Extreme Demon

Chapter 1041 Viewing the Ceremony 1

In addition, according to the agreement, today is the viewing day scheduled with Blue Starlight.

Lu Sheng was also very curious about what this huge and tyrannical organization that Su Qin said would have to show him.

What is the purpose of inviting him to the ceremony?

Moreover, if the original Wang Mu is destined to rise, then why is the name Jiu Ming Tang the same as mine? Lu Sheng had a lot of doubts in his heart.

The nine lives in the Nine Lives Hall are named after me according to the Spiral Nine Lives Method. The nine lives in the Spiral Nine Lives Method refer to the outer skin, muscles, endocrine, blood, bone marrow, internal organs, brain marrow, and even the final Genetic and overall qualitative changes. These nine things are wrong!

Suddenly Lu Sheng felt his heart skip a beat.

The nine-life spiral of the spiral nine-life method is actually a little affected.

That is the countless various materials he checked and viewed in the Wenda Library, as well as a large amount of systematic knowledge about human mythology, physiology, medicine, and even religion.

According to the philosophical theory of this world, they regard the human body itself as a huge round wheel. Its own abilities are limited within the round wheel and cannot be liberated. And this huge round wheel has a total of nine levels. If you look at it this way, maybe

Lu Sheng seemed to understand why Wang Mu named Jiu Ming Tang so.

But what he doesn't understand is that even if he practices a thousand locking dragon skills to the extreme, he won't be able to fight against the Nian Energy Alliance and Blue Starlight.

Unless he originally cooperated with Blue Starlight to fight against the regional branch of the Telekinesis Alliance.

Although it cannot fight against the entire alliance, it may be possible for the regional branches on this planet alone to withstand it.

After dinner, Lu Sheng went out for a walk as usual.

It happened that Red Thorn came to the door in person to report the situation.

Since the last war, although the Red Thorn is still huge at this time, he has lost weight, and the radiation pollution from nuclear energy on his body has been reduced a lot.

This means that she is being corrected and returned to the purest path of the spiral nine-life method.

By the artificial lake where Lu Sheng was walking, Hong Qian led the two of them to the side of the road quickly, bowing his head slightly.

Teacher, we found out about that group of people. She took a piece of information from the subordinate behind her and handed it to Lu Sheng.

There is a cool breeze at night. The information pages kept turning.

Lu Sheng took it and looked through it casually.

The content above is actually very ordinary information about normal people. Su Qin's experiences from childhood to adulthood, including her family, address, how many times she moved, how many schools she attended, and even how many times she fell in love, are all recorded.

Too real to be true.

Lu Sheng looked through the information of the other people and found that they were all the same.

Do you think there is anything wrong with this information? Lu Sheng asked calmly after closing the paper.

It's true, but it's too true. Red Thorn replied in a low voice. Her body, which was more than two meters tall, was carefully bowed in front of Lu Sheng with a respectful attitude.

Where are the others? Lu Sheng asked smoothly.

They are all the same. We randomly checked among the one hundred people, and the information we obtained is the same. Hong Thorn explained. Later we checked Yao Chong's identity information. There was no problem here, but there was a problem with the person who was fighting with him.


The other party's name is Sif Reddy. He came to Beijia from an alien planet to relax. He is a down-and-out telepathic master.

Nian Neng Master? Lu Sheng became a little interested.

Yes, but judging from the strength and control of his attacks, this person is not like an ordinary mind energy master. His strength is very good. Hong Thorn analyzed. Teacher, do you want to arrest him and interrogate him?

No need, let's just observe for now. Lu Sheng shook his head. Okay, you go down first.


Hong Thorn quietly left with his men, leaving Lu Sheng alone by the lake.

He usually doesn't need protection personnel, he only needs to leave one or two errands behind.

After standing by the lake and walking around for a while, Lu Sheng was thinking about something, and time quickly passed by.

In a blink of an eye, twelve o'clock is here.

In the distance, faintly heard in the night, the dull sound of clocks announcing the time in the center of the city could be heard.

Lu Sheng's feet suddenly stopped while walking by the lake.

Suddenly he turned his head and looked into the lake.

In the middle of the lake, at some point, an old man with white hair stood quietly on the water.

The time has come. It's time to go watch the ceremony, Mr. Wang Mu.

This old man is different from the previous one. His white hair is neatly tied into a ponytail like silver threads. He was wearing a pure white uniform with silver patterns that looked like a military uniform. The most important thing is that there are actually faint green lines on his right cheek that are faintly flowing with green light.

It seemed like he had some kind of special device grafted onto his face.

How to get there? Lu Sheng looked around. In addition to the lake, there was a dense green park.

The lush trees and grassland look quiet and peaceful under the starlight at night.

It's very simple. Just don't resist. The old man smiled.

