Extreme Demon

Chapter 1054 Air Combat 2

The building was broken into several pieces. In one of the ruins, several disciples struggled hard and managed to get half of their bodies out, and then they lost their breath.

They were covered in blood and their eyes were wide open, as if they were angry at the injustice of fate.

Countless gray smoke and dust were scattered around like gunpowder smoke, swaying in the strong wind.

Ta, tap.

A pair of black leather boots slowly stopped in front of these corpses.

Lu Sheng bent down, gently smoothed the corpse's eyes and closed them.

Go, my blood.

Huge twisted figures over three meters tall gradually appeared behind him.

Let the whole world witness your power

In the smoke and dust, blurry giant shadows moved one after another, rushing towards the disaster city full of zombies.

Lu Sheng's eyes fell on two figures, one black and one white, who were still fighting not far away.

He raised his feet and walked slowly towards the two people.


In an instant, a series of afterimages emerged from his entire body.

Everything in the field of vision rapidly enlarged at a terrifying speed.

Bright, who was vigorously swinging the undead scythe, was getting closer and closer in his field of vision.

Lu Sheng opened his hand and pointed it calmly at Bright's forehead.

Boom! ! !

A cloud of white mist suddenly exploded in mid-air.

Brett felt as if his whole body had been hit head-on by a meteorite. His whole body was spinning. In the blink of an eye, everything around him was pitch black.

Dilan on the side took advantage of the situation and slashed at Lu Sheng with his sword. His speed and power were too fast and he had no time to stop his attack.

Lu Sheng turned around and the afterimages flashed and appeared behind Dilan in the blink of an eye.

Your time and mine are different.

boom! ! !

He hit Dylan in the back of the heart.

The violent terrifying power poured into the body like a mountain torrent.

Bang! !

Air waves exploded in mid-air. A circle of obvious white marks slowly spread out.

Dylan and his sword hit the ground like a meteorite. The entire ground was silent at first, and then quickly began to buzz.

Centered on Dilan's landing point, the surrounding land cracked and lit up with white light. Countless cold air gushes out one after another and overflows the ground.

Ahhhhh!!! A white light shot up into the sky and rushed towards Lu Sheng.

Countless rays of sword light slashed at Lu Sheng's body from all directions.

But he just grabbed it forward with one hand.

In an instant, all the sword lights merged into one, and they were held tightly by him.

Dylan's pretty face was pale, and there was a clear bloody hole in his chest. It was obviously a wound that had been completely penetrated by the palm just now.

I, Dilan, am a mere NPC and will never lose here! Never!!!

Countless white lights lit up all over her body again. A circle of white pearl-like light ball emerged behind him.

In my name, come out, Ice Emperor of the left and right sects!!!

Dylan screamed.

The light balls behind him all exploded one by one, and the scattered white light spots turned into countless white petals.

Among the petals, a huge armor carrying a white ice wheel slowly emerged.

Go for it!! Soul Freeze!!!!

Dylan opened his arms and let go of the sword.

Following his movements, countless white petals quickly flew towards Lu Sheng, and there were more and more of them.

Brett, who was on the ground, slowly stood up, coughed a few times, and stood up from the ruins.

As soon as he stood up, he felt that his whole body was getting colder and stiffer.

Looking up, I happened to see the huge Ice Emperor shadow that was tens of meters high.

Is this bitch crazy??! He knew how much it would cost to summon the Summons of the Sifang Celestial Emperor series.

At this time, Dylan was actually willing to pay such a high price. Apparently she was cornered.

You have to leave quickly!! Although the souls absorbed by the power of the Demonic Nexus are continuously supplying him with recovery. But in fact most of them are used to stabilize the Devil's Gate.

This Demon Gate is a portal specifically designed for the entry and exit of High Lord Demons.

The demons here are not from some ordinary monster world.

Rather, it is a cosmic abyss filled with only magic energy.

There are no other creatures there except demons.

It is called the Ancestral Demon Realm by many powerful people, which means the original source world of all demons.

The Ancestral Demon Realm is also a super-level world. And the high-ranking demons among them are naturally extremely powerful.

We have to leave quickly. Once the demon lord comes out, I can't control it. Bright picked up a thigh that had just been smashed and pressed it against his body.

Just for a moment, he couldn't even see anyone clearly, and he was killed once.

As long as the dark ball in the sky exists, he will not die as long as he is not killed three times in a row within half an hour.

And just now, he had been killed twice in a short period of time.

Woo! ! !

At this time, a piece of pure white ice and snow in the sky quickly revolved around Lu Sheng.

With Lu Sheng as the center, a large amount of surrounding ice thickened rapidly, and a huge ice ball condensed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng's entire body was completely frozen in the middle, and through the clear ice, his clear face could be seen inside.

Dylan raised his sword and pointed the tip at Lu Sheng.

Go to hell!! Damn NPC!! She kept vomiting blood in her mouth, but her expression was extremely crazy.


Suddenly a crack opened in the ice.

Dylan's expression changed, and he stabbed forward with his sword.


The blade of the sword was caught on the spot by a big hand.

Fire God Palm.

Lu Sheng moved his right palm forward, crackling and slowly breaking through a large layer of ice, and landed heavily on Dilan's forehead.

Everything fell silent for a moment.

Bang! ! ! !

A bloody mist suddenly exploded in mid-air.

Dylan's whole head suddenly exploded like a bomb.

