Extreme Demon

Chapter 1081 Take action 1

Why don't you go to heaven?

Lu Sheng resisted the idea of ​​​​slapping his son to death. There is nothing pragmatic or down-to-earth about being a human being.

I haven't learned any of my skills, and I don't know where I learned my loud tone.

Okay, okay, stop talking. Lu Sheng was afraid that if he listened, he would be tempted to take action.

I'll give you a technique in a while. You go back and practice it hard. In addition, arrange the people of the Zhou family here. It won't be long before this place may be dangerous.

Danger? Lu Ning was stunned, With dad here? What other dangers could there be?

I'm not invincible. Lu Sheng sighed, There are many, many more powerful beings than me in the world, so...

I understand. Lu Ning nodded, No wonder you waited until now to find me. It turned out that you wanted to completely deal with those strong men before you came to find me. From this look, you should have the ability to deal with those strong men now. strength

I didn't find you in the first place! Lu Sheng finally couldn't help but slap his son on the forehead.

Then where are we going? Although it was very abrupt, Lu Ning covered her head and quickly accepted Lu Sheng's intention to let them leave.

Go to a very safe place. Black Cherry Galaxy, don't worry about safety, that place belongs to me. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Understood. I'll prepare when I get back. By the way, Dad, is there a limit on the number of people? Lu Ning asked quickly.

No more than a hundred people. Lu Sheng gave the answer.

The simple exchange between the two father and son ended here. Lu Sheng gave his son a load-bearing fighting technique and asked him to exercise his own body first. This guy has such a poor foundation and still has the nerve to brag.

I think that when he was as old as this guy, he was already a dominant local power. How could he be so big and still so fat?

In addition, manpower was arranged to protect Lu Ning and the Zhou family. Lu Sheng left the planet overnight and went directly to the planet where Amfretty was imprisoned - Nesse.

Nesai Star is one of the 109 prison stars in the Motu Empire. It is one of the superior stars and is dedicated to imprisoning the most dangerous and troublesome prisoners.

There are a large number of hidden mines and guard towers placed around the planet.

Lu Sheng received news from the organization in advance that Blue Starlight would soon organize strong men to encircle and destroy Nesse Planet, and dispatched manpower to the Aurora Troops, direct subordinates of the Pareon family. Other organizational departments provide assistance.

To put it bluntly, the Parreen family is saving people on their own. Has the conflict intensified to this point?

Lu Sheng was sitting in the spacious main control hall of the spaceship, looking at the large amount of information flashing on the screen in front of him and feeling speechless.

But it's okay. Since the others won't take action, Pareon plus me should be enough. It's just a test of how strong I am now.

Since the breakthrough into the brain life, Lu Sheng has a deeper understanding of the subsequent seventh life.

In other words, the brain life is an extremely critical link for the entire spiral nine life method. It is a central link between the past and the future.

Lu Sheng felt that as long as he had enough spiritual power, he could easily enter the seventh life, the visceral life.

This world should be one of the frontline forces against the Root of Nothingness. In a short period of time, I'm afraid I won't be able to quickly perfect it and reach the peak of the Spiral Nine Life Method.

If you simply practice hard, it will take at least many years to completely reach the peak.

Lu Sheng's main purpose in coming to this world was to find his son. Now that his son has been found, his main wish has been fulfilled. It's time to be ready to leave at any time.

This place is too dangerous. With my strength, I cannot completely guarantee the absolute safety of the people around me. If possible, it is best to transfer Lu Ning and others to my exclusive little world.

Lu Sheng's thoughts were flowing, his eyes were uncertain.


The main door of the hall was suddenly opened.

Sir! The situation is not good! The Imperial Legion actually ambush nearby in advance. Different from what we predicted, there are not the normal three, but twelve! Blue Starlight's organization cadre said anxiously.

Twelve? Lu Sheng was startled, then calmed down, It seems that someone revealed the time when Pareon will be rescued. It's really expected.

Lu Sheng guessed that there might be a troublesome encirclement and suppression, but he didn't expect that the opponent's actions would be so big.

How many dark energy users are here? Do you know the specific information? He said in a low voice.

On the surface, it is known that there are eleven, but in fact, it is not clear, the cadre said quickly.

Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

A little tricky.

The fleet of the Magic Map Empire is no joke. Under certain circumstances, the dark energy user may be invincible in the face of a giant fleet.

But if the fleet was to specifically encircle and suppress the dark energy users, install enough restraint equipment, and bring the rest of the dark energy users with them, then the situation would be completely different.

The Dark Envoys of the Magic Map Empire are not fools. If they bring such a large fleet for no reason, wouldn't it be a complete waste if it is useless?

I know, you go down first. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Yes! Although the cadre was anxious, he quickly obeyed the order and turned around to leave.

The hall door closed and silence soon returned.

Lu Sheng clenched his palms slightly, then slowly released them, as if hesitating.

His eyes moved slightly and he looked towards the corner of the hall.

Now that I'm here, do you have any suggestions? I'm here suddenly. I don't remember that there is your exclusive base nearby. Lu Sheng said in a low voice.


