Extreme Demon

Chapter 1055 Chaos 1

One after another, flying or galloping figures, kept passing through the chaotic city, heading towards Lu Sheng's direction.

One-third of the entire Anming City has been destroyed. The fighting in the chaos, the death battle between the reincarnations, and the clearing out of the area by the Nine Life Hall cadres have continued to increase the destruction of the entire city.

But no matter what, it is a matter of humanitarianism and the awareness that this is its headquarters. The cadres and disciples of the Nine Lives Hall, while eliminating zombies and reincarnations, are also constantly trying to rescue those who are still alive.

Their rescue is not so much a rescue as it is just helping to neutralize the threat.

Starting from the Jiu Ming Tang headquarters, many cadres led members and gradually advanced to every corner of the city. All safe areas were jointly defended by the remaining police personnel who arrived later and the few troops left by the military.

After some of the rescued rich people were shocked, they waved their checks and asked to hire Jiu Ming Tang to rescue their relatives, wives and daughters.

But Jiu Ming Tang ignored it.

The situation broke out so suddenly that many people in the upper echelons were not prepared at all.

The spread of the virus only lasted for an hour, and basically the entire Anming City was completely infected. However, according to statistics, many people seem to be immune to this virus, and many normal people with strong physiques can survive this crisis safely. But the most pitiful ones are the children.

They are weak and infected by the virus spread the fastest.

This time, almost no children under the age of ten in Anming City were spared.

Small parts of various buildings were damaged to varying degrees. Most of the survivors, under the guidance of Jiu Mingtang, went through physical screening one by one and confirmed that there were no wounds before they were allowed to enter behind the defense line.

Soon, two hours later, half of the city was completely cleared. Only the last hardest hit area remains.

The central business district with the highest concentration of zombies and the largest number of reincarnators.



Lu Sheng stood quietly on the roof of a three-story villa. The five-meter-wide flesh wings behind him were slowly flapping, causing strong winds from time to time.

Below, familiar and unknown figures appeared on the ruins, kneeling down on one knee towards him from a distance.

The Emotion-Destroying Seed does not require Lu Sheng's active control. It is completely passive stimulation. Anyone who is defeated by him and survives will be forced to break through the psychic defenses and plant the Emotion-Destroying Seed in the deepest part of his consciousness.

Theoretically, only those with an extremely strong will can resist the implantation of the genocide. But so far, Lu Sheng has never seen anyone with such tenacity of willpower.

The number of people slowly increased, gradually growing from single digits to double digits.

Soon, two key figures appeared.

Bright, who was still fighting with others and creating a massacre at the Demon Gate, was now trembling, staring at Lu Sheng with a horrified look, but his feet were walking slowly towards Lu Sheng unconsciously. close.

While he was scared, he had to obey Lu Sheng's orders.

The other person was Bai Songdie who had escaped from Lu Sheng before.

Her arms were dripping with blood, as if she had just gone through some kind of fighting. Her face was pale and pitiful, like a wounded animal in urgent need of comfort and embrace.

Lu Sheng didn't know that the virus was from Bai Songdie. At this time, he just glanced at it and crossed it lightly.

Bai Songdie's originally frightened body slowly calmed down. What she was most afraid of was that Lu Sheng knew it was her who had given the virus.

The shortcomings of annihilating love species were also revealed at this time.

The fear caused by the annihilation species will make people unconsciously awe and obey Lu Sheng's instructions, but this fear may also cause others to hide some key points in order to avoid even more fearful and fearful consequences.

After waiting for a while, several more people came out one after another, all of them reincarnators.

If we wait any longer, no one will arrive.

Lu Sheng then spoke slowly.

No matter where you come from. No matter what mission you have. Now, you are all my servants.

He paused, his eyes resting on Brett.

Bang! ! !

Brett didn't have time to speak. Then I felt a sharp pain in my forehead, and then my whole vision went dark, and then I didn't know anything anymore.

The rest of the people only saw Bright's whole body explode instantly and turn into a ball of blood mist, which was blown away by the wind in a blink of an eye and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Only a few delicate-looking black boxes fell down.

The rest of the people, go clear out the remaining urban areas and remember to replace them with the special logo of the Nine Lives Hall. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Everyone below saluted, and then each of them ran away in silence in the distance.

Bai Songdie was the same. He felt happy and was about to turn around and fly away.

You stay. Lu Sheng's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

Bai Songdie trembled all over and almost ran away, but the fear and awe of Lu Sheng caused by Mie Qingzhong forced her to stop in place.

Your heartbeat is twelve beats per minute faster than others. Lu Sheng's figure brought out a series of afterimages, and he was behind her in an instant.

Tell me, your people, who is the strongest person who came this time? That old man just now? Lu Sheng tried to find out some details about the reincarnators from Bai Songdie.

I don't. Bai Songdie turned around slowly with a sad face.

Who released the virus? Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

I, I, it's not me!! Ah!!! Bai Songdie was suddenly frightened, backed away, and his mood changed drastically.

