Extreme Demon

Chapter 1071 Xinxiang 1

Snap, snap, snap.

Amidst a burst of crisp applause, the three congressmen ended their review of Lu Sheng's application.

What Blue Starlight valued was not Lu Sheng's strength. In fact, they mainly invited him because of his ability to train disciples.

In just two years, he has taught disciples at the level of advanced telekinesis masters. At such a speed, there is no other place in the entire empire.

After finishing the review, Poisonous Arrow patted Lu Sheng's shoulder affectionately before leaving.

If you encounter any trouble, you can contact me directly through this. I will call you Councilor Wang from now on.

You're welcome, I still have many shortcomings and need to learn from a few seniors.

Lu Sheng said modestly.

It's good to be young. Poison Arrow's lips moved slightly, and his voice suddenly disappeared. It was converted into thoughts and sent into Lu Sheng's ears.

To remind you, Shao and Amfretty are too close.

Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly and wanted to ask something else, but Poison Arrow had already turned around, waved his hand, and left with the other two people.

Lu Sheng watched the three people leave, and their figures instantly turned into points of light and dispersed. He became more and more sure of what kind of trouble Amphrey might encounter.

With the plot prediction of the reincarnator and the warning from the congressman here, no matter how stupid he is, he should know who is in trouble.

But so what?

Lu Sheng looked calm. When Balian took action before, he did owe Amfretty once.

Although he will definitely not die, once his true identity is exposed, the final result will definitely be deportation.

Moreover, the relatives and friends who are left behind may not survive at all.

And the most important thing is that Amfretty is not the eroder of the root of nothingness. Lu Sheng had personally experienced the nature of the power of nothingness. The essence of this power is to blur everything, destroy everything, and bring everything to nothing.

Everything comes to nothing. Not to mention a good person like him, even those trolls and evil spirits cannot accept such an outcome.

Whether it's evil or justice, it's all based on existence.

Lu Sheng's heart calmed down for a moment, then he turned and walked out of the passage.

The qualification review takes place in the special conference hall of the giant ship.

On the left side of the passage outside the hall, a cool-looking woman with long purple hair and a professional skirt was waiting quietly beside her, holding a set of document bags.

I am the person sent by the general as your exclusive secretary, number G1132. My real name is Janis Taylor. Please take good care of me.

The woman straightened her back and approached, handing the document bag in her hand to Lu Sheng.

Huh? I have my own people and don't need a secretary. Lu Sheng frowned.

The general needs to go out temporarily, so I have been arranged as a temporary liaison to be responsible for private conversations between you and the general.

Going out? Lu Sheng was stunned.

It's a secret operation. Please forgive me for not being able to disclose it. The woman named Taylor quickly rejected Lu Sheng's question.

Okay. Now take me to the testing center. I still need to complete some tests. After Lu Sheng tested the divine bow last time, he only completed a very small part.

The amplification ability of the divine bow is clear, but the principle is not clear.

Recently, he has been testing the divine bow whenever he has time. It takes many repeated tests before he can figure out the secrets inside.

In addition, the reincarnation team that he threw off the ship before actually appeared again a while ago. He ordered his men to throw them away a few more times, but these reincarnation teams appeared again not long after.

It seems like something is going to happen on this ship soon. Lu Sheng became more and more expectant.

By the way, when did the general go out? he asked Taylor quickly.

About fifteen minutes ago, while you were undergoing the qualification review process, Taylor replied quickly.


Lu Sheng slowly left the meeting area.

Taking the internal airship, we shuttled back and forth inside the giant ship for a while, and gradually the surrounding buildings became more and more empty.

In the huge space, you can see large tracts of steel pipes extending from the ground into the distance. In the sky are simulated blue skies and artificial suns.

Thick gray pipes sometimes meander and sometimes line up straight on the black plain.

Sitting in the airship, Taylor walked out of the kitchen inside with a piece of yellow food like mashed potatoes in his hand.

This is a specialty here and the general's favorite delicacy. Please try it.

She didn't know when she changed into a dress. The hem of the tight black dress only reached her crotch. You could vaguely see the spring scenery when she walked around. There was a pure white ribbon tied around her waist, and her legs were passed through a pair of thin The shredded meat makes the skin of your legs look smoother and more delicate.

In addition, you can also taste me. In order to serve you in advance, I will soak in descaling liquid and aromatherapy oil for three hours every day a week ago. I will also use special equipment to remove all dirt inside and outside the body.

Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows and looked her up and down.

Are you not a normal person?

You guessed it very accurately. I am a specially prepared biochemical human produced three months ago. Don't worry, my genes are taken from hundreds of female genes from several planets, and are the most popular among men. No matter what posture I am in, Yes. Taylor introduced his performance expressionlessly.

