes rolled.

The car was driven by the woman, without saying a word, and drove faster and faster, faster and faster.

Lu Sheng's eyes widened and he quickly stretched out his hand to open the car door beside Tang En. He also opened the car door and jumped out.

Plop! !

The two fell to the ground. The car turned a corner with the door open, hit the fence on the roadside, and rushed off the viaduct.

Bang! ! !

There was a loud bang. Then it rolled a few times and then stopped moving.

Lu Sheng got up from the ground. The body's reflexes were weaker than he thought. Fortunately, his realm was still there, and he was not injured even if he rolled down the car door at high speed just now.

But Tang En was in terrible condition. There was a gash on his thigh and he was bleeding profusely.

Lu Sheng took off his T-shirt, quickly pressed the blood vessels around the wound, and tied it up with the T-shirt. Avoid heavy bleeding.

Fortunately, the artery was not injured. He made a rough judgment. Although the human body structure in this world was different from the world he had been exposed to before, there were still many similarities in basic places.

Well Tang En slowly woke up from his coma.

Oh my God! He saw the hole in his thigh at a glance, and he immediately started sweating.

Weren't you driving just now? Why did you suddenly get to the passenger seat? Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

I don't know either. Tang En gritted his teeth, It hurts!! It hurts so much!! I'm going to die!!

Be patient, and look for a supermarket or pharmacy nearby. Maybe you can find pure water to rinse with. Lu Sheng helped him walk to the roadside.

After coming down from the viaduct, there was a roadside supermarket next to it. It was empty and there was no one in it.

But Lu Sheng couldn't believe what he saw.

When I first got in the car, I clearly saw that it was Tang En driving the car, but within a minute of getting out, she suddenly turned into another unknown woman.

The level of trouble in this world may be even higher than he expected.


The two of them slammed open the glass door of the supermarket. Lu Sheng ripped off the iron chain and padlock and strode in.

The supermarket seemed to have been ransacked, and the shelves were empty except for a few items.

Tang En followed Lu Sheng, limping.

I used to come to this supermarket here often. At that time, they sold Peradil here, but now.

Peradi? What is it? Lu Sheng asked casually.

A magazine was suddenly thrown behind him. He caught it with his backhand and held it in front of him for a look.

On the cover of the magazine with a white background, there is a dark-skinned girl with a voluptuous figure. The girl only wears a three-point style, with her long hair hanging down, giving her a wild and alternative sexy look.

There is also a line of words on the side: Peladi, a more durable choice~~

Okay. Lu Sheng shook his head.

The two were in the supermarket and quickly found a few remaining bottles of pure water from the warehouse at the back.

Lu Sheng washed Tang En's wound with pure water, then found some clean disposable underwear, unpacked it and used it as gauze to bandage him.

After taking care of this, the sky outside started to get dark.

Lu Sheng used the flashlight he found to illuminate it, and took Tang En around the room behind the supermarket.

Make sure you don't encounter those weird guys. Then I found a room alone, moved in some food and drinks I found, closed the door, and locked it.

The two of them just made do with resting on the sofa and bed.

Tang En huddled in the space between his feet under the bookcase. The flashlight was not turned on, and he was curled up. The space was obviously small, but it made him feel more secure.

He looked at Lu Sheng, who was lying on his back on the single sofa.

Thomas. Do you think we can find anyone else alive?

Sure. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Why are you so sure?

Why? Maybe it's a man's intuition? Lu Sheng smiled.

Men also have intuition?

Why not?

Lu Sheng was playing with a pink mobile phone in his hand, and the screen of the mobile phone flashed with a faint fluorescent light. The original lock screen photo of the original owner is displayed above.

It was a young long-haired girl with beautiful features. The girl's eyes are large and have a cute and watery look. Wearing a dark red tight sweater, it highlights the proud figure of the upper body.

But what made Lu Sheng a little concerned was the line of text messages recorded at the bottom of the lock screen.

Generally, text message reminders will have some brief content at the beginning, which will be displayed on the lock screen.

That's it at this point. The text message begins with:

‘The fire outside has just been lit. if.'

No more can be seen from behind.


Lu Sheng turned off the screen.

Hey, what are you thinking about? Tang En's voice came from under the bookcase.

