Extreme Demon

Chapter 1043 Cooperation 1

Watching the ceremony gave Lu Sheng a rough idea of ​​what level of power Blue Starlight belonged to.

He had no idea whether to join it. Not to mention that this terrorist organization itself has mental problems.

Even the weird pig-breeding ideas they promote cannot be recognized by him.

In the Battle Star Hall.

Lu Sheng and the old man both fell silent and stopped talking nonsense.

Both of them felt that there was something wrong with the other person and simply had nothing to say.

Then, I will teleport you back now. What you have come here is actually just a phantom. Your real body is still stored in Bejia Star, so you will go back very quickly. The old man said calmly.

Okay. I'm done. Lu Sheng nodded.

I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future. The old man finally extended his hand.

The two shook hands.

When he let go of his hand, Lu Sheng felt an inexplicable and wonderful touch, wrapping himself like jelly.

He let go of his body to resist, and his body was suddenly stretched by some kind of force. Suddenly his vision went dark, and he once again entered the long dark passage just now.

But this time is different from before.

Scenes of colorful images slowly emerged around the passage.

On the scarlet earth.

Countless people were crying, lying on the ground, begging God.

Floods raged and fires spread. Earthquakes, meteorites, radiant energy explosions, gravity rail guns, and the odd death ray.

Wait, wait, etc., various destructive weapons of extermination are killing the humans in the image.

Countless human beings have been wiped out by disasters, and their lives are as helpless as ants in the face of natural disasters and weapons of destruction.

A large amount of colorful fluorescence illuminated Lu Sheng's face.

His face was expressionless, but in his heart he was unconsciously recalling the time when he was still in the Huangquan Galaxy.

That same painful and hopeless world. Human beings are like pigs and sheep, bred and kept in captivity by the mother of hell.

Unconsciously, the influence disappeared automatically, and his eyes lit up. He was once again standing by the artificial lake, with his feet on the ground.

The transmission just now was affected by unknown fluctuations. I hope it didn't affect your mood.

There was another person standing by the lake, who happened to be a familiar face to Lu Sheng.

Naise'an? Lu Sheng was slightly startled. He didn't expect Nessian to show up here on his own initiative.

You must know that he should be a member of the Nian Neng Alliance. He is a mortal enemy of Blue Starlight.

I'm surprised here? It's not me. Do you think your matter can be settled so quickly? Nessian laughed softly.

Aren't you afraid that I will kill you when you come here? Lu Sheng straightened up and gently opened his collar with his thumb, revealing the outline of muscles as strong as steel. Always ready to take action.

Are you sure you want to fight me? With our level, you should know how much destructive power it will cause if we fight here. Nese'an said with a nonchalant smile.

Don't worry, I'm here to cooperate and convince you to join the organization.

I just said, I need time to think about it. Lu Sheng frowned.

You need time to think about it, but we don't need it. Netherian laughed.

At some point, a middle-aged woman in a green dress appeared next to him with an indifferent expression.

The woman was holding a small green lantern in her hand, with a subtle green fluorescent light shining through.

What do you mean? Lu Sheng's face was frozen, but as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a strange cool energy pierce into his brain.


He took a few steps back and was about to activate the Spiral Nine Life Technique.


A green light shot out from the lantern like lightning, flew straight into Lu Sheng's forehead, blended in and disappeared.

Lu Sheng suddenly froze and stood completely still.

As expected of the Ice Magic Light, it is said to be a powerful energy beam that can freeze the consciousness of all living beings. Nesean praised with a smile.

A powerful man who is comparable to me was actually immobilized so easily.

His consciousness and body are temporarily separated now. We need to inject some additional body-relaxing drugs and implant a chip into the brain. The middle-aged woman said calmly.

Then let's do it. The ice magic light can control him for half an hour at a time. Is that enough time? Nese'an asked.

That's enough. Ten minutes will be enough. The middle-aged woman slowly approached Lu Sheng. He quickly took off the watch from his wrist. The slender silver metal watch quickly deformed, expanded, and expanded, and soon turned into a palm-sized silver metal instrument.

Several metal needles popped out of the instrument.

She held the metal needle and approached Lu Sheng.


The metal needle stabbed Zhong Lu Sheng's skin hard. It makes a crisp hard impact sound.

The skin is a bit hard, I need to relax its muscles and skin. The middle-aged woman looked back at Nessian.

No problem. Nesean pointed his finger, and a stream of pale golden liquid flew out of his sleeve. The liquid quickly fell on the skin of Lu Sheng's arm, and quickly penetrated into it.

The skin in that area quickly became soft and relaxed.

The woman quickly spotted the location and stabbed the metal needle hard into Lu Sheng's arm.

A mysterious pale silver liquid began to be injected into the needle.

After entering his body, these ultra-micro robots will swim to his brain and assemble themselves into the implanted chips we need, the woman explained.

