Extreme Demon

Chapter 1053 Air Combat 1

It's been a long time since anyone dared to act so wildly on his territory.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at the clock on the wall in front of him, in a state of continuous distraction.

Hall Master, what should we do now? Ansha stood up and asked loudly. How about I go kill them?

I'll do it! The red thorn on the side, more than three meters high, was wearing heavy jet black heavy armor and a mask on his face. There were a large number of dark green hoses inserted on it to continuously supply green liquid to it.

It can be seen that she has made a breakthrough again.

But this time, before she was completely sure of defeating Lu Sheng, she would never be as reckless and impulsive as last time.

Just in time, I also want to try out the newly developed special moves. Red Thorn laughed in a low and weird voice. The whole person's image is like the devil in mythology.

Where is the county town? Lu Sheng asked calmly.

There's a big problem in the Bai family. Their brothers are cleaning it out right now. Some guys with very strange abilities have blocked all the electronic equipment there and the news can't get in. Wei Zhenyu explained. I've sent someone over on foot to deliver the letter.

How many people are here from the core? Lu Sheng glanced at the entire audience.

The three groups have gathered about thirty-one, two hundred and fifty, and six hundred and twenty people respectively. This is just an approximate number. It is still rising. The surrounding headquarters have initially formed a defense line to block the lunatics outside. Wei Handong quickly answered .

Master! Give the order, let's go and kill those sons of bitches!

This is our city, our territory!

Kill them! Kill them sons of bitches!

Order, Hall Master!!


A group of Nine Life Hall disciples were furious and stood up one after another.

Lu Sheng said nothing and fell silent.


Suddenly there was a scream from the sky outside.

A pitch-black ball grew larger and larger, suspended over the entire city, and the souls of countless creatures were absorbed into it crazily. It seemed like countless white raindrops flying from the ground to the sky.

Huge warships slowly rose from a distance, their dazzling white main guns blazing, and they continuously fired and bombarded the ball.

But to no avail, the ball seemed immune to all energy attacks. All the dead light penetrated the sphere and fell on the ground and sky behind it.

Hall Master! There were large casualties among the rescue teams in the city. Unknown strong men were fighting. The aftermath spread to them. The difference in strength is too big.

Connect the communication! Ansha said coldly.

Wei Zhenyu quickly connected to the call from the other side and turned on the amplifier.

‘This is the seventh rescue team. This is the seventh rescue team. We are attacked by unknown creatures. We are in urgent need of support. We are in urgent need of support. ’

This is the 10th Rescue Team. We and several military special team members are trapped on the second underground floor of the Shenghua Building! There are invisible monsters hunting us! Urgent support! Support!!

This is the second rescue team.

This is the 17th Rescue Team

Communication came in densely one after another.

From time to time, subtle screams could be heard coming from the phone in the distance.

Hall Master! What are you waiting for??! Hong Thorn strode forward and said angrily. Let me tear them apart! Crushing the flesh and bones of these bugs into a ball for bowling!

I think it might be nice to build a small manor using cement mortar mixed with flesh and blood. Ansha said coldly.

Lu Sheng remained silent, but his eyes turned slightly cold.

Hall Master!

A core member took a step forward. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his whole body glowed a faint dark red, his muscles bulged high, his breathing accelerated, and his huge and strong body looked like a bull that could explode at any time.

I'm going to trample them to death!! Trample them to death!!

You guys. Lu Sheng finally spoke.

too weak

The entire Nine Life Hall headquarters suddenly fell silent. Everyone's eyes are a little red, this is humiliating!

If the person who spoke was not Lu Sheng, the leader of the Nine Lives Hall who led them, anyone else would definitely be torn apart by them in the first moment.

If I just let you go, not many people here will survive. Lu Sheng said calmly. As if just stating a common fact.

No one spoke, and everyone was holding their breath. His eyes were bloodshot, and the muscles all over his body were tense unconsciously.

An extremely depressing atmosphere slowly filled the surrounding air.

In China Unicom's communication, explosions and screams were still heard, as well as continuous calls for help.

Did you hear it? The cry of the weak.

Lu Sheng stood up.

Tell me, do you want to be the weak, or do you want to give everything to become the strongest? His voice was not loud, but at this time, the emotions of everyone had accumulated to the limit, and they were like a volcano about to explode.

Just a little, and then exploded.

The more than a dozen cadres in the core department all had a strong atmosphere.

What do you want us to do!? A bald man with three hideous scars on his body gasped.

Lu Sheng's eyes were sharp and he stretched out his right palm.

Come on, use everything you have in exchange for the strongest power of mankind!

Then... live and die with me!!!

Bang! !

He clenched his palms suddenly, and his fingers dug deeply into his palms.

The large dark red blood mist suddenly exploded and flew to all the surrounding core members.

I! I am the strongest!!

