Extreme Demon

Chapter 1044 Cooperation 2

puff! !

Blood spurted out from Nessian's mouth, nose, and eyes.

He was like a broken doll, being held up by Lu Sheng's hair with one hand.

Huh. Huh.

The huge fleshy wings flapped slowly, Lu Sheng rose into the sky, returned to the lake and landed gently.

How could you be so much stronger?!? Nessian struggled and couldn't believe it.

This is my true strength. Last time I just dealt with you casually. Lu Sheng said with a calm expression.

I don't want my strength to be exposed to everyone.

You! Nesean opened his mouth unwillingly. chip.

How weak. Lu Sheng could not have imagined that the powerful enemy who was evenly matched with him last time had now become so vulnerable.

Is he progressing too fast and having too much talent, or is the opponent progressing too slowly? He didn't know.

This feeling of different things and people made him feel a little sad.

Do you know why you lost? He casually threw Nese'an to the ground.

Because you don't work hard enough

While I was practicing, you were playing.

While I'm working hard, you're playing.

While I was thinking hard, you were still playing!

Lifting his right fist, Lu Sheng stopped looking at Nese'an's face begging for mercy and punched him hard.

Bang! !

The ground exploded, sending rocks and soil flying.

Nessian screamed suddenly, his lower body became hot, and he actually lost control.

He was so embarrassed and angry that he rolled his eyes on the spot and passed out.

Withdrawing his fist, Lu Sheng picked up the unconscious Nese'an and turned to leave.

The artificial lake used to have clear water and pleasant scenery, but now it is completely like a typhoon passing through, and there is chaos everywhere.

Not long after Lu Sheng left.

A piece of soil not far away was quickly turned over, and a camouflaged place on the ground was uncovered.

Su Qin climbed out of the deep pit under the soil with difficulty.

She quickly climbed to another place and knocked the dirt on the ground hard.

Deen! Deen!! Are you still alive? Her face was covered with blood, and the blood was flowing from the wound on her head.

There was no reaction under the soil.

Su Qin quickly dug up the soil with her hands. Under the soil was a small private room. Inside, a young man covered in blood and soundless was lying.

Su Qin was shocked when she saw this man.

Deen. Tears quickly gathered in her eyes.

Deen!!! She hugged the body fiercely and cried loudly.



Two hours later.

Su Qin quietly placed a stick of incense on the grave in front of her. Of the other two members, one had his hands bandaged, and the other had a leg hit by a mechanical prosthesis and lost one of his eyes.

Su Qin was lucky. Her internal organs were displaced due to the shock, her liver was bleeding heavily, her stomach was torn, and four vertebrae were broken. Compared to the others, it's really not a serious injury.

I'm so stupid. Su Qin's face was filled with tears.

If you were seriously injured after the first shock, I should have asked you to give up the action immediately!

It's all my fault she shed tears of self-blame.

team leader!


The other two people couldn't help but feel sad. They stepped forward. The three of them supported each other and cried loudly with their heads on their heads.

Are they treating themselves on the ground? Not far away, Bai Juncheng and Ansha looked at these people crying in surprise.

People are dying, is this kind of soil therapy still useful? Ansha also looked confused.

Lu Sheng specially asked them to come over and take Su Qin and others to treat their injuries.

Especially one of the guys who is almost dead but not quite dead. If he doesn't hurry up, there will be no chance.

But as soon as they arrived, they saw that this group of people actually buried the man.

Perhaps this is a unique treatment method in their hometown? Ansha guessed.

Funerals in Motu Empire have always been cremation, never burial.

Then shall we wait? Bai Juncheng asked.


Ten minutes later, Su Qin and others planned to leave.

The two people in Bai Juncheng watched helplessly as they went down the mountain separately. Then he left the guy who was not dead in the dirt on the mountain.

The two of them suddenly understood, and quickly went up to ask someone to dig out the person. After carrying him, they went straight to the Nine Lives Hall.



Jiu Ming Tang Headquarters.

Don't the Lord God's teams have a normal mechanism for determining life and death? Don't they know whether their teammates are dead or not?

Lu Sheng was quite confused, and quickly moved his hand on the body that was not yet dead in front of him.

Wave after wave of different strengths penetrated through the clothes and skin, into the body, activating the major organs in the human body.

After a while, he slowly stopped.

Carry it down. Lu Sheng stood up from the bed.

Several disciples stepped forward and carried the man named De En down.

Lu Sheng sat cross-legged in the lobby.

The fifth life after blood, bone marrow, has brought about earth-shaking changes in his body. Changes in the medulla are laying the foundation for the evolution of the brain. Let his entire life essence evolve to a higher level.

It's just that if we go according to the information provided by Su Qin, this planet will be destroyed in one year. And the Nian Energy Alliance and Blue Starlight both have dark energy users who can overtake the control users.