How long will it take at the earliest? It was also the first time for Nessian to see the entire process of implant control.

About two minutes, the woman replied.

The injection was quickly completed and the woman pulled out the metal needle.

Now we just have to wait for En?? She tried harder, feeling something was wrong.

What's wrong? Nese'an looked at her strangely.

The woman's face was expressionless and she used both hands. It can't be pulled out.

She held the instrument with all her strength and pulled it back.

His muscles are too tight. Maybe the metal needle is a little bent and hooked. Don't worry, it will be fine soon. She began to use telekinesis. Waves of twisted power covered her hands, helping to strengthen them.

Be careful with his blood. His blood is very corrosive, so don't get it! Nessian reminded.

I know, you said it before. The woman nodded. Just. Just

There was a slight sweat on her forehead.

I need more softener! she shouted back to Netherian.


Slowly and unconsciously, a shadow gradually enveloped her face and body.

Under the moonlight, a pair of huge fleshy wings slowly opened. The reflected shadow is like a demon, ferocious and twisted.

The woman's body stiffened, and when she saw the difference in Nese'an's expression, she suddenly stiffened and slowly turned her head.

What. What's going on!!?


A huge hand, twice the size of her entire head, gently pinched her long hair and lifted it straight up.

Lu Sheng's body was completely black, and the surface of his muscles was covered with vertical lines like cloth. In the dark night, his eyes were like jade, glowing with dark red fluorescence.

It's just that this fluorescence is completely inconspicuous compared to his huge body that is more than three meters tall.

A head of fluffy red hair flowed in the wind from behind him.

It's so humbling.

Lu Sheng gently placed the woman on the same level as himself.


The woman screamed, and a stream of mental energy continued to tear, collide, and cut on his arm, but apart from exploding tiny sparks, it had no other effect.

Is this how you treat the guests who help you? Lu Sheng pinched.

Bang! ! !

Suddenly, a heavy black object hit his chest hard.

It was a piece of metal with a lot of spikes left on it. It looks like a hammer.

However, the huge impact caused all the spikes around it to break off on the spot, and the entire metal block creaked and deformed, turning into a flat shape and rolling aside.

Lu Sheng held his chest to steady his body. The middle-aged woman in her hand was not so lucky. She was shocked by the huge sound wave and her seven holes were bleeding. She was about to die.

He threw the body away. A step under his feet.

boom! ! !

The ground more than ten meters around collapsed and exploded instantly. Lu Sheng's huge body turned into a black shadow, and he punched Nese'an in an instant.

Divine Shield! Nese'an held a red gem pendant on his chest, snorted coldly, and took a few steps back.

A dark red translucent tower shield suddenly appeared in front of him.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng punched the tower shield. The airflow exploded, invisible shocks spread rapidly, and countless lines exploded on the ground beside the two of them.

With them as the center, all the plants and rocks on the ground hundreds of meters around were blown to pieces.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dozens of white water columns exploded from the lake, and water sprayed everywhere, like artificial rainfall.

A blush flashed across Ness'an's face, and he quickly retreated. His toes touched the surface of the lake and flew back.

Lu Sheng rushed after him, and the two of them were like phantoms, flying over a thousand meters in a few seconds. Come to the center of the lake.

Light God Stand-in! Nessian Nian can twist and spin rapidly, then shrink and explode violently.

Boom! ! !

The huge explosion force immediately separated the two people.

A huge puddle with a diameter of tens of meters was blown out of the lake. A large amount of lake water splashed into the sky and sprayed mist.

Nese'an looked ugly. He didn't expect Wang Mu's resistance to the ice magic light to be so strong. He had actually calculated this part of the resistance. According to speculation, it would take Wang Mu half an hour to break free at the fastest possible speed. ,did not expect.

He jumped slightly and stood suspended in mid-air.

That's it for today, next time, I will


Lu Sheng appeared behind him as if teleporting and slammed his hand on his neck.

You!!?? Nese'an's expression changed, his arms instinctively raised up, and his mind energy once again formed the dark red shield in front of him.

boom! !

White air waves exploded, and he was knocked down from the air on the spot and fell hard into the lake.

Boom! !

The lake surface swayed, and a huge wave of more than ten meters high splashed in the center.

Lu Sheng walked in the air and slowly walked down from mid-air. A pair of black wings slowly spread out from his back, and he was extremely tall.

Anhuis, fly, gold. Nessian rushed out of the water with a ferocious expression.

Lu Sheng appeared in front of Neser'an as if teleporting, blocked his mouth with one hand, held him down with the other and pulled him back.

Pulling his head and legs, his knees suddenly hit upwards.

Bang! ! !

Nesa'an's whole body suddenly bent, and tears and runny nose overflowed and splashed.

He was lying flat in the air, and his entire waist and spine were broken on the spot.

The mental energy barrier that could always block him before was as if it didn't exist in front of him now.

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