Extreme Demon

Chapter 108 Chaos 4 (Thank you for voting and subscribing.)

Look at the person taking the lead, and what kind of clothing symbol are they wearing? That's the Red Whale Gang!

Liang Zi from the Red Whale Gang is joking, who dares to take it? Even if he is the deputy chief soldier, a fight is a fight. Who dares to go against the Red Whale Gang? Isn’t that too long to live?

This, this, this...! Chen Daozao saw that Mr. Wang was beaten until he could no longer make a sound, and hurriedly called for someone to stop him. But even after calling for a while, he couldn't move, and he suddenly became furious.

When he thought about the trouble that the Chen family might encounter when the commander-in-chief was held accountable in the future, his heart felt cold, and he finally rolled his eyes, raised his head and passed out.

Dad! Chen Yunxi hurriedly went up to help him, but she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

After beating Wang Shunyong until he almost lost the energy to move in and out, the strong man with a green dragon tattoo pretended to ask others to stop.

Then he pretended to come forward and take a look at a few people.

Ouch! Isn't this Miss Chen? I'm disrespectful. I didn't expect that the rape was caught in Miss Chen's house. I'm sorry! I'll leave right away!

This man apologized profusely, and compared to the time when he hit someone when he entered the door, he was now extremely polite.

The contrast was so strong that Chen Yunxi didn't know what to say in reply.

The other party didn't even look at her father beside her, and just complimented her. Then he dragged Prince Wang Shunyong, who was like a dead dog, and ran away.

A large group of people ran away before she could recover. Only the garden was left in a mess and the unconscious father was left.

There was also Chen Yunxi who looked confused and messy in the wind. Until the end, she had no idea what happened.

In fact, she didn't know the hidden meaning.

This also starts with the Red Whale Gang's previous involvement in the Flying Eagle Hall's small group.

The masters of the Red Whale Gang Feiyingtang had always been uneasy and wanted to find opportunities to make up for their impressions because they had not listened to the announcement and wanted to negotiate terms for independence, which made Lu Sheng unhappy.

But Lu Sheng was extremely powerful, held a high position, and fawned over so many people that they couldn't find any good opportunity to show off.

So a group of people discussed it and began to make plans for Lu Sheng's relatives and friends.

Because Chen Yunxi had been alone with Lu Sheng several times and was seen by the informants, she had naturally come into their sight a long time ago.

In addition, Yu Lianzi had secretly given instructions before to protect Lu Sheng's family and this girl. Immediately, several people from Feiying Hall took notice.

***, nicknamed Qinglong, is one of them. He has reached the peak of his strength, but has no hope of progress, not just to earn some family wealth. But if you make your immediate boss unhappy because of this, it will be a problem whether you can save your life, let alone your foundation.

After being entangled, he set his target on Chen Yunxi. After colluding with others, he deployed personnel in extremely detailed ways, conducted various investigations, placed informants, and monitored him at all times. He finally found a good opportunity that allowed him and others to change their image in the boss's mind.

So after some planning, Prince Wang, the deputy chief military officer, became his stepping stone to Qinglong. As for offending the deputy commander?

With the strength of the Red Whale Gang, in this Yanshan City, who would dare to disobey other ordinary things as long as they don't do shocking things like killing the prefect? Anyway, if the sky falls, there are high-level officials watching, so what are you afraid of? !

So the big boss brought someone to the door, caught the prince and beat him severely.

Pity this prince, he came over to enjoy the foreign objects with great interest, but he was beaten severely for no reason. In the end, he was carried away in a coma, but he didn't even know why he was beaten. He suffered an unreasonable disaster in vain.

If the unconscious Chen Dao had known about this, he would have been knocked unconscious again even if he was awake. The Red Whale Gang is not afraid, but the Chen family is about to be destroyed!

Inside the casino study room.

Ah? Yu Lianzi stood up immediately and looked at Shang Qinglong and two other tall and strong men in front of him with a look of astonishment.

You beat up the deputy commander's son? Just because he went to Miss Chen Yunxi's house as a guest?

