Extreme Demon

Chapter 1082 Take action 2 (Thanks to the leader Su Xiaopa for the generous reward)

The door slowly opened and Lu Sheng strode out.

Passing through several passages like lightning, Lu Sheng stepped into the isolation cabin, the last place to leave the spacecraft.


The air in the cabin was quickly evacuated.

The heavy metal gate slowly opened from top to bottom.

A large amount of air flow was discharged outward, forming a violent wind, which pulled Lu Sheng's clothes and shook them continuously.

But what he didn't expect was that outside the gate, at some point, a figure in gray robes was still floating quietly.

Your Excellency, Congressman Wang, please come back. The battlefield here is not something you can participate in. The figure's voice seemed to come through a voice changer. It was hoarse and cold, and it was impossible to distinguish between male and female.

Even his face was covered in subtle distortions and fluctuations, obviously not wanting to reveal his identity.

Are you sent by the parliament? Lu Sheng asked with interest.

I'm here to prevent you from acting on impulse. Your value to us is even higher than Amfretty's now. The figure replied calmly.

That's really an honor. Lu Sheng slowly took off his coat, revealing the black soft armor underneath.

But, are you being too careless just to stop me?

Before he finished speaking, he rushed forward, his body brought out a large afterimage, and instantly hit the figure's chest with a palm.

Puff puff puff puff! !

Layers of mental energy barriers were quickly broken through, and the last layer of silver covering the man's body, like an egg shell, automatically cracked open and shattered before Lu Sheng's palm could touch it.

call! !

The strong vibrations and fluctuations were like the wind, making the figure's eyes wide open and unable to move.

The strong sense of suddenness and threat made him almost unable to control his own body. He could only watch helplessly as the hand approached quickly, and then gently placed it on his forehead.

There was no pain as expected, just a touch. The figure staggered back a few steps, and then he was shocked to find that the newly promoted member of parliament in front of him had disappeared without knowing when.

Although the person was gone, the terrifying power just now had been deeply implanted in his mind. It made his mind tumble.

Go back, I don't want to hurt you

The last sound slowly echoed in his ears.



Cafiledil Pareen, the former prime minister of the empire, one of the five holy stars of blue starlight today.

At this time, this powerful old man with a prominent position was walking slowly on the vast land of the prison star that was dark and smoking with high temperature and poisonous smoke.

The surrounding plains are so vast that you can't see the edge at a glance. From time to time, there are a few nimble little dots, jumping quickly in some cooler places on the earth.

They are the indigenous people here.

The prison star is not just a place where prisoners are imprisoned, there are also living people, humans, and life here. It is just because of the excessively harsh environment that the density of life is extremely low.

Cafiledil smelled the poisonous smoke and dust in the air, and walked towards the sensed target with a calm expression.

He knew where his daughter was, and he also knew that this was true information deliberately released by the enemy. But he had to come.

If it were someone else, maybe he would not care about his life or death and let him fend for himself. But Amfretty is different

There were still waves of fierce fighting in the sky, and the waves of Netherian level and several dark energy user levels were all displays of the strongest power under his command.

Some of them are his disciples. Some are his subordinates.

People who were originally scattered in various places gathered together just because of his recall, forming a powerful force that even the entire blue starlight could not underestimate.

Let's fight quickly. While the Dragon Emperor helps me lure away the main force of the empire, it doesn't matter even if there is an ambush here. As soon as the thought came to his mind, Cafiledil stopped his feet, and in an instant, he crossed a distance of several thousand meters and headed towards Rushing towards the sensing target.



Lu Sheng's body transformed into a ray of light, a dark light that quickly flew towards the prison star.

Beams of light and explosions kept lighting up around him, and they were constantly being left behind.

After several consecutive flashes, he quickly reached a location not far from the prison star with the help of the small jumper he carried with him.

When an individual telekinesis master moves in space, he must carry a small jumper. Otherwise, it is simply a fantasy to move rapidly in space at a speed that is less than the speed of light.

In many places, distances are measured in light years.

It would take many years of flight to even reach the speed of light, let alone less than the speed of light.

After several consecutive flashes, Lu Sheng quickly saw four figures fighting each other right in front of him.

Four huge monsters with different shapes were attacking each other crazily under the command of four telekinesis masters.

boom! !

A huge explosion turned into a dark red fireball, blocking Lu Sheng's direction.

He paused suddenly, his body and face quickly distorted and changed into the face of another person.


White streams of light quickly fell from a distance into space beside him.

The white light turned into a human form, revealing the faces of Imperial Army telekinesis masters of different shapes.

These people are old and young, but the minimum age is not less than thirty years old.

Who are you? Don't you know there is a war going on here? an old man in the lead asked in a deep voice.

Lu Sheng sighed.

My name is Zhou Ning!

Chi! !

Before he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly turned into a red stream of light, and a zigzag light flashed past several people like lightning.

The flow of light paused slightly, and Lu Sheng flew straight towards the prison star again.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

There were explosions behind him, accompanied by bright fires and smoke, which made his face slightly pitiful.