Lu Sheng saw this scene and already knew the answer.

Is there anything else? Take it out. He said calmly.

Bai Songdie looked frightened and took a few steps back. Various expressions such as hesitation, hesitation, and suffering flashed across his face. Finally, she stretched out her hand, and with a flash of her palm, two more sealed test tubes filled with silver rotating liquid appeared.

Lu Sheng reached out and took the test tube, looked up at the light and checked it.

Let's go, tell us all the key people you know. He grabbed Bai Songdie's long hair and dragged her flying away.

Business district, a block with the largest concentration of shopping malls.

A dark group of zombies kept wandering around here, one after another, wandering the streets as if they were alive.

Their skin has ulcerated, and rotten flesh and blood can be seen in many places on their bodies. Many organs and tissues, except for the digestive system, have been completely destroyed.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that the entire area of ​​several hundred meters is filled with densely packed groups of countless zombies.


Suddenly, a loud, clear and harsh sound came from in front of a hardware store.

A large number of zombies roared, raised their heads and walked slowly towards the direction of the sound.

Clang, clang, clang! !

Suddenly, there was a series of more intense metal knocking sounds.

At this time, more zombies completely determined their position and accelerated towards the direction of the sound.

Groups of zombies gathered together to form a larger group and walked towards the source of the sound.

Ansha kept circling the short knife in his hand, tapping it on several metal pipes on the ground in front of the hardware store.

He stared at the slowly approaching black tide of corpses in front of him, his expression cold and dull.

So, no matter how much this kind of meaningless garbage comes, it will still be just garbage.

Soon, enough zombies gathered.

He stopped tapping, raised his short knife, pointed the back of the knife at himself, and flicked his finger.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the entire dagger completely collapsed. Turned into countless metal fragments.

The fragments exploded again into finer silver gravel, like a long dragon of silver mist, blowing fiercely into the zombie wave.


Subtle popping sounds continued.

In an instant, the metal of the entire corpse wave became stiff and motionless.

Ansha turned around and walked away into the distance without looking behind him.

Behind him were countless zombies that continued to fall to the ground and turned into rotten flesh.

On the edge of another large shopping mall. Half of the entire triangular mall was slowly collapsing, throwing up a large amount of gray-yellow smoke.

Bang! ! !

In the intact half, a large chunk of the floor suddenly collapsed and exploded.

In the smoke and dust, Red Thorn's huge body, which was more than four meters high, slowly emerged. He jumped to the ground lightly and stood in a large area of ​​ruins.

Green veins like blood vessels appeared on her skin, and the green pipes on her face transported massive amounts of green liquid at high speed.

The terrifying muscles were almost deformed, like countless tumors piled together, or like tree root tumors growing haphazardly under the ground of a giant tree. Some of the muscles were bigger than her entire head.

Get out! A bunch of bitches! Hong Thorn walked on the gravel of a ruined building. The sound roared so hard that the ground shook.


Several men and women hiding in the cracks in the broken wall were alerted, and they came out in panic and panic, and fled towards the distance.

Hong Thorn didn't even look, she just looked around, looking for the reincarnations she had fought with just now.

Reincarnation, that's what Master Wang Mu told them. She didn't know what it meant, but no matter what it meant, they were all dead people anyway, so it didn't matter whether she knew it or not.

It's just an NPC!! A sinister voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, a gray figure flew toward the red thorn at an extremely fast speed.

The other two gray figures stood far away, their bodies emerging from the smoke. They held complex machines similar to crossbows in their hands, and they were already aiming at the red thorn.


boom! !

Two crossbow arrows came out of the bowstring and instantly turned into two long blue electric dragons in mid-air.

court death!

Red Thorn's body arched, and his palms vibrated rapidly, gathering large dark green light spots.

Pluto. Gao Xiang!!

She slammed her palm into the ground, and large dark green light spots roared and turned into green light, flying out and drilling into the earth.

There was silence for a moment.

boom! !

A large piece of cement on the ground suddenly exploded. Countless rocks exploded in all directions like cannonballs. In an instant, the Thunder Dragon and the approaching gray figure were beaten until they vomited blood and flew backwards.

Wei Handong was wearing a black leather suit, and on his exposed strong chest was a black jade pendant given to him by his sister, which was shaped like a strange inverted crescent moon.

He was dragging a masked woman covered in blood, dragging her legs. Although the woman looked quite pretty, Wei Handong had no interest in other women except his sister.

So at the moment when this woman began to seduce him, he went up and struck the heart with a black tiger strike, and the outcome was completely determined.

Xiao Lian!! Ahhhh! I will kill you!!

A black figure flashed out from behind, the heavy battle ax in his hand glowed with white light from top to bottom, and struck Wei Handong on the head.

clang! ! ! !

A loud sound like a bell suddenly exploded.

Wei Handong's feet were cracked, but he just looked at the man in front of him indifferently.

Because this is not the first time this has happened.

This person has the same skill as teleportation. He can't catch him, but he can't cut him either.

He simply didn't bother to do anything and let him chop it.

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