Extreme Demon

Chapter 107 Chaos 3 (Thanks to Saidh’s leader for the reward)

At night, the moonlight is cold and cold.

With a rumbling sound, the stone door slowly opened, and Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the quiet room, looking tired.

He has been practicing hard for several hours continuously, and all his energy has been concentrated. Even though he is energetic and strong now, he still can't support it.

Walking into the courtyard, he let out a long breath, but Lu Sheng felt extremely comfortable.

I've soaked in medicinal soup so many times in a row and absorbed so much medicinal power. It's so fast, so fast, and I'm almost ready to learn it. Even Lu Sheng couldn't have imagined that he could truly learn the Golden Sha Technique in such a short period of time.

Originally, it would take at least ten days and a half to master this kind of hard martial arts. However, because he has a solid foundation in hard skills, coupled with the precious medicinal soup and golden ointment, it is understandable that his progress has been shortened so much.

Tomorrow, if I retreat for another day, I will be able to truly learn the Golden Sha Technique, and at the same time, I will use the modifier to improve it to a great level! In the dark night, Lu Sheng's eyes were shining.

I don't believe you can't stop weirdness! If you can't do one hard skill, just use two! If you can't do two, just three! If they keep piling up, I want to see how powerful the real weirdness is!

There was a faint fire burning in his heart. He had long discovered his deepest desire.

It was the desire for battle and the ultimate pursuit of excitement.

He prefers this urgency of life and death to the boring life, but he only wants the pleasure of a battle!

After the retreat tomorrow, we will start collecting Yin Qi items. Special treatment during special periods. Anyone who dares not to give them will be chopped to death! His pupils were a little red. Lu Sheng licked his lips, turned around and continued to enter the quiet room to start a new journey. The wheel of retreat is endless.

Early next morning.

In Dongshan College, Chen Yunxi was wearing a white dress, revealing her fair legs below the knees. Her delicate and tight skin fluoresced like white jade in the sunlight.

She wore a jet black ribbon around her waist. Her long hair was flowing, and crescent-shaped silver earrings flitted between her hair from time to time. Coupled with a delicate face and a plump and bulging upper body, many students and students felt sorry for her.

It would be nice if the legs were shorter.

This is the common sentiment of most people.

Chen Yunxi walked into the gate of the college, looking at the main school building where students were coming in and out, and then looking at the fan-shaped dining hall on the side, which is the place for eating.

Xixi, why are you back? Didn't you say you were going to be a teacher in a rural college? A familiar girl saw Chen Yunxi from a distance and immediately came forward to say hello enthusiastically.

Yan'er, do you know Lu Sheng is coming? Chen Yunxi grabbed her friend's arm and asked softly.

Lu Sheng? I haven't seen him. I haven't heard of him coming to the academy for a long time, since he passed the exam last time. He is going to catch up with the government exam. How can he still have time to hang out with us? What? He hasn't been with you. Do you want to contact me? Yan'er was a little surprised.

She was also one of the people who watched her friends Chen Yunxi and Lu Sheng slowly approach. Although Lu Sheng was not very proactive from beginning to end and Chen Yunxi took the initiative, on the surface, the two seemed to be a good match.

Although Chen Yunxi has too long legs and physical defects, she comes from a good family. If Lu Sheng really gets along with her, life will be much easier in the future.

This Yanshan City is not an ordinary small town. It is as big as the Jiulian City in Lu Sheng's hometown. There are dozens of Yanshan City under its jurisdiction. How can the wealthy families in such small towns compare with this one? This is a giant city at the core of a prefectural city.

Has he never come? Chen Yunxi's beautiful eyes darkened.

Well, I haven't seen him for a long time. Maybe he is studying hard at home and waiting to get his fame? Yan'er guessed. Looking at her friend's expression, she probably thought of some bad situations.

How about you go ask somewhere else? Or go find his friend Song Zhenguo?

Really? Chen Yunxi smiled bitterly. She looked at the time and saw that it was already late. The prince will be coming soon. It's time for her to go back.

Forget it, I just came to take a look.

Would you like to go to Wanxiang Restaurant for a good meal together? Yan'er has a lively personality and always has delicious food.

Forget it, I have to go back. I still have things to do at home. Chen Yunxi forced a smile.

Really? It's such a pity. The new dishes at Wanxiang Restaurant are very good. Yan'er said regretfully.

After saying goodbye to her friends, Chen Yunxi couldn't help but went to the classroom where Song Zhenguo used to be. She even asked several people, but she didn't see Lu Sheng or the other two people. She must have really stopped coming to the academy.

As for Lu Sheng's home, she had been there before. The door there was locked, and the maid Qiao'er had also moved away, and her whereabouts were unknown.

In desperation, Chen Yunxi had no choice but to turn the carriage around and rush home with the last trace of regret.

Welcome Prince Wang, it really makes this humble house shine. Chen Daozao accompanied Wang Shunyong and sat in the main hall, while the maid kept bringing out delicious wine and delicacies.

Chen Weng, hurry up. I've been waiting for that rare thing you mentioned before for a long time, and now it's finally arrived. Take it out quickly and take a look! Wang Shunyong is young, only twenty years old. In addition to writing and writing poems, Wang Shunyong usually Apart from singing and writing, I am most interested in all kinds of strange things.

He turned these things into curiosities, but they were the most interesting things to pass the time.

