Extreme Demon

Chapter 1040 Storm 2 (Thanks to Xiaoyu of Lordaeron for the reward)

After a while.

Several people were sitting in a quiet room in a nearby teahouse.

After the waiter served a pot of tea, he slowly and quietly left.

The quiet room door is closed.

Su Qin and Lu Sheng sat down facing each other, while the other four young men and women of different shapes sat scattered behind her.

Unlike her, the other four seemed quite nervous and seemed to be quite afraid of him.

Lu Sheng was wearing a black suit jacket, crossed his legs, picked up the tea cup with one hand and took a sip.

You seem to know something about me? Tell me?

He felt that he might be able to get some information from these people that he had not expected at all.

Su Qin cleared her throat.

Please also stay away from the surrounding area and check if there are any listening devices.

In addition, what I am going to say next may have a great impact on you, so please stay calm!

Sister Qin! A man behind her called out worriedly, Should I do it?

Don't worry, I know how to deal with it. Su Qin raised her hand and said solemnly.

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously.

He took out his cell phone and sent a voice message. Soon, the masters of Jiu Ming Hall who were guarding outside left one after another.

Then he saw Su Qin take out a small vanity mirror-like thing from her arms, hold it and shine a circle around it.

It's fine now, there are no additional devices. Su Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

Tell me, why is it so serious? Lu Sheng put down his tea cup and said calmly.

Su Qin bit her lip and took a deep breath.

Hall Master, if I remember correctly, you really started to rise two years ago, right?

That's right. Jiu Ming Tang was also established at that time. This kind of thing can be found everywhere, it is meaningless. Lu Sheng said nonchalantly.

The key to your rise should be the Wenda Library, right? Su Qin said again.

In the library, you accidentally found a powerful skill called Thousand Lock Dragon Techniques, thus breaking through the limitations in one fell swoop and embarking on the road to surpass the limits of the human body.

Su Qin took a breath and continued.

You started by running cram schools and accumulated slowly. Later, you accidentally met your right-hand man Zheng Huan. After formally defeating him, you subdued him and led many disciples under his disciples to start the real expansion of Jiu Ming Hall.

If you don't believe it, the Thousand Locking Dragon Technique should have been hidden on the second floor of Wenda Library, at the bottom of the second bookshelf in the ancient book section.

The surface of the Gongjue is covered by the four characters Tianji Geography. On the surface, it records knowledge about astronomy and geography, but if it is soaked in oil, the true content will be revealed.

Lu Sheng only listened to it as a story at first, but after Su Qin even gave extremely detailed and accurate directions and descriptions, he suddenly hesitated.

Now, you should believe us, right? Su Qin finished speaking the information she had in one breath, her face still solemn.

If you say this, you can say that we have strong intelligence capabilities and good control. Then, next, I can prove to you that we can help you avoid the biggest trouble.

What's the trouble? Lu Sheng's expression turned slightly solemn without realizing it.

Doubling Star will be destroyed by the odd death ray shot in the interstellar war a year later.

The Nian Energy Alliance and Blue Starlight went into full-scale war, and the manipulation of both parties made everyone a star-destroying existence. And above the control users, there are even stronger dark energy users. Su Qin said in a deep voice.

If you don't believe me, we can provide you with a little private information.

What information? Lu Sheng unknowingly began to pay attention to what Su Qin said.

One of your disciples, a man named Yao Chong, will get into a feud with someone due to a drunken fight the day after tomorrow. He will have his right hand broken on the spot and come back to ask for help. You will be able to judge at that time whether the information we provided is It’s real.” Su Qin said confidently.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment.

I understand. I will consider your words carefully. Then...

Then, everything will be decided the day after tomorrow. Su Qin stood up and bowed to Lu Sheng seriously. Farewell.

Lu Sheng watched the five of them file out of the quiet room. There is something inexplicably weird in my heart.

If we follow what Su Qin said, wouldn't it mean that even if I didn't come, Wang Mu would accidentally find the Thousand Locking Dragon Technique in the Wenda Library, and then embark on the path of hard training and fighting?

Also, how on earth do they know so clearly? Or, could it be that, as mentioned in that novel, I have been living in a movie or story that others have watched?

All kinds of thoughts came to Lu Sheng's mind.

When we left the quiet room, the sky was already getting dark.

He didn't go back, but drove straight to the library.

The Wenda Library has been readjusted under his management and the outside has been slightly renovated. It looks much brand new.

Lu Sheng followed what Su Qin said and walked directly to the second floor and entered the library where ancient books were stored.

In the dark library, old books of little value are sparsely placed on rows of bookshelves.

The so-called ancient books are actually books from forty or fifty years ago at their longest.

Lu Sheng went straight to the bookshelf Su Qin mentioned, squatted down and flipped through it. Soon I found the old Tianji Geography book she was talking about.

Really!? Lu Sheng was slightly startled and looked at the book in his hand.

This is a standard old introduction to geography and astronomy. Lu Sheng looked back and saw that the publisher was PepperStar Comprehensive News Publishing House. The content is just outdated and old knowledge.

Soak it in oil?

