Extreme Demon

Chapter 1042 Viewing the Ceremony 2

What do we want to see? Lu Sheng was completely confused about the old man's direction. Why did he let him fly such a long distance just to show him how the planet rotates?

Don't be anxious. The old man smiled and shook his head. Look, it's begun.

He moved his finger and pointed to the starry sky on the right side of the planet. At some point, there was a black, rotating metal object there.

Lu Sheng looked carefully and saw that the thing seemed to be a spike or an umbrella. The ribs around it were constantly rotating at high speed, and there was a faint green light.

The speed of this thing was extremely fast, and it only took a few seconds from the time he saw it to the time it flew into the giant planet.

This planet has a permanent population of about 3.9 billion, half of which are Motu people, usually Motai people. They develop tourism here, developing many hotels, wineries, and artificial amusement parks. They have no competition with the world and no What a huge struggle for interests. The old man began to introduce this planet for no reason.

Lu Sheng glanced at him and said nothing.

Look, the ceremony has begun. The old man pointed to the place where the black metal spikes flew to the jurisdiction.

Lu Sheng followed him suspiciously, but saw nothing. He was about to ask aloud.

Suddenly he was stunned and looked at the planet carefully again.

Just now, he seemed to have an optical illusion.


It's not an illusion. Lu Sheng stared at the earth-yellow planet outside the window, a trace of anger rising uncontrollably in his heart.

The entire earth-yellow planet was silently becoming translucent.

There was no explosion, no particularly loud sound or light, everything was like a pantomime.

The entire earth-yellow planet completely faded, blurred, and disappeared into the universe in just fifteen seconds.

Lu Sheng didn't even find half of the planet's remnants. He worked hard to carefully search the starry sky outside the French window. But nothing was found.

Their existence has returned to nothingness. The old man replied with a smile. The power of nothing, omniscient, all-encompassing, all-inclusive

Let's move on to the next one.

He made no move, but the whole hall trembled slightly, and flew towards another planet again.

In the same galaxy, this second planet is fiery red, like the finest red pearl.

In the same way, almost exactly the same process, the black, metal umbrella-like thing pierced the surface of the planet hard at once. Soon, the entire planet was like a phantom, slowly dissipating and disappearing, leaving no residue at all.

Lu Sheng even saw some space stations and satellites orbiting the planet, which also disappeared together with the planet.

Standing in the hall, he remained expressionless.

His true form is in the Demon Realm and other worlds. Although he is cruel and has no regard for human life, Lu Sheng has always been a person with a bottom line.

What you have said must be honored, and what you have done must be acknowledged.

The most important thing is that he will never bully other living beings by relying on his own strength for inexplicable reasons.

He, Lu Sheng, would never kill so many other living beings for no reason.

This is not one, two, or ten hundred, but people counted in hundreds of millions.

Lu Sheng was disgusted from the bottom of his heart to this idea of ​​completely treating people not as adults but only as some kind of material.

What is the significance of such a ceremony? It is a fearless massacre. Lu Sheng said in a cold and low voice.

Their existence is to reproduce for our rituals. The smile on the old man's face slowly faded and he said calmly.

A long time ago, if we hadn't guided them to develop civilization, maybe they would still be a group of apes jumping up and down.

He turned around and looked at Lu Sheng.

Don't feel uncomfortable, we are different from them.

This is like planting crops and fruit trees. We just harvest our own fruits when the season matures.

Life requires awe and respect. Lu Sheng retorted.

Just like when you eat, how many microorganisms and bacteria remain in the food? They are corroded and digested by your gastric juice and turned into nutrients. Will you respect their lives? the old man retorted.

Every bite I take of food is tasted with respect. Don't compare me to you! Lu Sheng said solemnly.

Respect, awe, and gratitude. Is this your way of survival? The old man shook his head and laughed. But have you ever thought about what if you were the object of awe? You killed so many people before, didn't you ever think of respecting their lives?

There are too many things in this world that you can't understand. I just do things with this mentality. I have to eat when I should. Just don't waste it, don't abuse it, just hunt for my own needs. Lu Sheng argued.

I can guarantee that everyone I killed deserved it, and the rest were accidental injuries. I didn't mean it!

The old man suddenly opened his mouth wide, not knowing how to complain at all.

I did not do it on purpose.

This sentence can definitely be listed as the first prize in the best debate competition of the year!


It's an honest mistake. It's not wrong. I still understand this truth. Lu Sheng said matter-of-factly.

