Extreme Demon

Chapter 106 Chaos 2

Lu Sheng shook his head, said nothing more, quickly got off the boat with his things, called Ning San, Xu Chui and others who were waiting, and rushed towards the Golden Jade Flower House.

When he arrived at the flower house, he immediately found Yulianzi and asked him to prepare to move to Yanshan City. In the city, with a large population and the presence of the imperial court, Hongfang might not take any action to avoid angering the world's noble families.

But outside in the wilderness, there is nothing to worry about.

The Liu sisters are not here?? What do you mean? Lu Sheng was stunned when he saw his subordinates who came back after going to call for help.

Reporting to the foreign chief, my subordinate knocked on the door and there was no response, so I asked the female helpers to break in through the window. I only saw this letter and this small box on the table. The subordinate presented the things respectfully.

Lu Sheng sat in the hall and took the envelope and small box that were delivered.

What surprised him was that this small box was actually a jade box. It was cold and unusual. He didn't know if it was a good thing brought by the Liu sisters from home.

Go down and collect ten taels of silver from the accountant. Prices have fluctuated recently, and the purchasing power of one tael of silver is only equivalent to 80% of the usual price. These ten taels of silver are equivalent to eight thousand yuan. It’s equivalent to an average person’s income for several months, which is quite a lot.

Thank you, sir. The subordinate left slowly.

Lu Sheng sat alone in the hall and unfolded the envelope.

Young Master Lu has great righteousness, and we, the sisters, have nothing to repay. We only have a Huarong Pill to condense your energy to help you improve.

A few days ago, we had a premonition that there would be great danger. In order to avoid injuring others, we had to leave first. I hope you will not look for me, sir. If I see you again in the future, I will definitely repay this kindness. ——Liu Caiyun, Liuqin. ’

Lu Sheng put down the letter and sighed, leaving now. With the ability of the Liu sisters, they might be able to avoid disaster, so that was fine.

The two of them could escape from Yunzhou all the way here, and still be safe and sound with such immature skills. They must have a big secret and a big reliance on them. But now he doesn't have time to take care of this.

We must start improving our hard skills as soon as possible. I have the Yin Qi items I received before. I can go further!.

That night, Lu Sheng Yulianzi, along with the hundreds of gang members stationed at Jinyu Flower House, as well as Ning San, Xu Chui, and Duan Meng'an, returned to Yanshan City and stayed at the Fuming Casino, the largest casino among them.

Lu Sheng took the time to return home and reminded his father, Lu Quan'an, not to go out of town recently, and then returned to the casino.

Lu Quan'an listened to his warning before and stocked up a lot of grain and oil at home. With all his strength, the grain and oil stored was enough to feed hundreds of people for more than a year. This was still a short period of time, and I couldn’t get more. But there is no hindrance to the backup plan.

Lu Sheng then arranged for all gang subordinates in the city, together with Feiyingtang, to speed up the pace of stocking up on food, and at the same time pay attention to news from other gangs and sects outside the headquarters.

He himself handed over the affairs to Yu Lianzi, told him not to leave the city, and then announced his retreat.

Quiet room.

Lu Sheng was sitting cross-legged in the middle, with a huge Jing character posted on the wall behind him. It was surrounded by dark stone walls, which cost a lot of money to build.

A small jar of golden ointment was placed in front of him, which exuded a strong aroma of heat and medicine.

This newly brewed ointment is really extraordinary. A pair of the ointment is worth a thousand gold. Lu Sheng said with emotion as he looked at the ointment in front of him.

Such a small jar of ointment for practicing was only enough for three uses, but the cost was an astonishing one thousand taels of silver.

In previous lives, it would be equivalent to millions of dollars. Such expenses, these medicinal materials, if he were not in a high position, held power, and had money, he might not be able to purchase enough medicinal materials.

This is the supreme holy product for practicing hard skills, golden incense ointment. When you take one sip during practice, it can turn into essence, nourish yin and moisturize the whole body.

Lu Sheng also searched in the alchemy room for a long time before he took out the only jar of golden ointment from the steward on credit.

Originally this thing was to be diluted in water and soup, divided into hundreds of portions, and given to hundreds of people.

But he took them all away by himself.