I heard that Chen Daozong and Chen Weng had a rare thing here earlier. He happened to invite him to come and appreciate it, so he happily agreed and rushed there after breakfast.

Don't worry, Mr. Wang, that matter needs to be handled carefully before it can be demonstrated. Chen Daozao said with a smile.

Seeing his persuasion, Wang Shunyong didn't want to be too explicit and impatient, so he suppressed his temper.

After a while, a beautiful girl stepped forward, holding an exquisite silver plate in her hand. What was placed on the plate was a square copper-colored mirror.

This mirror is somewhat thick, as thick as a palm.

Come on, come on, Mr. Wang, this is the strange thing I called, the Universe Mirror! Chen Daozao picked up the copper-colored mirror with a smile and handed it to Wang Shunyong.

Mirror of Universe?! What a great name! Wang Shunyong was startled, and immediately took it and examined it carefully, Does this mean there is another meaning of Universe in it?

Master Mingjian! Chen Daozao said with a smile, You just need to shake it gently.

When Wang Shunyong heard this, he was shaken immediately.


There was only a crisp sound in the mirror, which seemed to be the sound of an organic spring. The original mirror suddenly slid to the right and was replaced by a pair of landscapes and cranes in the same color as the bronze mirror.

Eh?? Wang Shunyong was suddenly surprised. If you look closely at this picture, you will see that every detail is lifelike and detailed, as if a real crane is bowing its head to drink water in the mirror.

He shook it again, and there was another click.

The mirror scrolled again, and there was another picture. This time it was a picture of flowers in bloom, with countless densely packed flowers of all kinds clustered together, lifelike.

This skill is great, it must have been painted by a famous artist! Wang Shunyong is very talented in calligraphy and painting, so he can naturally tell the level of this painting at a glance.

Young Master has a keen eye, and I admire it. But this thing is more than just that, look here. Chen Daozao carefully began to explain to Wang Shunyong the mysterious ways of playing things.

outside the door.

Chen Yunxi stood at the corner of the corridor, holding two glasses of clear green wine on a silver plate in her hand. This is a rare wine from foreign countries, one of which is specially prepared for Wang Shunyong.

There was a medicine bag hidden in her sleeve, but when it came to this moment, she felt miserable and couldn't move her body.

Hahahaha, Mr. Wang, please move into the courtyard. I have one more good thing for you to taste.

What else? I would like to see what the second good thing Chen Weng has prepared is.

The sound of two people talking came from the corner in front, and they seemed to have moved into the courtyard.

This is the main hall of the Chen Mansion. When they go out, they go to Linxiu Garden, which is full of flowers and exotic herbs.

Chen Yunxi looked at the wine glass in front of her, her eyes suddenly became moist, and the grievance and anguish in her heart filled her chest, almost making it impossible for her to breathe.

Miss, it's your turn. The old housekeeper stood aside and looked at her helplessly to urge her. He is also one of the insiders and a confidant of the Chen family. He felt uncomfortable just seeing such a young lady he had grown up watching end up like this, but there was nothing he could do about it.

I got it. She gently covered her face with her sleeves, and finally took out the medicine bag and shook it into two wine glasses. The fine white powder melted into water and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

She tried her best to smile, covering up the dullness in her eyes, and walked towards the yard carrying the plate.

In the courtyard, Chen Daozao and Wang Shunyong were sitting opposite each other. On the stone table was the strange universe mirror that they played with before, and they were talking and laughing.

Chen Yunxi walked over with a silver tray.

Come on, come on, this is the purple jade wine that I personally bought from the country of Ju Rong in the east. There is no such thing in other places. This wine is beautiful just by looking at it. It is of the highest quality. Prince Wang Taste it!”

Chen Daozao signaled Wang Shunyong to choose first. Anyway, both cups were drugged. He had taken the antidote before and was not afraid of the potency, so he could choose any cup.

When Wang Shunyong heard that it was coming from Dongguo, his expression suddenly showed curiosity.

Since it's a matter of Eastern Kingdom, I really want to see how it tastes! He picked up a glass of wine with a smile.

Watching him pick up the wine glass and put it to his lips, Chen Daozao and the old housekeeper stared at him nervously.

However, Chen Yunxi's eyes flashed across Lu Sheng's face, and her vision gradually blurred.

Bang! !

at this time.

The courtyard door was suddenly violently knocked open.

A strong man with wild hair rushed in bare-chested. He had a green dragon tattooed on his chest. He had a thick waist and round arms. He walked like a black bear clearing the way.

Behind the strong man, two rows of strong men rushed in quickly. All of them were wearing black shorts and had strong skills.

That's him! The strong man pointed at the stunned Wang Shunyong and shouted loudly. If you dare to steal my concubine, give me a severe beating! Beat me to death!!!

Suddenly, a group of strong men swarmed up and pushed the frightened Wang Shunyong to the ground. They beat him severely and rained down fists as big as casseroles.

ah! Ah! ! !

Wang Shunyong was knocked to the ground on the spot and was beaten wildly by a group of strong men.

Chen Daozao and Chen Yunxi of the Chen family were dumbfounded. There were also a group of servants and nurses who wanted to go up and start a fight, but the other party sent out several people to suppress the so-called masters of the Chen family.

When the martial arts masters at the Tongli level saw this posture, they did not dare to raise their heads and remained silent.

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