Extreme Demon

Chapter 1068 The Heart of the Past 2

The Holy Wheel Body represents the ultimate in mental energy and physical body. It is almost the limit that humans in this world can reach. And the next level of the spiral nine-life method, the seventh life, is the internal organs. It should be the complete completion of the Holy Wheel Body .

With each breath, Lu Sheng took back the aura of red clouds floating around him and stood still on the cliff again.

The surrounding warships were rising and falling one after another, and no one noticed that in this small corner, someone had successfully broken through and reached the legendary realm of gods.

At this time, Lu Sheng looked at the remaining spiritual power, only a pitiful amount of more than 10 million was lying there, showing the huge consumption of the breakthrough just now.

I need more scale stones and more divine power. But before that, I need to test how powerful the so-called Holy Wheel Body is.

Lu Sheng took a step forward and shot straight into the sky, flying towards the space above his head.

Nian can be wrapped around his body to prevent the high heat generated by high-speed friction from burning his clothes.

Lu Sheng secretly discovered that the mental energy of the Holy Wheel Body seemed to be somewhat different from the mental energy of Amfretty and other mental energy masters.

The mental energy of the Holy Wheel Body seems to have different attributes. Like a therapeutic effect that can purify toxins. It is more like a special ability that can exclude any foreign matter.

The thought energy it emits can still maintain its extremely high purity.

Lu Sheng rose straight into the sky and soon arrived at a giant blue starlight ship hovering near the atmosphere.

Enter through the dense hive entrance below the giant ship.

The small transport ships entering and exiting all slightly gave way to show respect for him.

In the eyes of ordinary people, those who can fly freely are telekinesis masters. To ordinary people, the group of telepathy masters is a special group of people who are high and worthy of awe.

Lu Sheng flew along the giant ship, walked forward for more than ten minutes, and soon entered the isolation room in a roundabout way.

After spraying disinfectant gas up and down, he came out of the isolation room and went straight to the nearest library.

Every giant ship, except for the combat function area, is almost a huge city.

Giant ships are generally difficult to destroy, so there are always a large number of residents living in the cities inside.

Of course there are libraries, and there are more than one. It's just that in the interstellar age, not many people read books, and most of them can connect to the Internet in their own bedrooms.

A small storage device the size of a button can hold tens of thousands of massive books.

Lu Sheng went to the library in person, and there were not many people in the entire library hall.

He found a seat and sat down, tapping his index finger on the table, and a translucent light screen suddenly popped up in front of him, with a swipe on it listing all the types of books in the hall.

He selected the mythological information with ease and began to carefully find all the records of Tang Sheng's wheel body.

An hour later, Lu Sheng used the library's personal reading assistance system to completely collect all the information on the Holy Wheel that could be collected in a short time and list it in front of him.

Most of the Holy Wheel Body are actually archers?

Lu Sheng looked at the information on the sacred bows used by the Holy Wheel Body recorded on the pages.

There are even two divine bows on the Double Star that were once rumored to be used by the Holy Wheel Body.

However, it has been placed in the museum and no one has moved it.

I don’t know if it’s true or false.

According to the data, the Holy Wheel Body can exert extremely exaggerated lethality through the compatibility of the divine bow.

Divine Bow. Lu Sheng turned off the light screen. Now that he knew there was a Divine Bow, he still had some time left. He could go out and bring back a divine bow to try.

Just as he was told, he quickly left the library and returned along the original exit.

As long as it can enhance his strength, he will accept anyone who comes.



Black Sakura Galaxy, Galactic Center.

In the large and empty silver battleship hall.

Kaphiredir Pareon, wearing a black cloak, stood quietly in front of the huge transparent observation wall.

He is already four thousand years old, and time is no longer the most important factor in his life.

This burly old man with a Chinese character face was currently holding a thick wooden cane with both hands, and his weathered and sharp eyes were quietly staring at the constantly rotating and shining galaxies in the space.

Parreon. A gentle man's voice came from behind him.

Paraen slowly turned around and looked at a dark figure slowly emerging not far from him.

What? Do you want to quit? The figure slowly revealed the face of a handsome man with black floral patterns.

Now that the critical moment has come, you suddenly said you wanted to quit, Pareon, do you know what you are doing?

In another empty space, a red lightning slowly exploded, revealing a white-haired old woman wearing a red robe and holding a red crystal ball.

Of course I know, Lei Li, when did I need you to teach me how to do things? Pareon said solemnly, with a hint of coldness in his tone.

We have been in alliance for so long. We are all our own people. Don't keep arguing and ruin the harmony.

A group of black water emerged from another place, and a handsome man with black hair slowly walked out of it.

He held a small round fan in his hand and shook it gently. A strange vertical eye with black and red pupils was embroidered on the fan.

