Extreme Demon

Chapter 1069 Transfer 1

Father. Amfretty looked at the image slowly rippling in the huge light screen, her expression slightly solemn.

I heard some bad rumors, are you okay? Anfredi leaned forward slightly. If you need my help, please just ask.

In the light curtain, a lion-like old man was holding a cane and looking calm.

I'm not old enough yet. Cafiledilpareon shook the cane in his hand.

Take care of your affairs well. Come to my galaxy in a while. I have something to tell you face to face.

I understand. Amfretty nodded, Then, I still wish you good health.

I also hope that everything goes well for you.

The light curtain slowly broke off and went out.

Amfretty stood motionless.

Her father, Cafiledir, had been an absolutely powerful figure in her mind since she was a child, but there had never been a time when he would take the initiative to let her go back to see him.

You think I don't know? Actually, I know everything. Amphrey looked calm.

She was well aware of her father's situation at this time.

The Dragon Emperor is the leader, the strongest and the core of Blue Starlight. He would never allow his father, who controlled half of the military, to deviate from his grand plan.

Now she got the news that her father was severely opposed to the Dragon Emperor's ongoing purity plan. If this had happened a long time ago, it might not have been a big problem.

But now, after the fusion of the power of shadow, more and more new dark energy users have emerged, and they occupy an increasing proportion. And the old dark energy makes the camp less and less

Father, Amfretty had a bad feeling in her heart.

She believed in her father's strength, but she was helpless and helpless. When there are fewer and fewer allies around, the pressure on oneself will also increase.

She already knows that so far, three of her father's former allies have been completely drawn into joining the phantom force camp.

Fathers are under increasing pressure

Amfretty stretched out her hand, holding a black and purple crystal necklace in her palm.

I hope I never have to use this necklace.

She put away the necklace again, turned around and walked out of the liaison hall.



Lu Sheng slowly walked into the cultural relics museum, followed by many officials from the General Defense Department. There are also surrounding guards accompanying you.

As soon as he got off the spaceship, he went straight to the nearest point where the divine bow was stored.

There were also some local officials around. After these people checked his identity, they rushed there quickly, and the others did not even have time to react.

The museum was forced to clear out due to his arrival, and the already small number of visitors were quickly and gently asked to leave, and their ticket money was refunded.

“Because of the recent temporary war, many people are very interested in some ancient sacrificial items to gods.

Many people come here to worship and pray to the messy cultural relics in the cabinet.

The curator walked in front of Lu Sheng and smiled bitterly.

He turned a corner and soon stood in a remote corner single room.

What you are looking for is right here.

He pointed at a cubic glass cabinet in the single room and said solemnly.

Lu Sheng glanced at it and was stunned by what was in the cabinet.

Is this a divine bow?? He pointed to the thing inside with some confusion and asked.

Although you may not believe it, this is indeed a divine bow. The curator answered his question with certainty.

What is placed in the glass cabinet is not a bow and arrow in the ordinary sense, but a ball of wire like a skein.

Yellow tinsel.

Okay, wrap it up for me. Lu Sheng planned to try it himself.

Yes, yes! The curator quickly ordered the staff around him to carefully take out the divine bow, wrap it in an exquisite gift box, and deliver it to Lu Sheng.

Carrying the things, Lu Sheng walked out of the museum, stood up from the ground in a flash, and flew straight towards the giant ship in the sky above him, wrapped in telekinesis.

In mid-air, he tore open the packaging box and took out the ball of metal thread.

There is something inside here. The powerful thought could make him vaguely feel that there seemed to be some kind of special power flowing slowly inside.

Back on the giant ship, at the entrance to the hive, Lu Sheng happened to encounter a group of people from the Nine Lives Hall, who had just come down to transport the spacecraft with several people of various forms.

When this group of people saw Lu Sheng, they quickly bowed their heads and saluted.

Although the guys wearing different clothes around them also bowed their heads and saluted decently, Lu Sheng could tell their true identities at a glance.

Who are they? he asked directly.

Back to the hall master, and a few helpers who just came up from the ground branch. The person who answered was the captain of the Nine Life Hall team.

Although I don't look like a facilitator, the information and intelligence investigation are all correct. He also looked a little strange.

The helpers are all strong men who are good at fighting and using force. Although some of these people are strong, most of them are as thin as bean sprouts. It doesn't look like an armed facilitator.

Lu Sheng glanced at these people one by one.

A girl with long hair who is very delicate and beautiful in appearance and dress. She looks like a model star.

One is a strong man dressed in the clothes of a chef from Earth.

There were two other young men and women in casual clothes, with no apparent occupation.

