Extreme Demon

Chapter 1070 Transfer 2

‘Cafiledir, the former Prime Minister of the Empire, is currently one of the Five Saints of the terrorist organization Blue Starlight. He is powerful and one of the main power holders in the entire Blue Starlight. ’

Among the news that popped up, one of the most comprehensive ones was clicked by Lu Sheng to view.

‘He led the Imperial Legion fleet many times to conquer foreign races and made great achievements. However, due to his excessive temperament and excessive iron-blooded tactics, he led to large-scale planetary protests and finally resigned sadly. His daughter, Amphrey Dipaleon, is the most powerful telepathic genius the empire has ever encountered in a thousand years. ’


Lu Sheng frowned and continued to search for a while, but he could only find the most basic information.

He suddenly recalled the description of the power of phantom that Nesean had mentioned before.

Cafiledir is an advocate of resolutely resisting the power of fused shadows. When he was the Prime Minister of the Empire, he vigorously promoted the boycott propaganda policy in this regard.

Later, after leaving office, he joined Blue Starlight and became one of the major terrorist leaders. Still continue to advocate the rejection of the fusion of phantom forces.

Think of the foundation of the shadow's power. Lu Sheng already had a hint of speculation in his mind.

Putting away the terminal screen, he hurried towards the rest area where Amfretty was.

When they found Amfretty, she was changing into a swimsuit and lying lazily on her back by the indoor swimming pool. The black swimsuit only covered two points on her chest, and her lower body was covered with a thin black strip of cloth. It seems that if it is slightly tilted, it will be exposed.

But no matter how she moved, the little piece of cloth at the key point just wouldn't fall off.

Do you like swimming? Anfretty waved her hand to Lu Sheng casually.

No. Lu Sheng approached slowly. I came to ask you something.

You tell me, I'll listen. Amfretty took off the sunglasses on her face, her proud bust bounced a few times, and she slowly straightened up from the recliner and stretched.

It's about your father. Lu Sheng said bluntly. Why did your father oppose the power of phantom in the first place?

Amfretty glanced at Lu Sheng inexplicably, and her eyes slowly stopped at his left eye.

The power of shadow will have a great impact on people's mind and character. I can see that you also have the power of shadow, but it is not integrated with your core, so you are not considered a new dark energy user.

New Dark Enabler?

A telepathic master who is greedy for shortcuts and integrates the power of shadow. Anfretty showed a trace of natural disdain.

She stood up, took off her sunglasses and tossed them gently, controlling them to fly into the glasses case not far away. She walked to the edge of the swimming pool and jumped lightly.


There were ripples in the pool.

She slowly waved her arms, turned over, and lay on her back on the water, just swinging slightly with her legs alone.

The slender white legs were dazzlingly white under the light.

My father is a very strict man. Old-fashioned, traditional, and stubborn. Every bad adjective you can think of for an old man can be found in him.

She swam and chatted casually.

So, is he in good health now? Lu Sheng asked from a different angle.

Healthier than you and me. Amfretty smiled, What are you worried about? There is no weak person in the Parreen family. Neither I nor my father.

I got the news from a special channel. We may run into trouble. Lu Sheng said calmly, You don't need to worry about the source of the news. I just want to make sure that there will be no problems on your side in a short time.

No. Amfretty said firmly.

Then, I understand. I'll say goodbye first. Lu Sheng nodded. Turn around and walk towards the exit.

In a few days, your membership information will be available. If you don't want to go to the Black Cherry Galaxy, I can help you hold a remote meeting. Anfredi said behind him.


A projection technology meeting is actually no different from a face-to-face meeting. Amfretty smiled.

Actually, I don't recommend you to go to the Black Sakura Galaxy.

Why? Lu Sheng paused and asked.

There are all fusions of the power of shadows there. They are all a bunch of trash who take shortcuts. Anfretty showed disdain and slowly stood up from the water.

Then I'll trouble you. Lu Sheng didn't bother to bother. Although I really want to see what the so-called counter-space base looks like. But there are more important things to deal with now.

Wang Mu's family and relatives are all here in the giant ship. If something happens, the entire family will have to be accounted for.

By the way, you shouldn't be married yet, right? Amfretty said suddenly.

No. But I already have someone I like. Lu Sheng quickly answered.

That's such a pity. Amfretty said regretfully.

Lu Sheng walked out of the swimming room, slowly left the living area, and headed to the giant ship testing area.

Inside the entire blue starlight giant ship, there is the largest and most luxurious test hall for telekinesis strength.

The test is mainly a test method that mainly involves participating in the operation of the giant ship.

The telekinesis master injects his own telekinesis energy into the test core. The injected telekinesis energy will be filtered layer by layer, converted into the most basic chemical energy, and stored in the giant ship's energy bank.

Through this test, the giant ship system will make a rough determination of the energy level of the telekinesis master.

Along the way, Lu Sheng was probably able to figure out what the so-called trouble was.

Amfretty's father independently supported the fight against the oppression of the void forces.

The penetration of the power of nothingness into this world has reached an extremely exaggerated level. The only one that is still supporting the Magic Map Empire is the faction led by Amfretty and her father.