Lu Sheng took out his mobile phone and sent an order.

Then he walked out of the library with the book and came to the lobby on the first floor.

There were already people from Jiu Ming Tang waiting in the hall, holding a bucket of cooking oil they had just bought.

Lu Sheng took the oil and entered the staff room of the library.

In the sink, he quickly poured oil on the book.


There was a slight hissing sound, and the book seemed to react like a chemical reaction when it encountered oil and water. The entire cover and pages were completely changed.

The pages, which were light yellow at first, turned pale and pale after being soaked in oil and water.

The thickness of the paper has also become much thinner.

Lu Sheng picked it up and flipped through it. The oily pages revealed a large number of dense writings and graphics.

The characters are simplified characters that were still slightly oversimplified a few decades ago.

The original text used by the Magic Map Empire was too simplified, resulting in many overlapping uses. So the Imperial Ministry of Culture re-established the national dictionary and restored some simplified characters to traditional Chinese.

So now it is almost impossible to see this extremely simplified handwriting.

Lu Sheng recognized the words above at a glance.

Thousand Locking Dragon Skill? Is it really possible?

His heart moved, and he opened it or glanced at it.

This technique is incomparable to his Spiral Nine Life Technique, it is several levels behind. But when it comes to developing one's own potential, it is second to none. At least it is far beyond the so-called magic map fighting skills on this planet.

It's almost the same level as Load Fighting.

And most importantly, this skill progresses extremely quickly.

It took more than a year from the beginning of the load fighting technique to its completion. Ansha Hongthorn used electromagnetic energy and nuclear energy to accelerate the practice. This is again with his help, constant self-limiting maximal exercise.

As for this Thousand Locking Dragon Skill, according to what was recorded above, as long as you can get started, it will only take three months at the slowest to achieve great success.

Three months?? Are you kidding? Lu Sheng quickly opened the follow-up content.

I soon understood the essence of this technique.

This is an out-and-out magic book.

If he was following the rules and being serious in the beginning, then in the follow-up, he would try to improve his fighting skills by any means at the expense of overdrafting his body's potential.

If you really practice according to the above method, take medicine. The technique can be practiced, but the lifespan will be shortened by at least forty years.

This is more like some kind of experimental remnant created. Lu Sheng closed the technique and had an idea in his mind.

That Su Qin can master so much information that I don't know about. He also has a mysterious power aura that I have never seen before. If what she said will happen to Hou Tian, ​​maybe... Lu Sheng had something in his mind. Thoughts.

The quality of the one hundred people Blue Starlight handed over to Lu Sheng varied greatly.

Among them, the strongest ones can reach the standard as soon as they are tested and do not need intensive training at all. The weak ones are simply ordinary people without any training, and some even think they are filming a TV series or movie.

After Lu Sheng asked Bai Juncheng to go down and beat them up, the yelling guys immediately fell silent.

The training was divided into two parts. Lu Sheng thought about it and instead of teaching them the load-bearing fighting technique, he directly improved it, cutting out some of the shortcomings of Qian Locking Dragon Kung Fu, and then simplified it and threw it to this group of people to start practicing.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, two days passed.

On the night that Su Qin predicted, the man from Jiu Mingtang who Lu Sheng ordered to strictly monitor actually had a conflict with the other two people at the KTV.

And exactly as Su Qin said, Jiu Ming Hall disciple Yao Chong, who was also considered a good player in the hall, actually had his right hand broken during the conflict, and then returned to the branch to ask for help.

Today, the Nine Life Hall dominates the entire Arnos Province, and even the surrounding provinces are helpless as its influence gradually spreads.

Such a giant and skilled player had his right hand broken on the spot.

The dozen or so people in the branch immediately stood up and planned to stretch their muscles.

Unexpectedly, the two people who interrupted Yao Chong's hand actually came to the door.

That's the situation. The other party used telekinesis techniques, and the attack was very sharp and straightforward. It was obviously not the first time he had done this. Wei Zhenyu whispered on the phone.

Lu Sheng was sitting on the sofa. There was a basin of egg tarts on the table. He picked it up and took a sip.

A dozen egg tarts rolled into his mouth like beans.

Then after a little chewing, it went into the stomach.

Let Bai Anyi go take a look. Investigate the reason. Lu Sheng put down the washbasin, and the female disciple on the side quickly came up and wiped his mouth with silk.

Also, bring Yao Chong, and the guy who hit him, and send all the information and images. He breathed out, picked up the mineral water on one side, threw it into his mouth and bit it gently, like eating jelly , I ate more than a dozen bottles in one go to quench my thirst.

If what Su Qin said is true, then the guy who hit people is likely to be a key figure.

I didn’t expect that until now, I would still have a lot of support from my friends. I would like to thank Xiaoyu of Lordaeron’s leader again for the reward.

In fact, what I want to say is that it is enough to reward a leader...as long as I can feel your support. There is no need to spend so much.

The book is coming to an end, and Lao Gun will never let down all the friends who support me, and will try his best to give everyone a good ending.

Please believe in Lao Gun’s integrity~~Cheers[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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