After getting ready, Lu Sheng took out the first book of hard skills he wanted to practice from his arms.

I have Jiujiang Iron Suo Gong and Xiong Boushou, both of which are at the level of Dacheng. Xiong Boushou is only a fraction, but Jiujiang Tiesuo Gong is a hard qigong at the tongli level. It still has some power after reaching Dacheng. It can withstand blows from ordinary people with blunt objects.

Then, what I should practice next is the Golden Sha Kung Fu, which focuses on stabbing and cutting with sharp weapons.

At that moment, Lu Sheng stood up and pulled the bell.

Quickly following the instructions, people from outside brought in a bucket of thick, pitch-black medicinal soup. The medicinal soup filled most of the entire bath bucket.

After Lu Sheng and others went out, they quickly took off their clothes and jumped in.


A stream of scalding heat continuously poured into the body from the skin.

The Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong in Lu Sheng's body naturally started to operate, resisting the heat. His skin quickly turned red, like cooked shrimp. White water vapor was constantly exhaled from the mouth and nose, and it was extremely hot.

Jinsha Gong is also a hard-working skill with two levels, namely silver yarn and golden yarn. Majoring in external epithelium. After reaching maturity, the skin is extremely hard and can resist stabbing and cutting with sharp weapons, but it has no effect on heavy blows with blunt weapons.

What Lu Sheng valued was its ability to withstand sharp objects.

Soaked in the medicinal soup, Lu Sheng quickly followed the method of Jin Sha Gong and slowly brushed the skin with an iron brush soaked in water.

The shape of this brush is no different from an ordinary bath brush, but it is made entirely of black iron, and the end is extremely sharp. It is exactly what is mentioned in the Golden Sha Gong that is necessary to practice this skill specifically.

Lu Sheng sat in the bathtub, brushing the iron brush back and forth on his chest, abdomen and back.

His movements were very light, but as time passed, he continued to get heavier and faster, and the skin on his body became redder and redder.

Originally, he was able to master two great hard skills, and his body was tough and strong. Now that he was practicing hard skills such as Jin Sha Gong, he would get twice the result with half the effort.

Soon, as time passed, Lu Sheng clearly felt a chill rising in his lower abdomen. Then the pores all over his body suddenly shrank, and with the stimulation of the iron brush, they began to react instinctively, absorbing the power of the medicinal decoction.


Put out the fire!! Put out the fire quickly!!

There's a fire! Where are the barrels? Where are the people in the fire extinguishing building!!?

This way, hurry, hurry, hurry!!

Chen Yunxi stood on the pavilion, looking at the busy scene in the distance, frowning slightly.

The sky turned bright white, and a touch of blue mixed with a little red appeared in the eastern sky.

Chen Yunxi was wearing a white dress and had been standing on the terrace for a while. Behind her is the study room where she drinks tea, practices calligraphy and reads.

And here is Yingyue Building, a five-story building specially built for her by her father. Every floor from top to bottom is filled with all kinds of her things and furnishings.

Xixi, are you still watching the fire? While he was distracted, an old man with long white hair and a rich voice slowly walked into the room.

I saw the door was open, so I came in to take a look. The old man smiled. Wearing a brocade robe, with fish-patterned jade beads hanging from his waist, his hands were wearing a pair of silk gloves that were neither gold nor silver, but had gleaming scales.

Dad, that fire is so scary. How many years has it been since the city along the mountain saw such a big fire? Chen Yunxi turned around and whispered.

It wasn't a fire, but it's over now. I heard that something happened to a gangster outside. These gangsters are not good people. They extort money and suck blood. It's best if they die. The old man is Chen Yunxi's father, a rich man from Yanshan City. Chen Dao Zao Chen old man.

The experience of this old man is a legend. From starting from scratch to the current Fujia Yanshan City, he almost managed it with his own hands.

His original name was Chen Zaozao. The Tao in his name was changed by himself later. The original name meant that he disliked him for being born too early.

This man grew up in a poor family, and his parents disliked him because they thought he was dragging down his eldest brother's success.

But he didn't expect that decades later, he would be the only one in the Chen family to achieve great success. Although he was a businessman, his family's business was far greater than his parents imagined.