Okay, you can go down first. Lu Sheng interrupted, since he had Wang Jing, he didn't have much interest in other people.

Although Wang Jing doesn't mind, he has always been a dedicated person.

Taylor bowed and left.

Lu Sheng turned his head and looked at the vast plain retreating at high speed.


I don't know how long it took, but the airship slowly slowed down and came to a stop with a sound of jets.

Lu Sheng stood up and opened the door with a bang.

The strong wind from high in the sky quickly rushed in. He didn't care and jumped out.

Bang! !

The ground cracked slightly, and a small pit of more than half a meter appeared.

Lu Sheng stood up from the pit and looked around.

All around was an empty plain.

Open the weakening barrier. He directly conveyed his voice through energy.


A translucent light film slowly emerged on the inner wall of the surrounding ship.

Lu Sheng walked out of the pothole and found another place to stand.

He needed to figure out the function of the divine bow as soon as possible. This thing should be of great use to the Holy Wheel Body, not just to increase its power.

Taking out the divine bow from his lower back, he gently threw it forward, and the ball turned into a bow and arrow. He then grabbed the bow body with one hand and pulled gently.

Silently, tiny points of light gathered around the string of the divine bow like fireflies.

Lu Sheng suddenly released the bow string.

Chi! !

A white beam of light suddenly shot out and flew hundreds of meters before slowly dissipating.

In the space that the beam passed through, all matter, including the air, was purified.

On the surface, nothing can be seen with the naked eye, but Lu Sheng's mental energy can clearly sense it. The trajectory of the divine bow is like a water channel carved out by water in a garbage dump. It is clearly visible.

Pure purification ability, the degree of increase is between three and five times. It can increase the amount of telekinesis equivalent to the total amount of Vinaga level at most. No more will be enough.

Putting down the divine bow, Lu Sheng carefully inspected the bow body.

There will be subtle silver lines flashing past when the mind is vaguely reflected on it.

This seems to be some kind of ancient writing or a programming system? Lu Sheng, a master of linguistics, quickly wrote down the patterns that flashed by.

He had recorded this kind of pattern before, but it was just carved in other places, and it still had no effect.

He would often record this pattern. As long as it was not repeated, he would quickly memorize it and correspond to the effect of the telekinesis emitted by the divine bow.

Although this seems useless, it is still a breakthrough after all.

Lu Sheng began to pull the bow string again and again, and white light continued to fly out. The lines on the bow keep flickering, but most of them are repetitive.

Slowly, he seemed to have made some new discoveries.

During this test, the beam released seemed to be more powerful than the one tested last time.

After trying it several times, Lu Sheng quickly determined that it was indeed more powerful than before.

Holding the divine bow, he vaguely had some ideas.

If the holy wheel body existed a long time ago, then the divine bow should be made for this kind of holy wheel body. If it only increases the limited power, then it doesn't matter whether it is made or not.

The divine bow has two forms, one is a bow and arrow, and the other is a ball of silk thread. Wait! A ball of silk thread?? Lu Sheng suddenly felt that he had entered a misunderstanding.

Since bows and arrows can be used for fighting, why not balls of silk thread?

He grabbed it with his hand, moved his mind slightly, and immediately transformed the divine bow into a ball of silk thread.

Try this time. Lu Sheng's motion telepathy had just attached itself to the ball of silk thread.

Bang! !

The ball of silk thread that was suspended in front of him exploded instantly and turned into countless tiny threads, quickly becoming invisible in the surrounding air.

A feeling that everything was under control flooded into Lu Sheng's heart.

The silk thread slowly spread, gradually covering the surrounding area of ​​300 meters and then stopped.

That's it. Lu Sheng's heart moved.

Chi! !

A deep cut suddenly opened on the ground ten meters away from him. It was as if some sharp blade was cutting hard from there.

Lu Sheng thought that he could move again.

boom! !

In the entire surrounding area of ​​more than 300 meters, all the substances in the air on the ground rippled out of thin air.

Wherever the ripples hit, all metal was shattered into pieces. It was as if it had been cut countless times by countless sharp blades.

At the same time, circles of shining silver text symbols appeared in the air in front of Lu Sheng.

Ten percent of telekinesis. Lu Sheng increased the output.


The ripples surrounding him quickly became denser and more numerous. Circles of white ripples are clearly visible, and anything that touches the ripples will flicker like a phantom.

And the things it flashes will be directly crushed and turned into powder after a while.

The power has increased by at least sixteen times! No, even seventeen times, twenty times! Lu Sheng was shocked to feel the power of this divine bow.

This kind of improvement seems to have no end, as long as he inputs as much mental energy as possible, he can improve as much as possible.

He increased his mental energy output little by little, and the ripples around him became more and more numerous and denser. Soon they were like countless dense threads, and it was completely impossible to tell that these were just pure energy filaments.

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