Extreme Demon

Chapter 1056 Chaos 2

Would you like two more chops? Wei Handong flicked the ax on his forehead.

Bang! ! !

The giant ax exploded into pieces, and the man flew backwards with it.

Although the man teleported hurriedly, he was still brushed aside. He groaned and sprinkled a few drops of blood in mid-air.

Wei Handong looked indifferent and continued to drag the woman in other directions of the headquarters.

His martial arts are impeccable.

In fact, he is more like a smaller version of Lu Sheng.

His strength is not as good as Red Thorn, his speed is not as good as that of the Bai brothers, and his defense and regeneration speed are not as good as Ansha's. But in everything, he is very balanced. He was only slightly weaker than the others in every aspect.

Taken together, it becomes an extremely terrifying existence.

He is faster than the Red Thorn, stronger than the Bai brothers, and in terms of defense and regeneration, Ansha is slightly better than him, but not as good as the others. Taken together, no matter what situation he encounters, he can do it with ease and without difficulty.

And this is the ultimate state that Wei Handong has always wanted to pursue. Just like the teacher he admired, Lu Sheng.

You are too weak. He quietly wiped away a little blood in his hair. You can't even scratch one percent of my scalp. This kind of weakness is beyond my imagination.

He looks a lot like Lu Sheng.

Even the shamelessness aspect is the same.

Ahhhh!! I'll fight with you!! The other people finally couldn't help it, and showed up and rushed toward him crazily.

Small explosions and impacts can be seen from time to time in the city below.

Although the buildings were still damaged in a small area, they were much better than before.

In mid-air, a tall and thin man wearing a black trench coat was suspended high, overlooking the chaotic city below.

There were five men and women in black trench coats like him suspended behind the man. On the back of their clothes, there is a big character nine.

The most conspicuous thing is that the man's right eye is wearing a black eyepatch, and his face shows a trace of indifferent laziness.

Boss, there's something going on. Suddenly a woman behind him whispered.

The man took out a crumpled cigarette from his pocket. With a mistake of his finger, a spark lit up and he lit the cigarette butt.

He bit it in his mouth and took a deep breath.

Who are you from?

They're from the Telekinesis Alliance. Blue Starlight is here too. They staggered and came together.

Let them go back directly. They don't need to intervene here. The man said calmly.

Huh? Just reply directly like that? The woman was a little stunned.

Of course, just say it was me, Zheng Huan, who said it.

Understood. The woman nodded heavily, quickly retreated, and began to use her portable device to contact the Telekinesis Alliance.

Zheng Huan took a few puffs of cigarette, suddenly his expression became calm, and he raised his head and looked up into the sky.

In the sky above the entire Anming City, a silver giant ship that was even bigger than last time was slowly breaking through the clouds and pressing down here.

Idiot! He smiled disdainfully.

As a senior telekinesis master, he had been able to freely control several such huge battleships as early as a year ago. Not to mention now.

After being transformed and trained by that demonic and terrifying figure. Now, he has far exceeded his previous limits.

It has reached a strange height that I don't know how strong it is.

Strive for control. Get this thing out. Zheng Huan ordered.

But now he is too lazy to take action. There are many experts behind him to handle this small situation.

He is a fellow disciple who has been trained and transformed together, and the masters of telekinesis department behind him are all powerful telekinesis masters that are absolutely far beyond ordinary.

If ordinary telekinesis masters are best at controlling foreign objects, then after undergoing transformation, telekinesis masters like them are best at controlling telekinesis.

Control the telekinesis of other telekinesis masters!

It's just a Berta-class battleship, let me do it. A man moved forward slowly, looking up at the battleship above him.

Buzz! !

A transparent distortion burst out from his eyes and disappeared into the sky above his head in the blink of an eye.

The battleship shook violently, and its original sinking trend was quickly curbed, and it began to move backwards.

They have many Nian Neng masters, help me! the man suddenly said urgently.

I'll do it! The other two people took action at the same time, and two thoughts rushed into the sky at the same time.

The battleship retreated rapidly.

Soon, the sky turned blue again.

Less than half of the cigarette in Zheng Huan's mouth was burned. He turned around.


Well, let's go. At least five high-level telekinesis masters in the telekinesis alliance had their telekinesis destroyed and were seriously injured. They retreated when they faced difficulties. The female telekinesis master from before quickly replied.

The blue starlight has also receded. They sent out friendly communications. If we need help, we can send them a message in time.

A man on the other side said briefly.

Reply and express your gratitude. Zheng Huan ordered.


Zheng Huan returned to his distracted state again. Looking at the city that exploded from time to time below, I felt a little dazed.