What's even more valuable is that after he gave birth to his eldest son, he also had a daughter, Yunxi. His children were filial, and he was considered to be a good person.

Tomorrow, the prince is going to be a guest at home. You must dress up well and show up to greet him. Chen Daozao warned.

I don't like Wang Shunyong. Chen Yunxi whispered.

That's impossible. We are businessmen, and our lives are in the hands of official families like them. My daughter, we are born in such troubled times, and we can't help ourselves in the end. Chen Daozao also said helplessly.

Why would he want his daughter to be a concubine for Wang Shunyong, the son of Deputy Commander-in-Chief, but what can he do? It was peaceful in the past, but now there are turmoils one after another, trade routes are almost cut off, and supplies in the city are getting increasingly tight. The Chen family, which has stored the most supplies, has become the best fat sheep in the eyes of the superiors.

Although I manage a lot of relationships on weekdays, in this tense period, those connections that are only obtained by money are not reliable.

Therefore, although this move wronged my daughter, I had no choice but to do it forcefully.

When Wang Shunyong arrives, he is the only son of the Wang family of the deputy commander-in-chief. As long as he cooks cooked rice with some drugged raw rice and sends a large dowry of gold, silver and food, Yunxi will not be able to escape as a concubine.

Chen Yunxi was helpless. She didn't know her father's little plan, but after all, father and daughter were connected, and she could more or less see Chen Daozao's thoughts.

My elder brother, Chen Jiorong, had just made a marriage arrangement with the daughter of the prison chief in the city.

The prison chief is an official in charge of prisons in the prefect's yamen. He is considered one of the top ten people in Yanshan City's yamen today. To be able to establish a relationship with such a family, the Chen family is the one who ranks high.

Speaking of which, the Chen family seems to have a great business, but in fact they all rely on the favor that Chen Daozao received from helping the prefect. But now the favor is dwindling day by day and is about to be used up. Another big event happened to the city along the mountain, so I stopped looking for support for fear that something would happen.

Xixi, dad can't help it. Do you know what conditions your brother Jiao Rong asked for when he asked for marriage? Chen Daozao showed a trace of helplessness and powerlessness on his face.

What conditions? Isn't it ten thousand taels of gold and silver? Ten pairs of orbs, and some authentic works by famous artists? Chen Yunxi asked doubtfully.

Chen Daozao looked at this innocent daughter, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

That's just the surface, Lord Prisoner, what he really wants is half of our Chen family's wealth.

Ah!? Chen Yunxi was suddenly shocked.

Half of the family wealth. This is simply

If you can succeed this time, we may be able to retain 20% of the remaining half of our foundation, but if not, Chen Daozao smiled bitterly. To outsiders, he looks good, but few people know the pain involved.

It seems that the family has a big business, but in fact, he is just a fat sheep in the eyes of many people.

Chen Yunxi fell silent.

She lowered her head, and then slowly raised it after a moment.

I see.

As long as you understand, Chen Daozou nodded and said happily. Adopting a daughter and raising a daughter, isn't that what you are preparing for now?

I want to go and see the academy finally, Chen Yunxi said in a low voice.

Are you going to find that Lu Sheng again? They don't want you anymore, so why are you going to find him? He's just a prodigal from a small family! After learning a little martial arts, he doesn't know what the world is! Chen Daozao suddenly became dissatisfied. Although his business is large, he is not a Jianghu person after all, and he does not understand the high-level changes of the Red Whale Gang. Naturally, he had never heard of Lu Sheng's name. Maybe he had heard of it once or twice, but he thought it was the same name and didn't care.

Seeing his daughter's stubborn and silent expression at this time, his heart finally softened.

The drugged Wang Shunyong was the only son of the deputy general soldier who had clearly rejected his daughter before. Even if everything goes well and the Wang family admits it, Yunxi will definitely suffer humiliation after marrying her, and she will be a concubine again. In the future Life is absolutely difficult.

Thinking of this, Chen Daozao finally sighed.

Go, go, but don't be impulsive or act impulsively, otherwise our Chen family will be really bad. He sighed, turned around and left without saying another word.

Chen Yunxi watched her father leave and walk out of the room. She finally couldn't bear it any longer and squatted down, tears sliding down her cheeks.

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