The question is, where did your theory come from? the old man said feebly. I feel like communication is a bit difficult.

This is a philosophy that I have learned by myself after years of study and summary. Lu Sheng said calmly.

He faced the boundless starry sky outside the window and stood with his hands behind his back.

I'm different from you. Whenever I kill someone or accidentally injure someone, it's actually because I have no choice but to do it. I don't want to do it, but I am pushed by the outside world and forced to do it.

For a moment, he seemed to be inspired, recalling the many hardships and obstacles he had faced since he came to each world.

It sounds reasonable, but I always feel like something is wrong. The old man was a little confused.

Forget it, the ceremony will blur a total of thirty-three planets. This means that our blue starlight is about to officially start a full-scale war with the Nian Energy Alliance.

For the sake of justice, for the countless people at the bottom, and for the imperial citizens on these thirty-three planets who are willing to sacrifice their lives for liberation. us.

How is your behavior different from that of terrorists? Lu Sheng asked bluntly.

If it weren't for the huge foundation behind Blue Starlight, he would have slapped this wizened old man who was full of nonsense. It was his turn to talk nonsense in front of him.

The old man also looked at Lu Sheng with a bit of disgust.

This guy has a problem with his own brain, yet he still has the nerve to criticize them.

They stand firm and have always fought for their ideals.

Where is this thing? What are you working hard for? money? Beauty? A sense of accomplishment? It doesn't feel like it.

We are not terrorists. Let me reiterate. Our ceremony and the people on those planets are all voluntary. They voluntarily sacrifice themselves for our great ideals. This is justice! the old man retorted.

When I eat, I never say that food is voluntary! Lu Sheng retorted, The biggest difference between you and me is that I don't do it on purpose! But you do it on purpose! You are misinterpreting other people's will. !”

Forget it, he was too tired to argue with the old man. The organization Blue Starlight does seem to have a problem now.

And they themselves seem to have been brainwashed and don't even know that they have a problem.

The old man smacked his lips and was completely speechless.

He also felt tired.

What surprised him was that Wang Mu didn't feel any shock or awe at all about their method of virtualizing planets.

Lu Sheng really didn't feel anything.

He felt the spikes with his body for a moment, and he immediately knew what they were.

These rituals are not essentially destroyed in an instant. Instead, he was forcefully dragged into another different space, a different-dimensional universe that was similar to his mental world.

But unlike his mental space, the dimension of the universe into which these planets were dragged contained only pure nothingness.

As soon as any matter enters, it will be broken down into the most basic particles and then swallowed by nothingness.

He now understood that it was no wonder that Blue Starlight was defined as a terrorist organization. Now it seems that this positioning is really correct.

What Lu Sheng really doesn't care about is that his current physical strength is that he can move freely in space.

A burst of speed. If you use all your strength, you are not afraid of the flying speed of the spikes. Even if he was really hit, at most he would explode, but he didn't believe that the opponent could kill him hundreds of thousands of times in an instant.

Ever since he heard that this organization was the root of nothingness, he was mentally prepared to explode at any time.

Now the ontology has adapted a lot to the rules here. It shouldn't be a problem if you insist on leaving for a short period of time.

Forget it. The old man sighed helplessly. He couldn't communicate with this person, and he didn't know where this guy got such confidence.

Do you know why we look at you differently? To be honest, your current level, after fighting against the operator, is pretty good. But there is no shortage of operators within our organization.

What do you want to say? Lu Sheng looked calm.

Because, we feel the power of nothingness from you. The old man gently held his right arm.

There was a clear translucent bump on his right arm.

These soybean-sized pimples were evenly distributed on his inner arm, like many parasite eggs growing out.

The power of nothingness Lu Sheng felt his left eye jump inexplicably.

When he broke through before, the power of nothingness was integrated into his left eye.

Now it seems that the other party can actually feel it.

I don't know how you integrated into the power of nothingness, but now that you have integrated, you are already one of us. The old man said calmly.

I'll think about it. Lu Sheng was silent for a moment and then replied.

The old man glanced sideways at Lu Sheng, feeling more and more that this man was inexplicable.

To organize such a powerful force, in his opinion, there is no need to pay attention to such a small role.

After showing him such a great deterrent method, this guy actually showed no awe at all.

Although Lu Sheng didn't know what was going on in his mind, but he wanted him to be in awe just by using the method just now? Isn't this nonsense?

If he were in his true form, he could easily create the situation just now. Not to mention this is a super energy level universe.

Go back and give me some time. Lu Sheng thought for a while and replied.

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