And you are with me!!

Under the light, Lu Sheng's tall body twisted and expanded rapidly, getting taller and bigger.

A huge black shadow that became more and more ferocious was projected on the ground.



In boundless chaos and darkness.


A pair of sharp eyes suddenly opened. It was as if the entire space was illuminated by these eyes.

Brother, you are in danger. A cold female voice echoed in the space.

As the sound stirred, the space gradually became brighter.

In the endless dark void, a white flame burned slowly, and in the flame sat a cool woman with long black hair.

You can't do anything now. An old man whose face could not be seen clearly in the darkness said slowly.

Only when you completely inherit my power and inherit the entire Onadu, will you have the power to control everything. By then, your power will far surpass everything. The entire power of Onadu will be used by you! At that time, you will be the greatest Sorcerer King in history!!

You are vulnerable now.

The flame in Wang Jing's heart gradually extinguished.

She gritted her teeth, gently clenched her palms, and after a while, finally slowly closed her eyes. Once again fell into penance.



Su Qin turned over and jumped to avoid the attack of a black shadow beast. The two swords in his hands stabbed into the head of the shadow beast from an impossible angle.

The sword was drawn, and the shadow beast exploded into pieces.

She flew to the ground and flew towards the distance quickly.

The streets were in chaos, and military warships and fighter planes were fighting with large unknown summoned creatures in the sky. The huge black sphere continuously absorbs the soul vitality of all living creatures below.

And the longer the absorption time, the greater the intensity.

We can't go on like this! We must find a countermeasure, either get out of here or destroy that big black ball!

Su Qin and her team members had just been separated during an encounter.

The opponent is a reincarnation of unknown origin, powerful but not fast. In desperation, they could only disperse and flee.

While running, suddenly a silver light flashed in front of her eyes.

A silver line passed by at high speed not far in front of her and slammed into the small supermarket on the street.

boom! !

The supermarket exploded, and the roof seemed to be lifted off by an invisible hand. A white light fell from the sky, severely bombing the entire supermarket into rubble.

Hahahaha! You can't kill me!! An old maniacal laughter came out from the smoke.

An old man with a silvery body all over his body rose slowly from the ruins and floated into the sky.

The power of the Demonic Nexus protects me. No matter how powerful the power is, it is impossible to kill this body of mine! the old man said proudly.

Another figure with white light flew closer slowly, looking down at everything from above.

It seems that the big black ball is causing trouble. The figure slowly appeared, and it turned out to be a beautiful woman with white eyebrows.

She crossed her arms across her chest, raised her head slightly, and looked at the giant black ball suspended above her head.

Su Qin's heart was excited, and she quickly turned to the right and hid in a narrow alley.

Farewell Bright. Azure Blood Sword. The white-browed woman raised her hand, and the white light around her body quickly condensed into a pure white huge long sword with a blood pattern in the center.

The entire blade is almost as long as her.

This time, kill your soul!

She stretched out her hand, grabbed the hilt of the sword and slashed downwards.

Chi! ! !

The old man, the supermarket behind him, and the ground were instantly cut into a bottomless black crack.

The broken wall collapsed with a loud crash.

Su Qin was startled, and she peeked her head out. When she saw the huge sword marks on the ground that were hundreds of meters long, she suddenly became frightened.

This is definitely a B-level! Even an A-level strongman! How could such a scene suddenly befall a strong man of this height!? She was shocked and angry.

Forget about the sudden biochemical crisis before, now such a high-level powerful reincarnator has entered the scene again.

How can these D-class people still mess around?

The only possibility is that someone has significantly changed the plot of the movie. So what is it? Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration and remembered the sudden Resident Evil phenomenon before.

That is to say.

Necromantic Scythe!!

After a violent scream.

Buzz! ! !

The surrounding ground cracked open, and the invisible vibrations and sound waves exceeded the limit of what the human ear could hear.

The heavy vibrations tore apart the buildings on the ground and collapsed in an instant.

Su Qin felt her eyes go dark, her internal organs and brain felt a dull pain, and she almost fainted on the spot.

She poked her head out and saw two figures, one black and one white, each holding a sickle and a giant sword and slashing at each other.

Every time the scythe is swung, it will bring out a large colorful halo of destruction.

The white giant sword is extremely fast and powerful, constantly defeating the halo and suppressing the sickle.

boom! !

The black figure was violently slashed back by a huge force, and his body flew backwards, breaking the load-bearing wall of a building.

After penetrating several walls in succession, the entire building finally tilted slowly. It crashed down.

With a loud bang, several Jiu Ming Tang disciples who were rescuing people on the side of the building punched hard, trying to break through the wall and escape.

But the weight of the entire building is simply not something ordinary disciples like them can bear. A few people were like ants facing a torrent, and were instantly crushed and broken by the force.

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