The important thing is that the eyes and auras of these people are very panicked, their heartbeats are racing, and their endocrine systems are in a state of rapid operation at any time.

It was obvious that they were very nervous.

Newcomer to the main team?

Lu Sheng immediately thought of this possibility.

Isolate these people temporarily. I need to examine them carefully. Lu Sheng said casually, turned around and walked towards the interior of the giant ship.

Yes. Several Nine Life Hall disciples behind him responded quickly.

At this time, the Lord God would actually send new people into the blue starlight camp. To be inaccurate, it was entering the Nine Lives Hall.

Lu Sheng thought of the inexplicable missions issued by this main god before, and became slightly wary.

Often where there is a team of Lord Gods, there will definitely be trouble.

It seems I have to ask Su Qin.

In the previous battle, Su Qin was also rescued by the core cadres of Jiumingtang. He was only slightly injured and was considered safe. Now he has also boarded the giant ship together and is resting in the inner city.

I just happened to go over and ask about the situation.

Lu Sheng also remembered that he had controlled so many reincarnations before. Although there were many casualties in the previous battle, he could still gather some people to ask about the situation.

While playing with the ball of metal wire in his hand, he mentally arranged the matters to be dealt with later.


Suddenly there was a slight sound.

Lu Sheng paused and looked down at the metal wire in his hand.

The sound just now came from this ball of thread.

With a thought in his mind, traces of the special thoughts of the Holy Wheel Body quickly poured into the metal wire ball.


Suddenly, the entire ball of silk exploded, scattering countless metal threads that kept flying and spinning around him.


In an instant, all the threads condensed into a brass bow and arrow about half a meter long in front of Lu Sheng.

Is it really a divine bow? Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and gently held the bow.

He could feel that the thought energy in his body was being consumed continuously, and this little thing was consuming it at a high rate.

When he moved his mind again, the divine bow in front of him quickly decomposed and turned into countless fine threads. The sublime nature flew into his hand and gathered into a ball.

Lu Sheng casually put the divine bow into his pocket and rushed straight towards the living area of ​​the giant ship.

After passing through layers of security doors and being isolated and sterilized once more, Lu Sheng entered the inner city of the giant ship and found Su Qin and others in a nursing home who were recuperating.

Su Qin was pushing his teammate with psychic powers to bask in the sun in the yard.

The light of the artificial sun also has various normal simulated values ​​here. After all, it is beneficial to get more exposure. I will take you out once a day from now on.

Su Qin was talking quietly to her teammates when she suddenly saw Lu Sheng pushing open the courtyard door and entering. She quickly straightened up and looked solemn.

Hall Master!

After joining the Nine Lives Hall, they naturally had to change their name for Lu Sheng.

A lot of newcomers like you have come in recently. Is there anything you can tell me? Lu Sheng asked bluntly.

We did receive the mission, but it was not stated explicitly. From a literal point of view, I suspect that we will run into trouble soon. Su Qin came closer and said with some hesitation. If we can provide exact information, can the hall master...

I can help you improve your major skills by one level in a short time. Each of you will gain one level. Lu Sheng said calmly.

This is what reincarnations do, clearly mark the price and make fair exchanges.

The cooperative relationship between Su Qin and him is considered good. He is also willing to make good friends with these people and use them as tentacles to test the nature of the Lord God.

Deal! Su Qin's eyes lit up and she quickly agreed.

To answer your question directly, we will be warned and punished. Even erasure is possible, but indirectly, it should be possible.

Su Qin thought for a while, Master, you can think about the current situation of Blue Starlight. The situation of our camp. In addition, I can only mention one thing, we are weak.

Weak.? Lu Sheng closed his eyes slightly, and his mind instantly flashed through his current situation, and then Amfretty's situation. As for more, he had limited information and could not consider it.

We must collect more information. After getting what he wanted, Lu Sheng looked at Su Qin again.

In a few days, come to the city where I live. If the news is indeed true, I will respond to my promise.

Su Qin and Su Qin both had uncontrollable joy on their faces and nodded fiercely.

After leaving the sanatorium, on his way back, Lu Sheng used his personal terminal device to call up the empire's main intelligence news about Blue Starlight.

But there is basically no relevant news. Either they are fighting disasters here, or there are scandals involving certain celebrities over there.

News on some major military and national affairs almost always has poor traffic, with only a few hundreds of thousands of comments below. It is completely incomparable to other comments that cost tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions.

Inquiry, former prime minister of the empire, Cafiledilpareon. Lu Sheng could enter the keywords.


After the terminal paused for more than ten seconds, a large number of related updates and news quickly appeared.

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