Lu Sheng nodded and stood there waiting quietly.

A few seconds later, a black hole suddenly slowly opened in the open space in front of him.

The hole slowly rotated and expanded, and in an instant it was almost as tall as him.

You can go in. The old man smiled.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and could sense various air, bacteria and microorganisms in the black hole.

At his current level, his five senses are almost comparable to most instruments today, and are so powerful that they reach a non-human level.

After confirming that there was no danger in the cave, Lu Sheng slowly took a step and walked into the black hole.

The surroundings were spinning instantly, and in an instant, he fell into complete darkness.

The body seemed to be stretched and flattened by some force. He felt like he was walking through a long, narrow passage.

There was some kind of force behind him, pushing him forward, towards the exit on the other side of the black hole.

Lu Sheng disappeared into the black hole, and the old man slowly dissipated with a smile.

The black hole shrank rapidly and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

In the night, only the artificial lake water was blown by the wind and made tiny ripples.

About a few minutes later.

Several figures in black night clothes quietly approached from a distance. One of them took out a small box-like instrument and scanned the surroundings carefully, but found no problems.

This plot is very important. This viewing will directly lead to a major turning point in the subsequent plot. If you want to leave the team, do it before it's too late.

The leading night traveler turned around and asked in a low voice, and it was Su Qin's voice.

Now that we've come this far, why are we talking about this? One person replied coldly. Be ready to strike.

As long as Wang Mu blocks that monster first and we deal with the others, everything will be fine. It's up to everyone whether we can reverse the original plot this time, Su Qin said sternly.

The original plot was that after Wang Mu returned to Bejia Star after observing the ceremony, the escort took the opportunity to use coercion and inducement to mentally control him.

However, Wang Mu's willpower was amazing, and he broke free of control in a short time, causing both sides to suffer losses. However, due to being outnumbered, after being injured, he was hit by other opponents' masters one after another, and his injuries were serious. In the end, Jiumeitang only lasted for a short year.

But Su Qin is confident that if they can take this opportunity to reverse Wang Mu's fate and help him defeat the masters of Blue Starlight. Not only would they be able to reverse the plot and get rewards, but they would also make Wang Mu owe them a big favor. It will be more beneficial to subsequent arrangements.

Then, everyone is ready. Su Qin said in a low voice.

rest assured!

Leave it to us.

The other teammates responded easily.



In the endless darkness, Lu Sheng quickly passed through the long passage.

He didn't know how long he had been flying in this passage, but there was strange air here, and he could still breathe. I don't feel any discomfort in my body.

Although his current body does not matter even if he does not breathe oxygen, it is better to have nature than not.

I don’t know how long it’s been, ten minutes? twenty minutes? One hour?

Finally, a little blue light gradually lit up in front of Lu Sheng.

Very light blue light.

He rushed straight towards the blue light.

Chi! !

After a soft sound, Lu Sheng rushed into a spacious cold space.

His body was still lying horizontally, but he quickly used force to stand up with his head up and his feet down.

Welcome, dear Master Wang Mu. The old man I had met before was standing in this hall, looking at him with a smile in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling window.

The old man changed into a black military uniform, holding a military cap in his hand, and there were rows of dense silver spikes on his shoulders, as if a large number of fangs had grown out of his shoulders.

But the spikes here are slightly different from the military uniforms of the Motu Empire. The spikes on the epaulettes here are short and dense.

Welcome to the battle star Tom No. 4 governed by the blue starlight. The old man said loudly with a smile and opened his hands.

Lu Sheng suddenly realized.

No wonder this hall looks rectangular, with a floor-to-ceiling window glass wall at the front, and the starry sky that keeps moving back outside.

It turned out to be nothing more than a huge moving spaceship.

Battle star? What is it? He was very interested in the new term given by the old man.

I will receive you for this ceremony. Battle Star is a small asteroid that is completely transformed and hollowed out to form the war fortress we need. And now we are heading to the Jiujiang where the ceremony will begin. One of the points - Thorne Starfield.

Lu Sheng had never heard of this name, but he thought it was an extremely far away place from Beijia Star.

Can I ask about the content of the ceremony? he said solemnly.

Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you or me, we are just bystanders. The old man explained with a smile.

Lu Sheng still wanted to ask.

But the old man raised his index finger to his lips and hissed softly.

Listen, we're going to speed up.

Lu Sheng looked out the window and saw that the receding speed of the large starlight was indeed accelerating, and it was getting faster and faster.

About a few seconds later.


The whole hall shook slightly.

Okay. We have arrived at the preparation position. The old man smiled and looked at the floor-to-ceiling window. Look there. He raised his hand and pointed out the window.

Lu Sheng looked in the direction of his finger. There is a huge earth-yellow planet there, rotating slowly, huge and quiet. It occupies almost half of the view from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

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