It's nothing. I want to resume my fighting training. Lu Sheng replied casually.

Have you practiced before?

Well, I've practiced a little bit.

Where are the firearms? Tang En asked curiously.

Not really, but I trust my fists more than my guns, Lu Sheng replied.

Can fists be more powerful than guns? You have been practicing for more than ten years, but I can do it with a pistol.


Lu Sheng raised his finger to signal for silence.

Tang En's voice stopped suddenly.




A burst of extremely rhythmic footsteps slowly came from outside the small supermarket.

Soon, outside the window of the room and in the corridor, a dark figure slowly passed by the room and walked towards the innermost warehouse.

The sound of footsteps gradually disappeared as the distance increased.

It took a while, until Lu Sheng could no longer hear the sound, and then Lu Sheng let out a breath.

No more? Tang En asked softly, and quietly poked his head out from under the bookcase.

En is gone. Lu Sheng nodded, It should be fine. Just have a good rest.

Get some rest. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. Tang En breathed a sigh of relief.


The two stopped talking. Just keep quiet.

The light of the flashlight was turned off by Lu Sheng.

He took advantage of the little moonlight coming in through the window and put the phone in his hand next to him. Then lay your body flat, close your eyes and rest.

But before resting, he needed to do one more thing.

Dark blue. Lu Sheng thought silently in his mind.


A light blue interface popped up in front of his eyes.

Only display the box that belongs to this world. Lu Sheng gave the order again.

Immediately, a large number of skill boxes that were originally densely packed were quickly shrunk and reduced, and finally only a single remnant remained.

‘Fantasy Style Assassination Fist: Uninitiated, (Trait: None.)’

That's it, help me improve the Fantasy Assassination Fist to the entry level. Lu Sheng glanced at the three colored crystals above. Thirty billion of divine power should be enough at the beginning. There’s no rush yet.

Just as the order was given, the box in front of Lu Sheng's eyes suddenly blurred.

A few seconds later, Lu Sheng felt an icy cold current welling up in his chest and heart. This cold current flowed throughout the body along the blood vessels, and the body temperature, which was still warm just now, quickly dropped to an exaggerated level.

But this feeling only lasted a little while.

Soon, the blurry box became clear again.

‘Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist: Introduction. (Trait: None)’

Hmm The assassination fist that he had just started gave Lu Sheng the feeling that his body's overall functions had been strengthened, but most of this enhancement was in sensitivity and precision. The improvement of one's own strength and physique is very limited.

I've never walked this route before, let's give it a try first. Lu Sheng roughly estimated the amount of spiritual power consumed, which was about ten units.

The entry level is ten units of spiritual power. It is indeed the top high-energy world. Let's take a look at the effect first. Feeling the spiritual power constantly stirring in his body, Lu Sheng also slowly closed his eyes and took a nap.

Although this body may be very powerful in the future, for now, it is just the physical fitness of an ordinary student.

Necessary rest and sleep are still needed.

After sleeping for more than four hours, Lu Sheng woke up from his sleep at dawn.

He rubbed his cheeks and got up from the sofa.

I saw Tang En curled up in a ball under the bookcase, leaning against the wall with his head tilted, sleeping soundly. It looked as if he hadn't had a good night's sleep in a long time.

Tang En was not alarmed.

Lu Sheng got off the sofa and stamped his feet, moving the soles of his feet that were numb.

He raised his fist and gave a light jab forward.

The strength increase is very small, but the speed is much faster. Just like a real boxer who has been practicing boxing for several years.

Lu Sheng roughly estimated that if Thomas could punch one or two punches per second, he was at the level of a normal person.

So now he can punch three times in one second. And they're all standard jabs.

The body is also lighter, which is good. It's better than I expected. Next, as long as the body is completely adapted to accept this kind of enhancement, it can continue to the next level of improvement.

Like other worlds, strengthening the spiritual power also requires a process. This is an ongoing process and is not something that is completely accomplished overnight.

Lu Sheng estimated the time and found that it would take about two days to advance to the next level.

If this were in other worlds, you would be able to adapt to this elementary boxing skill in just half a day. It's not like here.

Lu Sheng also understood at this time that the most troublesome part of this world is not the increased consumption of spiritual power, but the buffering and strengthening time his body needs every time he improves.

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