Extreme Demon

Chapter 1083 Simple 1

Breaking Blade·Burning Red Star Sword!

A crimson cross mark of swords, like a shooting star, quickly slashed towards Lu Sheng.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng's current punch severely shattered the traces of the sword. His figure was like lightning, and he was behind the opposite dark energy user in an instant.

Earth Shadow Fist!

Bang! ! !

Unable to see clearly the trajectory of his fist, the dark energy user was hit by a huge explosion of destructive power in a blink of an eye, and was beaten with blood all over his body.

The huge concussive force continued to reverberate within his mental energy barrier. Even if the barrier showed no signs of damage, the shock alone made him dizzy, nauseated and vomiting.

Lu Sheng slowly passed in front of him, and another dark energy user controlled a huge silver monster and pounced towards him.

Earth Shadow Fist.

There was no shadow of the fist, just a black light exploding.

In an instant, the silver monster exploded, and the dark energy that rushed over caused deep scars to split open on its body. It was like someone had cut it with a knife.

This is the last atmosphere from the prison star.

The surrounding dark purple atmosphere was like a thin haze, or some kind of weird fog, mixed with the huge gravitational magnetic field of the planet, constantly pulling Lu Sheng in, trying to pull him in.

Do we still want to fight? Lu Sheng looked calm and stared at the two last dark energy users in front of him.

These two people are the strongest masters in the imperial army camp. Before the army commander level took action, they were the strongest.

A Vinaga level, a standard Darkcaster.

What surprised him was that the Vinaga level expert seemed to want to break through to a higher level anytime, anywhere.

He is in an extremely mysterious state and may go further at any time.

Unfortunately, this is not a retreat.

no answer.

Lu Sheng slowly floated between the two severely injured opponents.

After passing the final barrier, the prison star is in front of you.

The so-called prison planet is essentially a huge planet that has been transformed by the empire and has a gravity that far exceeds that of ordinary planets.

It was so easy to completely penetrate the defense line. It was obvious that the opponent had been prepared, or that he had no intention of blocking the people outside.

As soon as he flew into the atmosphere of the prison star, Lu Sheng suddenly paused and looked back.

In the space around the entire prison star, a dark red halo appeared at some point.

This halo completely enveloped the entire planet.

Ambush? Lu Sheng withdrew his gaze and accelerated forward.

Rushing towards the earth from a high altitude, the black ground in front is approaching quickly, and thick smoke floating from the ground is clearly visible.

Lu Sheng could even see the indigenous people lying on some black rocks struggling to survive.

call! !

He landed lightly, chose a fairly flat surface, and stood firm.

The energy of thought spreads in all directions like waves.

In an instant, the situation of most of the planet came into Lu Sheng's mind.

The size of this planet is much larger than the two planets he lived on before.

Now, let's find the specific location of Amfretty. Lu Sheng was not worried about leaving.

The first time he saw the layer of red light, he roughly estimated whether his strength could break through it.

The result is that red light has a strong hindering effect on energy and telekinesis, but is very weak on physical impact.

It may be very difficult for a pure telekinesis master, but it is not difficult for him.

Nian Neng quickly scanned the entire planet. Lu Sheng took a step forward, and his whole body was like lightning, flying across the planet in mid-air.

His huge mental energy also continued to spread with his rapid movement.

Not long after.

Found it! Lu Sheng's eyes lit up.

He turned sharply and flew towards the detected point.

The rolling black mountains quickly passed under him and turned into a blurry shadow.

After this scene lasted for more than a minute, Lu Sheng finally slowed down and quickly landed in front of a strange mountain range burning with white flames.

The white flame looks like countless white ribbons floating upwards, without any heat escaping. The pure white color does not seem to be a flame at all.

This is it! This is where Lu Shengnian can sense it.

Amfretty's telekinesis is continuously leaking out from here.

These white flames are not actually fire, but simply the huge mental energy leaked by Amfretty.

Someone has already been here. Lu Sheng noticed that this mountain area had subtle traces of being bombed.

He landed gently, stared at the white flames in front of him, and took a step forward without hesitation.

Walking into the firelight, sure enough, there was no warmth around him. The only thing that made Lu Sheng feel a little changed was the white color that was constantly boiling and beating in the air.

Don't come in! Suddenly a conscious voice penetrated his mind and sounded directly in his surface consciousness.

Lu Sheng paused.

This is a rotating spiral staircase. Don't go any further! Anfretty warned with a hint of urgency in her voice.

A rotating spiral staircase? Lu Sheng had never heard of this thing.