Of course not! Shang Qinglong licked his lips and said, Boss Lianzi, you don't know.

I'm not Lianzi, I'm Yulianzi!! Yulianzi corrected angrily with a headache on his face.

Oh, Boss Yulianzi! Isn't this still Lianzi? Wrong, wrong! The subordinate is wrong and should be beaten! When Shang Qinglong saw that Yulianzi's expression was wrong, he quickly stopped and slapped himself lightly in the face.

Let's do it, old man. Another old man from Feiying Hall came forward. He was also the one who coordinated the action. In fact, the reason why Shang Qinglong was able to handle the matter so carefully was to use coercion, inducement and other means to find out. Chen Daozao's ideas and calculations were mainly made by this person.

The old man explained the cause and effect in detail.

After hearing this, Yu Lianzi was also dumbfounded. Chen Daozao would actually have such an idea. He really didn't understand people well. He even pushed away such a tyrannical big shot like his own father-in-law, so why did he look for the only son of the Wang family?

There is only one deputy general, but as big as the mountain city, there are three deputy generals who share the military power. Not to mention the deputy generals, even the general's status and say is about the same as that of an elder of the Red Whale Gang.

Compared with Lu Sheng, the third-ranked boss, he is not on the same level at all.

This old guy really dares to push Miss Yunxi out to be a concubine. Yu Lianzi shook his head and was speechless.

Master Yu Lianzi, what should we do now? the old man asked in a low voice, and quickly and covertly stuffed a roll of banknotes into Yu Lianzi's hand.

Yu Lianzi glanced at the amount of the banknote vaguely, a smile appeared on her face, and she quietly put it away.

Come on, follow me to the courtyard where the foreign leader is retreating. He has given orders and he will be out this afternoon. After all, the deputy chief soldier is a trouble within the court, and the foreign leader needs to speak personally to deal with it.

Thank you, Master Yu Lianzi! The three Flying Eagle Hall masters quickly saluted with clasped fists.

You're welcome, you guys will have a lot to rely on in the future. Yu Lianzi also clasped his fists in return. Although he was one level higher than them in terms of rank, such masters sitting at the helm of each branch are equivalent to miniature princes, with their subordinates But those with real power will need their help in many places in the future.

Together, they quickly left the study and walked outside the closed courtyard on the road, standing quietly and waiting.

The scorching sun was rolling overhead, but none of them complained at all, just waiting straight outside the yard.

Time passed slowly, and the sun set most of the way to the west and was about to fall into the skyline. When the legs and feet of several people were a little stiff, a harsh door sound finally came from the courtyard. It seemed like the door was open.

Didn't you say don't bother me if you have nothing to do? Yu Lianzi, why did you bring these three people here? Lu Sheng's unique deep voice came from inside.

When Yu Lianzi heard the voice, his expression changed slightly. He could tell that Lu Sheng's state seemed to be different from usual. There was an extreme sense of depression in his voice, as if he was accumulating some kind of emotion.

It's about Miss Chen Yunxi. He carefully told Lu Sheng one by one what Shang Qinglong and others had investigated through various means.

After finishing speaking, several people waited quietly at the gate.

After a while, the courtyard door creaked and slowly opened.

A tall man with muscles all over his body and a arrogant face walked out slowly with a bald head.

His liger-like eyes swept across several people, causing goosebumps to appear on the bodies of Yu Lianzi and the four of them.

Even the strongest and tallest one among them, Shang Qinglong, was a lot smaller than him, and was as weak as a bean sprout.

The foreign leader’s skills are getting stronger and stronger!

Several people were stared at by this gaze, and their vests were furrowed, with a faint trace of cold sweat oozing out from them.

You just said that Chen Yunxi's father wants her to drug others and to be their concubine? His voice was low, and the suppressed emotions in his words made it like the rivers and lakes before the tide rose, giving people the feeling that they could explode at any time. sense of depression.

That's right! Shang Qinglong tried his best to answer with sweat on his forehead, despite the pressure.