A blurry figure quickly condensed and emerged in the corner of the hall.

I'm here to remind you that it's best not to interfere in this matter. The figure quickly became clear, and it turned out to be an old man with white hair and a ruddy complexion.

I will consider your proposal. But Amfretty is a favor to me, and I will carefully consider the feasibility of this operation. Lu Sheng replied calmly.

Act according to circumstances, don't be impulsive. I don't want the new members of Congress who we just approved to pass so soon.

I understand what I want to do, respected Senator Poisonous Arrow. Lu Sheng was noncommittal.

Take care of yourself. Councilor Poison Arrow slowly disappeared.

The hall became quiet again.

Lu Sheng stood up.

It seems that they don't want to add additional variables. Just reminding me once is already a favor to me.

Speaking of which, the blue starlight was indeed interesting to him. It's a pity that no one can change the decision made by Lu Sheng.

After the spacecraft sailed into the star field near Nessei, it landed on a remote outer tourist planet.

Lu Sheng lived on the planet for more than ten days as if it was just for fun.

During this period, he also returned to Lu Ning's planet once, disguised as an ordinary businessman, and visited the Zhou family once.

The rest of the time was spent occasionally giving guidance on Lu Ning's cultivation progress. In this regard, we can only rely on Lu Ning himself.

It was also impossible for him to use his own blood to implant it into Lu Ning's body. That's the opponent. This method does improve quickly, but it also completely destroys the individual's potential.

Such an individual has completely become a parasite attached to his Lu Sheng, and his future development is meaningless.

Time flies by, and more than half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng was bored and searching for the whereabouts of scale stones on the planet, while paying attention to the dynamics of Nesse Planet.

The Magic Map Empire didn't let him wait long.

The execution order was quickly conveyed from the Central Empire Star. The person responsible for the execution was the commander of the Empire's Fifth Army, a powerful man named Kuidian.

And Lu Sheng gradually became aware of the gathering power of the blue starlight through his huge intelligence network.

Parreen, the former Prime Minister, did not take the initiative to contact him. Perhaps he did not want to drag him into trouble, or perhaps he believed that his power would not be effective in this rescue battle.

But no matter what, Lu Sheng finally completed the entire layout before Lu Ning left with Zhou's family and his future son-in-law's family.

Next, it's a quiet wait.

Time passed, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.


The black chess piece slowly landed on the chessboard, making a crisp sound.

Lu Sheng retracted his hand and looked at the man in front of him who was known to be the strongest chess player on the planet with a cold sweat. In front of him, such a stage is just a simple model that is inferior to ordinary people.

The difficulty of dealing with it is not as strenuous as that of a novice messing around.

Although the strongest chess player looks like an ordinary person, he is secretly a blue star.

Your Excellency is so powerful in chess that I have never seen before in my life. I am ashamed of myself, I am ashamed of myself! The chess player said while wiping the sweat from his forehead and lowering his head.

You go down first. Lu Sheng waved his hand boredly.


Watching the chess player run away like a mess, almost without caring about his own demeanor, it was a complete contrast to the calmness he had when he first came.

Lu Sheng couldn't help but shake his head slightly.


Suddenly, a subtle fluctuation came from the distant starry sky overhead.

This wave lasted for a long time, as low and majestic as an earthquake wave.

Lu Sheng's originally lazy posture was immediately wiped away as soon as he felt the fluctuation.

He straightened up quickly and pressed his fingers lightly on the right armrest.

A translucent illusory image suddenly appeared ten meters in front of him.

In the center of the image is a huge, slowly rotating purple planet. There were several black chain-like things around it, together with more than a dozen huge spaceships, surrounding it from all directions.

The entire planet is like a gift that is blocked and tied up, giving people an inexplicable sense of depression and weirdness.

Is it finally here? Lu Sheng's eyes fell on a chain on the outside of the planet.

He is not just spending time here in boredom.

The detailed simulated image of the planet in front of you is not something that blue starlight can provide.


Suddenly, a battleship on the side of the planet exploded violently, and the rear half of the ship quickly turned into golden flames, like a long and narrow paper scroll being ignited.

The burning of the battleship seemed to be a signal to start.

Soon, little distortions appeared around them, and spaceships marked with blue starlight logos quickly emerged. Rushing towards Nessei Star quickly.

Like swimming fish, densely packed small missiles continued to swim out from below the spacecraft.

At the same time, there were also silver spots of light.

These light spots are actually telekinesis masters, and they are all Vinaga level telekinesis masters.

Lu Sheng glanced around and saw that there were about a dozen, but there was no sign of the former prime minister of Parreen. It looks like this is just a test.

Soon, at the same time, fine silver light spots also slowly floated on the surface of Nessei.

The light points on both sides collided with each other, and the surrounding fleets also began to shoot at each other. However, what was fired this time was not the main cannon, but a special light golden beam.

It's time. Lu Sheng stood up and took a step forward in an instant.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

He brought out a series of afterimages and appeared directly at the door of the hall.

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