But in fact, the Parreans are not a righteous party in a pure sense. They have a strong temperament, and the blood on their hands is no less than that of other fusions of the power of nothingness.

Is this considered an internal conflict in a typical sense? Terrorist organizations are not much better than void forces. Lu Sheng commented in his mind.

After all, they are not like me. Although their methods are a bit dark, their hearts are always bright.

Lu Sheng felt a little emotional.

Good people are actually difficult to define in many cases.

Just like him, if you just look at his appearance, you may be confused by his vicious appearance, but in fact, he is indeed a righteous partner on the inside.

Hiss. Suddenly, a subtle burst of telekinesis flew invisibly, linking to the telepathy barrier in front of him.

Lord, we just caught a group of unknown weirdos who wanted to sneak into the giant ship. What's strange is that their identities are actually recorded in the fleet. And

I know, just throw them all away. Lu Sheng said calmly.

But... this is an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. The telepathy master over there hesitated.

Since they got onto the battleship silently, it means they must have the means to fly. So, it doesn't matter. Lu Sheng added.

But... I see a few of them are ordinary people.

Then buy insurance for them. Even if you die, you can leave some protection for your family. Lu Sheng reminded. We want them to feel that our Jiu Ming Tang is not a terrorist organization, but a civil peace organization that thinks about the people.

Um, yes. There was nothing to say.

After hanging up the communication and thinking about energy, Lu Sheng let out a breath.

In fact, it wasn't necessary, and he didn't want to deal with these guys from the Lord God Team himself. But since they tried every possible means to find the ship, it means that they must have some kind of special mission here.

Tasks mean trouble.

He paused and continued walking towards the experimental area where telekinesis was tested.



Blue Starlight's Extreme Shadow Fleet stayed at Bejia Star for a month. Then he slowly rose into the sky and shot toward the stars in the distance.

Most of the core members of the Nine Lives Hall have left, and some of the remaining members are peripheral members who are greedy for some properties that cannot be taken away.

They had a fluke mentality, thinking that if nothing happened to Double Plus Star, then they who stayed would completely own the remaining properties of Jiu Ming Tang.

At the same time, leaving with the fleet, there were also relatives and friends of the members of the Nine Lives Hall, as well as some high-ranking officials and wealthy people from all walks of life, a total of more than 300,000 people.

There are more than 300,000 people, which is only a drop in the bucket for the entire Double Plus Star. Most people are still living as usual and just thought that the previous earthquakes were natural disasters.

The Jiying Fleet slowly sailed away. After several long-distance anti-space jumps, half a month later, Blue Starlight's senior management passed the review application of the new members of the Cross Council, and at the same time sent three representatives to review the qualifications of the newly joined Lu Sheng. .

At the same time, Amfretty arranged for the fleet to be diverted. A small number of giant ships returned to the planet with frigates, and most of the main force turned to pursue Balian's Third Universe Fleet.


In the vast conference hall, the screen on the floor displayed the huge galaxy universe. Red and white comets continued to slowly cross the ground and flew towards the distant galaxies.

Lu Sheng opened the door and walked in slowly.

In the hall, there are three white metal chairs with high backs.

Three chairs are arranged in a triangle in the somewhat dark conference hall.

Lu Sheng walked slowly through the door, calmly walked to the opposite side of the three seats, and sat down on an ordinary leather chair that had been prepared.

I am very happy to be able to sit here and now as Grandmaster Wang's parliamentary qualification reviewer. A calm and rich old man's voice came from the middle seat.

My name is Luo Jia, you can call me Poison Arrow.

The person on the seat has a slender figure, but his head is quite huge.

He pointed to the sides.

These two are also qualification reviewers. The one on the left is Mercury, and the one on the right is Foora. They are also two of the Cross Councilors. Poison Arrow Luojia introduced.

It's a pleasure to meet you three. So, what are the main aspects of my review? Lu Sheng put his hands on the armrests of his seat with a calm expression.

At worst, the Cross Councilor must be a dark user, so in other words, the three people sitting in front of him are all dark users.

The three of them are all powerful telekinesis masters who can easily destroy the Double Star.

Your assessment is very simple. Poison Arrow explained, Before, you faced off against Commander-in-Chief Balian and against the Empire's Third Space Fleet.

You are obviously not as strong as Balian, but you still choose to fight head-on. In the end, you almost died. What I want to ask is, what were you thinking at that time? Why can you not be afraid of death and rush to confront Balian?

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment.

Everyone dies once. Death is actually not scary. What is scary is fear.

So you charged forward then? Councilor Mercury on the left said.

If I die alone, I can exchange for the stability of the entire planet, then I am willing. Lu Sheng said calmly. At that time, I actually didn't think about anything. I knew I might die if I went up. But what does that mean? For the ideals and justice in our hearts, many times, all we want is a clear conscience.

Your mind is admirable. Foola on the right couldn't help but praise.

No, actually I'm just doing what I can. Lu Sheng showed a modest smile. Although I was gambling with my life, I won in the end, didn't I?

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