Foreign Chief, I think that if you don't want Miss Chen Yunxi, it's best not to give her hope in this matter and not get involved in this matter. Otherwise, with Chen Daozao's personality, as long as such a thing happens once, he will definitely be punished. There will be a second time and a third time. Yu Lianzi often stayed with Lu Sheng, but she had somewhat adapted to the strong sense of oppression around him, and now she persuaded him to speak.

Lu Sheng was silent for a while and then said slowly: You handle this matter and tell Chen Yunxi that if everything goes well and she is willing, it will be one year. Let her wait for me for one year, and then I will go find her. If I If not dead. He added silently in his mind.

Yu Lianzi also knew about the affair between Chen Yunxi and Lu Sheng, and felt relieved for the woman when she heard this. He looked back at the other people.

Foreign Minister, this matter must be kept confidential and not disclosed at all.

My subordinates must keep the secret. If it is leaked, I will die! The three people swore decisively. Although they were involved in family affairs such as the foreign leader, although they swore viciously, they were happy in their hearts. They knew about this gamble. correct.

As a subordinate, after knowing the secret of his boss, he also made a lot of achievements. This is a prerequisite for becoming a confidant! !

Lu Waishou has reached the peak of concentration at a young age. With such strength, he is almost the number one master in the future in the vast Northland. After all, the old gang leader is getting older, and his energy will eventually decline over time.

Okay, let's go down. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Yes! Yu Lianzi and others resigned one after another.

Lu Sheng stood in the courtyard with a calm expression. He finally saw clearly that in this mountain city, or in many places in the north, Chen Yunxi, who had long legs, was really despised by others, and her status was like that of an ugly girl.

Ordinary people regard it as deformed and mutilated.

But he clearly still remembers that when he was in Jiulian City, as long as his legs were not too long, he was still sought after. Just like Duanmu Wan back then. As for the beauty of short legs, perhaps Yanshancheng pays more attention to this aspect. After all, Duanmu Wan cannot compare to Chen Yunxi's long legs.

By the way. Yu Lianzi quickly left and returned, Foreign Commander, what should we do with the deputy commander-in-chief Wang's son?

Deputy Commander-in-Chief? Lu Sheng was stunned, then shook his head, This guy is just an innocent disaster, but since it involves my woman's reputation.

Break one of his legs, and then spread the word that he intended to molest Chen Yunxi, but failed, and was knocked unconscious by others who saw injustice. Whoever dares to bring up the matter of drugging will be handled in the same way.

Yu Lianzi suddenly sweated on his vest.

You have to protect your shortcomings a lot to be able to do this kind of thing.

This Wang Shunyong has been suffering from bad luck for eight lifetimes. He was beaten for no reason and was framed to smear his reputation. In the end, the only option was to knock out his teeth and swallow it. If he really dared to resist, he was just a deputy commander and made Lu Sheng angry. fall out. Just like the Hongfang Huafang who secretly arrested people on the river before, the court also turned a blind eye.

Remember to make a confession with him. Don't ask me about these little things. Just handle it yourself. Lu Sheng waved his hand and said casually.

Yes. Yu Lianzi reluctantly withdrew. In the end, neither of them mentioned the background of the general soldier.

For the current Red Whale Gang, ordinary power may be of some use, but it is nothing compared to the Red Fang.

Once a master at the level of concentration takes action, without a powerful weapon such as a crossbow, one hundred and eighty people cannot stop him. What's more, a leader of the Red Whale Gang like Lu Sheng has thousands of gang members who are trained according to military standards and have aristocratic backgrounds behind them.

Friends who are familiar with me know that I have obsessive-compulsive disorder and I update twice a day, rain or shine. This is the benefit of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

But this obsessive-compulsive disorder also brings about not only ensuring two updates a day, but also ensuring that after two updates a day, the body will feel empty?(????).

Under such a premise, I can still see so many friends understanding me, which makes me extremely touched. As expected, we are all good comrades! !

In the end, the performance of this book finally broke my previous record and reached a higher level. This is all due to your contribution. The only thing I can repay is to work hard to write better things. Hope you can understand~~~

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