His mission is to prevent all outside forces from getting involved.

This might have been an extremely difficult and impossible task for him originally. But for him now, this task couldn't be easier.


Is this something that needs to be considered?

He was now many times stronger than before, but he still couldn't escape from that man's shadow.

Those who do not meet the required strength are weak.

Fortunately, it's almost enough to go back and take revenge. He murmured. The Horus family is the big boss on the planet Pegasus. But in the entire Nian Energy Alliance, it is just a small local snake worth mentioning.

Boss, what is that!? Suddenly a subordinate exclaimed.

Zheng Huan stopped recalling and shifted his gaze.

Well, what is that? He looked curiously as a circle of light blue lines appeared in the air.

The texture is circular, with only a few lines at the beginning, and it is only a flat surface. Then there were more and more and more and more dense.

Forget it, no matter what, it won't be wrong to abort it. Zheng Huan said casually.

He stretched out his hand and aimed at that area, and his mental power surged rapidly. The mental energy, which was five times more than what he had before, quickly condensed into a twisted sphere.

A-level!?! A surprised male voice suddenly came from the circular pattern.

Please wait a moment, we don't have any malicious intentions. We are here just to eliminate some malicious people who have caused damage to your city. The man quickly explained.

In addition, as an A-level expert, you must also want to know more about the inside story of previous virus outbreaks, right? We can provide clues.

But I'm not interested. Zheng Huan said lazily.

We paid a lot of money for this transmission. In exchange, as long as you don't destroy the transmission process, we can conditionally agree to one of your requests. The man continued.

It's boring. Zheng Huan shook the ashes from his cigarette. Continue to gather your energy. The opponent's strength even made him feel threatened. But what does it matter?

Friend, we have no conflict of interest. Although this is your city, we have no ill intentions. If you insist on blocking the transmission, you must be aware of the consequences. There are more than one of us in Class A. The man over there became impatient.

It's admirable to be able to reach Grade A in such a remote place, but if you insist on it, we will destroy planets like Beji Star.

Zheng Huan blew out a smoke ring.

You have to tell my boss about this. I don't care.

What? The voice within the formation paused.

Zheng Huan casually threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and several giant silver dragons flew out of the silver powder behind him in an instant, circling and slamming into the teleportation vortex.

There was a loud bang, and the sky completely returned to calm.

My interstellar teleportation array! Damn it!! It seemed that someone was vomiting blood, and the subtle sound slowly reached Zheng Huan's ears with the final shock.

He dug his ears and checked the time.

The boss said to guard for three hours. It has been two and a half hours now. With everyone's support, persistence is victory. I will treat you to a feast later.

Boss, can you please stop eating Xiao Zheng Shengjian? I almost vomited after eating it. A young girl said helplessly.

How could it be? The fried pancakes are delicious, and you can get coupons when you eat in my store. Aren't you happy? Zheng Huan looked at his subordinates with a 'surprised' look on his face.


Of course I'm happy.

Several people replied weakly.

Remember, the coupon I received last time has to be used up. The time is about to expire. Zheng Huan added at the end.

A group of people were completely speechless.

The ground below.

Lu Sheng slowly folded his wings and strode into the entrance of an underground shelter.

Behind him were several burly men two meters tall. There were more than a dozen Jiu Ming Hall disciples standing guard around the area.

As Lu Sheng walked, he took the clothes handed to him by people around him and put them on.

Remember, I'm just an ordinary librarian now! My salary is only 3,800 yuan a month, and I rely on you to take care of my food and drinks. He pointed to a core disciple beside him.

Boss, boss, I don't dare. The disciple looked sad.

Come here! Lu Sheng pointed to a person on the other side.

Yes Yes!

The guy responded shakily.

From now on, call me Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang, remember? Call me and see. Lu Sheng said quickly.

Little boss Wang!

Bang! !

Lu Sheng slapped the guy away.

This guy flew backwards and was embedded in a wall, unable to come down for a while.

You! Come on! Lu Sheng pointed at the third person.

Your Majesty!

Bang! ! !

Lu Sheng slapped the guy so hard that he rolled dozens of meters away and fell unconscious on a stone step.

Forget it, come on! Lu Sheng finally pointed at Wei Handong with a wry smile on his face.

Wei Handong reluctantly agreed with a grimace.

Teacher, don't blame them. They really respect you like a god and don't dare to go any further.

What about you? Are you okay? Lu Sheng asked impatiently.

Let's do this. I'll call you brother and say that you saved my life, and then I will take care of you. Do you think this is okay?

Okay, let's go. Lu Sheng didn't want to talk nonsense, as long as he could cope with it.

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