The old woman didn't speak any more, but stared at Pareon with a sinister look.

I respect your choice. The gentle man who first appeared still said calmly.

He reached into his pocket and took out a pair of glasses and put them on gently.

When we formed the alliance, we already mentioned that any member can join or withdraw at will. Now, I won't have any objection if you withdraw.

Pareon stared at the man quietly.

Dragon Emperor, what I want has been obtained. But now you are carrying out meaningless destruction. He paused, For fourteen consecutive different spaces, all we have done is massacre. Regarding this, I don’t agree.”

I can sense your doubts and dissatisfaction. The gentle man known as the Dragon Emperor sighed, But please give me some time? Everything I said at the beginning will lead the blue starlight to return to purity, allowing All the filth of the empire is washed away and purified. This will come to pass.”

My men are fighting bloody battles, just for meaningless destruction and massacre. How can you explain to me!? The cane in Parreon's hand was severely slapped.


The entire hall was filled with dull knocking sounds.

Leave it to me. The Dragon Emperor slowly stretched out his hand to Pareon and said with a smile, Do you still remember the ideal we shared together? For thousands of years, I have never forgotten it for a moment.

Pareon stared into his eyes and snorted coldly. Without looking at the Dragon Emperor's hand, he turned around and walked toward the exit, slowly disappearing into the dark starlight.

The Dragon Emperor still had a smile on his face and slowly retracted his hand.

Dragon Emperor, Pareon holds half of the organization's military strength. If he doesn't move, we won't be able to occupy it within the stipulated time on our own.

Don't be anxious. The Dragon Emperor interrupted the red-robed old woman.

On the road to ideals, there will always be people left behind and people forgotten. He gently adjusted his glasses, But Pareon is different, he just didn't think about it for a moment.

No, I don't think this was a decision made by Pareon in excitement. The handsome man holding a fan said softly.

As the former Prime Minister of the Magic Map Empire, once Pareon truly expresses his stance, it means that he has considered countless possibilities. It will be difficult for him to change again.

The Dragon Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly.

I'm sure he can figure it out.

What if it really doesn't work? the man with the round fan asked.

The Dragon Emperor remained silent.

But both people present could vaguely feel a trace of murderous intent slowly rising from his body.

a long time.

I will deal with him myself.

A calm voice, as if it was just stating the facts, slowly echoed in the hall.

Pareon walked slowly on the huge solid bridge.

He knew that man all too well. They were brothers who went through life and death countless times, rising from the grassroots step by step, and finally achieved their current great achievements.

With his character, he would never engage in such senseless occupation, invasion and massacre.

There must be someone stirring up trouble and manipulating power around him! Pareon was furious.

He took a few steps, and with a flick of his mind, he quickly weaved a circular light curtain in the air in front of him.

The light screen jumped a few times, and soon a long-haired man wrapped in black tights was revealed.

Sir, what are your orders?

Isn't Cimela back yet? I need to visit as soon as possible. Paraen said solemnly.

It's back. Lady Simela returned to her residence early the morning before yesterday. She can be transferred at any time now.

Transfer. Pareon said solemnly.

The screen suddenly trembled and quickly turned into a mass of gray.

The gray color rotated rapidly, and the aging face of a white-haired old man quickly emerged.

Paren the old man looked a little strange.

I need your help and support. Parreen said bluntly.

. The old man fell silent immediately.

Pareon's heart sank. He and Ximera joined forces and formed an alliance. They have been merging the power of shadow for hundreds of years. I am already very familiar with this friend.

Seeing his appearance at this time, my heart suddenly sank, knowing that something had changed.

Ximela was silent for a while.

Parreon, I'm sorry, I may not be able to help you.

Do you know what you're talking about? Pareon's mind raced and he quickly came up with an answer. But he still asked again reluctantly.

Give up. I went to Gaslakar before, and Jayne. Jayne is missing, Simela said in a low voice.

Presumptuous!!! Pareon suddenly slapped his hands, and a transparent shock wave exploded with him as the center.

The surrounding cosmic space was rapidly distorting and oscillating, and tiny cracks appeared.

Huge dark wolf shadows slowly emerged around him.

If they want to start a war! I, Cafiledir Pareon! I will accompany you to the end!! Pareon's eyes widened with anger, and the terrifying telekinesis was like the sun. It was just natural and unconscious radiation, causing the entire giant ship around it to radiate. Constantly shaking. It may collapse at any time.

He is never afraid of war!

Just like a thousand years ago, he led his army to completely exterminate thirty-two major tribes in a river system.

Together with their civilization, they were completely wiped out from the long river of wisdom.

Paren! The old man wanted to say something else.


The light curtain exploded.

Pareon was like a lion, holding his cane tightly in his hand and saying nothing.

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