Her headless body was suspended in the air for a while, then suddenly dispersed and turned into countless light spots.

The huge Ice Emperor shadow also slowly dispersed.

The ice around Lu Sheng also receded rapidly.

He retracted his hand, and there wasn't even a trace of blood on his body.

Next, it's your turn. He lowered his head and looked at Bright, who was running away quickly.

At this time, Bright had turned into silver light and flew away quickly towards the distance.

The Devil's Gate is about to take shape, and his immortal rebirth will be completely over. If he doesn't leave, he will really be dead.

Lu Sheng stepped on the void, and a wave of air exploded behind him, and he chased Bright like lightning.

Ouch! ! !

At this moment, a huge and extremely heavy roar suddenly came from the huge black ball in the sky.

Lu Sheng paused slightly. Look up.

Inside the black ball, a huge human face with horns on its head slowly swelled.

It's like a sculpture covered with a layer of black cloth.

The human face seems to be breaking free from the suppression of some force. He kept making roars of unknown meaning.

This humble insect's false world, let me, the great Shadu Hals, come to end this meaningless planet.

The huge human face, which is hundreds of meters wide, is bulging more and more, raising the surface of the black ball higher and higher, as if it might break at any time.

Right in front of his face, in front of the tip of his nose.

Lu Sheng's figure flashed, slowly emerged, and floated quietly in mid-air, while circles of white air waves exploded beneath him.

What were you talking about just now?

He actually spoke in the same devilish language.

The huge demon's face suddenly froze, and its eyes quickly focused on Lu Sheng in front of him.

Devil!? Invisible demon!?

Xiadu Hals was shocked.

There is also a clan of heavenly demons in the Ancestral Demon Realm, but very few can reach the level of invisible heavenly demons.

This can almost be called the level closest to the Demon King.

It is a terrifying existence that is said to be almost unkillable, and is at the same level as him.

Even if he is a demon prince, a high-level demon lord, and an overlord in the ancestral demon world, he is not willing to offend such a difficult character easily.

It's just that the Heavenly Demon clan in the Ancestral Demon Realm is extremely scattered. There are only a few invisible Heavenly Demons, and they are much weaker than other demon clans. Why had he never remembered that this demonic realm had such an invisible demon with such a powerful aura?

Since there is already a demon lord occupying this place, it is my fault. He did not want to conflict with such an almost unkillable character. The huge face quickly shrank back and returned to the black ball in a blink of an eye.

The black ball also shrank rapidly at the same time, quickly returning to the original size of a human head, and then dissipated with a pop.

The entire huge Demon's Gate was like a farce that had just concluded.

Countless white souls quickly dispersed and fell towards their original places. This demon prince even returned most of his soul. It's very respectable.

Lu Sheng was suspended in mid-air, as if his body was being moved, and he unconsciously began to exude a scent like black tentacles.

Originally, he had already made plans to confront this big guy, but he didn't expect that the other party actually retreated on his own initiative.

He naturally knows the devil language. He had eaten so many pure monsters and learned it secretly while lurking in the dark.

Okay, now that the two biggest troubles have been solved, it's time to clean up everything. Find the culprit.

Ouch! ! ! !

In the city below, a large number of zombies unexpectedly gathered into a group, forming a huge meatball-shaped monster that was thousands of meters high. He stretched out his giant hand towards him in mid-air.

Lu Sheng slapped him down with his backhand.

Bang! ! !

The giant hand slammed back to the ground like lightning, smashing it into countless pieces of zombie flesh and blood.

The monster howled in pain and fell to the ground, and was quickly surrounded by core cadres who were more than three meters tall.

In just a moment, the entire monster was completely dismembered by a group of strangely powerful giants.

Several fighter planes flew past Lu Sheng, and the pilot saluted Lu Sheng through the driving window.

The battleship slowly retreated. Although there were still a large number of zombies below, out of trust in the Nine Lives Hall, the military commander quickly ordered the withdrawal of troops to places where suppression was more needed.

Now. Lu Sheng was suspended high in the sky, and his voice was transmitted to the ground in circles like vibrations.

Slaughter. My blood.

Bright suddenly felt something on the ground and looked up at the sky.


Black shadows as huge as hills rose into the sky from the ground around Lu Sheng.

They flapped their fleshy wings on their backs, and each one looked like a mythical giant with black wings. With Lu Sheng as the center, they roared and flew down in all directions of the city.

Oh my God! To what level did the Lord God raise the level of difficulty?!! Bright couldn't help but whine.

Even the Demon Prince was blocked on the spot. Is this place so tough??

If he was asked to choose again, he would never be willing to rashly come to this kind of world.

A monster that can't even be killed by the frozen soul of the Ice Emperor of the Four Directions! Let's leave this kind of perversion to the Angel Team and the Demon Spirit Team. I won't serve you anymore! He turned around and turned into silver light again, heading towards the distance. Fly away.

But it just didn't fly very far. A sense of panic and depression rising from the bottom of his heart suddenly enveloped his entire heart.

Me me.!! His expression changed rapidly. In the deepest part of his conscious space, a strange-shaped black sphere was slowly taking root, penetrating into the deepest part of his consciousness.

Any fight will make me stronger.

Lu Sheng's voice came down from high in the sky. But at this time, Bright could no longer hear anything. He was completely trapped in a strange hallucination and couldn't extricate himself.

Return, my servant.

Lu Sheng's voice was like a wave, spreading in all directions.

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