The most powerful space isolation technology in history, known as an absolute barrier. It is not so much an isolation technology, but an ultra-long-distance transmission technology. Amphrey said quickly. This is a space-time isolation phenomenon created by using gravity and several latest cutting-edge technologies. All your actions will be transmitted to a special empty field unknown how far away.

Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows. If you don't try it, how will you know how effective this thing is?

He stood there, and a large amount of transparent distortion quickly formed behind him.

The disc-shaped twist rotates slowly, and traces of dark purple electric light appear in the center from time to time.

Go. He pointed at the mountains covered in white flames in front of him.

call! !

The huge disk behind him whirled and flew towards the mountains.

Thinking powers the bomb.

Boom! ! !

The disc suddenly exploded, and countless twists and purple arcs erupted.

The mountains covered with white flames dimmed fiercely, as if the fire was slightly reduced by the explosion. But then the flames returned to their original state again.

Isn't it really possible? This is one of the telekinesis techniques that Lu Sheng obtained from within the Blue Starlight Organization.

Only Dark Energy can use the very practical small-scale annihilation technique, which can be said to be the most powerful move in his hand in terms of telekinesis.

But it was of no use at this time.

It's useless to have huge time and space transfer technology deployed here. Your attacks will only be sent to extremely distant star fields.

Amfretty's voice continued.

Thank you very much for coming to help me, but this is no longer a level that your strength can solve. Leave. I won't die. My father is here and he will help me get out of trouble.

Former Prime Minister? Lu Sheng was stunned. The former Prime Minister of Parrein actually arrived here so quickly.

Or do you think that I would really be imprisoned so easily? There was a hint of weirdness in Amphrey's words.

Lu Sheng fell silent.

I see.

He flashed, retreated quickly, and in a blink of an eye he was out of the range of the flames, flying straight towards the starry sky in the distance.

But just before flying far, the originally calm ground of the prison star suddenly shook.

It seemed like something was about to emerge from the depths of the earth.

A vague and loud voice slowly sounded.

Two streams of water meet each other!

Lu Sheng looked down and saw a huge blue halberd emerging from the prison star. Stab towards space fiercely.

The halberd was a full third of the length of the entire prison star. With one strike, the entire planet was almost split into two pieces, like a cut apple, slowly splitting on both sides.

Such a powerful blow was blocked by the seemingly weak layer of red light just as it broke through the atmospheric magnetic field.

Lu Sheng calmly controlled his aura.

He vaguely felt a hint of conspiracy.

The war halberd and the red light net struggled fiercely.

Lu Sheng saw that above the back of the halberd, standing steadily were Amfretty and one of the Five Sacred Stars, the former Prime Minister, Cafiledil.

A large amount of white flames were steaming from the two people's bodies, and they were continuously replenished into the body of the halberd below.

You're indeed here! Cafiledir!

Behind the red light net, a tall man covered in bright red with steel-like straight and hard wings behind his back was crossing his chest with his hands, looking at the two father and daughter on the halberd with a cold expression.

Dean. Cafiledil's expression changed slightly, as if he recognized the other party's identity. Why are you here!? You are not the Dragon Emperor

Are you trying to say that I shouldn't have been lured away by the Dragon Emperor to a nearby galaxy? Right? the man said calmly.

After so many years, you are still so naive. How did you leave the Empire Center in the first place? Have you completely forgotten it in such a short time?

Cafiledir held his cane in his hand and his expression became darker and darker, but there was also a hint of sadness in that depression.

Sure enough, Dragon Emperor.

Isn't this natural? Amfretty didn't take it seriously at all. Now that everyone is here, what are you waiting for?

Based on what I know about you, Cafiledir, show me your trump card. You have never placed your own safety entirely on others. Empire General Dean said calmly.

Two figures slowly emerged behind him.

One is a beautiful woman with a human upper body and a fish lower body.

The other was an old noble man wearing a long cloak and a majestic look.

Hill, Balian, I'm sorry to bother you two. Dean said softly.

If we successfully retain the main members of the Five Sacred Stars, it will be a huge victory for us. The woman Hill said calmly.

For the empire. Balian said calmly.

A huge white-gold light condensed behind them at the same time. It was a special phenomenon caused by the manipulation of metal dust by countless thoughts.

On the huge halberd.

Cafiledir closed his eyes slightly.

Three stars have surrounded and suppressed the higher-ups of the tower. They really think highly of me. Anti, take the people and evacuate. Also, start Plan B.

Amfretty smiled slightly. She didn't know when a black and purple remote control appeared in her hand, and she gently pressed the red button in the middle.


Subtle vibrations came quickly from a distance in an instant.

boom! boom! boom! boom! !

Continuous huge explosions occurred around this galaxy.

The other prison stars around the prison star, one by one, fell apart with huge explosions and completely collapsed.

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