Remember, the person who defeated you is named Zhou Ning.

He accelerated straight away and flew towards the prison star.

The battle groups are getting denser and denser everywhere, the intensity of the battles is getting higher and higher, and the distribution formation of the surrounding battleships is becoming more and more strict.

Lu Sheng walked straight forward, and the stream of light quickly passed through the battle groups everywhere. Everywhere they went, all battle groups exploded.

None of the imperial telekinesis masters in all channels were spared, and almost all were seriously injured.

A dark red straight line clearly appeared on the surrounding fleet monitors.

The end of the straight line pierced the surface of the prison star, almost cutting the entire battle line in half.

Inside the first ship.

Kuidian stood with his hands behind his hands, standing in front of the huge transparent porthole, looking at the dark red stream of light piercing through.

He has conspicuous red hair and a red beard, a strong and upright figure, and the noble aura of a nobleman, giving him a vague majestic temperament like an ancient king.

As the commander of the Empire's Fifth Army, he was the commander-in-chief responsible for this encirclement and suppression operation.

Although the battlefield seems to be very fierce at this time, the true dark energy power of both sides has not really exploded yet.

Both sides are waiting for the other side's trump card.

The number of dark energy users is not the key to victory or defeat.

Even with the power of technology developed to its extreme, it is not impossible to deal with dark energy users.

Have you found out who it is?

No. But this person calls himself Zhou Ning. It's just that this name is too common. There may be too many people who meet the criteria, so it's impossible to check. The adjutant frowned.

It's not common to find a master of this level. There must be clues. Kuidian unfolded the heavy cloak behind him. Turn around and walk towards the exit.

Let Bernice go there. He said calmly without looking back.

Yes. The adjutant bowed his head deeply.

boom! ! !

Suddenly there was a violent explosion, and the entire battleship trembled slightly.

Lord Beennis has lost contact!! The adjutant's expression changed drastically and he panicked.



Lu Sheng crossed his arms and looked down at the Imperial Dark Envoy who had just been beaten to the ground by him.

The other person was a handsome middle-aged man with red hair. But the angry and unwilling expression on his face completely destroyed his originally sunny and handsome perfect temperament.

Why... let him go??! My lord, this man is Bernnis, the number one warrior under the command of the high-ranking army commander of the empire!! I must ask you, the blue starlight dark energy user on the side said urgently.

Stop talking! Lu Sheng raised his hand.

Killing is a sin. Lu Sheng looked sad. If everything in the world can be put to rest by killing alone, then all political power will only be left with the army.

But! The dark energy user of the blue starlight still wanted to persuade.

The purpose of my coming this time is not to kill, but just to calm down the fearless fight between the two sides. Lu Sheng said seriously.

If killing is a sin, then let me bear it alone!

He dodged and struck out with one palm.

boom! !

Amid the violent oscillations of transparent ripples, the dark energy of the blue starlight caused him to be hit by a palm on the spot through the protective layer on his body, causing him to vomit blood and fly backwards.

Damn it! !

These were his last thoughts.

I was beaten by one of my own people.? ?

Until the end, he couldn't believe this reality before he became unconscious.

Lu Sheng withdrew his hand with a look of pity, and after knocking Bernnis unconscious and throwing him away, he accelerated towards the prison star.

God has the virtue of a good life, so let me, Zhou Ning, help you achieve enlightenment and get out of the abyss!

His speed was extremely fast, and he passed through the fighting groups everywhere like lightning. Among them, the masters of the imperial military were only injured but not killed by him.

It didn't matter if their cultivation level was too low, but those of Nesser's level or above were seriously injured by Lu Sheng's palm when he passed by, and they had no choice but to leave.

What is incomprehensible is that he not only beat the masters of the Imperial Army, but also the masters of Blue Starlight.

After defeating the entangled battle groups several times in a row, he even defeated two dark energy queens in a row.

Lu Sheng's name quickly spread to the ears of everyone on both sides of the fight.

The closer he got to the prison star, the more leisurely Lu Sheng became. With a look of compassion on his face, he went everywhere to save people.

As soon as he sees a master who is still in good fighting strength, he will immediately pounce on him and strike first without saying a word.

I'm doing this for your own good!

War brings pain, but I bring peace!

Go back and get married. Love will be late, but it will never be missed.

My name? You're welcome. I, Zhou Ning, just did what I should do.

Lu Sheng's sudden advance was extremely fast, and soon both sides knew that such a weirdo was extremely powerful, but his actions made people speechless.

There was no obvious sign of which side he belonged to, and he seemed to enter the battlefield just for the sake of peace and reducing disputes.

Even once he was attacked by a sneak attack and almost seriously injured, he was extremely generous and let the attacker go, only injuring him and letting him go.

Such weird behavior gradually made people on both sides start to give him face, and stopped taking action as soon as they saw him coming.

But no one knows that the image of this figure named Zhou Ning has been deeply implanted in everyone's minds without knowing it.

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