If I really fight head-on now, even if I am not afraid alone, the people around me will only be wantonly massacred.

Lu Sheng's thoughts were very clear.

What he wants is a huge network of relationships and influence. Lu Ning must be here. If he wants to find his son, it is impossible to find him in such a huge star field without strong enough influence.

Either use money to offer a reward directly, or use your own authority to conduct a search. Or a two-pronged approach. Lu Sheng had a plan in mind.

Hall Master, Su Qin and others would like to see you. A disciple asked in a low voice at the door.

Let them in. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Soon, Su Qin quickly walked into the lobby with the rest of the people.

Their injuries have all been properly taken care of, but those who are blind are still blind, and those whose arms are missing are still missing.

It just doesn't look that miserable on the surface.

Entering the lobby, several people saw Lu Sheng sitting cross-legged in the center, and they all immediately recalled the terrifying scene when this man was fighting with Neissera.

Just the shock wave of the collision between the two put their entire singing and dancing team into a desperate situation, and they almost couldn't recover.

If they hadn't moved to another location to fight later, their entire team would have been completely destroyed.

How did you end up like this? Lu Sheng asked in surprise, pretending to be surprised that he didn't know anything.

Encountered...encountered some accidents. Su Qin suppressed the pain and helplessness in her heart and whispered.

In fact, they also knew that Lu Sheng was not to blame.

Lu Sheng didn't know that they were planning to ambush and help, so there was nothing wrong with them being a bit harsh.

Hall Master, we are here because we hope you can abide by the promise we made before. Su Qin said seriously.

No problem. Lu Sheng said happily. However, you don't even know the basic information of the other team. There are no photos or any traces. I can't locate them like this.

This time there is a chaotic battlefield bonus. All intelligence data is sealed. We can't even do anything about our own teammates. A team member behind Su Qin couldn't help but explain. But before he finished speaking, Su Qin pinched him hard.

That's right, we have discovered traces of the opponent's team. In this fight, we also have certain counter-reconnaissance methods and can roughly determine the opponent's identity. Su Qin said seriously.

Since they came to this city, they must be hunting others.

That's okay. In that case, you can stay near the main hall on weekdays. If there is any danger, the manpower here can quickly provide support. Lu Sheng ordered.

He was also curious about how good this group of team members would be at fighting each other. In fact, he has no illusions about energy levels. He mainly depends on how various power systems adapt to different worlds.

He was suppressed by the major worlds and had no choice but to rebuild. He planned to observe how these people solved this problem.

Please don't be careless, Master. The opponent may not be as strong as you, but his methods are various and extremely destructive, making it difficult to guard against. Su Qin looked at her wrist. There was nothing there, but she seemed to have really seen something there. Same.

Starting tonight and the day after tomorrow, there will be a small-scale raid. Everything depends on you, the hall master. Su Qin said seriously.

In exchange, I want you to tell me how to truly avoid the disaster on Bejia Star. Lu Sheng asked in return.

About this, we can tell you step by step, and you can completely judge whether it is true. Su Qin said calmly.

Also, I wonder if there is a complete version of the simplified version of the Thousand Lock Dragon Technique taught to us by the hall master? She asked with a hint of expectation.

Lu Sheng's heart moved and he looked at these people carefully. Compared with when he first saw them, their body outlines were obviously much stronger.

Judging from the heart and lung sounds, their internal organs are also much stronger.

It only took so long to reach this point.

However, Lu Sheng also knew that the most suitable method for them was this kind of quick success method. Anyway, after returning home, the Lord God would recover.

Looking at the three pairs of expectant eyes in front of him, Lu Sheng pondered for a moment.

I can teach you the complete version of Thousand Lock Dragon Technique. However, I need you to do something for me.

Su Qin and the other three almost at the same time, the task column automatically appeared in front of you.

‘Wang Mu, the master of Nine Lives Hall, I hope you can do him a favor. I will thank him greatly when the deed is done. Mission reward: A complete set of Thousand Lock Dragon Skills.

Note: Potential points can be spent to upgrade the Thousand Locking Dragon Technique here at Wang Mu, up to the seventh level. ’

The three of them could hardly suppress their expressions of surprise. This is the legendary side mission! !

Lu Sheng watched inexplicably as the expressions of these three people changed from indifferent to surprised and even a little flattering.

The task is very simple. I hope you will cooperate with one of my technical experiments.

He wanted to see if this group of people would now be suppressed by this new super-level world.

You must know the suppression here. In the beginning, even his own body was suppressed to the point where he couldn't understand it.

Su Qin and the others hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

This is not a troublesome requirement. Even before dealing with an incoming enemy, you must first understand your own strength.

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