Extreme Demon

Chapter 1052 Confrontation 2

Lu Sheng sensed an aura of chaotic greed from them.

He strode forward, and the disciples of Jiu Ming Hall behind him followed suit.

These members, who were originally fearless, turned pale when they saw this scene.

With this kind of virus that has absolutely no idea how likely it is to be contagious, everyone will worry about whether they will be infected.

The door opened with a click, and Lu Sheng just stepped out. A passerby rushed toward him.

This was a young office man. The shirt on his body had been torn into strips, revealing his disgusting body that was gray and black and beginning to rot.

As soon as he pounced towards him, a disciple in front of Lu Sheng kicked him sideways.


The man flew out and hit the stone pillar at the entrance of the hospital. His spine was broken on the spot and he could no longer move.

It can actually move!? A disciple couldn't help but exclaimed.

At a glance, everyone saw that the man's spine was broken, and he was still twisting and struggling on the ground, trying to crawl towards everyone.

Has it really become a biological crisis? Lu Sheng's heart sank. The first thing that comes to mind is my uncle's side.

Get out of here. Walk! he said in a low voice, striding along the sidewalk towards the headquarters.

I will contact the police military district immediately, and they should be able to mobilize manpower to suppress it as soon as possible.

Wei Zhenyu said briefly.

There's no rush. Let's gather the disciples of Nine Lives Hall who are still intact and gather the survivors. Build a fortress and isolate the patients. Lu Sheng quickly ordered.

At this time, there were about a dozen disciples following him, all of whom had just been evacuated from the hospital. Everyone saw that the whole city was in complete chaos. The first thing that occurred to me was not myself, but my relatives and friends.

Everyone wanted to disperse and go back to rescue their relatives and friends. If Lu Sheng hadn't been accumulating power for a long time, the entire team would have dispersed long ago.

The rest of the people, work separately. Anyone who wants to save people, go ahead. Lu Sheng looked at the expectant eyes of all the disciples and finally said calmly.

Don't wait for everyone to disperse. he added.

I'll give you two hours. Bring those who are still alive to meet outside the headquarters. Remember, don't bring infected people. If you do, they will be dealt with by the headquarters.

Thank you, Hall Master!

More than a dozen people were eager to return, and after responding one after another, they turned around and dispersed, running away in all directions.

Soon Wei Zhenyu was the only one left beside Lu Sheng.

Wei Zhenyu and Wei Handong were orphans, their relatives were all dead, and their only relative now was actually Lu Sheng.

It was Lu Sheng who gave them a second life, a second life. Although Lu Sheng explained from the beginning that there was a price.

But the two of them actually know it very well now. With Lu Sheng's strength and position, it was not easy to find subordinates such as dead soldiers.

Therefore, these two brothers and sisters are actually the people in the entire Jiu Ming Hall who are most devoted to Lu Sheng.

Let's go. Lu Sheng turned around and said.

I contacted Senior Brother Bai and other core people. The only ones who have responded now are Senior Sister Hongthorn and Senior Brother Ansha. The rest are busy going back to save people and have no time to reply and don't know what the situation is. Wei Zhen Fish replied quickly. The chat group she just sent was open on the phone she was holding.

It doesn't matter. Let's go back to the main hall first. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Your uncle. Wei Zhenyu wanted to say something else.

The Nian Neng Department over there has passed. Lu Sheng said calmly. Zheng Huan will not let me down. Let's go.

Yes. Wei Zhenyu said no more. He followed Lu Sheng and left quickly towards the main hall.



In front of a sauna center.

A handsome man in a white suit slowly walked out of the door. Yawning, he glanced at the messy streets around him.

Tsk tsk. You are really courageous. You dare to use such a method to completely change the scene. Now the difficulty is raised. The man smacked his lips and walked slowly towards a white sports car on the side of the road.

Bang! !

Suddenly, a red car from behind hit the white car hard on the butt. The entire vehicle was knocked away in front of him, deformed, rolled more than ten times, and exploded into a ball of fire halfway down the road.

The man's face was dull, and he stared at his car for a while without regaining consciousness.

Adi, what are you doing over there? Come here quickly? There's a fight over here! A voice penetrated his earhole out of thin air.

Oh, here it comes, here comes the sports car I just got. The man covered his forehead helplessly, and his whole body quickly became transparent and disappeared directly from the spot.

In a shopping mall thousands of meters away from the sauna center.

The shopping mall is filled with countless zombies.

The disciples of Nine Lives Hall were struggling and fighting frantically in the tide of corpses. Only a few small whirlpool-like commotions could be faintly seen.

When did you arrive? On the fourth floor of the shopping mall, two men in gray trench coats lowered their heads and lit cigarettes, leaning against the fence and looking down.

I just entered the venue. Is this a biohazard?

No, two hours before you entered, this was still a normal shopping mall. Another person replied.

That's really lucky. The first man smiled.

Don't delay, start preparing. There is not much time, there are a lot of people entering this time. Another person urged.

I know, we'll leave immediately.

Then I'll leave first.

After a moment of distortion, one of them disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The remaining man took a puff of smoke and blew out smoke rings.

It's really boring. He shook his head and threw the cigarette butt away.

Scarlet cigarette butts circled and rolled down from the fourth floor, falling into the huge tide of corpses.

boom! ! !

The corpse wave in the entire shopping mall was like a cauldron of oil, instantly ignited by sparks.

All the zombies, along with the living, were covered and drowned by the fire.


The gas station completely exploded.

The fire shot out to a height of more than ten meters, and the intense high temperature spread in all directions along with the heat wave.


A ray of silver light suddenly shot out from the gas station fire, crossed the wide highway, passed over the large warehouse and factory buildings, and soon flew into the chaotic neighborhood not far away.

Car sirens blared, crowds screamed, and from time to time there was the roar of a series of collisions.

The chaotic noise plunged the entire city into hellish chaos.

The silver light slowed down and landed in front of a cold drink shop, condensing into a rickety old man holding a black staff.

Is the deformation infected with the virus? Such a precious prop is used in such a small place. It is a waste of resources. The old man licked his lips, revealing his long and slender white forked tongue.

There are people here!! Come with me!

Not far away, extremely strong men quickly pushed away a car that crashed into a shop. He rushed into the store and quickly picked out the clerks who were all covered in blood and looked like they were already dying. They are the assisting rescue team of Jiu Ming Tang, specializing in helping disciples search and rescue their relatives.

Not far away, a large group of zombies smelling fresh flesh and blood were staggering towards these people at a slow speed.

The two sides immediately started fighting.

The old man noticed that there was a big nine characters embroidered behind this group of people.

The Yakuza organization in this plot city? Is it a cadre? It has such extreme power. He was slightly surprised.

He was a little surprised to encounter such a big scene as soon as he entered the venue.

Bright. We meet again. From the top of a truck in the distance, a woman with white eyebrows wearing a white dress slowly appeared.

It's you again! Dylan. The old man's expression condensed.

What? Aren't you happy to see me? Dilan, the white-browed woman, smiled.

I'm happy, but it's not the time for us to start a war yet, right? According to the agreement, we still have one hour of buffering. Bright said coldly as he punched his staff.

Really? It seems so? The woman touched her lips. Okay. Then let you live for one more hour. That would be weird!!

The woman suddenly opened her hand, and a dazzling white cold ball quickly condensed out.


The ball exploded and turned into a circle of frosty white lines that spread. Ice-cold flying swords flew out from the white lines, circling to form a stegosaurus and swooping towards Bright.

Dark Destruction Barrier! Bright suddenly opened his arms, and the palms of his hands lit up with purple light.

A pitch-black ball also condensed in front of him.

Do you think I will be like last time!? Brett pushed with both hands.

Suddenly the black ball rose into the air like lightning, hissing as it began to absorb the energy of all the surrounding creatures.

The zombies, living people, and even the Nine Lives Hall disciples who had just rescued the clerk were all drawn by the violent devouring power of the black ball, drawing out streaks of pale aura and flying into the ball.

The black ball is getting bigger and darker. Just in time to meet the flying white ice sword dragon.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! !

Countless sword blades rushed into the black ball, frantically cutting its structure.

While the black ball was being destroyed, it was also rapidly absorbing the vitality of the surrounding creatures and regenerating rapidly.

Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice!! The great void demon, the demon prince from the endless abyss, the evil shadow emperor from the evil ancient tree!

I, the Chaos Wizard Bright, am here to use the Mark of Chaos as a pledge to exchange the greatest power of the Demonic Nexus with you!

Bright chanted loudly, and a large amount of black energy spread from his body. These black energy were like countless extended arms, passing over all the surrounding creatures, pulling out more white energy from their bodies.

For a time, a hundred meters radius was completely covered by the black air arm. And the coverage continues to expand. The group of strong men from the Jiu Ming Hall were also affected, and some with weaker willpower set themselves on fire and screamed in the blink of an eye.

Want to sacrifice a living creature? In exchange for the power of the devil to fight against me? Dilan, the white-browed woman, smiled charmingly.

It's a pity. Unless the devil prince himself comes, it's not going to happen.

She pressed her chest with her hand, and her whole body suddenly lit up with white light.



Lu Sheng stood in the original Jiu Ming Tang headquarters, quietly waiting for the strength of his subordinates to gather.

More than a dozen core members have come. The rest are still on their way.

There were quite a few people from the Three Saints Department, but no one from the Commerce Department came. No one answered the call. It was probably completely ruined.

But it’s not surprising that most of the people in the Ministry of Commerce are ordinary people.

The real core of the entire Nine Lives Hall is actually three parts, the core department, the three saints department, and the security department.

Everything else is appendage.

It was quiet in the warehouse. Except for some disciples' family members who sobbed quietly, no one else made a sound.

After experiencing several wars, everyone has gradually become accustomed to this tense atmosphere.

Lord, there has been a fight between unknown strong men in the city. Many of our brothers have been accidentally injured, causing heavy casualties. Wei Handong stood next to Lu Sheng, constantly using electronic devices to contact the other branch masters.

Lu Sheng sat in the middle and remained silent.

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